the number that increases by one is the amount of input frames. but there are only 30 of those per second. sometimes more, and sometimes less (especially during lag) and lag has no effect on input frames in mario 64. so if you are just going by those, that doesn't give us an accurate idea of real time saved. we could just assume that there's no lag and divide by 30 and have the number of seconds saved, but I think we'd prefer to know the number of real time frames saved (the number that increases USUALLY by 2 every time you hit frame advance).
Wouldn't it be better to come from the top, as opposed to the bottom of the elevator? Or does it start at the bottom no matter where you enter the room from?
It looks like it requires the elevator to be moving down to squeeze you through the wall?
Maybe a wall kick near the top can get you under the elevator higher up just after it starts moving down.
This signature is much better than its previous version.
i had a random thought while watching the last 16 star run
watch for rolling rocks in hazy maze cave
long jumping on the sloped surface with the pit in the middle
could it be possible to backwards long jump glitch in the pit on the sloped surface and save some frames on this star?
just a thought, maybe its already been tested, but i thought id bring it up
The surfaces that you BLJ on don't need to be in "staircase format", it's more about the proper angle of the surface you'll land on in relation to the angle of the BLJ..
For example, it's impossible to BLJ up the Lobby stairs, but it is possible to BLJ on the slope outside the castle next to where the cannon is, as well as on the elevators in BBH.
The reason you can't BLJ on the lobby stairs is because it's actually a slope with stair graphics. Quoted from FODA.
The reason you can't is not because it's a slope. It's not even a slope, it actually does increment in steps. You can BLJ up slopes, stairs, elevators, or anything else that causes you to hit the ground before decreasing the elevation from your jump.
That's why you can BLJ on the BBH elevator, and that's why you can BLJ on the slope outside the castle, by the pond and the cannon. The only thing that determines whether where you can BLJ is the angle of the BLJ (determined by the speed you're going, since the Y-axis will always increase by the same amount with each jump in relation to the angle of surface you'll be BLJing (if successful) against.
The elevator "catches" you as your Y-axis is increasing, allowing you to get many, many jumps in without losing momentum. It works the same when you BLJ against a slope or a stair.
I haven't been able to play in a while, but regardless of whether it's a slope or stair, it shouldn't have any effect on whether you can BLJ on it, or any other surface.
I know, that's exactly what I was saying in my other posts. The point I've been trying to make is that it doesn't matter whether they're stairs, or slopes with stair graphics, or slopes. It's completely dependant on the angle of the slope and the angle of Mario's BLJ.
sup guys, haven't posted in a while, anyways I found a weak wall, it's the one next to the break away the wall wall. if you get into the corner mario sorta gets stuck, I've tried BLJing into it. but it always fall out before i gain momentum, I think it's just cause I can't get the most perfect angles, which I would need, on a keyboard.
So try it out and if it's not good it may be cause I have a bad dump or something I dunno, just tryu it out.
Okay, I could be wrong, but after you get the second star from HMC, and you're going to the door, try long jumping against the wall on your right or left ( Depending which is closer ) and wall kick and dive or not dive im not sure which is faster.
This could be faster.