Glad to see you're taking my advice into consideration. Also, your welcome. :)
I do have one question though, for the boss, since his health is higher, and it isnt the type of game where you can hit the boss almost anytime, wouldn't it be faster if the game was on easy mode? I know normally this isnt a good idea, but since you have to wait so long between hits, and you can him only once at a time, it makes sense why i think this, right?
Also, ill post up the link to my boss run so that you can see that trick in the mirage road boss i mentioned. Its the third hit of that boss.. (it hits him the MOMENT he turns around, and I was only accidently semi-tasing (slowdown only due to emulator lag while i was trying to play casually)) :
If you find any tricks that dont realize are tricks, you can use those too. Remember, i was SUPER at this game when i recorded the bossrun, but i blame emulator lag for making the bosses harder. Obviously, you wont see that trick at sonic vs blaze fight, since i dont know how to implement it, but you get the idea. And how did she use her special attack twice in that fight? SHES NEVER SUPPOSED TO DO IT TWICE! ... *ahem* sorry, talkin to myself
Also, i think ill record on the emulator walkthroughs of how to do some of the tricks for you :) with COMMENTARY! :D
Also, dont forget, the guy who claims to have found the backwards jump dash isnt the original founder. I found it in sonic rush in real time WAY before sonic colors was ever released, i was just never able to tell the public.