Posts for scrimpeh

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So, I gave the run a watch over the encode (thanks, feos!), deliberately making a point of not having played the game before. Instantly, I was perplexed, because of random items appearing and the main character being forced to wait for a while in the first screen. Reading the submission comments went a long way to clarify why this is done, which goes to show that it is always important to include them. That out of the way, the run was more enjoyable than I imagined it would be. It was a short, simple game, but at the same time, there is a lot of fluidity and elegance in the movement. Only rarely did you have to slow down and you dealt with enemies swiftly and precisely. Every attack seemed to be put to a good use, and while they were no insane tricks, it still was nice to look at. The closest thing to equate it to I can think of is the Warpless SMB Walkathon, which plays very similar to this run. Slow, but elegant. The run is only eight and a half minutes long, but it is one of the kind that makes you realize just how long this amount of time can feel. It was definitely repetetive, but at the same time, the game's visuals and music, which both are simple, but nice, as well as the afromentioned elegant movement kept it well on the side of 'Watchable'. Overall, the run has a lot of merit and looked technically very solid, if somewhat repetetive, and as I'm an inclusionist by nature, I feel this interesting and obsure game deserves a published run. Voting Yes.
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I've also been able to find a ROM named "Gain Ground (World).md", which might be preferrable. I'm can't verify whether it's a good dump, however. You could theoretically do a small test to find out more: Record a movie and see if it syncs on other versions of the ROM. If it does, then you basically have nothing to worry about.
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oneeighthundred wrote:
I have a similar question: If I have a dump marked (UE) [c][!], is that an OK dump to use? Gens auto-detects it as NTSC, would it be OK to run it as NTSC?
What is the game in question? (UE) indicates this version of the game was released in both America and Europe. This is rather rare to come across. [c] and [!] are usually conflicting, as [c] indicates the game is cracked - whereas [!] indicates a verified good dump. It really depends on the game whether it is good to use. In general, if there's already a published run, use the same ROM unless there's a clear advantage to using a different one. If not, simply use the best one you can find. It is kind of tough finding out the veracity of ROMs of obscure games. For example, I had a really bad and obscure Super Mario Bros. 3 clone on my hands which let you freely move on the world map without having to complete the levels. I was not sure whether that was a part of the actual game or a hack, because there's so little info on the game. And yeah, the game is good to be ran as NTSC.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Here's an example of what I can pull off using the ice platform glitch: In addition, I managed to move horizontally to the right inside the wall, but it appears to require the following keypresses over and over: I don't know why, but that's how it works. I think parrot14green knows about it as well.
Why on earth is X's maximum health so low in the smv? Aside from that, this is a really cool trick. I'm looking forward to see it in a full run.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
I was at the Rite-Aid tonight, and decided to indulge my curiosity. They mostly had G3.5 coloring books, which caught me off guard. However, they did have some G4 stuff, when I saw something that almost made me laugh. Twilight Sparkle is not pleased with that cupcake.
I find it rather hillarious how they always use the same stock vectors, with the original drawings looking beyond awful. It makes for a sharp contrast to the quality standard of the animation of the actual show. I do wonder whether Twilight looking at the Cupcake this grimly has any context.
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Pointing out two things, first, we do skip the BIOS on systems such as the PSX. Additionally, there is at least one MSX game (The Cure), where all the all possible luck manipulation can only be done the MSX bootup screen (as input is already polled there). Therefore, it's vital to be emulated as well. Because of that, I think it's easiest if we simply make it dependent on the system if we include the bootup screen. If it's important to do so for the sake of the run itself, then sure.
Post subject: Allegro Presto done - Massive wall o' text for your delight
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And Allegro Presto's done. Finally I'm ahead of my old WIP and it feels good to finally do something fresh. Allegro Presto is a level of slippery slopes, and therefore, a lot of explanation on how they act is needed. First, here's a basic speed chart, courtesy 0x202FA68. One full pixel equals 256 subpixels.
Normal walking/jumping/helicoptering speed: 512
Crawling Speed: 224

Max Speed while walking on straight or upwards slipperies: 510
Max Speed while walking down a 22.5° slippery: 1790
Max Speed while walking down a 45° slippery: 2046
Max Speed while being blasted by a trumpet: 1790

Speed in either direction after hitting a wall (if you were faster than that to begin with): 768
On slipperies, you're subject to acceleration. You can also decelerate if your current speed is higher than the speed your slippery should give you. You have a lot more friction on the ground than in the air, allowing you to turn around faster. In general, the longer you hold the opposite direction button uninterrupted, the more you decelerate. If you jump while you're on a slippery surface, your speed decrements to a certain amount, depending on how fast you were to begin with, and stays there until you land. For example, if your original speed was anything from 911 - 927, it will decrement to 911. If it was anything from 928 - 942, it will decrement to 928, and so on. Additionally, you can use your fist in the opposite direction to give yourself a boost, regardless of speed. This can be either a quick boost, or you can charge your fist for a large boost. You see a couple applications for this throughout the level, which I'll explain in the stage comments. Lastly, while you can reach speeds higher than that, the GBA version caps your speed to 5px/frame, or 1280 subpixels/frame. So a lot of what I just pointed out is kind of pointless. However, it makes TASing a lot easier, as I don't have to worry about my exact speed as long as it remains above 1280 subpixels/frame, and it gives me room to play around. It also means that speeds higher than that act as fuel. With no further source of acceleration, I will keep maximum speed significantly longer if I have 2500 speed than if I have only 1300. On the other hand, if I need to lose speed quickly, I have to keep my speed as low as possible while staying over (or as close as possible to) 1280. - The PSX and DOS versions will be significantly harder to optimize because they remove this cap- The speed cap also makes it impossible to get all cages in Allegro Presto on the first runthrough. A PSX or DOS TAS can do so! Lastly, two more tricks related to slipperies: 1.You can give yourself a massive, massive vertical boost if you approach a slanted slippery from below the right way. Your positioning for this needs to be very precise, you get even more height by holding the jump button once you're in mid-air. 2.You can jump through some 45° upward slipperies at max speed. This only works on some slipperies - my guess is that it only works on those slipperies you're intended to go through from below too. I'm not sure whether or not these tricks apply to the PSX and DOS versions, it will certainly have to be investigated. On to the Stage comments: AP-1: - This stage is fairly straightforward. I only need to approach the turns carefully. On the first one, instead of slowly turning around, I jump against the wall and hit the slippery as early as possible. Because I'm also moving left as I land on the slippery, I'm instantly moving at maximum speed. - For some reason, you land on the ground faster after hanging if you use your fist. AP-2: - This is the reason the level took so many days to do, as every jump on the trumpets had to be carefully optimized. - I start by using my charged up fist to reach the first trumpet as quick as possible. - I could potentially reach the first upper platform using a vertical boost, but my velocity prevents me from actually holding on to it. - The jump over the wrong notes is harder than in the PSX and DOS versions due to your capped speed. Through optimal positioning, I was able to land on the ledge without having to hang from it - but it still kills my speed. The rest of the level is fairly straightforward trumpet boosting. AP-3: - I jump through the slippery approaching the first photograph to save a few frames. This causes an interesting side glitch: The game thinks Rayman was standing on solid ground. Therefore, he has no acceleration, but he still keeps his speed. This means that, holding Left, he moves at -224 subpixels/frame, whereas holding right, he moves at whatever speed he had beforehand. (Which in my case was over 1600) You can preserve this state only by jumping on the edges of slippery platforms (the positioning needs to be relatively precise, but it's easy, as you can precisely control where you land now) and immediately jumping off. I use this to instantly go far quicker than I am supposed to. - The rest of the level is applying standard tricks. After jumping through the diagonal slippery, I slow down slightly to land on the platform. The new tricks save a lot of time in this level. AP-4: - I instantly give myself a quick boost using the fist. By jumping immediately after using it for one frame, my speed reaches 767 subpixels instantly. There's a damage-based shortcut (the only one in the entire level) near the beginning which I use. - After the fall, you're stuck in a tricky situation, as you have no speed and have to make it up an upwards slope, including having to crouch. This is the fastest I have managed. - The rest of the level goes by easy. I use a charged fist to give myself enough "fuel" to make it through the entire section at full speed. - The moving notes have a terrible hitbox, it is fairly easy to go through them. - Mr.Sax' behaviour is fixed. As he takes too long, I simply take damage and walk through him. AP-B: - You don't lose any speed when using the helecopter. L+R works just the same. - It is possible to die in the level by getting beneath the camera scroll. You do this by hanging onto and letting yourself go from several ledges downwards (4 should do the trick) without letting the camera catch up. This is possible elsewhere too. Unfortunately, no major glitching is possible that way, no unlocking the running power early or anything cool like that. With that in mind, yeah, that level was quite a handful. Next up is Swamps of Forgetfulness, which should go by easier, but it contains more plumboosting. Hooray. It will also be the first level I'll finish on the first go. Double hooray!
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…I don’t see the point the line break just makes the page unnecessarily long, and it can only get worse as more games are added
We could perhaps add something even more fancy, such as collapsible menus. It's the same issue that we also have on the movie page, come to think of it: The more entries we get, the longer it takes to find an individual one. We could potentially apply the site's movie-serving algorithm to the Game Resources page as well, if that is not too much effort. A simple filtering mechanism would also go a long way in finding the game resources page you need.
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This is getting rather silly. For what it's worth, the movie now looks a lot tighter than before and the optimization is evident. The only thing I wonder about is that one robot in Stage 4 you had to kill - was there no way to avoid it? Aside from that, it is kind of a shame there's less of the fixed-sprite movement going on that makes the game memorable. All in all, what I'll vote should be pretty clear by this point.
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
Sorry for double post, but just out of curiosity... Have you found much of interest for the Alucard run? I've been debating whether to go back and improve that one, and anything new would make me lean toward "yes". Thank you!
Unfortunately, I haven't really found anything unique to Alucard. He has got his own ways to get himself disaligned from the stairs, but that's all there is to it. For my money, the Alucard run is the least improvable of the three current published runs. (That also includes mine, as I found a couple improvements to that already, I'll share the input file if anyone wants it)
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Nice improvement to your previous submission, there's nothing I really have to add. Just, as turska said, it's better to replace the submission file instead of cancelling and resubmitting.
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You did not even wait for your run to be judged before you submitted an improvement? In any case, everything I've said about your previous submission still applies here, though the new tricks, especially on Level 4, were pretty surprising. One more question I have, sometimes, you fire shots without any clear purpose. Have you made sure these don't add lag? Are they for playing around, or are they important for anything else? Oh well, here goes yet another Yes vote.
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Run syncs on "Super Contra 7 (Unl) [p1].nes"
FCEUX Rom checksum: 294338f8898fb6633df0995ec3bcca1b
MD5: 4eabfa3b883817bfb609b5eb48b0e645	
SHA1: 0aad6634fa869e8407c0aadd461d124336407f2e	
CRC32: f9a7a725
I was positively surprised by the run. The game looks really poor, especially in the sound department, but its glitchiness added to the TAS, rather than detract from it. I especially enjoyed the way you messed with the player's movement sprites, appearing to be jumping while running, for example. The rest of the gameplay seemed nicely fluid and packed with action as well, and the glitch where you kill enemies behind you is really cool. The boss fights looked very well done as well. There are a couple things I have noticed you might have been able to do better, such as fewer lag frames, or not get so far to the right edge of the screen so you don't have to turn around when stronger enemies appear there (see picture), but I can't prove either of those to be faster right now. Additionally, two players could perhaps make for an even faster movie (assuming the lag won't get in the way), but since we already have Super C 2-player published, having a one player run for this game might be good for variety's sake. Also, the Super C run was notable for its two-player antics - you have plenty of antics going on with just one player here. With that in mind, the movie was very entertaining and I'm wishing to see it published, so I'm voting yes.
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totodiletrainer01 wrote:
Nach wrote:
This might be quite interesting. If you do it though, I think you should aim for 100% item collection. The same if you decide to do MM5 as well.
Well, that was another thing I was considering, because not only is beat an absolute tank in this game but most speedruns disregard him. It would be interesting because several bosses from experience act odd with his attack... I'm considering beginning with either plantman or flameman because they give you adaptors which means I can actually GET the beat parts...
I think you should make sure to deliberately show off those routes that the published TAS avoids then, for the sake of showing more of the game.
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Warp wrote:
So, how to best deal with inter-seasonal withdrawal symptoms?
I'd recommend checking out one of the various abridged serieses such as Friendship is Witchcraft or the Mentally Advanced series. Alternatively, if that's more your thing, there's a plethora of fanfiction to divulge in, though that's not my area of expertise.
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TASeditor wrote:
I would like to see an Mega Man hex-run playaround. Just being funny, dancing with six Mega Man´s at the same time and more crazy stuff.
You may perhaps find this (rejected) submission interesting, then.
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Watched the encode (thanks, Guga!), and overall, I liked the run quite a lot. Zero's movement had quite a lot of elegance to it, and it is insane just how many enemies there are on what I presume is the hardest difficulty setting. Overall, this run gets a Yes vote for a very solid improvement to what already was a good run. Great Job.
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Ooh, this is exciting. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the encode.
Post subject: Bongo Hills done.
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Bongo Hills finished Link to video 43322 rerecords. 1431 frames ahead of the original run. Notes: BH-1 - I chose to take the upper route because it seems to be faster overall and allows me to get another cage on the first run. (If I recall correctly, the PC and PSX versions of the game block the way off with spikey balls.) - I get the cage the way I do because this seems to cut down the time the cage opening animation takes. I'm not sure what exactly is the matter, it certainly requires additional investigation. - If you turn around in midair and hold UP or DOWN instantly afterwards, you can fall backwards in either direction. You lose a couple of frames, but thanks to goal frame rules, I can still do this towards the end without losing any time. BH-2 - Turns out zipping is easier to achieve than I had anticipated. By jumping on a marocket on the exact frame it touches a floor, you prime it to send you through the ceiling when you crouch. This is the only level in the game where I know this is possible. - Zipping only works vertically at a high speed. You can't move in the wall. Initiating a zip at the wrong place leaves you stuck with no way out but to quit the game. BH-3 - Very straightforward stage on the account of no moving platforms. I discovered you could hang onto some ledges to get a slight speed boost. This doesn't work everywhere. BH-4 - I did my best to abuse the game's frame rules, passing through spikey balls unharmed frequently. Unfortunately, I didn't find any big skip for this level. BH-5 - There is no way to pass the giant red dude without taking damage. Going around is much slower. - I decided to skip the cage this time and save it for the running power. I do need to turn back to jump on a cloud so I can get enough extra height to make a jump without having to wait for another cloud. Next up is Allegro Presto, which I'm really looking forward to TAS because, this time around, I have the actual speed address to monitor.
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Hello and welcome to the forums, Roxar. Glad to see new ambitious people here. I only know of the game from the Angry Video Game Nerd review, and it looked like a fairly bad platformer overall. I would be definitely be interested to see a TAS of the game. If you want, you can use microstorage to share input files.
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While I do see the merits of one encoder logo for all tasvideos encodes, I like the personalized encoder logos people use. As little as it is, they carry a certain personality and offer a more human, approachable side to our videos. Additionally, I do feel encoders should get the recognition they deserve for their work, and a logo does a very fine job in doing so. If we are going to introduce a centralized tasvideos logo for all encodes, I feel that it should also mention the encoder's name and be designed to be aesthetically appealing. Keeping it in the site's color scheme should be a good approach.
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And Anguish Lagoon's done again, at 246 frames ahead of my old run, mainly due to manipulating moskito better and improved positioning during the autoscroller. Lastly, I'm investigating an old trick, and, by the looks of it, it seems it can even be made useful somehow. The only thing I don't understand right now is how to trigger it. Have a little screenshot as a demonstration of what can happen:
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Interesting TAS there. The game seems to be really limiting you in many places, but the run itself was entertaining enough. Yes vote here.
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IronSlayer wrote:
Warp wrote:
I thought the finale could be a bit scary for little girls. Which got me thinking: I wonder how much background research is done for these types of shows so that the writers can know what is and isn't age-appropriate for the target audience eg. in terms of how scary the story can be.
When you're a successful show pumping out dozens of episodes, you don't do any "research" in that regard. It's just a decision by the relevant director, producer, and/or show-runner. I would imagine Horsies tend to err on the side of caution. Remember that animator who worked on the show uploading Youtube videos of how animation mistakes were caught and corrected? He mentioned that a scene of Rainbow Dash summoning lighting was considered "too scary" because the sky momentarily turned dark.
If I recall correctly, the show dropped the e/i rating for the second season, allowing the writers to get away with a lot more. Thank Celestia for that, because I'm sure stuff like Rainbow Dash breaking into a hospital would never have passed with e/i regulations.
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Not knowing the game, this was a pretty nice, short TAS. Yes vote