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grassini wrote:
thank you for providing encodes,for those who haven`t noticed,they`re on the WIP page you had one meter left at the end of the Artificial Sun Boss,are you saving it for later?
Indeed, you are a great observant, but in fact, I have an other strategy, who can save more frames for this fight, but I haven't want to spoil the surprise, for all follower, because, when they'll watching this once finish, I hope they'll haven't impression to watch the same TAS! If you follow this, I piece of advice you to watch on youtube, because some more optimized parts will be in a next bk2 file, so that on youtube you'll only watching the next level, nothing more ;) Thank you to comment and continue in this way, because I'll can miss some stuffs or strategies!
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Location: nowhereatthemiddleofnoone The adventure continue, always with same movie desync problems. Modifying input file to continue this TAS! It's not a big problem, but simply, I goes to had to make this in more time than I expected, because I must check the movie to modify inputs in file any time. I hope, that I'll have not other problem to finish this run! Rage against the The second level is a "shoot'm up" genre, I know that auto-scroll, can be disappointing, for some viewers, but be haven't afraid, this game is well made, then you'll to forgot them! Post an movie to watch on youtube later.
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The character's speed is very slow but Ready Steady Yeti's make a good effort to finish this run quickly. It's a well opening to find the best possible improvements and make a perfect run. It's good for vault, so give my yes vote, because i'm a little entertained by the fact than the game is slow but that the run is short. It's a lukewarm yes.
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I think, Sonic is the game coder... If you ask me, if this game is good for Genesys, then I answer you a big no, and the worst thing about it this, is that it's possible to buy a cartridge on Ebuy! But the question is, it's entertaining or not? Well, that it to be just good for vault, I finded it's funny to watch this, and movie is short due to a good xy2_'s job. Yes vote. STOP THE MASSACRE OF MARIO WORLD please!
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Mitjitsu wrote:
I haven't got my choice set in stone, but I was looking into Elevator Action Returns, but first I'll need to get my Saturn USB controller, as it will make it easier to control two players.
Very good choice, I hope watch this coming soon. Good luck, and good TAS!
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jlun2 wrote:
If it occurs on mGBA as well, probably may want to post it on Thread #16165: mGBA: The one that's not VBA, as well. Any other info? How long does it take to desync? And when does it desync? Does it happen in between level transitions, or during the level itself (as in when does the lag become different than the first playback)?
Desync happen in between level transition (after loading screen) and during the level itself. lag become different than the first playback, only if you restart since an save state. After have modifying the input file to haven't desync, if you play movie and don't use an save states, the movie run well, but if you use a save state to watch directly the part that you want, it desync. All roms that I used (U), (E), (E) "endless piracy", (E) "M6", have a same problems on bizhawk 2.0.0, 2.0.1 and 1.13.0 It's All informations I have for instant, and I go to post it on this thread.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
However, there's other game I'd rather do than this games sequel.
What's this game? I wanted make "bug!" but i find it's a bad choice for TASing, but it's a very curious game on saturn!
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zeromus wrote:
Let's do some math: make inputs + play from beginning + movie desync ---------------- Core is fundamentally unreliable. You don't need to write any more than that. What GBA core are you using on which bizhawk version?
Uses mgba core, on bizhawk 2.0.0, 2.0.1 and 1.13.0 (1.13 just to watch and have a comparison), and i have the same desync problem with all versions! Thanks.
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jlun2 wrote:
From what I understand, what you're saying is: 1. Make input 2. Edit input from previous frames 3. Lag is different Because if so, that occasionally happens for games; not all games are splice-friendly, which is at times, the reason I take a break when I find a trick that saves time earlier on, since I'm not able to always edit it back in. If it helps, TAStudios shows lag on the piano roll, so you can slowly resync it. I did that too for my Sabre Wulf TAS, and it helped immensely. It's not really something emulator devs can fix, since it this can also happen in console.
In fact, my problem is : When I finish to TASing the first level and that I play movie, inputs desync due to adds a number of lag inputs. If I want to that the movie play correctly, I'm obliged to modify inputs, in the input file! And if I use an save state, when I play movie in read only mode, inputs are false and desync! -make inputs -play from begining -Movie desync -modify inputs in input file -play from begining, to watch if movie run well or not -repeat operation if it's not good Thank to help me like you do! I apreciate a lot.
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Remember this era... Time fly & i watch this like if it's yesterday! Thank for TASing this, I'm glad to view the knight beat the game fast. Funny and entertaining. Great job. Yes vote. Clockwork knight 2 wait you, hurry up! And i'll glad to watch this in the future :)
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zeromus wrote:
You tested 3 versions and the problem is in all of them, so you think you can dump a 4th that will be better? Some games just have lag. The _game_ adds lag inputs, not the emulator.
If I ask, it's clearly i've not solution! I had think, dump this cartridge, because, maybe this rom haven't extracted correctly! You know, yabause core has the same problems, when I make tasing, so it's normal that i ask the comunity, if you can help to find a solutions & if emulator is a problem! Understand, that all people are not as competent as you in this field! Thank for this presious help and this haughty answer. And have a nice day.
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I have some problems to TASing Astro Boy on GBA! I had work long in the input file, to replace some inputs, because emulator add lag inputs and create desync, it's a nightmare to make this TAS! I can note, that it's not an emulation problem, because I have same problems with this 2 versions of Bizhawk, and my TAS of "double dragon advance" run well! Maybe, it's ROM's problem, but I made some tests with US, EU and hack versions, and problem is persistant! I go to buy, smart card reader & usb programmer to dump my original cartridge to can continue this job! Maybe, some person have a solution?!
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Location: nowhereatthemiddleofnoone This is a new WIP. I TASing on Bizhawk 1.13.0, because I had a big problems with 2.0.1 and I made this change to have a comparison and know if it's due to emulation or a bad rom! Indeed, I had work long in the input file, to replace some inputs, because emulator add lag inputs and create desync, it's a nightmare to make this TAS! I can note, that it's not an emulation problem, because I have same problems with this 2 versions of Bizhawk, and my TAS of "double dragon advance" run well! It's ROM's problem, but I made some tests with US, EU and hack versions, and problem is persistant! I go to buy, smart card reader & usb programmer to dump my original cartridge to can continue this job! Maybe, some person have a solution?! I going to ask in Bizhawk bug report section.
grassini wrote:
considering how fast is the hard mode WIP,i really have no concerns about the difficulty chosen anymore,it looks like it will be entertaining no matter what
I think like you & agree this ;)
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Amy wrote:
Big X takes a hit or two less without the detour. "To know which solution is faster, you must try all of them", well, sometimes it's kind of obvious to know what's faster and is not faster. You only do 1-2 extra damage per Power increasement, so after maybe 5 hits you did 6 hit and Big X took me about 15 hits I think (don't remember it). Okay, I agree for this case it's better to try out both, but it's not always necessary to try 2 or more solutions (if it's obvious) :P About Normal Vs Hard mode, I was thinking about it yesterday night and I did realize that I let the most important part slide past me, the optimization in fights is harder in Hard Mode. Hard mode, better off this way. In general, I wish you luck with the TAS. <3
Yes, I agree, sometimes, it's clearly easy to choose the best route, and don't have to make a numerous tries to find a fastest solution! Thank for your encouragements.
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yes vote.
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Kalachnikov sound!
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Amy wrote:
Actually, Normal Mode is much harder than Easy Mode. Easy Mode is repetitive, but Hard Mode is just as repetitive as Easy Mode. Normal Mode is most balanced. You only have 5 EX uses, and you can NOT go over 5. In Hard Mode you have 3 EX uses, and you can NOT go over 3. Hard Mode is, while more impressive to those who are EXPERIENCED with the game, more boring to the general audience than Normal Mode. Normal Mode is a balance between Easy & Hard Mode, and is certainly the least repetitive mode. Easy Mode uses EX moves too much, Hard Mode takes too long with certain bosses. Normal Mode has a balance between EX moves and normal attacks. Unlike Easy Mode, the EX gauge does NOT fill up with EX attacks, so EX moves aren't as repetitive as Easy Mode, whilst you have more of a balance so normal attacks don't always have to be used compared to Hard Mode. All in all, I think Normal Mode would actually have more entertainment than Hard Mode.
You say that normal mode is more balanced, and it's clearly true, but if in hard mode, you must changed your strategy to beat the game fast, then you should choose this difficulty. You must understand, that in a TAS, it's normal to choose max difficulty, because you are assisted, and don't worry for the entertainment! "Normal Mode is most balanced. You only have 5 EX uses, and you can NOT go over 5. In Hard Mode you have 3 EX uses, and you can NOT go over 3". This explanation, explain perfectly, why you should make this TAS in hard mode, because normal mode is a lot of easy than hard mode, and this only reason will justifying this choice.
Amy wrote:
Actually, in the past I've found it easier to route 100% over Any% (or, what I like to call it, "True Ending"). In Any% you need to hesitate, "which people to go for and which not?", while in 100% you simply go for everyone, and it makes it easier to route, for me. Maybe I'll post my RTA route sometime next week, if you'd like. (Would need to write it down) Although the route is for Easy Mode, it would work just as well for Normal Mode I'm pretty sure.
"Any%" route planning is very easy, when you know in advance how to manage the power points, and for this I did a lot of try, with RAM addresses (all of "power points" addresses) tested on boss fights and numerous part of game, to permit me a best analysis of "power points" management, after, when you know all of this information, then game is a simple "beat 'm all" where you have must search to finish the level quickly, and to reach game ending. In "100%" branch it's more hardest to choose the power you want upgrade , because you must to save all of characters, who give 1 "power point" and you have a difficult choice to do! For ex: in level 3, you must fight BIG-X in "100%", then that you skip this fight in "any%", this who complicate "power points" management, because you are obliged to act compared with all of additional bosses, that you go meet. In some spots (ex: BIG-X lvl), you must doing a choice: to make a detour for take "power points" and kill BIG-X more quickly or kill BIG-X slowly but don't make a detour! but for instant, I don't have try this solution, maybe it's not possible! For know which solution is more fast, you must try all of them, and believe me, for make a perfect route planning it's lot of hardest than "any%" branch! Thank for your vision & knowledge of this run.
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I watch this directly when i goes back to home after my job, and it's a big surprise, no deception to watch this run at 5 am in france! i love sega games and hardware, but it's not the only craze who give me the craving to watch & liking this run! Boss G-O is the best entertaining moment for me, and I'll can said more... Have you intention to make a "100%" branch? Because I'm curious, and maybe that is more entertaining! Indeed, make the star rooms can create an good surprise, I think! Yes vote
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Yeah, I'll watch this later when i back to my home! How you had configure Bizhawk to can TASing on "saturnus" core? I have try to TAS shinobi X but emulator return always tha same message & crash directly! I posted in bug section with this emulator, but i received nothing answer.
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grassini wrote:
AMAZING WIP, it looks really good,which run are you going to do?is the initial route the same for both runs?
Thank you, yes, I work actually on this two runs. No,in "100%" it isn't the same route, it have some differences and more boss fights, I think "100%" is more interesting than "any%", because it is more difficult to choose a good route planning and have the best inventory gestion (power) to beat the game fast. But "any%" is more fast than "100%", and don't start as "100%" branch.
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I viewed than you had a problem to the difficulty choice! I can understand that you do a comparison between speedrun and TAS, but the "speedrun" community search to reduce time, forcing them to choose easy difficulty for more simple executions and try easy deathless, due to don't have a tools assisted for make the run. You make a TAS, so you cannot doing like if you don't been assisted by a numerous tools to choose difficulty max. Easy and normal don't have a challenge, because you start the game with a maximum power, enemies are very easy to beat & bosses are not bosses! Take 2 damages to dying, in hard difficulty! Don't TASing, if you haven't a max challenge, because challenge is entertaining factor, but more hard to make! And, if you think this game is repetitive, I answer to you simply, where is entertainment when you use the same strategies to beat the game fast, because indeed, to kill enemies in normal mode, you use laser, move to new screen, laser, move to n... ect! You find it's entertaining? I find not! In hard mode, you must find the best solution to beat enemies fast, and to do it, you use a numerous actions and different powers to obtain a fastest game and create an epic fights, to entertain viewers! For me, TAS is an art, not just a world record!
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Amy wrote:
30 seconds in and I notice you didn't know about a little trick that can save about maybe 20 seconds overall in 100%. Basically, when an enemy wave ends, you'd jump and dash. It ends the wave earlier and lets you move to the next screen earlier. I did not do it very optimally in the gif there but I managed to save 5 frames from this alone. So...hope that helps :) Although besides the little time saver, you did quite a good job on stage 1. I wish you luck with the TAS.
Thanks for your help, I think remake the first level for have a good comparison and beat the game faster. It's a great optimisation, but i view that the hornet, move at a different position, indeed, enemie appear to the screen with a RNG factor, linked at player's position and her move, i use this luck manipulation for have optimized screens. I go to manipulate luck to includ this new trick and save time, and post a new WIP this weekend, if I have time to do a lot of tries!
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Hi, I work actually on this game for "any%" and "100%" branch. This is a first WIP for "any%" playing on hard difficulty: Thank to Kurabupengin for his commentary.
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vintse500 wrote:
j'ai vu que tu avais fini la run et posté sans moi je te remercie profondément pour ton travail et je te remerci également d'avoir mis mon nom bien que ma contribution a été assez faible bien que j'avais eu l'idée de ca TAS au début merci pour tout :)
Hey, Content d'avoir de tes news, ça fait plaiz'! Ho, tu avais déjà fait une bonne partie du taf, et puis ce job on l'a entrepris en binôme, donc je pense que c'est normal, et puis ça m'a permis de rencontrer le gar bien cool que tu es, de plus je sais que tu as dû être très pris par tes études qui je pense est une très bonne priorité dans la vie. A plus pour un autre TAS ou autres l'ami !
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BrunoVisnadi wrote:
I think this route is slower, because it was slower in the atari port, and this version of the games doesn't change the distances between the stairs in a way to justify it being faster here.
ok, Thank for this answer, because, I watched "DK NES" and i had to be ask, because i had a doubt!
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