Posts for mmbossman

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turtle wrote:
Please reject it...
You can cancel it by going here: And clicking "edit" at the bottom of the screen. Then click the "cancelled" button, and save.
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Way to beat a dead horse. A horse that's been dead for a month. Upthorn voted meh, and stated his reason. And your movie got published anyway. So quit whining about it.
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moozooh wrote:
or use our brains to >10% of its potential.
If you mean that we only use 10% of our brains, then I feel I should remind you that this idea is an old wives tale. If, however, you meant that most of the earth's population doesn't use their brain to more of its potential, I fully agree with you :)
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Blublu wrote:
the goal would be to play the game as if it were being played by a real person who is extremely skilled but doesn't use any glitches to
I think SDA already has a pretty good grasp on this category;)
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Post subject: Mods, could you move these posts?
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alden wrote:
Certainly, we'd want to have the movie up to our quality standards. Apparently in this specific case this is not the case. However, barring that, I do think that "any run that ... shows something that isn't possible to do unassisted" could be considered within the scope of the site.
You contradicted yourself there. Also, an interesting thing would happen as we started to accept more and more borderline runs. The perception of site standards would start to decrease, due to the increase in less than stellar material! Over the course of time (a few months to a couple years), there would be more and more movies with less and less quality, due to the decreased perception of quality from the site as a whole. "It's better than X,Y, and Z run, so it should be published" is already an often heard excuse on the workbench already.
alden wrote:
So are you implying that you can go to any random published movie and be entertained?
No. As you said, people find different things entertaining. I am explicitly stating that the more movies we accept because a few people find them entertaining, the likelihood of any random person selecting a random movie to watch (and being entertained), would go down. EDIT: Also, it would be great if a mod could move the last dozen or so posts to one of the many threads already discussing the need for different/more movies.
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alden wrote:
This movie doesn't show off something incredible? Let's see this run done unassisted then. Just because we're all jaded after watching 10+ runs of this game doesn't mean everyone is.
Just because other people haven't seen it doesn't mean that we need to publish it. Youtube exists, and serves a very good purpose. Whether this run shows off something that can't be done unassisted is a strawman argument, because using that logic any movie that used frame precision should be considered incredible, and any run that demonstrates even the smallest competence with basic TASing skills would immediately be submission quality because it shows something that isn't possible to do unassisted. Following your Utopian ideas would quickly lead to dozens of runs for popular games, would make the site even more disorganized, and would create much more controversy than currently exists. I love having entertaining runs on the site. But I also like being able to find the movies I like without having to sift through piles of garbage to find the genuinely good runs. You can continue to advocate a "submit everything and it might get published!" mantra, but it like Raiscan said, no good can come of it.
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Post subject: Re: New category proposal
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Warp wrote:
Defining a "non-glitched" run is extremely difficult because it falls down to the definition of what is glitch abuse and what isn't, and what is an "acceptable" glitch in a "non-glitch" run and what isn't. It quickly becomes too arbitrary to be any good.
This type of category would be a hundred times more difficult to define.
Warp wrote:
The idea is that the run plays the game using the (minimal) route intended by the creators of the game. Everything is allowed (eg. luck abuse) except glitches which allow skipping relevant parts of this route (or allow traversing the route way faster than the creators intended, by abusing a glitch). Also glitches which give the player objects too early (or without having to go get them from their actual location in the game) are prohibited, because that was not intended by the creators.
This entire paragraph pretty much demonstrates why it wouldn't be a good idea to implement something like this. There are simply way too many vague notions, not to mention assuming the intent of the creators would lead to all sorts of controversy. Also, what happens to games that have more than one path through the game? I agree with Angerfist 100%.
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Kirkq wrote:
Entertainment has been a goal of previously published runs for other games. This run offers new exciting content not offered in other runs, so I think it could qualify as submission material.
There has also only been 1 (one) game that has had an "entertainment" run published along side a speed based run, and for a game like SM64, which already has 2 published runs, I see very little point in having an entertainment based run published. If one were to be, it would have to show off something incredible (which this run doesn't, [no offense to the author meant]). I fully support the initial uploading onto youtube as opposed to a formal submission.
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Does anyone else have opinions on this run? I have only watched a quarter of the movie, and haven't found it particularly entertaining. I'll attempt to watch through the last hour and a half soon, but in the mean time.... Is the technical quality really as bad as Pekopon describes? I've never seen this game before, and although I have been able to spot some small mistatkes, I haven't seen anything glaringly horrible (while keeping in mind that I have yet to watch the last 3/4 of the movie). If anyone else with some knowledge of the game could comment on the technical side of things, I'd really appreciate it. Also, the Rules say to use the (U) version of a game, unless there is a good reason not to. Not being able to find the (U) version (which is apparently readily available), is not a good reason in my mind. I would also like to hear some opinions about whether this run should have an exception be made for it to override the rules violation. Also, any other opinions are always welcome.
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That is true, thanks Raiscan (superseeders seem to be rare though, at least in my experience with various torrents).
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Either that, or it means there are very few seeders who have a very limited upload speed. Or it could be that your download speed sucks.
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Post subject: Re: New Idea for downloading AVIs
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fractalwizz wrote:
what if we could get about 5 or more people to download that video to speed things up?
You.... you don't really get how torrents work, do you? Let's explore how, just for the fun of it: 1) One "seeder" has a file you want. He is nice enough to let you download it from him. But he has a max upload rate (the speed he can send it to you at). Let's just say it's 20kbps, for the sake of this argument. 2) You want to download the file. If you can get the file from the seeder as fast as possible, you can get it at 20kbps. 3) Oh no! Now 4 of your friends want to download the same file at the same time as you! The seeder's max upload rate doesn't change, though. It's still 20kbps. That speed now has to be shared between 5 people! (Lets assume he's an equal opportunity sharer, and divides his upload speed evenly among downloaders, so that's 4kbps per person). 4) So, by having 5 people downloading at the same time, the download for all of them will take 5 times as long as if one of them was downloading by themselves. As you can see, it's the seeders who determine how fast a file can be sent, not the people downloading. The more seeders that are present, the faster file transfers go.
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nfq wrote:
what is a lag counter? i've never seen that in an emulator before. i don't get it, it's just a bunch of numbers that randomly go up. how is it useful, how can i use it to my advantage?
It counts lag. And it's been in Gens for at least 6 months, and been in FCEUX since it's inception. Use it to try to avoid lag.
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I uploaded all of the second set that you uploaded, except for super mario land, which kept giving me a "Page Load Error", and Super Mario 64 0 stars, which is the obsoleted version (new version is by Silentslayers and zOMG). You may want to start a new response so that it's easier to see which .avi's are new, now that you've created quite a list. And thanks for uploading these for people who can't use torrents.
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Bloobiebla wrote:
Unfortunately I can't get the emulator to play any movie files without freezing
If you're having the same problem I've had with SNES9x forever, try unchecking "Sync Samples with sound CPU". I've found that eliminates the random freezes/pauses.
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I have very little idea what was going on during about 75% of this, but it was colorful, full of motion, full of variety, entertaining, and fast (except for the places with the ridiculous amount of lag). Overall, I liked it quite a bit. Yes vote for you sir.
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There was some very noticeable lag in several parts of the game, which I think could be improved, but the use of 2 players was entertaining to watch. The use of death and game over/continues was particularly impressive. I agree with others here, this deserves a yes.
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nfq wrote:
irreducibly complex nanotechnological molecular machines inside every single cell that evolution can't explain:
All I got was some CG and piano music.
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My wedding is coming up next July, and doesn't have anything gaming related in it, and the only geek content is me. I can't say I really care though, I've always thought of games as just something to play, not something to build a mini-culture around.
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Ummm.... hmmm. I don't know what the problem might be. I visited it, and (like alden), it loaded fine. It shouldn't be a terms of use violation since there are several other TASes available there, and these movies are not copyrighted. I dunno. I filed a request to have the movie made available again. Interestingly, a judge can add a mirror site to the publication page, but a publisher is required to remove one. Guess that dead link may be up for a couple days. I apologize for the difficulties.
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Baxter wrote:
Comicalflop wrote:
perhaps a very strict no Out of Bounds rule could be made
No... just no. Restriction of particular glitches, while allowing others leads nowhere. There need to be clear goals. I thought the goals of this TAS were kinda arbitrary, but seeing that a new any% run will skip virtually everything, it seems like a good option, without having to do 100%. An any% run and this run are enough... and maybe a 100% run... but that could also obsolete this run (if it turns out more entertaining than this one).
I completely agree with Baxter
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Go to In the top right corner, you'll see an option to sign up or log in. Click on "Sign up". You'll be asked for typical info (email, password, username, etc). Once you're signed up, return to Make sure you're logged in, and click on the "Upload" button in the upper right corner. Fill in all the information requested, and click upload. I uploaded one of my runs, and used the name "Spider-Man 3 for GBA in 15:38.73by mmbossman", and made sure the description indicates sometime about the movie being a TAS, and that it uses savestates and slowdown to push the game to its limits. After your file has finished downloading, copy the link location and PM me (or another judge or publisher), and they'll update the publication page. EDIT: Take a look here for what I did for my first upload.
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I actually kinda miss them. The large white rectangular void at the bottom right of the forums main page seems to be very glaring to me now.
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fractalwizz wrote:
I can't use uTorrent. I am running on a mac our school gave us and it has parental controls on it.
Try Transmission.
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I didn't say it was a bad idea. I'm saying there is a better alternative available than Rapidshare. I'm glad you uploaded them for others to be able to see.
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