FractalFusion: It is not known if required, but to sync the movie, you should set the firmware (Config -> Firmware Settings) as follows:
 Nickname: mtvf1
 Message: DeSmuME makes TAS!
 Favourite Color [sic]: Dark Green
 Birth Month: May
 Birthday: 10
 Language: English
The information is stored in the movie file, but the emulator will not do it for you.

This is a nico's comparison someone did it. Compare to my marco's run.
[dead link removed]

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: desmume-0.9.7 with Advanced Bus Timing ON
  • Manipulate luck
  • Hard mode
  • Uses death to save time
Suggest: Before you watch this tas, you could see Marco’s run first.
Encode is here, who can help me upload it to the youtube?

Compare to my Marco’s run

Title2121Unknown reason. Perhaps “Eri” be read is shorter than “Marco”.
1_boss316793Death once, cost 0 frames. Just do like Marco’s run, use the falling down soldier hit 1_6 400 and 1_7 600. No prisoner saved 28frames.
2_part12131006Success against last soldier appears twice.
2_part3271185Though improved 27frames, unknown reason let me lost 4 frames in the middle of this part.
2_boss341219Use 1bomb in the armor. Reduce 1 prisoner saved 7f.
3_part22281599Don’t beat last spider, beat helicopter first. Death once, cost 0f.
3_boss5032160Eri’s bombs are very useful. Reduce 3 prisoners saved 21f, but unknown reason cost me 4f after mission completed.
4_boss1532823Bombs power, but F’s power is a little smaller. Reduce 2 prisoners saved 14f.
5_boss883125Boss battle save 72f. It should be saved 76f, but I meet the frame delay. Reduce 2 prisoners saved 14f, but unknown reason helps me save 2f after mission completed.
6_part12123337Eri died to change to Tarma, but it cost 57f. Tarma death once cost 32f.
6_part3-473327Too bad. Tarma death once cost 78f in all, but this is the best place to die.
6_part41423469After accurately calculate, walk 14f and then jump is fastest.
6_boss5324001Thanks Tarma. Help me saved 501f. Reduce 5 prisoners saved 35f, but unknown reason cost me 4f after mission completed.
7_part12294230Good job, Tarma. Your mission has completed. Change back to Eri, this death cost 24f.
7_part25564786Success against one robot appears. And use through-rock glitch once. Beat boss7mirror saved 152f.
7_part32905076Use through-rock glitch.
7_boss10826158Die twice, use the last 2 lives, cost 0f. Beat tentacles saved 144f. Leave 80bombs to hit final boss head. Eri is not Marco, so I should let boss get down. The best choice is boss fire cannon 3times, but I never success no mater how I try. Maybe boss doesn’t do it at first hit. In fact, this run’s type is well, too. Save 944f, but boss dying at the side. It cost 49f after boss over. So only saved 895f. No prisoner saved 42f, unknown reason cost 1f, sign name at the end saved 2f.
Note: reduce one prisoner can save 7frames. No prisoner is equal to one prisoner.


Cannon glitch. When a soldier and a machine are superposing, cannon can make double 400dmg to the machine. 2soldier and one machine can make treble 600dmg to the machine. I call it "cannon glitch". Because cannon can through the soldier and not through the machine, soldier's damage is added to the machine. Then you can see the soldier with blood and hear a short scream. It is widely used in mission1's boss battle. But I don't know why a cannon damage 1_6 400 and 1_7 600.
Through rock. When mission1or7’s falling stone near the ground, you can go through it safely. It’s used in mission7 twice.

BossHP Data

Boss1HP 12000, 1_1 HP1200, 1_2 to 1_7 HP600.
(Only need to destroy 7 parts.)
Boss2HP 8000
(When boss hands are together, it’s a chance to make double damage. So it's the best chance to throw the machine. 3 of 5 machine dmg 800(3 is the max), another 2 dmg 400. Total 3200)
Boss3top 4000, boss3body 4000, 3_top_lefthand 700, 3_top_righthand 700
(Hands are belong to top. when head appear, Z can make double damage. But in my run, 500 is max)
Boss4HP 8000
Boss5tank HP2000, Boss5head HP2000, Boss5air HP1600
Boss6HP 5000
(Don't try to use robot's hands to hit Mr. "See you in hell". It can make him be invisible for a long time)
Boss7mirror HP3500
Boss7final HP10000, every tentacle HP2000, 6 tentacles in all
(Every tentacle is made up of some parts, so use S or Z can make double or treble dmg, and bomb can make double dmg. The 2nd 4th and 6th tentacles can randomize bomb, H, R, 2H)

Power Data

GUN POWER AMMO (AMMO: Ralf×0.5, Fio×1.5, Fio not include grenades; Eri grenades×2)
Handgun 10 ∞ (Marco 20)
Knife 30 ∞ (Ralf’s knife can hit machine)
Kick 30 ∞ (only damage the enemies which can be used knife, e.g. soldier and mission7's robot)
Spring punch 30 ∞ (Ralf’s punch 30, superpunch 45)
H 10 200
Big H 15 200
2H 10 300 (every 4frames 2shot)
L 2×8 200 (every 2frames 8dmg, 4frames 1shot)
R 30 30
C 30 40
D 30 30
I 30 30
G 100 20
F (20+1×n)/2frames 30 (Flame shot include main flame and range flame. Main flame 20, range flame base on pixel)
S 200 30
Big S 300 30
T 10×n/2frames 20 (n is thunder's effective length)
Z 100×3 10
Bomb 100 10
G D Bomb's smoke 1/2frames (only damage the enemies which can be used knife)
C I R’s smoke 15/2frames (only damage the enemies which can be used knife)
Fire 80 10
Fire's smoke 15/2frames (Fire and its smoke can’t damage the same machine.)
Fire’s flame 15 (throw on the ground, every flame 15)
Prisoner’s energy blast 10 ∞
Vulcan 10 ∞ (Tarma 15)
Thrown machine 400
Mission1 Metalslug's cannon 200 10
Mission1 danger detonator ∞
Mission2 artillery's cannon 200 ∞
Mission2 bossbattle's missile 100
Mission3 small robot’s hand 30
Mission3&4 armor's cannon 200 10
Mission4 cannon’s flame 15(throw on the ground, every flame 15)
Mission4 falling tank 1000/2frames
Mission4 blast machine 10 (after be thrown, range: all screen, only damage the enemies which can be used knife)
Mission6 robot's cannon 10/2frames 10
robot's hands 250/2frames
robot's legs 3000/2frames ( jump and trample, but can’t damage boss)
Mission1&7 falling stone 16/2frames (use it to beat mission7's robots)
Mission7 plane's missile 200 10
Falling helicopter and plane 10/2frames (only damage the enemies which can be used knife)
I'm sure BigR BigF BigL don’t appear in this game, but using cheat can see their picture. Maybe they have 1.5 times power like BigH and BigS. (In metalslugXX, BigR and BigL can be found, but it still hasn’t BigF.)

The Used Characters

There are 6 characters in this game. Every chars own the different skills.
Marco Rossi
A balanced soldier who is the best at handling the handgun.
(handgun's power 20. good skill)
Eri Kasamoto
Excellent with explosives, particularly hand grenades. She provides support to comrades, surrounding the enemies with explosions and smoke.
(Doubles supply of grenades. Can throw 8 directions and bombs’ speed is faster than others. good skill)
Ralf Jones
Incredibly fast with close equators combat. He carries little ammo, but can take down enemies with a single punch.
(Half ammo... but punch and knife can damage the enemies' machine, and one life can revive once. bad skill)
Clark Still The mastery of throwing skills. He is a specialist capable of tossing aside legions of foes one after the other.
(when throwing the soldier, he can be invisible for a while. bad skill)
Tarma Roving
The most skilled with tanks and fighter planes. He can take down the enemies with devastating firepower.
(Vulcan's power 15. Holding Y can lock the direction of Vulcan and auto-fire. good skill)
Fio Germi
Carries a large amount of ammo and has a very heavy fire barrage. Can pierce any armor regardless of thickness.
(1.5 times of ammo. good skill, but not very useful in tasing...)
In his run, I used Eri and Tarma. In MS7, if make death, I can use 3 different Characters. (3 credits can use 3 characters, 1 credit has 3 lives)
Mission1: After my test, I’m sure Eri is best, but she is only a little faster than Marco. What about Tarma? In fact, his Vulcan is not very useful, because it still need to wait soldiers jump out.
Mission2: Tarma or Eri , but Tarma is only little faster than Marco(Maybe slower than Marco, I haven’t tested), because it still needs to wait boss2’s hands together.
Mission3: Eri is best, because she can die easily at 2nd scene to get 20 bombs. It’s enough to beat boss, and only Eri’s bomb can damage boss3top, therefore she can use Z and F. Z hit boss3body (when head appear, Z can make double damage. But in my run, 500 is max), bombs and F hit boss3top.
Mission4: I’m not sure, maybe Eri or maybe Fio. Marco need save bomb to hit boss, but Eri has enough bombs, no need to save, and she can jump and throw bombs down. Fio has 15 Z, 4500 dmg in all.
Mission5: Eri is best. Only Eri’s bomb can hit boss3air at first time.
Mission6: Tarma is best. Tarma drive robot VS Mr. “See you in hell”.
Mission7: Eri is best. Eri can get 5 bomb boxes (2 from prisoners, 3 from tentacles), so she can get 60 bombs more than others (if use death, will get more). Eri’s bombs can hit finalboss’s head easily.
So I think the best choice is: mission1 to mission5 use Eri. Mission1 die once for getting bombs to beat boss, and mission3 die once again. Mission6 die to change to Tarma. Mission6 Tarma searches the chance to die twice. Mission7 die to change back to Eri before get first bomb box.
If no death, I think Eri is the best choice, Marco 2nd, Fio 3rd, Tarma 4th, Clark 5th, Ralf 6th.

About Super Change(main Marco’s run)

Every Character can equip 2 different guns, and pass R to change guns. It is different to MetalSlug1~5. I named it super change. Super change is only used in handgun (2H) ↔ other gun.

When stand or in the air:

Using super change can make power up and get other effect. For example, Marco gets H: If only use H, every 8frames 2shot, 10+10=20 power in all. If use super change, pass YYRRYYRRYYRR..., every 8frames 2shot, 10+20=30 power in all. So when use H, only Marco has power up, others only save ammo. If Marco gets R, (30+20)/8 → 250/40, it has the same effect of others S+handgun's super change(S 200dmg every 40frames a shot).
Different guns have the different effect under the super change.
R C I D G need to wait a few frames to shoot. If pass YY--YY, 2 bullets will be shoot, but if use super change, pass YYRR--RRYYRR or YYRRYY(handgun)RRYYRR, the 2nd one will appear early(e.g. mission2 use G). It only applies to get one gun or turn to handgun, e.g.: RtoHANDtoR, or RtoHANDtoC, can’t apply to RtoC or ItoD. RtoC has the same effect of R passing YY--YY.
(If Marco is beside the foe's machine and got R, every 8frames a shot 30/8. Super change: every 8frames 2shot 50/8. )
S and F need to wait lots of frames to shoot 2nd one, but use superchange, it don't need to wait large time. e.g.: S every 40frames 1shot, use superchange 38frames 1shot (maybe less than 38).
L is special. With super change, the power is equal to use L continually add other gun's power. So if use L and handgun, the real power is (2×8+2×8+20)/8=52/8. It's used in mission7.
Bomb likes R C D G. If get a gun, pass AARRAARR, the 2nd bomb appear early. And you can pass AARRYYRRYYRRAA, use guns and bombs freedom.

When squatting:

Couldn't use YYRRYYRR to super change. Because when othergun to handgun, characters can’t shoot for a while, but can use bomb. You should use (VY)(VY)(<VR)(<VR)(V>Y)(V>Y)(<VR)(<VR), it's same effect to stand.
If you have R C D I G, you can use (VY)(VY)(<V)(<V)(V>Y)(V>Y)(<V)(<V). Every 4frames 1shot, is faster than super change.
L shouldn’t be used it, because reduce power.

Gun change

All guns turn to handgun and 2H, or handgun 2H H L turn to all guns can’t cost frames. (Superchange)
F S T to othergun will cost some frames. So it should be changed to handgun or 2H first.
R C D I G to F S T will cost few frames. It’s equal to RtoC or DtoG.
StoF or FtoT or Sto(otherguns)toS need to wait lots of frames. TtoS or Tto_toT need to wait some frames.
Because handgun and 2H have the different pictures (superchange), and other guns used the same picture (not superchange). But H and L autofire, is superchange.
Z is not gun. It has the same effect as knife.

DarkKobold: This run had poor feedback, so I am rejecting. It should be noted that every negative feedback posted was due to the use of death in this run. Given the user feedback from previous Metal Slug submissions, as well as this one, it should be clear that it will be difficult to get a Metal Slug run published that uses death.

adelikat: Unrejecting this submission for consideration into the Vault tier

adelikat: Accepting for publication to the Vault
feos: publication underway.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #3310: mtvf1's DS Metal Slug 7 in 21:27.77
Skilled player (1249)
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It's surprising. And I am waiting for someday that I can do a 2-player run for this game. But the death deeply kill the entertainment in Metal Slug. So I don't want to vote on this. For the voters of Metal Slug 1 and X,I think viewers would like to see a no death run better. Because this is not an Arcade game,but the death looks stupid.So I have no idea about how to vote. If I must vote,I will vote no,but I retain my vote. And there are some tricks you didn't use in this movie. Oh the Big H and S's power are greater.And L is worse? I know L in the MS X 3 4 can do 80 damage by 4 bullets and also 2 frame for 8 damage. Edit:For the first run of this game,I decide to vote yes on this run but not on the Marco's
Do the work.
Former player
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Posts: 95
There is no 2-player mode on the DS game. Metal Slug XX has two-player but that is on PSP.
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Therealssjlink wrote:
There is no 2-player mode on the DS game. Metal Slug XX has two-player but that is on PSP.
Yes,I was just waiting for that.
Do the work.
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X2poet wrote:
But the death deeply kill the entertainment in Metal Slug. So I don't want to vote on this. For the voters of Metal Slug 1 and X,I think viewers would like to see a no death run better. Because this is not an Arcade game,but the death looks stupid.So I have no idea about how to vote.
Switching between two characters is better than using only one in my opinion, even at the cost of credits and continues.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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Youtube here. Thanks to mtvf1 for the encode. You may also wish to get mtvf1's encode. To encoders: As far as I know, the run is essentially 30fps gameplay in 60fps video. So don't bother with TASBlend.
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klmz wrote:
X2poet wrote:
But the death deeply kill the entertainment in Metal Slug. So I don't want to vote on this. For the voters of Metal Slug 1 and X,I think viewers would like to see a no death run better. Because this is not an Arcade game,but the death looks stupid.So I have no idea about how to vote.
Switching between two characters is better than using only one in my opinion, even at the cost of credits and continues.
So I wish to play it by using Marco and Eri together in XX. This is not an arcade game,so it is unnecessary to challenge the rule that not allows continue in arcade games.
Do the work.
Joined: 8/24/2005
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Okay, never played this game, but it looked surprisingly decent for a later Metal Slug game. Gonna have to check it out when I get my flashcard. I don't really know what I like the concept of having two weapons to switch between in Metal Slug, but the weapon juggling in this run was pretty entertaining. If only the announcer didn't have to say the name of the weapon every time you change... That was the good. Now for the bad. The grenade-replenishing deaths I could have considered fine, because the rest of the run around them was entertaining, and even though I thought they looked bad (Metal Slug TASs should really be done deathless), they seemed to be in places where they didn't really cost any time. It's when you die for the third time and use a continue that the entire run falls apart. It's not technically an arcade game, no, but it's still Metal Slug, it's still obviously meant to invoke the feel of the arcade games (in the palm of your hand! No, wait, that was the advertising tagline for some toy. I forgot which one). No matter the system it's actually being played on, continues in Metal Slug is still an inexcusable thing. A shame, too, because the first 13 minutes were good. Thus, going to have to vote no, for the same reasons I voted no on that first Metal Slug X submission. Going to check out your other run later today. No Death sounds promising.
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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I just watched it. I didn't mind that deaths were used. Voted Yes.
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KennyMan666 wrote:
It's when you die for the third time and use a continue that the entire run falls apart. It's not technically an arcade game, no, but it's still Metal Slug, it's still obviously meant to invoke the feel of the arcade games (in the palm of your hand! No, wait, that was the advertising tagline for some toy. I forgot which one). No matter the system it's actually being played on, continues in Metal Slug is still an inexcusable thing. A shame, too, because the first 13 minutes were good.
Don't care about that, It's only named 'continue'. In fact, I have 9 lives in all, and can use 3 different Characters before gameover.
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Kept watching, just to see the rest... all of Tarma's deaths looked really, really bad. And then the second continue, making it even worse. Essentially, if it weren't for the continues, this would have been a good run. You don't have nine lives, you have three lives. You game over twice in this run. It's just like if you were playing at an arcade and put in three coins before starting. Still having high hopes in the deathless run, if only Youtube could stop being an ass.
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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KennyMan666 wrote:
Kept watching, just to see the rest... all of Tarma's deaths looked really, really bad. And then the second continue, making it even worse. Essentially, if it weren't for the continues, this would have been a good run. You don't have nine lives, you have three lives. You game over twice in this run. It's just like if you were playing at an arcade and put in three coins before starting. Still having high hopes in the deathless run, if only Youtube could stop being an ass.
For the consistency of my Metal Slug run,no death run is acceptable. I changed the target by the argument with you at that time. And 1 X 3 4 A are completed, all of them didn't use death. Due to this run,I don't know what mtvf1 considered,I discussed with him for this for a long time.And he suggested me use death,but I give up. A pure 1 life run in this game looks clear.This make me prefer a no death run. So, if you hope so,I will take it after MS5 complete. I will select Eri and make a no death run,because my previous no death metal slug's run are full of yes vote.
Do the work.
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X2poet wrote:
For the consistency of my Metal Slug run,no death run is acceptable. I changed the target by the argument with you at that time. And 1 X 3 4 A are completed, all of them didn't use death.
While this is inconsistent with your arcade Metal Slug runs, it is consistent with the other published run'n'gun e.g. Contra movies regarding using deaths. EDIT: I might probably make a no-death run if I were to TAS this game, nevertheless am I willing to defend this author's choice of rules-compliant objectives for the first entry of a game.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Active player (439)
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I voted definitely no. I cannot stand the death sequences. They kill the entertainment for me. Otherwise, the run was fairly well made.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 2/6/2011
Posts: 130
AngerFist wrote:
I voted definitely no. I cannot stand the death sequences. They kill the entertainment for me. Otherwise, the run was fairly well made.
Oh no, no, please god, NOT the death drama all over again... really, how many time we've been through this issue (even so far to open a topic just to discuss it)?... Why not focus the vote just on technical merit instead of "I like it because he don't die :3" otherwise we'll get to a discussion again and finish with almost the same comments as always: - Death kills entertainment value - Death can saves frames - Death is another way to cheat because it replenish your grenades with no effort at all - Death is strategy rather than convenience - etc etc etc As for my vote, I'll go with this run rather than Marcos' run due to it being faster and just as fun... And yeah, I won't say my reasons as why death is something good in this run because I don't want to take part on the drama to come.
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Zavalix wrote:
Why not focus the vote just on technical merit instead of "I like it because he don't die :3"
Because it's there, you cannot ignore it or exclude one factor or the other. Tasing is 99% about pure speed, being godlike in every situation and being entertaining as possible. In this case, getting killed takes too long to continue and affects the entertainment in such a way that I have to really vote no. I hate people who vote no without explaining how they reasoned.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 2/6/2011
Posts: 130
AngerFist wrote:
Because it's there, you cannot ignore it or exclude one factor or the other. Tasing is 99% about pure speed, being godlike in every situation and being entertaining as possible. In this case, getting killed takes too long to continue and affects the entertainment in such a way that I have to really vote no. I hate people who vote no without explaining how they reasoned.
Well I could argue the part of "takes too long to continue" but I rather not. I understand and actually I appreciate you actually said why you voted no rather than just doing it and at the end I can't really argue anything because it's YOUR point of view and I simply can't say it's good or bad because it's YOUR view and you (just as me) are part of the general public so yeah your reason is way valid just as anybody else. As always I'm afraid the judge will have the last word on this death vs no death issue.
Skilled player (1334)
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Wow. This is a pretty tight run. All the movements looked precise & the weapon switching adds a whole lot more strategy to the run. I also liked how you used a different character in the latter part of the run. Good show. The only thing that bothered me in the run is that you dont seem to utilize all the resources to their fullest poteintal. Like how you ended up with 10 bombs in the end of Mission 3. Or how you had 5 extra bombs in Mission 4. It really felt like you could have used them all to make the run seem faster. Also, Its faster to jump on the second available frame instead of the first when starting a level. Just a little note when doing any Metal Slug game. In any case, this is a solid Yes vote. Its kinda a bummer to see this already done since I actually had intentions on doing this game though X). But its nice to see this run since ive quit TASing. Nice job for a first run mtvf1!
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Sonikkustar wrote:
The only thing that bothered me in the run is that you dont seem to utilize all the resources to their fullest poteintal. Like how you ended up with 10 bombs in the end of Mission 3. Or how you had 5 extra bombs in Mission 4. It really felt like you could have used them all to make the run seem faster.
I think if Eri die when got Z, it would be better. In mission 4, I can give up H to save 7frames, and use bombs to hit soldiers and motors. But the bombs may be not enough.
Sonikkustar wrote:
Also, Its faster to jump on the second available frame instead of the first when starting a level. Just a little note when doing any Metal Slug game.
You are right. I make a little mistake.But luckily, mission1 need squat at first time, and mission5 need jump at first time. Only mission6and7 cost 8frames in all.
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mtvf1 wrote:
Sonikkustar wrote:
The only thing that bothered me in the run is that you dont seem to utilize all the resources to their fullest poteintal. Like how you ended up with 10 bombs in the end of Mission 3. Or how you had 5 extra bombs in Mission 4. It really felt like you could have used them all to make the run seem faster.
I think if Eri die when got Z, it would be better. In mission 4, I can give up H to save 7frames, and use bombs to hit soldiers and motors. But the bombs may be not enough.
Sonikkustar wrote:
Also, Its faster to jump on the second available frame instead of the first when starting a level. Just a little note when doing any Metal Slug game.
You are right. I make a little mistake.But luckily, mission1 need squat at first time, and mission5 need jump at first time. Only mission6and7 cost 8frames in all.
Practically, I recommend attempting all of these possible improvements especially about resource management before whatever decision will be made on this submission.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Joined: 6/23/2009
Posts: 2227
Location: Georgia, USA
I watched both this and the Marco run, and I prefer this one. Now that I know how strong Eri is with grenades, I like the use of deaths here. I do think it looked sloppy with Tarma, but it's not enough to dissuade my Yes vote, given how brutally quickly the final battles went (especially compared to the Marco run). I'm voting Yes.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Editor, Expert player (2124)
Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 3295
I've looked at this run twice. I found the 8 deaths as completely out of place in a game like this. In addition, 4 of them stall the game for about 3 seconds each. In my opinion, this is unfortunate, especially since there seem to be improvements over the other run that are independent of the decision to use death here. The ability to switch characters twice does not pay off, seeing that the only thing that happens is Tarma appearing for less than one stage worth of action. This run is too similar to the no deaths run to warrant publishing them both. I'm voting no.
klmz wrote:
Practically, I recommend attempting all of these possible improvements especially about resource management before whatever decision will be made on this submission.
In a 40K+ rerecord submission on a Metal Slug game, I don't think that attempting improvements to a submission is either logical or desirable, unless a new version will be made in any case.
Editor, Experienced player (529)
Joined: 11/8/2010
Posts: 4051
This run looks very optimized, but the deaths break the flow of the run and drop entertainment value. I think the Marco run should be published instead. No vote.
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (2172)
Joined: 5/22/2007
Posts: 1134
Location: Glitchvania
FractalFusion wrote:
In a 40K+ rerecord submission on a Metal Slug game, I don't think that attempting improvements to a submission is either logical or desirable, unless a new version will be made in any case.
~33.92 rerecords/sec is a bit low in my opinion, but I can understand yours. As to which of the two branch of the runs of the game to accept, I'm not sure whether "Marco" is a preferred "suboptimal character", but other characters look more interesting.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Joined: 10/1/2008
Posts: 2816
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om, nom, nom... minty!