I'd like to see arguments about looking impressive and different from unassisted play, how valuable it is, how board games meet/ignore this requirement. The point is, TASes are for big and small crowds of people, but not for isolated exceptional individuals.
However, I saw a whole bunch of people loving the Othello TAS. I'd wish to see them all suggesting grounds justifying acceptance of board games. Because mere "liking" isn't a ground really. Some sane principle(s) is.
My own argument. Board games also allow different types of completion: fastest possible or somewhat complete. Abusing easy difficulty for the sake of time, abusing higher difficulty for the sake of impression/feel. Indeed Demo tier looks like a place for that. If the question was "should it be published by any cost?", the answer for Othello would be "we have to invent grounds", since that run
feels like it's worth publishing.
Referring to my judging pseudocode from here:
Language: c
int JudgeMovie()
if (SubOptimal)
return Reject();
if (any% || 100%)
return Accept(Coins);
if (Boring || WildGoal)
if (ImpressiveAchievement)
return Accept(Demo);
return Reject();
return Accept(Moons);
However, the very Demo tier proposal considers that it must be hard to pass in. Does Othello/Scrabble TAS look like an "ImpressiveAchievement"? If not, what other criterion should we use?