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I agree with Foda.
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Touche my good sir, touche!
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LOL You're voting no because it's still labeled "new"? It could be that it's still unjudged because the judges also have lives, or that no one has bothered to judge it yet because N64 runs tend to get judged and encoded at roughly the same time. If you'd been around a little longer, you'd remember when the queue was 2 pages+ long, and runs would still be "new" 3 months after submission. Most ridiculous reason to vote no ever.
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I've never been, and assume I never will be, super entertained by Megaman runs. There's probably something innately wrong with me. But it was entertaining enough, and the sheer volume of optimization that went into it surely deserves a yes.
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I was never able to make it through the previous movie, because it was a tad bit long, but this one was great! There was a very nice balance of platforming and boss fights, and the stylistic choices were superb. Being able to ride your partners back and crawl around like a snake were really funny, and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole movie. Yes vote from me.
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Post subject: Movies To Obsolete from 2004
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In the same vein as the Famtasia Challenge, I figured it would be a good idea to present the movies from 2004 that could stand to use a revamp. If you are actively working on a game listed, either post in the forum or PM me so I can make sure it's know an improvement is in the works. The wiki page can be found here
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Please change your signature. Large graphical sigs aren't allowed here.
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I struggled through figuring out ZSNES just to check this out, and after watching up to the first boss, I could see absolutely no differences between the Genesis and SNES versions of this game. And Aqfaq's already published movie uses many techniques that this one failed to do, even in the first 4 minutes. I won't formally vote because I did not watch the entire movie, but it's a no in spirit due to obvious improvements, and the lack of need for an identical movie for a different platform.
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AKA wrote:
Instead of grouping everything by console why not group everything by genre.
Ugg, that would provide much more confusion that the current format. Also, as CF pointed out, many games fall into more than one genre, but some games are difficult to group into any genre at all. Sonic Spinball is currently listed as "Genre:Sport", and although I don't agree with it at all, I have no ideas of what genre it should fall into. I'm sure there are others that would be a complete pain to group, and providing a "Miscellaneous" grouping would do little to help.
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Worst case of selective reading, EVAR
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Unfortunately, like most gameboy games, it's pretty slow. If the character normally moved at the same speed as his powerup speed, it would help quite a bit. But with the very very long powerup animation, any speed gains that you might have seen seem to negated. Especially with the last section of 1-2. You get a powerup, wait through the 6 second animation, and then go to the right just a bit for the end of the level. I'm almost positive it would have been faster to just skip that powerup and keep moving to the end of the level (and I also have severe doubts that collecting the powerup gains you time in the end). So with this game it seems you're between a rock and a hard place. Either you go slow the entire run, or you have to spend 5-6 seconds of standstill for a brief speed boost which may actually be slower overall. I don't really think it's publication material here from what I've seen, but if you like working with it, by all means continue. Oh, and thank you very much for the Youtube link, it's a great option for getting feedback on obscure games. So cheers for that:)
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maTO wrote:
Sorry for bringing up such an old topic. I could improve this movie by about 48 seconds (in-game excluding Andy Asteroids) so would it be publish-worthy?
First, unlike other boards, we like to have old topics brought back from the dead, just so that there aren't 4 or 5 different threads on the same topic, so cheers for that:) Second, hell yes a 45+ second improvement would certainly be considered publish worthy! Just make it a clean looking run, with no obvious, glaring improvements, and there won't be any issues, I'm sure. Good luck if you decide to start it!
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1ntru wrote:
Someone experienced should really run Socket.
It's on my list for later in the year:) Do you have any idea how many levels there are, or have any sort of estimate of how long a decent run would be? There's absolutely no information about the game anywhere online.
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Bisqwit wrote:
N64 had indeed quite little impact: There aren't still many TASed games for it, and those projects tend to take a long time.
And when playstation emulation come along, I can imagine similar problems will be seen. As consoles have progressed and grown, more emphasis has been placed on collecting items and exploration, as opposed to the "action" oriented games of yesteryear. I think this has a lot to do with the ability to build much larger and intricate 3-D worlds, along with the change in game paradigm towards replay value over a short but intense game (ie Mario or Sonic). Large worlds combined with three dimensions leads to more planning, more planes of thinking, more possibilities, and thus longer TASes. However there are still a lot of good games for SMS, Genesis, SNES and especially the GBA that have yet to be TASed, which I hope will help to continue the publication of new movies for a few years.
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I've never played this game, nor watched the previous movie, but damn that looked polished. I can't comment on the route, but the gameplay was very clean. And for slashing 7 minutes off of one of those pesky runs from 2004 you deserve a gold star. I use key for yes vote!
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symbolic X wrote:
How many of you want to see this as a TAS done the right way? It'll take a few days, but leave it to me!
These two statements don't match up. You cannot make a TAS of an hour and 20 minute movie "the right way", in a few days. To do it "the right way", a month or so would be a good starting point.
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Not to mention being answered right away by an OP with 4 posts in 2.5 years.
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moozooh wrote:
Wouter Jansen wrote:
I agree.
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Chamale wrote:
I've decided the best way to do it would be in 1 long stretch of TASing. I started yesterday.
And 9 days later? Not so much?
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I'll add a post publication yes vote, and props for the new tricks. Sonic because Sega's mascot because of his much superior hair-do. Alex looks like he has half a brown bowling ball on his head.
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Has this project died? Or is it just on life support?
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I think the first TAS I ever saw was Super Mario 64, back in it's 16 star incarnation by spezzafer. I didn't wander onto the site until about 8 months later, I believe. EDIT: Ok, I guess this was supposed to be about using emulators to help play games without knowing about TASing in general. So in that case, I only used save states for Chrono Trigger.
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Bisqwit wrote:
A similar thing happens even in countries considered "free": For example, watch to a newscast on a USA television channel (such as CNN), and it's all* about Bush and Iraq and how they're fighting against terrorism and evil etc.; propaganda that enforces the support towards the country. To get objective information, you need to look what others tell about it; preferably ones who are not affiliated, to avoid bias in any direction. *) Not literally "all", but in a striking proportion.
There's a certain dichotomy in our news. Depending on what you watch, it's either "We're winning the war on terror" or "George Bush is an idiot". I dunno, maybe both are possible, don't want to get into any sort of political debate here, I just wanted to say that in general all* our news sucks here. Oh, and if it's not about the "war", it's about celebrity train wrecks who are either A) going into rehab, B) in rehab, or C) when they'll end up back in rehab. Americastm news sucks. * And by all, I really mean all. There's not one news program I can really stand to watch, other than for just casual background noise. EDIT: Also, I agree with Ironslayer, it is more likely to get fed a negative media spin on anything Bush does. It's what all the popular media kids are doing.
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