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Post subject: MediEvil any%, 100%, and lowest%
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Post 1 - Introduction ------------------------- Latest News on these TAS's: -Working on it- -Organizing the 2nd Post- MediEvil tells the tale of one very deceased knight's quest to rid the land of undead legions and the wicked magician that created them. The gameplay is very reminiscent of the action-platformers of old, consisting largely of running around each stage whilst hacking up baddies. But there is also a good share of puzzles to be solved. The tale, speaking of, is of Sir Daniel Fortesque (the knight) and his battle against evil forces, and the magician who started it all, Zarok. If you have any other questions about what this game is/about, then please visit this link: - Link- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medievil With that being said, onto the TAS's themselves. Below are each individual description. any%: Get any number of chalices, get any number of items, get any number of life bottles. 100%: Get all chalices, get all items available in the game (including chicken drumsticks), get all life bottles. lowest%: Get 0 chalices, pick up only the sword, shield (copper and silver shield don't count for %, due to them being disposable items, however the Magic Golden Shield, does.. Because you can never lose it), throwing knives, club, and the dragon potion throughout the entire game, ??? Life Bottles collected ??? (the last battle with the skeletal army... So as for how much life is necessary, I'm stumped as of right now :P) The any% will be published soon enough, we're mainly working on the Gauntlet level right now. This will be the first one published, then the 100%, after much optimization, and then finally the lowest%.
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Post 2 - Routes -------------------- Level 0 - Dan's Crypt - any%: Pick up sword, star rune, throwing daggers, life bottle, exit level. Do NOT, return for life bottle in hidden area later. - 100%: Same as above. Return AFTER completing "Return to the Graveyard", use daring dash to break wall, it's much faster. - lowest%: Same as above, excluding the life bottle, do NOT return for life bottle in hidden area later. Level 1 - The Graveyard - any%: Pick up Earth Rune, Pick up Chaos Rune, Pick up life bottle, exit level. In any%, we do NOT get ANY chalices anyway, from this point on, keep this in mind about the any%. - 100%: Same as above, except grab the chalice. - Lowest%: Same as above, excluding the chalice and life bottle. Level 2 - Cemetery Hill - any%: Clip by the boulders, light club on fire by the fire outside, get the witch talisman. Clip into fence area, at the junction (http://i53.tinypic.com/i2t7b7.jpg), complete the level. - 100%: Same as above, except grab the chalice. - Lowest%: Same as any%. Level 3 - The Hilltop Mausoleum - any%: Go underground, grab the Earth rune, grab the Chaos Rune, "break" the heart containing the souls, fight the boss. - 100%: Kill a few imps (the ones that jump out only, as the others we'll kill after going underground the 2nd time), go underground, grab the earth rune, grab the moon rune, grab the chaos rune, kill the rest, go underground, grab the music sheet, "break" the heart containing the souls, use music sheet on skeleton, grab chalice, fight the boss. - Lowest%: Same as any%. Boss: Stained Glass Demon - Strategies - any%: Use throwing dagger charge combo. - 100%: Use throwing dagger charge combo, switch to crossbow, to deal massive damage quickly, repeat until dead. - Lowest%: Use throwing dagger charge combo. Level 4 - Return to the Graveyard - any%: Ignore secret area, we don't enter it in any of the TAS's, use skull key on door, grab star rune, go to the left path (or right if from Dan's perspective), fight the boss. - 100%: Same as above, but getting the chalice. - Lowest%: Same as any%. Boss: Wolves, The Guardians of the Graveyard - Stragegies - any%: Use the club 3 hit combo to near insta-KO them. - 100%: Use the club 3 hit combo to near insta-KO them. - Lowest%: Use the club 3 hit combo to near insta-KO them. Level 5 - Scarecrow Fields - any%: (If, we ever manage to skip the Gauntlet, this level won't be entered) Kill the Mecha-Imp, grab the moon rune, grab the Earth rune, kill next Mecha-Imp, grab the Chaos Rune, complete the level. - 100%: Same as above, except for completing the level. Fill the chalice, dash jump over the corn to where the chalice and life bottle is, collect them both. Complete the level. (We skip the machine part, because... it's not necessary). - Lowest%: Same as any%. Level 6 - The Sleeping Village - any%: Turn off water supply to fountain (go up to where the fountain is and down tow here the switch is, it's faster by 15 frames), grab the Chaos rune, grab the crucifix cast, grab the Moon rune, grab the Earth Rune, grab the bust, clip into this tree to open the door (http://i52.tinypic.com/33jpf09.jpg), hit the switch to open the gate leading to the exit, skip the shadow artifact, exit level. - 100%: Same as above, except grab the chalice. (Do we get the shadow artifact? Would it save time? We can loop into the room with the shadow demons so...???, if so the route will be different a little) - Lowest%: Same as any% Level 7 - The Asylum Grounds, this is where those 30k frames are saved from in the any%. This level truly is a pain in the arse to get it's chalice filled. The puzzles, are quite easy with TAS. Just manipulate the cats position really for the elephant puzzle. 100% get chalice, any% and lowest%, complete puzzles only. The chess puzzle, is simple if you know chess, if not, it might be a little confusing to you. =p, just manipulate how they move. Level 8/9- (Inside the Asylum/Pumpkin Gorge) - In 100% and lowest%, we'll go straight into the Asylum. As for any%, we'll be going to pumpkin gorge instead, because we need the broad sword. However, we really just skip pumpkin gorge in any% and lowest%. In 100%, we get the chalice ofcourse. Well anyways, in 100%, by this point, we done have the broad sword, so we can go straight into the asylum. The asylum, is a level, where the chalice, is free... Literally. So we'll get it in any% and 100% both. Whenever we get the broadsword in the any% run, we'll do the asylum. As for lowest%, it does not matter when we do it, because we're always going to have the same stuff :P. Level 10 - The Pumpkin Serpent, we just beat the level, get the dragon gem and get out. This level is self explanatory and linear. As for 100%, we fill the chalice, get it, and are done. Level 11 - The Enchanted Earth, level can be skipped, in 100% just do the level as normal, ofcourse asap :p Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMcMucXSsug Level 12 - Pools of the Ancient Dead, constantly abuse the use of dash to get all of the helmets. Get the chaos rune on the ledge. Summon (Kul Karth?), the snake guy (the friendly one ;D), and dash until you get to the area leading down hill. In 100%, hop over and get the life bottle. Maybe we get it in any%, I really doubt it, I really think 2 life bottles are enough. In lowest%, we just keep going down. We can use dash to kill the armored zombies , and abuse the snake to kill the other zombies.. Then (in 100% we'd be killing the armored zombies anyway) get the chalice if 100%, in any% and lowest% we complete the level... A side note, we can't dash from the top ledge straight onto the boat, because of a voice conversation "invisible wall" between death (the boat man) and Daniel... But still, I doubt it will save any if we talk to him before hand. Level 13 - The Lake, In 100%, still a pain in the ass... For any% and lowest% we can skip the level, thanks to skychase's strategy (view his video). Level 14 - The Crystal Caves, Dragon armor anyone? ;) This is where the game becomes massively easy, because Dragon armor, is pure power abuse. In 100% we get the chalice (using the magic longbow to kill the demons at the beginning of the level). In any% and lowest% we just skip the level really after getting the magic armor.. Yes, it is kinda an easy level just to get the chalice, that is true.. But we've done got everything we need in any%. Level 15 - The Gallows Gauntlet, only really necessary in 100% ... After 50 or so hours of painful searching, the skip was finally found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPtsoOFpr10 so for any% and lowest% we just 'skip it'. Level 16 - The Haunted Ruins, my favorite level ;D. Luck manipulate alot (or all) of the chickens to the grain pile at the castle. Kill shadow demons in 100%, in any% and lowest%, we... really don't care about killing anything.. We done have what we need to beat the game :) . Just complete the level as usual, we don't save the farmers (lol I know I'm evil >:D), but seriously all the give you is cash >_> ... Anyways, complete the level best way possible, get the chalice if 100%. Use dragon armor against stone golems at the end of the level to kill them (instant death for them). Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYS3pqI4Uvo Level 17 - The Ghost Ship, use luck manipulation to complete this level in under 2 minutes (if possible, I've not tested it, but that's about where I got), I ofcourse don't mean that for the Captain, I just mean getting to him.And we can constantly abuse the cannon to hit him 4+ times.. So basically he's easy to kill. Also, in 100%.. Get the chalice (ofcourse). Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeCyZJlc0Tc Level 18 - The Entrance Hall, self explanitory level.. Get the chalice, and get out if 100%.. If any% or lowest% just complete it. Level 19 - The Time Device, level is extremely long.. But basically, just get the chalice, life bottle.. And get out if 100%. As for lowest%, and any%.. It's once again self explanatory what to do. Level 20 - Zarok's Lair, simply put... Grab the good lightning, have your soldiers pile up on Zarok's soldiers. Use Dragon Armor for the next boss, it pretty much rapes him (or is it lightning that rapes him? >_>). As for Zarok.. He's pretty easy to beat... So, congrats we win. :D Level (Special) - (ONLY in 100%) The Ant Caves, this level is way too hard to explain anything right now, I'm going to have to map this level out and everything, before I can even give you any ideas at all on how I'll do this level. That's my strategies so far for this, if you wanna help or contribute anything, just post ;D ==================== PXM Files and YouTube videos. ==================== For each TAS, there will be for sure, 3 pxm files. And as well, videos showing it for the lazy people :P. If you wanna help contribute what you can to this, post on this. Any%: - Pxm File 1 -> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M71YCEFJ - Pxm File 2 -> - Pxm File 3 -> 100%: - Pxm File 1 -> - Pxm File 2 -> - Pxm File 3 -> lowest%: - Pxm File 1 -> - Pxm File 2 -> - Pxm File 3 -> About the pxm files: Pxm files are obviously the movie extensions for PCSX. But as well, Every Pxm File 1 are all gonna be just the intentional planned route I had from the beginning (hardly any frame-by-frame, mostly just slow down). Every pxm File 2, will be the optimized route, what to do what and etc, to survive. (Alot of frame-by-frame, but still lazy slow down use). And File 3 will be the basically finished product, not the one that I'll be uploading to TASVideos for publication, but basically the difference in them, will be... Barely any, in pxm File 3 there will be 100% use of frame-by-frame, absolutely no slow down, basically flat out optimized... And ofcourse, the one I'll be submitting here, will be a longer version of pxm File 3 (from start to end of credits). Videos: - Any% WIP 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb_xTXmNxIw - Any% Level: "The Haunted Ruins" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYS3pqI4Uvo - Any% Level: "The Ghost Ship" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeCyZJlc0Tc - Any%/Low% Level: "The Enchanted Earth" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMcMucXSsug - Any%/Low% Skip Trick "The Gallows Gauntlet" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPtsoOFpr10
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Post 3 - Glitches, Tricks, and what not. --------------------------------------------- 0. Things you probably want to know --------------------------------------------- The values you probably want to watch when TAS'ing the game: -000EE7AE (walking?) -000F87F0 (walking speed?) And the facts about Dan's Speed: His ~ESTIMATED~ Max speed is around 150 (knockback dash from Kul Katura + Kul Katura hitting us + knockback dash trip + daring dash in opposite direction) His Max speed ever acquired so far is somewhere in the range of 70-100. I can't at this time remember.. I'll have to check it later. Walking speed: 15-18 Running speed: 27-28 Daring Dash: 50-52 (see below for full explanation) The normal dash speed has a speed max of 52. It uses the running speed of 27-28 max, by adding 8 or 9 speed values at the use of the dash button (triangle), to make 36, then adds either 7 or 8 values to make either 43 or 44 (depends on the frame, really the value of the speed that we use dash on, preferably 28 speed), then 9 or 8 to make 51-52. Whenever it reaches the max speed of 51 or 52, it keeps the speed relevant for a few frames (basically 52 for 2 frames, 51 for 2 frames, 50 for 2 frames), then it decides to decrease the speed down by 1 every frame thereafter. So in general, it will either decrease it back down to 27-28 or 0 if you stopped moving. Using the clubs square attack gives the speed from value 0 (that means me standing still obviously) to value 22, it then decends by 7 the next 4 frames to 15, then 12, 9, 6, 4, then finally reaching 0. Using the knockback dash while walking: Can be 30-35, but usually is 31 or 32. Using the knockback dash with running: 56 when running maximum. So IT is faster (in terms of moving speed atleast) than the daring dash ability. Though, not really a "i should use it all the time" type of thing. 1. The Lake - Skip the Star rune by clipping into the area between the stone wall, jumping onto the top of the exit, and walking off. Also, can be done by clipping into the fence, and walking into the exit. (Difficulty - Easy) (I can do this with no trouble, even in real time). 2. The Enchanted Earth - Skip the level by entering loop mode and falling into the exit trigger. Nearest spot to enter loop mode would be after getting off the first lift. (Difficulty - Hard) (I can do this with no trouble TAS wise, in real time, is harder than TAS'ing, on console, it's extremely hard, but possible). 3. Scarecrow Fields - Skip the machine part by dash jumping over the corn field into the area with the chalice. (Difficulty - Easy) (I can do this with no trouble, every time). 4. The Gallows Gauntlet - Skip the level by doing a various amount of tricks. This means, beating the level without the dragon armor, which was previously deemed impossible by everyone. Here's the video for references: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPtsoOFpr10 ... To get onto the pillar, we currently don't have a legit way, so we used the in game camera cheat to teleport us on it. But we're working on it. Once then, do like in the video by getting on the pegs, and then the square spot, and dashing for the exit. (Difficulty - Insane) (I can do this with no trouble, except for getting on the pillar, which is what we're working on). 5. The Enchanted Earth/The Sleeping Village - Skip the shadow artifact, a former 100% necessary item, no longer even needed, or.. for the matter, The Sleeping Village does not even have to be entered, that is excluding 100% of course, and if we can skip the Gallows Gauntlet completely. (Difficulty - Hard, View #2) 6. Cemetery Hill - Skip the Witch Talisman - Basically, like it says, we don't need the witch talisman if we can skip the Gallows Gauntlet. Though, it only will actually be useful doing this, if we can fully skip the level. (Difficulty - Beyond easy?) 7. Cemetery Hill - "Clip" Through the gate - From where you first enter the level, go straight forward, on your right you'll see a gate, and a huge brick wall meeting at a point, only a small invisible wall stops you from just walking into the clip zone, but with precise camera angles.. you Can clip through the fence, you probably need to jump and hack your weapon to get it to work though. (Difficulty - easy) (I can do it most of the time, just really depends on knowing how exactly to do it every time I don't). 8. Cemetery Hill - "Boulder Clip" Sweet spot, for references view this image: http://i56.tinypic.com/10zvjsx.jpg .. Allows us to save some time in picking up the club. (Difficulty - Easy) (I can do this every time with the sweet spot). 9. The Loop Glitch - Jumping into MANY parts of the game that are classified as out of bounds, usually results in an instant death, or push you back into the level's boundaries. This glitch, allows us to fall in out of bound areas (YOU will DIE in MANY spots, but there's another glitch that can be used in conjunction with this one to allow for this glitch to be used almost anywhere). Let's take a level for example, The Enchanted Earth, go to the top of the level, and jump dash as far as possible from the tower, using a save state, and move your horizontal speed (left or right) always, if it ever is 0, you will die. Eventually, you will fall so far below the level, that you reach it's bottom, and start from the top (you're in the sky), and fall into the level. Once you've found your spot that you want to fall in, you have to wait to loop and fall through, but you're constantly moving, so if you're already at your spot, move around in circles until you finally loop back into the actually level. And then, if you have a brain, you can realize that this can be used to fall anywhere in the level, preferable the exit trigger ;). (Difficulty - Insane) (I can do this every time, basically anywhere) 10. The Inventory Glitch - Press select, have the inventory open, the press select 2 times real fast, you'll notice it closes and waits a second, and comes back up. In that second that it's waiting to come back up, you can move. Events can still happen (cut scenes/Talking) but Triggers (Death/Ending a level) ceases to happen. Now the trick above, you can use the inventory glitch in conjunction with the loop glitch, to "loop" basically anywhere that would normally kill you. Not every spot works for example, some water spots (in return to the graveyard for example) have solid ground underneath them. But not everywhere. (Difficulty - Easy) (I can do this every time). 11. The "Knock back Dash" Glitch - The club's special attack, previously only useful for fires, is now back.. With a twist, it can be used on walls and certain objects, to push you back. That in conjunction with turning, the daring dash, running, and everything.. Can increase Dan's speed much higher than normal. Allowing us to jump to spots early (unassumingly), jump over chasms (The Crystal Caverns "Elevator"), maybe other uses.. Not sure yet. (Difficulty - Iffy) [It's iffy because it doesn't always work at top speed like how it should be used] (I can do this pretty much every time, if I'm doing it right ;D) 12. The Haunted Ruins - Use the Loop Glitch and Inventory glitch to skip the chicken puzzle. Then, get as CLOSE as possible to King Peregrine's throne room, complete the level as normal until you get teleport by King Peregrine to the room with the stone golems (view #13 to figure out how to finish the rest of the level) (Difficulty - Very Hard) (I can do this everytime if we drop the bridge and do it in the "old spot" but, the skipping the chickens method of doing this, idk it seems to put me in basically near the same spot, do you have any input on this? :c) 13. The Haunted Ruins - Use the loop trick and inventory glitch at this spot : http://i53.tinypic.com/2bthlv.jpg, avoiding the solid kill trigger, and loop towards the exit. This level has no exit spot, in the normal way, it's exit trigger, is the catapult. So land past the slime or acid or whatever it is :p, and do the exit level part as normal. (Difficulty - Very Hard) (It has the weird same mechanics as #12, and the closest I've gotton to it, is the room where the men were dangling over the fires... Any input on this?) 14. The Crystal Caves - Using the knockback dash, you can clear the chasm where the elevator is and finish the level insanely fast. (Difficulty - ???) (I've yet to try this) 15. The Ghost Ship - Do the level as normal until you get to the spot where you get the Chaos rune, do the inv. and loop trick to get into the exit trigger. (Difficulty - ???) (I've yet to try this) 16. The Time Device - Start the loop trick. Head over into the exit trigger, you do NOT have to be on the train for it to work. (Difficulty - ???) (I've tried it, but, not fully tried, I'll do that later tonight) 17. Cemetery Hill - Use the inventory glitch to fall straight into the gate with the Witch Talisman (probably useless, but still nice :p). (Difficulty - Easy) (I can do it pretty well) 18. Replenishing Glitch - You can replenish any weapon with a percentage/quantity to the point as if you just picked it up for the first time (100% club, 100x daggers, 150x xbow, etc.) with this little trick. Remember those pesky goblins that steal your weapons? Go into the inventory at the exact frame when the "something stolen" message appears - the game will register the weapon you were carrying as stolen, but you will still have it in your inventory. Now (still in the inventory screen) choose the weapon that just got "stolen" for it to stay in your inventory for good (only exceptions are the club and the hammer - the former will be destroyed since the percentage/quantity of a weapon drops to 0 after performing this glitch, while the latter will still be equipped but will disappear from your inventory for some reason). Now simply kill the goblin and pick up the goods. (Difficulty - Easy in frame advance, Insane in real time). (I can do's it ;D) 19. Pools of the Ancient Dead - The exit trigger, is actually not the boatman. So we can get a armored zombie over to the spot shown in this image: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/5667/65811905.png , let it "shove us" and dash into the exit trigger (the extra momentum allows us to touch the exit trigger). (Difficulty - The glitch itself is easy, getting the armored zombie over to the spot ~without~ killing it, is hard, and on console, insane) (I've tried it, and every time I try, I kill the zombie, and can't get it onto the platform.. Can you explain how to get it on the platform? :P) 20. Zarok's Lair - If you enter the first cut scene on the arena with the inventory glitch and turn it off a couple of frames before the last piece of dialog (For Gallowmere!!!), for some reason, only half of the enemy skeletons will spawn. Just don't go to close to where the gates and Zarok are because that will spawn the remaining enemies. Your soldiers basically gang up on the helpless enemy skeletons and you can complete the fight without even picking up the good lightning while loosing maybe 1, 2 at worst, of your guys. You can also make the game finish the battle before it even starts by NOT going out of the inventory glitch and keeping it all the way through the cut scene, but it'll always consider you as the loser. (Difficulty - Super Easy) (Self explanatory >.>) 21. Zarok's Lair - You can also delay the next boss' entrance. If you go out of the inventory after you gain back control over Dan, the boss will just then start walking out of the cage and do his intro. He's vulnerable to your attacks during that time. With the club (the highest thing we'll get in the any%/lowest% combined run) you can basically almost waste him, with the MLS (Magic Long Sword) you can RAPE in capital letters yes, him before he even moves, and with the dragon armor, before he can blink. (Difficulty - Super Easy) (Self explanatory) 22. Zarok's Lair - During the battle with Zarok using the triangle button, turning around opposite directions and manipulation of angles, Makes Zarok become vulnerable. Extremely useful. (Difficulty - Easy) (Self Explanatory, this is luck manipulation really). 23. Return to the Graveyard - ????? [Need to test if it's even possible] ????? 24. Return to the Graveyard - Using the club can completely obliterate the wolves in 1 (maybe 2) turns. (Difficulty - Varied, but technically easy) (I can do it in 2 turns in real time, I could try to get 1 with frame advance.) 25. Pumpkin gorge: Go here: http://i54.tinypic.com/33kr9kz.jpg(it's behind the hut on the right in the first area with buildings) and do a running jump towards the wall from the marked spot and drop in the exact same place (Dan should kinda slide up the wall during the jump). If done correctly, Dan should do his about-to-fall animation every full second. Now between those animations start running and make this jump so that you end up here and can jump in the arrow's direction. In a couple of steps you should encounter an invisible wall. It's not really a single wall, this screen shot: http://i55.tinypic.com/2e3pbg3.jpg should explain it. You have to clip between the walls towards the arrow's point (this is pretty random for me), otherwise you won't be able to go any further. If done correctly you should be able to run for a fair distance before getting to this spot. You have to jump above the blue line and after passing the house continue alongside the very edge of the wall you're on - if you fail to do any of that you will be warped back to the normal playing area. This basically allows you to run straight for the green rune. You complete the rest of the level as you normally would. (Difficulty - ???) (Yet to try this fully) 26. The Sleeping Village - Go to this spot http://i52.tinypic.com/33jpf09.jpg ... this is the sweet spot where you can clip into the tree (it's located on the road on your right when facing the fountain from where you start the level). Just make sure you don't overshoot it and clip through the tree entirely, so you don't get stuck. Just clip as far as you need to trigger the gate to open and simply run back. Remember: you only need to get the golden head statue and flip the switch in the house with the safe - from there you run straight for the last fight and exit. (Difficulty - Easy) (I can do it) 27. The Asylum - You can delay entering this level to pick up stronger weapons, preferably one that 1-hit KO's everything, such as the lightning if it's possible to get it before the Gallows Gauntlet. (Difficulty - Easy) (It's a delay really, so, nothing to explain)
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I've always wanted to see this game and the second game completed at 100%. ^^ Although, I will gladly watch the Any% and the Low% runs too. :3
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There's a glitch in "The Lake" to finish the level without the yellow rune... And a glitch in "The Enchanted earth", jump over a wall and land into the exit. I'll try to find videos...
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Kitsune wrote:
I've always wanted to see this game and the second game completed at 100%. ^^ Although, I will gladly watch the Any% and the Low% runs too. :3
:) Well, the first 3 levels of the any% (or 4 if you count Dan's Crypt) have been, as to of my knowledge, been basically optimized for my work through on them. After I finish these 3 TAS's, I'll be going onto MediEvil 2, though... I think that ISO files desync for PCSX RR, however... I've had absoulutely no trouble with MediEvil 1 (I have the BIN version), so if that's true... And BIN files don't desync, I may try to find Spyro 2 as a BIN file and do the 100% TAS on it, I'm really wanting to do it badly :P. Also, as a funny note, so far I've got the low% down to using Dan's arm (as a range device), Sword (for use at the Asylum), Club (for rocks), and the dragon potion (armor), still not sure about the life bottles :P... Nevertheless, all I can say, the low% will definately be funny fighting the demons in the enchanted earth with Dan's arm, and to the guy who posted below you, even if I can skip the Encahnted Earth by doing that, I'll still do a "Youtube" TAS fighting the boss with just Dan's arm for laughs ;). But as for the any% run, I'll probably have it finished soon, I've got so much free time, and I know the game like the back of my hand :].
skychase wrote:
There's a glitch in "The Lake" to finish the level without the yellow rune... And a glitch in "The Enchanted earth", jump over a wall and land into the exit. I'll try to find videos...
I'd really appreciate if you can find those videos for me, and if there are any complex means to do it, are there any way you can reproduce it in simple terms for me? ;)... Also, If you watched the PXM file, I made a note to myself that all you really need to complete the level is the Star (yellow) rune, though your way, is alot better :3 ... Please and thank you ;D
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Torn338 wrote:
I'd really appreciate if you can find those videos for me, and if there are any complex means to do it, are there any way you can reproduce it in simple terms for me? ;)... Also, If you watched the PXM file, I made a note to myself that all you really need to complete the level is the Star (yellow) rune, though your way, is alot better 3 ... Please and thank you ;D
The exit "The lake", you need to run, dash jump to the right between the stone wall and the wood fence, hit X, you'll fall outside the level boundaries (wood fence) touch the stone wall, that's it.... I think, I'll record myself doing it. I'm not sure if I described it correctly. I failed at reaching the exit, jumped too far but I'll show you anyway. link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M83uzn51ju8
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The exit "The lake", you need to run, dash jump to the right between the stone wall and the wood fence, hit X, you'll fall outside the level boundaries (wood fence) touch the stone wall, that's it.... I think, I'll record myself doing it. I'm not sure if I described it correctly. I failed at reaching the exit, jumped too far but I'll show you anyway. link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M83uzn51ju8
Ahh atleast I got the understanding of it, how about the one for the Enchanted Earth?
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Until I find the video I'm looking for, this is the only hint I can give you, sorry... http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/Right.jpg
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skychase wrote:
Until I find the video I'm looking for, this is the only hint I can give you, sorry... http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/Right.jpg
I'll miss around with it and see if I can figure it out, thanks man :) .. Just post the video if you can find it :) .. Please and thank you again xD
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you can get the chalice in "Scarecrow field" without the machine... I never thought it was that easy. Dash jump through the entire game xD Screenshot ! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/dashjump.jpg Something I havn't though about before. If you finish "The Lake" with Runes in your inventary, will you still have them in the next level ? I keep looking ^^ ! Edit to get behind the wall in the lake, dash jump from the door to the fence, if you land behind the crystal, you'll be able to run through the fence. Screenshot !! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/exitlevel.jpg
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skychase wrote:
you can get the chalice in "Scarecrow field" without the machine... I never thought it was that easy. Dash jump through the entire game xD Screenshot ! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/dashjump.jpg Something I havn't though about before. If you finish "The Lake" with Runes in your inventary, will you still have them in the next level ? I keep looking ^^ !
I can't do the skip thing for the Enchanted Earth, you'll have to show me a video xD (I'm a bit special T_T), and no I really doubt it, because you can finish numerous levels with runes still in your inventory (example Hill Top Mausoleum). And thanks xD
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I only played the demo for this game. I always wanted to buy the full version. Mr. Torn338, after careful consideration I have decided not to endorse your park runs.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Sticky wrote:
I only played the demo for this game. I always wanted to buy the full version. Mr. Torn338, after careful consideration I have decided not to endorse your park runs.
Lol ;D (Y) ... Ooo edit time, You definately should play this game, it's amazing ^_^, I'm rather having a blast TAS'ing it ^^
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skychase wrote:
I ALMOST DID IT !, i'm just in front of the exit door, there's a place where you can jump from the giant tree, you fall in.... umm.... Nowhere ! you just keep falling but you can control Dan, i popped out of nowhere just in front of the exit door, unfortunatly, I don't have the star rune but I'll try again. When you get off the lift, there are 2 frogs on the right, kill them, continue, when you see the third frog, jump to the right and hold Triangle, Circle and the D-Pad. Don't take your thumb of the D-pad and keep moving around in the dark randomly, you can hit X for fun (i don't know if it does something). Screeeeeenshot ! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/fell.jpg
Yeah I figured that out myself, I kept trying to move him like that, but still had no luck (though wasn't TAS'ing, just trying it out), so xP, as to that.. I failed. xD If you ever figure it out let me know xD
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Some time ago I did some research on this game for a speedrun I was planning to do and I remember it being full of various shortcuts and skips. There's a possibility that a skip I was working on, before I gave up, will work with TAS means, which would cut the whole game by (I'm just guessing here) 25% or so. I would appreciate those youtube WIPs - my memory of the game is a bit murky, but seeing actual footage brings it right back. Oh, beside the lake and the grounds skips, you can also entirely skip the time machine, plus huge chunks of other levels. For the lake skip, it's easier to jump between the crystals on the left side of the door and the fissure (between the two buildings) - that will leave Dan slightly in the wall. From there you just need to jump (or dash jump) towards the building which for some reason will place you on top of it. Just run towards where the doorway would lead and you'll finish the level. Works every time, even without TASing. There's a couple more shortcuts on your way to the exit in this level too, but I'm guessing you already figured them out.
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groobo wrote:
Some time ago I did some research on this game for a speedrun I was planning to do and I remember it being full of various shortcuts and skips. There's a possibility that a skip I was working on, before I gave up, will work with TAS means, which would cut the whole game by (I'm just guessing here) 25% or so. I would appreciate those youtube WIPs - my memory of the game is a bit murky, but seeing actual footage brings it right back. Oh, beside the lake and the grounds skips, you can also entirely skip the time machine, plus huge chunks of other levels. For the lake skip, it's easier to jump between the crystals on the left side of the door and the fissure (between the two buildings) - that will leave Dan slightly in the wall. From there you just need to jump (or dash jump) towards the building which for some reason will place you on top of it. Just run towards where the doorway would lead and you'll finish the level. Works every time, even without TASing. There's a couple more shortcuts on your way to the exit in this level too, but I'm guessing you already figured them out.
I'm currently at school right now, but whenever I get home, I'll download Kkapture and put some videos of them.. Just whatever I can skip, will help :) ... Personally, if we can skip the Encahnted Earth, and the Gallows Gauntlet... We can finish the game in under 30 minutes :).. just whatever you can contribute will help ^^ Edit: Here's a small (not completely optimized to the max, just the route really) WIP: link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb_xTXmNxIw
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skychase wrote:
I ALMOST DID IT !... again. Now I'm stuck behind the exit, I'll keep trying. Screeeeeenshot ! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/fell.jpg http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/behindexit.png
;D Keep trying man xD
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Not a skip, but would still save time (maybe even in more places than this): after grabbing the yellow rune in dan's crypt you can turn around without the sliding animation by jumping and turning in mid air. I'm not really sure about this, but after grabbing the chalice at the graveyard maybe you can get up that hill on the left and somehow get over the fence. I remember being able to get on the hill and TRYING to get over the fence but can't recall if it worked. At cemetery hill, on your way to get the club you can clip through the boulders blocking your way. After grabbing the talisman and going all the way outside, at about 5:44 in the video: turn right and go to the spot where the fence meets the stone wall - you can clip through the fence there. The boss: wouldn't it be faster to charge up the throwing daggers while waiting for him to become vulnerable, then releasing them and switch to the crossbow? Also, do we really need to get anything beyond the crossbow? The only place we really need a better weapon is zarok - everything before that is manageable without one, iirc. Right now I'll only mention the stuff that I'm sure that/have no idea if it works. The shortcuts that end up being dead ends I'll mention later.
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I like how this WIP looks. ^^ I'm really excited about seeing these TASes. The MediEvil Series has always been one of my favorites. :3
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I knew the demo was good, and because of the WIP, I am saddened I never bought it. On a side note, that camera makes me motion sick XD
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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groobo wrote:
Not a skip, but would still save time (maybe even in more places than this): after grabbing the yellow rune in dan's crypt you can turn around without the sliding animation by jumping and turning in mid air. I'm not really sure about this, but after grabbing the chalice at the graveyard maybe you can get up that hill on the left and somehow get over the fence. I remember being able to get on the hill and TRYING to get over the fence but can't recall if it worked. At cemetery hill, on your way to get the club you can clip through the boulders blocking your way. After grabbing the talisman and going all the way outside, at about 5:44 in the video: turn right and go to the spot where the fence meets the stone wall - you can clip through the fence there. The boss: wouldn't it be faster to charge up the throwing daggers while waiting for him to become vulnerable, then releasing them and switch to the crossbow? Also, do we really need to get anything beyond the crossbow? The only place we really need a better weapon is zarok - everything before that is manageable without one, iirc. Right now I'll only mention the stuff that I'm sure that/have no idea if it works. The shortcuts that end up being dead ends I'll mention later.
I'll, on the 3rd PXM run, fix those beginning segments with your ideas (laziness partly, but also, I need what I've done did to stick to my brain, since I have no speedrun or other TAS to look at)... And I'll test it out about the boss. Yes, we really do need to get atleast the broadsword, the Asylum level is beyond suboptimal right now, the broadsword, obviously, will help optimize it... With that being sad, I'm sure you're wondering "Why not just use the warhammer's special?, or the warhammer itself" ... Well, it surely does help it's special, however, as you know, I'll be releasing the full encode when I'm finished with Eternal SPU, but... As for when actually TASing it with the TAS plugin, it makes the most god awful annoying noise, and I surely, can't take that for 5+ hours (it never goes away, no matter what fix you do). As for the warhammer itself, yes, it is powerful, though, it'll help possibly speed up the run (I will ofcourse, be testing this, i'm going to get up to the broadsword, and beat the asylum one way (with the warhammer) and the other way (with the broadsword)). And frankly, you can beat the whole game with just Dan's arm lol... But, it ofcourse, would be a very slow TAS. And Dragon armor is necessary to beat the Gallows Gauntlet, as of right now atleast. Hmm, well just whatever you can do to help, still waiting to see if it's possible to skip The Enchanted Earth :) .. Then if we can find a way to skip the Gallows Gauntlet =D (Yes, I know xD, I just wanna skip that level to skip many, more, other levels.) Edit: Can you help explain how to do the clips? I actually managed to do the fence clip, though it was by pure luck.
Kitsune wrote:
I like how this WIP looks. ^^ I'm really excited about seeing these TASes. The MediEvil Series has always been one of my favorites. :3
Mine too xD, and thanks =), I'll try to get another WIP up soon enough.
Sticky wrote:
I knew the demo was good, and because of the WIP, I am saddened I never bought it. On a side note, that camera makes me motion sick XD
So i'm assuming TASVideos suggestion of abusing how the camera moves is a bad idea then? xD (I didn't in these TAS's, but I could have :P).. =)
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What do you mean by abusing the camera?
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Sticky wrote:
What do you mean by abusing the camera?
"Be interesting. If you have the choice, try to do things in a more impressive way than the easy way. If enemies are hard to kill, kill them. If an object is hard to miss, miss it. If you can avoid taking damage without wasting time, do so. However, avoid repeating the same stunts too much. In games that have a user-controllable camera that does not affect the actual playing, try to control the camera so that it provides the most interesting or beautiful angles at all time instead of going with default settings." :P That's what I meant by that. Though, now that I tried it, it gave me a headache xD, so forget that lol
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