Merry Christmas TASVideos! This is our improvement of 1367 frames, or ~22 seconds over the previous run.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Snes9x 1.43 v17
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Uses death to save time


This run has taken us a few months and we found many more improvements than we initially thought was possible. If you wish to enjoy the movie to the fullest we suggest you watch before reading ahead.

New Tricks

Chuck-Eat Glitch
This glitch was discovered by nathanisbored. The glitch abused the fact that chucks erroneously have the "Give Power-Up when eaten by Yoshi" bit set. Watching sprite table $7E:167A shows this. Thus, when we eat a chuck, we get something strange in our reserve box or a crash. When we eat a Clappin' Chuck as Fire Mario, it produces a goal sphere in reserve. Other chucks with other power-up statuses give other strange results but these aren't relevant.

Level comments

Level comments in (brackets) are over our previous smv, which is for the same submission but replaced 07/01/12 (dd/mm/yy)

Yoshi's Island 2 (4)

ISM suggested an idea of losing subpixels in order to perform additional corner boosts in this level. These are lost early in the level when 6/5ing. We perform 2 additional corner boosts. Then it became clear that performing one more boost would cause the goal to spawn a frame earlier; we managed a corner clip on a pipe near the end, which is set up via the corner boosts.
Lag is reduced at the goal too, by landing further to the left it seems. Lag is temperamental in this area.

Yoshi's Island 3 (27)

Many frames are saved on the duplications due to PangaeaPanga. Improvement of the sky level is taken from ISM's 96-exit wip.

Yoshi's Island 1 (-2559)

For information on the Item Swap glitch, please see the previous movie's comments.
Many optimization improvements occurred in this level. The aim of yi1 is to eat the Clappin' Chuck as fire mario by using the item-swap glitch; this yields a Goal Point Question Sphere, sprite 4A. We have two strategies to perform this. The first one (smv) is to collect a sprite coin from Jumping Piranha Plant while it is on Yoshi's tongue. We burn the Piranha Plant with Yoshi flames from the red shell near the midpoint. We turn the Piranha Plant into a coin, then collect it while it is on Yoshi's tongue. This triggers an item-swap. This strategy might be thought to be very fast, but because of bad placement of the Piranha Plant and the Clappin' Chuck, it costs a lot of time to die. The second one, which we've chosen in our run, is to fill sprite slots by dropping four resereved powerups and then use the fifth reserved powerup to item-swap. This strategy has an advantage, that we can die with no cost of time, but it costs a little time to collect powerups and we also had to R-Scroll.
(Until recently, these strategies matched after heavy optimization. But thanks to insight from regnum0nline (Dawn), 8 frames were gained for the latter strategy. This idea involved 49 hopping most of the way.)

Yoshi's Island 4 (-2559)

No change.

Iggy's Castle (1287)

The large portion of the improvement in this run happens here. The Goal Point Question Sphere we acquired from Yoshi's Island 1 is used.

Donut Plains 1 (1287)

No change.

Donut Secret 1 (1291)

Just before the first pipe entry, speed oscillation is changed from 17¨15 to 17¨16, which saves a subpixel and hence a frame. In addition, this enables us to beat the frame rule of sprite interaction so we can hit the red koopa a few pixels further to the right as it is unnecessary to slow down and it saves another frame.
To reduce key entry lag, we hit the sleeping fish to the left, with no loss of time thanks to the timing of cape spin.
(A frame is lost due to level transition lag.)

Donut Secret House (1290)

(A frame is lost due to level transition lag.)

Star Warp (1292)

We beat the frame rule of star warp and gain 4 frames on previous movie.
Related addresses:
  • $7E0013: In-Game Frame Counter
  • $7E1F19: Mario's Y Position in OW (2 bytes)
  • $7E1DF7: Star Warp speed
  • $7E1DF8: Star Warp Rotating Timer
OW transition starts as soon as $7E1F19 hits a certain value or less, and warp speed increments depending on the in-game frame counter, or more precisely, it increments when the value of the counter modulo 8 equals 1. So the star warp has a frame rule whose cycle is 8 frames long. Due to its strange behaviour, beating just a half of its cycle may save a frame , and hence the other half 7 frames.

Star World 1 (1296)

New optimization idea of smashola saves 4 frames. This gives us glitchy colours in this level, also.
(A frame is lost from level transition lag.)
Delaying key entry by 2 frames may remove 2 frames of lag.

Star World 2 (1296)

No change.
Delaying key entry by 4 frames may remove 2 frames of lag.

Star World 3 (1296)

No change.

Star World 4 (1302)

By platform boosting at the beginning, we gain some subpixels allowing us to corner clip once more. This saves us a frame. At the keyhole we reduce lag.
(A frame is gained from level transition lag.)
Delaying key entry by 3 frames may remove 2 frames of lag.

Star Warp (1302)

We managed to beat just the whole cycle of the frame rule, which means no time is lost due to the frame rule. If this was not the case, we could sacrifice a few in-game frames, in such a way we would end up losing no time after star warp, to remove lag frames. We were previously on this plan, but the new sw4 improvement finally enabled us to beat the frame rule and this old plan became useless.

Bowser (1367)

A new innovative method involving manipulating Bowser phases allows us to end input much earlier. We can reset a long counter during a phase by hitting Bowser at an appropriate time. For example in the second phase, by hitting Bowser as he begins his routine to drop a Big Steelie, we can avoid this and instead have him throw Mechakoopas on next round. Addresses 7E14B0-7E14B9 are important in this.
The credits would never be triggered by goal spheres being used at any places of Bowsers Castle. It only puts Mario to the overworld.


  • Mister thanks #TASers and pirohiko
  • #tasvideos
  • amaurea and gocha for their helpful Lua scripts
  • nathanisbored for finding Chuck-Eat glitch
  • ISM for some ideas used in this run
Thanks for your patience while we worked on this! Enjoy.

Translation into Japanese - 対訳

この対訳は Mister (Mr.) によるものです。ところどころ私の主観が入っています。


  • 使用したエミュレータ:Snes9x 1.43 v17
  • 最速を目指す
  • プログラムエラーを悪用する
  • 時間短縮のための死亡を許す




このバグは nathanisbored によって発見されました。このバグは「ヨッシーがブルを食べるとパワーアップとして認識される」という(誤って設定されたであろう)仕様を利用したものです。本来食べることのできないブルを口寄せバグ等によって食べると、マリオのパワーアップ状態が変化したり、本来想定されていないストックアイテムが得られたりします。この動画では、ファイアマリオで手拍子ブルを食べることで、ゴール玉(ラムネ海溝の沈没船のゴール)をストックしています。



ヨースター島コース2 (4)

ISM のアイディアをもとにした二つの変更点があります。ひとつは、ゴール口寄せ直前での挙動の最適化、もうひとつは、コーナーブースト等を可能にするために数サブピクセルを犠牲にするというものです。ISM によると「コーナーブーストを2回追加することはできても、ゴールを1フレーム早く出現させるには1サブピクセルだけ足りない」とのことだったので、更に数サブピクセルの犠牲を払い、土管での角抜けを1回追加し、1フレームの短縮につなげました。ヨッシーが居ればこのタイプの角抜けが出来るというのは、この時点ではまだ誰も知らなかったようです(もちろん私も)。

ヨースター島コース3 (27)

PangaeaPanga の妥協のない最適化によって、ブロック増殖部分が大幅に短縮されました。今回はヨースター島コース1でヨッシーを使うため、ここで捨てずに持ち越します。翼を取ったあとの空の面では、ISM の全クリ TAS を参考にしています。

ヨースター島コース1 (-2559)

検証の結果、このふたつの方法はまったく同じ速さになると思われていましたが、regnum0nline (Dawn) の最適化案により、ふたつ目の方法が8フレーム速くなると結論付けられました。彼のアイディアは草陰のキノコ以降慣性移動するというものです。

ヨースター島コース4 (-2559)


ヨースター島の城 (1287)


ドーナツ平野コース1 (1287)


ドーナツ平野秘密のコース1 (1290)


ドーナツ平野の隠れ屋敷 (1289)


スターワープ (1292)

  • $7E0013:ゲーム内フレームカウンタ
  • $7E1F19:マップ画面でのマリオのY座標
  • $7E1DF7:スターワープ時のマリオの速度
  • $7E1Df8:スターワープ時のマリオの回転タイマー
ワープによるマップ移動は $7E1F19 が特定の値以下になったときに始まります。また、ワープ速度はゲーム内フレームカウンタに依存して1から4まで増加します。より正確には、カウンタの値を8で割った余りが1のとき、ワープ速度が増加します。つまりスターワープは8フレーム周期のフレームルールを持っていることになります。一方でスターワープは少し変わった挙動をするので、周期のちょうど半分、4フレームだけ短縮した場合、ワープ後の更新量は1フレームあるいは7フレームとなります。1フレームの場合は更に4フレーム短縮すると残りの7フレームが更新されます。逆もまたしかりです。

ネイティブスターコース1 (1296)

前記録ではマリオの押し出し判定のフレームルールが合わず、このコースに入るのを1フレーム遅らせていましたが、今回はそれを回避することができました。コース内では smashola の新最適化案により、4フレーム短縮しています。また、クリア後のマップ読み込みで1フレームロスしています。

ネイティブスターコース2 (1296)


ネイティブスターコース3 (1296)


ネイティブスターコース4 (1301)

コース内に入るときのマップ読み込みで1フレーム更新。bahamete によるリフト加速のアイディアに、改良型角抜けを追加することで1フレーム短縮。リフト加速のみや、通常の角抜けを追加するだけでは、次の角抜けにつながらず、短縮には至りませんでした。改良型角抜けとは、角抜け中に数サブピクセル犠牲にすることで、ブースト回数を増やし、結果的に通常の角抜けよりも数サブピクセル分のアドバンテージを得るための方法です。また、鍵の挿し込みを最適化して2フレーム短縮し、鍵穴エフェクトのラグも1フレーム軽減しています。

スターワープ (1302)


クッパ城入り口 (1367)


DarkKobold: Judging.

DarkKobold: This run will obsolete the current any%. We will not be changing the branch name.
DarkKobold:Delaying submission while the authors improve the movie. And you only thought it happened to Mario in 3 dimensions.

DarkKobold: Verified and replaced, setting back to accepted. Nice new bowser fight. This run will obsolete the current any%. We will not be changing the branch name.

Expert player (2766)
Joined: 12/23/2007
Posts: 850
Finally my waiting time is over, nice improvements indeed! And the Bowser Battle looks way better than before. To all the TASers who have been working on this project, I'm forever grateful, and good luck to you in 2012!
Recent projects: SMB warpless TAS (2018), SMB warpless walkathon (2019), SMB something never done before (2019), Extra Mario Bros. (best ending) (2020).
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15976
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1944] SNES Super Mario World "warps" by bahamete, kaizoman666, Mister & PangaeaPanga in 09:57.82
Editor, Experienced player (529)
Joined: 11/8/2010
Posts: 4055
The publication text says "This movie sets a new record by beating the previous movie by 22.68 seconds". Does that make this movie worthy of the "Notable improvement" flag?
Editor, Experienced player (560)
Joined: 12/24/2009
Posts: 1873
I don't think. I know there are movies that have over 1 minute improvements that don't have it. But maybe for SMW there's an exception; I dunno.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
Site Developer, Expert player (2062)
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NitroGenesis wrote:
I don't think. I know there are movies that have over 1 minute improvements that don't have it.
I don't think that the amount of time it saves should be the only factor for this flag. I think it deserves that flag because it uses a death and plays a completely new level to skip another. So basically a revolutionary strategy that wasn't used in any of the previous runs.
Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)
Joined: 11/3/2013
Posts: 506
NitroGenesis wrote:
I don't think. I know there are movies that have over 1 minute improvements that don't have it.
Just because other movies don't have the Major Improvement icon doesn't mean they shouldn't! Two reasons I think this movie deserves the icon. 1) what Masterjun said, 2) it is also to do with how big a saving this obsoletion makes in comparison to previous obsoletions. Most of the obsoletions of SMW took off maybe a second from the previous version, so 25 seconds is huge.
Editor, Experienced player (529)
Joined: 11/8/2010
Posts: 4055
Good points, I agree. Thanks for all your input. I've added the flag so the icon should appear next to the movie's star icon now.
Joined: 12/29/2007
Posts: 489
Bumping this to bring the current discussion over the branch name to a more relevant thread. Basically, as Masterjun brilliantly demonstrated in his April Fools' submission, the branch name "11 exits" simply doesn't work. Taken literally, it means to beat the game while completing 11 exits. And this movie obviously isn't the fastest way to do that, nor would anyone want the currently faster movie to obsolete this one. So it's the branch name that needs to change. "No arbitrary code execution" is out; that still allows the previous Yoshi's Island 3 credits glitch movie to obsolete this movie. "No memory corruption" is out for obvious reasons; this movie most definitely corrupts some memory. So what should it be? Whatever it is, it should probably include "no arbitrary code execution" as part of its name, as once you allow ACE, you can pretty much do whatever you want as you have complete control over the game. I mentioned in another thread that I'd prefer "no ACE, beats Bowser" as that most clearly demonstrates what the movie must accomplish. "No ACE, 11 exits" is less clean.
Expert player (2769)
Joined: 10/12/2011
Posts: 6514
Location: The land down under.
I agree with your point but... You must think as a person who has never seen a TAS of SMW or doesn't have any understanding about the different branches. Keeping it at "11 exits" is technically one of the "last resorts" but this is only because no-one was able to think of anything better. To me (someone will laugh at this) "11 exits" means that he completes 11 levels in that set time, but upon closer inspection when watching it back it's really defeating Bowser. "beatsdefeats Bowser" Shouldn't be classified as a branch as the other TASes beat Bowser and then we have conflict with a form branch naming. I will agree with you that it is better than "11 exits" but then we would have to think about other TASes and their poor branch namings. This is why no-one has thought of a proper approach to deciding on a clear branch for this game (as a theory). Edit: Like it hasn't been skimmed over elsewhere. Oh right.... link.... here.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Post subject: Any new progress on this branch?
Joined: 12/19/2007
Posts: 40
Is anyone working on this branch now? The RTA now beats this speedrun, since it uses a Lakutu cloud (glitch) to beat Bowser much more quickly. (It saves like 50+ seconds.) Also, there are faster routes through YI2 and YI3--the RTA is faster on both of those, too. Since the TAS is around 2 seconds faster on most of the other levels, I'd guess that a new one could beat the RTA by a minute or more, which would also beat this run by over a minute. Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong thread. The general thread seems to be about people asking for help with various speed runs, and I saw no mention of any WIP for this branch. (Thought it is really long.)
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Active player (267)
Joined: 4/15/2010
Posts: 199
Location: England
trlky wrote:
Is anyone working on this branch now? The RTA now beats this speedrun, since it uses a Lakutu cloud (glitch) to beat Bowser much more quickly. (It saves like 50+ seconds.) Also, there are faster routes through YI2 and YI3--the RTA is faster on both of those, too. Since the TAS is around 2 seconds faster on most of the other levels, I'd guess that a new one could beat the RTA by a minute or more, which would also beat this run by over a minute. Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong thread. The general thread seems to be about people asking for help with various speed runs, and I saw no mention of any WIP for this branch. (Thought it is really long.)
Every single level in our TAS is still faster than the RTA. (Except Bowser). I don't know why you think yi2 and yi3 are faster. We've discussed to death whether we should introduce this glitch to the any% branch, to which is the answer is essentially no. No SMW TASers want to. As far as we're concerned it falls under ACE category.
Retired smw-96, smw any%
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Joined: 12/19/2007
Posts: 40
bahamete wrote:
Every single level in our TAS is still faster than the RTA. (Except Bowser). I don't know why you think yi2 and yi3 are faster. We've discussed to death whether we should introduce this glitch to the any% branch, to which is the answer is essentially no. No SMW TASers want to. As far as we're concerned it falls under ACE category.
Because I watched them both and checked the time on both. Timing on the latest RTA starts 2 seconds after console on, and both the end of YI2 and YI3 are more than 2 seconds ahead of the TAS by the clock given in that stream. YI4 is the about the same, and only after that does the TAS start beating the RTA (usually by 2 seconds per level, though not always.) Also, you have a strange definition of arbitrary code execution, as the Cloud doesn't involve total control. It involves programming in an existing item, just like the orb glitch which is used in the TAS. I can't see how one is ACE but the other isn't.
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Active player (267)
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Posts: 199
Location: England
trlky wrote:
Because I watched them both and checked the time on both. Timing on the latest RTA starts 2 seconds after console on, and both the end of YI2 and YI3 are more than 2 seconds ahead of the TAS by the clock given in that stream. YI4 is the about the same, and only after that does the TAS start beating the RTA (usually by 2 seconds per level, though not always.) Also, you have a strange definition of arbitrary code execution, as the Cloud doesn't involve total control. It involves programming in an existing item, just like the orb glitch which is used in the TAS. I can't see how one is ACE but the other isn't.
I'm not actually going to bother watching them side by side. I know the RTA is slower in yi2 and yi3 because in yi2 they stop to get the cloud; we don't. We also item swap. Our TAS should be about 5 seconds ahead by the end of yi2 ahead, and an extra 4-5 seconds by the end of yi3. Anything different is a mistake in timing. You can just watch the runs to see ours is faster. It involves programming in an existing item Kind of like... arbitrarily... executing... code?
Retired smw-96, smw any%
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Editor, Skilled player (1867)
Joined: 8/25/2013
Posts: 1201
bahamete wrote:
It involves programming in an existing item Kind of like... arbitrarily... executing... code?
..what? That's not what ACE is. ACE is external code, creating something new. Conjuring an existing code that's already in the game is internal code, since it doesn't create anything truly new. Although, I can see why that can be considered ACE.
effort on the first draft means less effort on any draft thereafter - some loser
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4055
trlky wrote:
Also, you have a strange definition of arbitrary code execution, as the Cloud doesn't involve total control. It involves programming in an existing item, just like the orb glitch which is used in the TAS. I can't see how one is ACE but the other isn't.
If you don't understand what it means for something to be or not to be ACE, you probably shouldn't be discussing category definitions involving it. Sorry to be honest.
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Active player (267)
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Location: England
arandomgameTASer wrote:
bahamete wrote:
It involves programming in an existing item Kind of like... arbitrarily... executing... code?
..what? That's not what ACE is. ACE is external code, creating something new. Conjuring an existing code that's already in the game is internal code, since it doesn't create anything truly new.
I just found his wording funny. The cloud glitch requires manipulation of bytes in order for it to not crash. Similar manipulation of bytes allows us to jump to the credits, as in Masterjun's movie. This is the reason that we don't want to do this movie. Go ahead and do it yourself :) Edit: I asked xpaco5. His runs timing starts from control of Mario, so he has much more than a 2 second head start on us.
Retired smw-96, smw any%
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Joined: 2/9/2014
Posts: 163
bahamete wrote:
The cloud glitch requires manipulation of bytes in order for it to not crash.
How can RTA runners be so consistent at keeping it then? Anyway‚ I don't wanna restart the debate. I (and others) would like to see a TAS using the cloud‚ the best SMW TASers don't. I'll just wait I guess. This has been debated for a long time
I problably made mistakes, sorry for my bad English, I'm French :v
Joined: 12/29/2007
Posts: 489
^There is a SMW TAS that uses the cloud: the arbitrary code execution run, as the process of getting the cloud also causes the game to jump to the credits. From a TASer's perspective, there's no point in getting the cloud and not jumping to the credits when you have the ability to anyway - it would be like a SMB1 run that takes the 1-2 warp to 4-1 but then doesn't take the 4-2 warp to 8-1. (Think of it like the 1-2 warp being possible in real time but the 4-2 warp somehow requiring superhuman precision.) There is also a current TAS that uses the cloud to speed through Bowser: the current Super Demo World 120-exit run. Close enough?
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Skilled player (1772)
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Eszik wrote:
How can RTA runners be so consistent at keeping it then? Anyway‚ I don't wanna restart the debate. I (and others) would like to see a TAS using the cloud‚ the best SMW TASers don't. I'll just wait I guess. This has been debated for a long time
dumb luck lol I thought speedrunners simply reset the run everytime it crashes, and only show the runs that work, unless it was done live, in which case probably found a way to manipulate value or something idk
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Active player (456)
Joined: 3/21/2011
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Eszik wrote:
How can RTA runners be so consistent at keeping it then?
They're not really that consistent, it's just that the trick they use (scrolling the screen) tends to have a higher chance of getting the right byte by the time the glitch occurs. They only actually need a single byte (60) to be correct for the game to resume normal play, so preventing the game from crashing isn't as hard as it sounds. Regardless, the game is still jumping into uncertain code, and thus is considered ACE, so a line has to be drawn somewhere. also the branch isn't dead but most of us quit SMW
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Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)
Post subject: Re: Any new progress on this branch?
Editor, Player (163)
Joined: 1/10/2012
Posts: 673
Location: Brazil
bahamete wrote:
This is the reason that we don't want to do this movie. Go ahead and do it yourself :)
A decision should be made officially here. Or is this open for each one to decide?