I'm happy because of the reslt. I aimed for sub25m20sec as fastest time at first. But this is sub25m10sec! This is over 1m20sec faster than current published movie!

Game Objectives

  • FCEUX 2.1.3-interim svn1599
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Aims for best ending
  • Uses no warps
  • Manipulates luck
  • No death

Aims for fastest time

I aimed for fastest real time,and I aimed for better result of the game timer as well.But game's timer is crazy. So faster real time is not necessarily faster game time. If slower real time makes faster game time, I didn't. But even though I do same frame count, it could change game timer if I change inputs to manipulate luck. In this case, I aimed for faster game timer.

Aims for best ending

Uses no warps

Manipulates luck

I manipulated luck mostly for the game timer. Besides, I manipulated luck for item which changes fire into super fire. If you kill salamander or magician or goblin with fire or super fire, it occasionally drops that item. And I manipulated princess's motion as well.

No death

Because author of current published run didn't intend to use death as short cut. So I didn't.

Room by room comments

I couldn't watch frame counts on famtasia. So I couldn't compare this and current published run in real time. I compared this and my test run in real time and I compared this and current published run in game time.                        Testrun is : [dead link removed]


I did micro-optimization, so that I saved 4frames from my testrun and I got 9370 as game time. This is 10-game time better than current published run.


I did micro-optimization, so that I saved 2frames from my testrun and I got 9220. This is same result as current published run.


I manipulated ghost's motion to do better way and I did micro-optimization, so that I saved 11frames from my test run and I got 8070. This is 10-game time better than current published run.


I saved a frame from my test run and I got 9330 as game time. This is same result as current published run.


I manipulated gargoyle's motion to do better way. As a result of this I reduce wasteful making stone, so that I saved 21frames from my testrun. And I got 9300 as game time. This is 70-game time better than current published run.


I saved a frame from my test run and I got 8410 as game timer. This is same result as current published run.


I optimized making stone and breaking stone. As a result of this I reduce lag, so that I saved 11frames from my testrun. And I got 9060 as game time. This is 10-game time better than current published run.


I lost a lot of time to increase 2fire balls in order to save more on room 11. I got 9100 as game time. This is 110-game time later than current published run.


I saved 2frames from my testrun and I got 8860. This is same result as current published run.


I tried improving this room. But fire breathed by enemy made Dana stop. However, I saved 2frames. And I got 8290 as game timer. This is same result as current published run.


I saved much time here because I lost much time on room9 in order to increase 2fire. I defeated spark ball to save time with 2 fire balls.I got 8910 as game time. This is 180-game time better than current published run. Besides I saved 7frames from my test run.


I saved 7frames from my testrun. I got 8840 as well as current published run.


I noticed that killing 6 spark balls with fire ball is faster than saving a fire ball even though I get 2 fire balls, so that I saved 26frames. In the room it is difficult to compare in game time.


I saved 41frames on the room. But I changed timing of killing enemy to get item which changes fire into super fire. So I got that item on room15, so that I lost 4frames on room15. So I saved 37frames from room14 to room15. On the other hand, getting a item on room14 is about20frames later and not getting a item on room15 is only 4frames faster. it is about 15frames later than I did. I got 8700 as game time. This is 50-game time better than current published run.


I got 8720 as game time. Current published run is 10-game time better than mine.


I saved 6 frames. I got 9340 as game time. This is 40-game time better than current published run.


I used a super fire ball in order to save much time. Unfortunately, it is difficult to compare this to current published run in game time. But I saved 10frames from my testrun with optimization. I got item which changes fire into super fire on the room as well as current published run.


I saved 9frames and I got 8970 as game time. This is 20-game time better than current published run.


There is no saving time. I got 8940 as game time. Current published run is 10-game time better than mine.


I saved 10 frames and I got 8200. This is 70-game time better than current published run.


I saved 2 frames. I got 9200 as well as current published run.


I saved 3 frames. I got 9040 as game time. This is 40-game time better than current published run.


I noticed that going a long way round to avoid ex-time is far faster than going shortcut with ex-time. As a result of this I saved 194frames. It is difficult to compare this to current published run in game time.


I saved 4 frames and I got 9230 as game time. Current published run is 30-game time better than mine.


I saved 85 frames. In the room, it is hard to say game time because of ex-time.


I saved a frame. I got 9340 as game time. Current published run is 10-game time better than mine.


I saved 3frames and I got 4740. This is 20-game time better than current published run.


I avoid killing spark balls with super fire to save a super fire. Because I thought that there is better point I use a super fire. Well, I saved 7frames and I got 8630 as game time. Current published run is 10-game time better than mine.


I saved 7frames and I got 7600. This is 20-game time better than current published run.


I saved 8frames and I got 8970. This is 10-game time better than current published run.


I noticed better way, so that I saved 138frames on the room. It is hard to say in game time because of ex-time.


I saved 56frames from my testrun. I got 8840 with better route. This is 80-game time better than current published run.


I saved 5 frames. And I got9210. This is 30-game time better than previous run.


I saved 18frames and I got 8210. This is 30-game time better than previous run.


I saved 13frames. It is hard to say on game time because of ex-time.


I saved 8frames and I got 8980. This is 190-game time better than previous run.


I saved 128frames with better way. I got 7560 as game time. This is 160-game time better than prebious run.


There is no improvement in real time as well as game time.


I lost 31frames from my testrun. Because I got a fire ball for big improvement on room45. And I got 7680 as game time. This is 10-game time better than previous run.


I saved 6frames and I got 8870 as game time. This is same result as previous run.


I saved 4frames and I got 9260 as game time. This is 20-game time better than previous run.


I saved 46frames with new way. And I got 8970 as game time. This is 220-game time better than previous run.


I saved 22frames and I got 8850. This is 130-game time better than previous run.


I manipulated luck for item which changes fire into super fire for big improvement on room45. Additionally, I saved 19frames from my testrun. And I got 8750. This is 180-game time better than previous run.


I saved 99frames with new way and micro-optimazation. And I got 6360 as game time. This is 300-game time better than previous run.


I saved 7frames and I got 8750. Previous run is 20-game time better than this.


I saved 422frames from my testrun with console runners's idea. And I got 8550 as game time. This is 590-game time better than previous run.


I saved 23frames and I got 9050. This is 450-game time better than previous run.


I saved 13frames and I got 8090 as game time. This is 450-game time better than previous run.


I saved 53frames and I got 7120 as game time. This is 100-game time better than previous run.


I broke a under left stone at the start in order to manipulate princess's motion, so that I saved 61frames from my testrun. And I got 8050 as game time. This is 190-game time better than previous run.


I saved 14frames from my testrun with new way. And I got 8970 as game time. This is 70-game time better than previous run.


I saved 1604frames from my testrun! And this is over 1minute20seconds faster than previous run!

Special thanks to

  • Bisqwit for his run -- I often watched his run when I was thinking better way.
  • Randil for his WIP -- I noticed that room1 of my testrun is 2frames later than his. So I learned how to optimaze from his WIP.
  • ktwo and console runners for their idea for room45 -- I didn't noticed that. I greatly appriciate your kindness.
Have fun :D

adelikat: Claimed for judging

adelikat: Accepting as an improvement to the published movie.

Velitha: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15452
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #3145: agwawaf's NES Solomon's Key "best ending" in 25:09.58
Post subject: Encode is up ^_^ (SD of course)
Joined: 3/31/2010
Posts: 84
Location: Middle of Nowhere
YES vote from me, about time to see the last famtasia movie finally fall ^_^ Direct Linky Archive.org Linky DailyMotion Linky Also I'm not big on HD encodes, nor do I have access to an uncapped youtube account, so if somebody else wants to handle HD I would be OK with it.
Skilled player (1324)
Joined: 9/7/2007
Posts: 1354
Location: U.S.
Finally! The era of Famtasia comes to an end! The test run already looked really optimized, so this is even better. Yes Vote. Having TASed this game before, I can tell it must have been a pain in the ass to complete. Nice work! Suggested Screenshot perhaps?:
Editor, Active player (297)
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First of all, I'm not going to vote. I leave that to people who know more about tas:ing. Ok, now when that's out of the way I have to say that it was a pretty awesome run ! Lots of nice findings and nifty new solutions. I have a few comments though (that might be useful to take into account for those who actually vote). - Like I mentioned in the forum thread, I'm pretty sure the beginning could be faster. With a different fireball management, I believe 1-1.5 seconds could be saved. - In room 35, was it really faster to create a block at L4 (L - column and 4 - row) ? - In room 44, wouldn't it be faster to create a block at B11 ? Note the question marks for the last two comments. My tas skills are too limited to test them out, but I'm sure it would be easy for you. Finally, thanks for giving me credits. In the case of room 45, it's however partly undeserved. I might have contributed the idea here, but I got it from the Japanese player who made the run on nicovideo (sorry, but I can't make out his name...). In any case, I agree that it's nice when tas:ers and console speedrunners can help eachother out.
Post subject: Re: Encode is up ^_^ (SD of course)
Banned User
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Velitha wrote:
Archive.org Linky
I don't know why, but the video is so blurry that it's almost unwatchable. Is it the archive.org player doing that?
Post subject: Re: Encode is up ^_^ (SD of course)
Joined: 3/31/2010
Posts: 84
Location: Middle of Nowhere
Warp wrote:
Velitha wrote:
Archive.org Linky
I don't know why, but the video is so blurry that it's almost unwatchable. Is it the archive.org player doing that?
Because archive.org chooses to use a corrupted version of it's 512kb to stream, it looks like crap. Fixing it will take some time, if you don't mind, grab the direct linky, or watch it on the ad-infested DM for now, and I'll get to work on a 512kb script to fix archive.org.
Joined: 6/23/2009
Posts: 2227
Location: Georgia, USA
Wow! Very nice job with this run! This game looks really great when TASed, when you barely dodge so many enemies. Rooms 22 and 34 were my favorite (nice timer tricks with Room 34). I think almost anything from Room 22 would make a good screenshot. Granted, I don't really know anything about TASing, so I can't judge this much on a technical level. I think you made the right choice between playing for in-game time or real time. However, I'm curious to see an answer to ktwo's comments before I vote for sure.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. (http://tasvideos.org/2928M.html.) Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! (http://tasvideos.org/2001M.html) Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Experienced player (765)
Joined: 12/20/2009
Posts: 120
ktwo wrote:
- In room 35, was it really faster to create a block at L4 (L - column and 4 - row) ? - In room 44, wouldn't it be faster to create a block at B11 ?
I tried again right now. In room 35, it was 2frames faster and 10-game time better than not creating there. In room 44, I didn't know how to clear the stage if I don't create a block at B11. Is B11 next to mirror? Well, I watched speedrun of this game today. Maybe ドアラー is a player who made it on nicovideo.
Post subject: Re: Encode is up ^_^ (SD of course)
Experienced player (765)
Joined: 12/20/2009
Posts: 120
Velitha wrote:
YES vote from me, about time to see the last famtasia movie finally fall ^_^ Direct Linky Archive.org Linky DailyMotion Linky Also I'm not big on HD encodes, nor do I have access to an uncapped youtube account, so if somebody else wants to handle HD I would be OK with it.
Thanks for encoding! And I added my youtube-video. But this isn't HD.
Skilled player (1650)
Joined: 11/15/2004
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Location: Killjoy
Nice job putting an end to famtasia. Yes vote.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
Joined: 5/17/2008
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Location: Virginia
I just have to vote Yes on this. I loved it.
adelikat wrote:
It started off fairly tame, but as more balls entered the picture it sure got a lot more entertaining.
Joined: 4/3/2005
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Location: Spain
I liked it, and some level paths where pretty original and unexpected. Great to see famtasia put to a rest.
Active player (250)
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Posts: 114
agwawaf wrote:
ktwo wrote:
- In room 35, was it really faster to create a block at L4 (L - column and 4 - row) ? - In room 44, wouldn't it be faster to create a block at B11 ?
I tried again right now. In room 35, it was 2frames faster and 10-game time better than not creating there. In room 44, I didn't know how to clear the stage if I don't create a block at B11. Is B11 next to mirror? Well, I watched speedrun of this game today. Maybe ドアラー is a player who made it on nicovideo.
Thanks for taking the time to try out room 35. There seems to be some confusion about room 44. I'm not sure I understand your answer, so I'll try to rephrase myself instead. B11 is one square to the right and one up from the mirror. And to be perfectly clear. B is the second column from the left and 11 is the 11th row from the top. If it's still unclear, let me know. My question was whether creating a block in that space would save time ? The only decent speedrun on nicovideos that I'm aware of is http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm1091455 (rts). Was that the video you were watching ? My web browser's search function could at least not find "ドアラー" on that page.
Joined: 3/18/2006
Posts: 81
Location: Finland
I liked the test run already and I was already going to vote yes. Now I saw this improvement from test run and I found that it was even more entertaining. I liked the new fireball management especially. Also, it's great to have improved version of this run that can be watched with fceux instead of oldish famtasia :) Here goes Yes vote!
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15452
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1795] NES Solomon's Key "best ending" by agwawaf in 25:09.58
Experienced player (765)
Joined: 12/20/2009
Posts: 120
ktwo wrote:
There seems to be some confusion about room 44. I'm not sure I understand your answer, so I'll try to rephrase myself instead. B11 is one square to the right and one up from the mirror. And to be perfectly clear. B is the second column from the left and 11 is the 11th row from the top. If it's still unclear, let me know. My question was whether creating a block in that space would save time ? The only decent speedrun on nicovideos that I'm aware of is http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm1091455 (rts). Was that the video you were watching ? My web browser's search function could at least not find "ドアラー" on that page.
I tried that. Not creating there is 9frames faster than creating there. Well, I watched another video. I had never seen video you tell me. thanks.
Banned User
Joined: 3/10/2004
Posts: 7698
Location: Finland
This movie seems to have gone unusually unnoticed regardless of having a long history (one of the oldest TASes in the site) and the obsoletion having symbolical significance (last famtasia run to be obsoleted). Just a few votes, and only one rating. I think it's a pity. It should deserve more attention.