Posts for mmbossman

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alden wrote:
I would posit that generally there is an inverse relationship between post count and number of movies published.
Wait, that would mean that as a persons post count goes up, the number of movies published goes down. Perhaps you meant a direct relationship between posts and movies published?
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Thank you for not listing that submission. You know the one. I very much appreciate it.
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Done. Any editors are free to modify the description as desired.
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Don't think I forgot klmz :) I have downloaded your movie, but I haven't had time to watch it yet, unfortunately. I'll let you know what I think when I do though.
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Warp wrote:
Randil wrote:
1. Download an HTML page (whichever you want, for example) by clicking "File" -> "Save page as" in your web browser and save it as an HTML-page on your computer. 2. Open the HTML-file with a text editor, like notepad, and delete all the text and replace it with the code SXL posted. 3. Open the file with a web browser while connected to the internet and it should work.
What a marvelously overcomplicated solution for such a trivial problem...
What a marvelously egotistical and pompous response that doesn't even try to explain another solution. I feel like I need to remind people that not everyone here is a computer programmer. Several people, myself included, have absolutely no formal coding or software training, and have picked it up as we've gone along. So not only do you sound like a dick, Warp, you sound like a dick without trying to contribute anything. If I had tried to use what SXL had posted, I probably would have gone through the exact same process that Randil did, whether or not it was the absolute best solution available. Next time, offer some constructive criticism, instead of just criticism.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Is it really correct to lump Master System in with Genesis? Just imagine if Nintendo had only one category for all its consoles.
There were only 6 runs for the SMS published this year. And I think the N64 only had one more than that. So maybe we should have a SMS/N64 category just to lump all the reject consoles into one pile? ;)
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There is no current description, other than a copy of the previous text. Information regarding the use of the red gems and the good ending can be included when someone takes the time to edit the description. I agree that the file name probably could have included some descriptor along the lines of "best ending", but it's not that big of a deal (also, the movie is currently tagged with "best ending" on the publication page).
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It certainly wouldn't win any Oscars, but I enjoyed 'Poolhall Junkies'. Christopher Walken is pretty good in it.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
I'm holding As and 7s
I lol'ed
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Goldeneye begs to differ, as does it's much improved sequel-in-spirit, Perfect Dark.
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Warp wrote:
feitclub wrote:
BioShock is way out of my PC's reach, but I bought it on PS3 so I'll enjoy it on my TV.
I wouldn't call playing an FPS game on a console much of an "enjoyment". "Nightmare" might be a better term.
Oh you and your silly bias. I personally enjoy sitting on a couch when I play video games, not sitting at a desk, or trying to balance a keyboard on my lap with one hand while trying to avoid carpal tunnel with the other.
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Derakon: Try Perian. I haven't actually used this for MKVs, but it's great for other type of files.
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No, they will not pass as "official" if you encode it without site notifications. Also, if you can already watch the movie via emulator, why are you so concerned with producing another .avi? I'm not an encoder, but I would guess that the reason your encode is huge, and the published encode is small, is that you have a lossless version produced. The published movies go through a couple passes to compress the movie into a smaller package, at a (hopefully) minimal loss to video/audio quality.
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Don't use a separate encode from what is already provided via the torrent files. Nineko implied that you should download the AVI that is already published, and then upload that to to maintain consistency with the site and its standards of encodes.
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Bablo wrote:
Derakon wrote:
English is the lingua franca of this community, so it's polite to submit movies using the English versions of the games, when possible. Now, I'd add a caveat to the above -- if language is basically irrelevant (e.g. in a game like Gradius), then I don't see why a Japanese ROM couldn't be used. I haven't watched this movie, though, so I couldn't say one way or another.
Everything is still in English, even on the Japanese ROM. But since it seems to be necessary, I'll try to get around to fix it for the (U) ROM. I had a few attempts, but the randomness is screwed.
From what you had told me on IRC, I gathered that you were able to hex edit your current run so that it synced with the (U) version up until the final boss. Even if you aren't able to get that part to sync, it shouldn't be difficult to simply redo the final boss and submit that, even if does end up a few frames longer. The reason for the (U) preference on the site isn't because of the language, it's to provide a hierarchy for which ROMs should be preferred over others, to hopefully avoid arguments and pissing fights such as those brought up by Bionic Commando. I'm in no hurry to reject this simply due to a version difference, if Bablo is willing to make the effort to provide sync stability with the (U) version.
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I haven't watched this, but I've been trying to get a hold of Bablo to get some clarification. Last I heard from him, he had hexed this run to sync up until the last boss with the (U) version, but hadn't completed it. Since this movie currently is against the rules of the site for using the (J) version, I'm going to have to reject it, since a (U) version exists. However I'll hold off on the rejection for another few days in case Bablo would like to get a hold of me so that we can update the submission file.
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Moderately entertaining, and certainly an excellent length for the game. I think I spotted a few places that might be improvable, with the big offender being your rather large radius of movement when activating the pillars at around minute 8 or 9, but overall it looks to be of publishable quality. I wouldn't be surprised if another 30 seconds could be cut off, however. Congrats on your first accepted movie, bobmario511.
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Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah everyone!
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AKA wrote:
Also don't forget that 20-30 stars in the 120 star run are rather boring to watch.
Seconded. Also, getting through the other stars without using BLJs would be interesting and very different from the 120 star run (at least to me, I know that Johannes disagrees). And at least "Completes the game in the fastest time without using BLJs" is an easily definable goal.
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Derakon wrote:
''legit any%''
Oh for the love of God, please don't use that term.
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Johannes wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
(especially considering that m_r_z is finding tons of new ways to BLJ off of just about everything in the 120 star update).
Wrong. The run will be BLJ-heavy, though.
It's reassuring to see that you still have the same amount of common sense as you had before the name change, zomg/Johannes.
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
How about a girls' shirt saying "TAS me!"?
You may learn as you get older many girls aren't impressed when you do everything (everything) as fast as possible ;)
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Derakon wrote:
I for one definitely wouldn't mind seeing a TAS that didn't use the BLJ at all. If the cost is slightly more time spent wandering around the castle, then so be it.
I would like to see this too, it would not only provide a happy middle ground between the 0 and 120 star runs, but it would demonstrate a significantly different style of play from either run (especially considering that m_r_z is finding tons of new ways to BLJ off of just about everything in the 120 star update).
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Warp wrote:
It's rather ironic that in the regular speedrunning community it's a rule that the speedrun must be made in a real console because if it was made in an emulator there's no way to verify if cheating was done, while in the TAS community it's the exact opposite: TASes must be made with an emulator rather than with a console because it's the only way to make sure that no cheating was done.
Heh, I never really thought of it like that... interesting idea Warp.
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If you're interested in creating a good new game + file, but don't want to waste several hours of your life, just do some research into which RAM addresses correlate to whatever item/stat you want, and then just tweak the RAM address (using cheats), save the file (in game), and start a NG+ run with that file (with cheats off, obv). The stats will still be there, you'll save time, and technically your movie won't be using cheats since your source file could have been created by sweating away at your keyboard.
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