Sector Z complete
Fox's lack of familial connections since the gravitational implosion of the Black Hole has apparently transformed him into somewhat of a daredevil.
- This is the only level that I haven't used nova bombs. This stems mainly from the fact that I started without any and the only one is towards the end.
- I ran into several desync issues in the making of the later parts of this level, where all those transparent blocks are flying around. Fortunately it plays back fine for me, but if anyone experiences problems, I'm sorry but there's not much I can do.
- The later parts of the level have huge amounts of lag, despite the fact that there are virtually no solid objects on the screen. My ship has a shield and all the obstacles are transparent. Usually, drawing too many polygons, not lines, is what causes lag. Oh well, the game still runs really fast compared to the console.
- Macbeth is the fastest stage to die on without pressing any buttons, as witnessed by the end of the movie.
- I have a gay roommate (who won't admit it). He likes to lay on a cushion on the ground, watching Will and Grace, talking with his gay buddies with webcams and microphones, and making inhumanly large amounts of noise. I just heard him mention a "mic orgy". I am not making any of this up. Now, I have nothing against gay people, but
He didn't hear me...