Post subject: Translations en->ja or ja->en
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Here's a thread for translations from Japanese to English or from English to Japanese. I propose this thread because I'm TASing a game that was only distributed in Japanese. I need help with a translation. Anyone else can use this as well. Could someone who speaks Japanese please translate this to English?
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セーブすろ? はい || いいえ Save? Yes || No You can use Google Translate, to do some of these. Even if it's not accurate 100% of the time, you can get enough to know what it says.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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I could do that, if it wasn't Japanese (Chinese is the same way). The problem is there are so many Japanese characters and I don't have a Japanese keyboard. That's why I made this thread. Mainly for just pictures. And thanks very much for the translation. I thought it was Save? but if I said yes to the left it led me to something that looked like a stats section or a character choosing place, and I was confused. I guess that was nothing to worry about.
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セーブする? seebu suru? Save? はい hai Yes いいえ iie No You don't even need a Japanese keyboard to type it all in. It's just simple hiragana/katakana, just look up a chart, match the characters to the romanization, hit that button in Google Translate, type in the romanization and you're basically good to go.
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warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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MUGG wrote:
in english?
Chi wa(Chiwa) Is just part for Ko n ni chi wa (Hello/Good day) Doesn't mean anything on it's own Ko n chi Wa (Konchi) Probably a misspelling of Konnichi Wa(Good Day)
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Link to video Could anyone please translate the description of this video?
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This message appears in Dragon Ball Z Legacy of Goku 2 (J) in Bizhawk 1.11.7-mgba core 0.4.0 when Gohan goes to the map flying screen. After the message, the screen fades black and the game resets itself. In Bizhawk 1.11.9-mgba core 0.5.0, the message doesn't appear and the game proceeds normally. So I'm assuming it is an error message or the game thinks it detected a pirated copy?
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"This game does not work on this machine." So... yes?
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Spikestuff wrote:
"This game does not work on this machine." So... yes?
Ah, seems to indeed be an anti-piracy measure, according to TCRF. Thanks!
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I'm in the middle of finding stuff in the Kirby & The Amazing Mirror proto ROM. Please translate the text for me. ^_^ I will add those screens to TCRF later. pause screen placeholder There exist early versions of the pause screen ability descriptions. For those where the text differs from the final version, I will post them here in request of a translation. (Mind you, I'm comparing to the prototype's "final" versions, which might have been replaced in the official release. Have yet to check that.) early "no ability" description. The 2nd sentence seems different from final. early Cutter description early Stone description early Bomb description early Cook description. The upper text is new. early Hammer description early Cupid description (If I didn't know better, looks unrelated to the ability itself. Maybe a text that says "come up with something" or similar, if I had to hazard a guess...) early fighter description early Magic description (The middle and top text are new) early Mini description early Missile description You can find the other screens here:
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I can't help too much, but some of the katakana transliteration is fairly straightforward. The effect made it hard to read, but this just transliterates to "Cutter Boomerang". カッター ブーメラン kattaa buumeran This is just onomatopoeia for a bomb ticking down and then exploding, with the smaller text below being the echo effect. ヒュルルルル hyururururu ドカーン dokaan Different translators are giving me different results for the top line (Google Translate says "I am finished" while Rikaikun says something more like "I have arrived"). Translation software is iffy, though, so you shouldn't take either of these as fact. The huge bit in red just transliterates to "Hand Power", though, followed by a desu, which is just desu. Bottom line is actual Japanese and is thus entirely out of my field of knowledge. Why am I even in this section of the site? きてます kitemasu ハンドパワー handopawaa Given a bit more time, I can write everything out for machine translation at the very least, but you'd be better off waiting for someone who actually knows what they're talking about.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family. Now infrequently posting on Bluesky
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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Thanks, I added those to the artictle. I think just having the kanji written down would already be a big help.
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Here are transliterations for each of the ones you posted. I took a stab at translating them too. げだつ(ポア) やっぱりムリだった.. 何かでた Escaped (killed) I knew it was impossible.. Something came out * The first bit is hard to translate. げだつ (kanji: 解脱) means to escape one's bonds or pull through a situation, and ポア is "Phowa", a Buddhist concept of transferring consciousness that can be associated with death. Overall it's a fancy way of describing Kirby dying... which seems to be in line with the picture. てきをすいこんでしゃがむとあいてのワザをコピーできる!いろんなてきをのみこんで、さまざまなワザをつかいこなそう! Suck in an enemy, duck down, and you're able to copy their ability! Suck in different enemies, and learn how to use all the different abilities! カッターブーメラン! Cutter boomerang! になったらほらムテキからおしてぶ[unreadable]ちやってほらステキ。 If you become a stone, see, you're invincible. [Strike and] push from above, see, you're lovely. * There's one character I can't make out so I'm not sure about the translation of the second sentence. I bracketed the bit that could be wrong. ヒュルルルル..... ドカーン! カーン カーン Whoooooooosh..... Kabooom! boom boom [echo] うまい!うまいったろ! にいいものつくります。 Delicious! Surely delicious! Cook something good for you. ガツンガツンといく! クイもうてるし、ハンマーでしかこわせないところも。 Go with a bam-bam! You can hit posts too, and areas you can't destroy except with a hammer. * The first bit is onomatopoeia for striking something. 墜落天使参上! The fallen angel arrives! パワーショット!ムーンサルト ライジングアッパー!!キック メガパワーショット!! Power shot! Moonsalto! Rising upper!! Kick Mega power shot!! * Moonsalto seems to be a particular gymnastics technique. The term comes from Moon + salto (a gymnastics flip). Japanese Wikipedia entry, English Wikipedia equivalent. きてます。 ハンドパワーです。 ...1回しかやりませんよ。 Here it is. Hand Power. ...You can only do it once. あらふじぎ。ちいさくなって ほそいつうろだいじょうぶ! Oh that's strange. Become small, and thin passages are no problem! わたしどこまでだっておいかけていきます!! ドカーン! Wherever I am I'll chase it down!! Kabooom! * The first bit could also be "Wherever you are I'll chase you down", there's no subject specified.
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Thanks much! I added those to the article. Feel free to take a look at the remaining screenshots that are still missing translations, particularly: (the second sentence) Thanks again! The "Escaped" placeholder, I'm not really sure but do you think it has any connection or foreshadowing for the ghost ability in Kirby Squeak Squad? Cause then it might be worth pointing out in the article...
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Chef Stef wrote:
になったらほらムテキからおしてぶ[unreadable]ちやってほらステキ。 If you become a stone, see, you're invincible. [Strike and] push from above, see, you're lovely. * There's one character I can't make out so I'm not sure about the translation of the second sentence. I bracketed the bit that could be wrong.
Second sentence is: からおしつぶしちゃってほらステキ。 This is actually the same as JP Nightmare in Dream Land's pause-screen text, according to Kirby Wikia. おしつぶす is to squash, crush, or flatten. English KatAM version includes 'crush' so we could go with that.
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These are fun to go through. Do you need translations for the non-prototype ones too? I haven't played Squeak Squad, is the ghost ability something where you leave your body behind to become a ghost? If that's the case it seems reasonable. Fire ファイアァー!! あつい!これはあついねぇ。 Fiiire! Hot! Yes, this is hot. Ice てきをこおらせてふっとばせ! おーさむ。。 Freeze enemies and fling them away! Ohhh, COLD. Burn 炎をまとってたいあたり!止まらない!止まらないったら! Flame-wrapped body slam! Can't stop! Just can't stop! Wheel サーキットの風になれ。 はやい。はやすぎるぜっ。 Become the wind of the race course. Fast. Way too fast. Parasol ひがさして パラソルさして さんぽして てきをふせげて ふわふわおちて The sun shines The parasol thrusts Go for a walk Protect from enemies Float as you fall * This one is structured as poetry, with the first three lines forming a haiku. The first two lines also play on さして being the verb for both sun rays beaming down and pointing or thrusting something. Beam むちのようにしなるビーム! とにかくビーム! ビーム!ビーム!ビィィーム! The beam that bends like a whip! Anyway, beam! Beam! Beam! Beeeam! Throw てきをまっすぐなげてみる! でなげるむきをかえよう! Try throwing the enemy immediately! Change the throwing direction! Laser 光学兵器搭載 サカにあてると むきがかわるって ウワサですわよ。 Optical weapon loaded There's a rumor that if you hit a slope, the direction changes. UFO これをコピーできたあなたは ラッキ~~! ボタンをおす長さでかわる4つのわざをつかいこなせ! You are ~lucky~ to have been able to copy this! Learn to use four abilities that are based on how long you hold the button! Spark * Onomatopoeia for electricity or sparks repeated over and over. The word あそれ is mixed in, and I actually don't know what it means and couldn't find it in any dictionaries. It could be a variant of あそーれ which is a bit like "heave ho", used to signal when you're tossing something. Not sure about this one. Tornado まわってます。まわってます。 まわってまわってまわって うわあああ!! Spin. Spin. Spin spin spin Uwaaa! Smash 炸裂!スマブラ拳! Explosion! Smash brothers fist! Crash 最終兵器取扱注意! Warning: final weapon in control! Master おまけです This is an extra Edit: yoshifan, thanks for correcting the stone description. Using your wikia tip I was able to confirm a bit I couldn't read out of the laser description too. I appreciate it!
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About Stone, "Crush from above" seems like a strange translation. Is there a better one? Yes, translations for the final screens are welcome. All the final screens that haven't had their image added yet mostly use the same text as the prototype (hence why they haven't been added yet). These would be interesting: (second sentence) (probably just says "cook something good for you, you can only do it once", but I need it confirmed) (the red text) (the red text) (the bottom text) About Ghost ability, there is a ghost miniboss and you suck him in and become a ghost. There is no dying or becoming loose or anything. You can dash into enemies to take control of them. I have added a small mention anyway, since it seems suspicious. Someone at HAL probably would have liked Ghost added to amazing mirror maybe but then had to pass it up until Squeak Squad... I will take a look at Nightmare in Dreamland J and the English version pause screens.
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Fortranm wrote:
Link to video Could anyone please translate the description of this video?
I translated it. ---- 悪魔城ドラキュラ 奪われた刻印 蟹瞬殺バグ イグニスのグリフの炎が画面に残す場合、ボス部屋に進入の時が發生。 適当にアクションの後エレベーター召喚。 失敗の可能性がある。上の足場消えるとか、出口の門誤表示とかの可能性もある。条件は不明。 グリフの入手方法はフレイムデーモンしかないからTAS使用は二周目限定? replay: 採用ありがとう→ sm30147789 Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Crab instant kill glitch Caused by leaving flames from Ignis Glyph on the screen before entering boss room. Normally it is supposed to summon the elevator. There is a chance for failure. Such as the upper platform disappearing, or the exit door glitching. Unclear how it is caused. Since Glyph can only be obtained from Fire Demon, use in TAS is limited only to second round? Replay file: Thanks for using -> sm30147789
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Thanks very much! I guess the author of that video doesn't know much about what's going on either then.
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Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland, ability 1B pause screen What does it say? EDIT: English version equivalent:
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MUGG wrote:
Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland, ability 1B pause screen What does it say?
"Let's be careful. Abundant caution does no harm*." *The actual Japanese idiom is that one that is literally about being careful every second, lest you be injured for life. Or alternatively, being careless for a second causes injury for life. It's idiomatic meaning is something like what I posted above.
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I want to thank everyone for their translation help. I think I really found a new passion digging around in games to find unused content for tcrf these days. I have added the pause screen from my previous post to the Kirby NiDL article. I hope you can keep helping me. Here is the next one: Kirby Squeak Squad (J), Ability 0x19, Pause screen of Block Ability which is unused. What does the red symbol say? Edit: Looks like means "temporary" or "tentative".
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Hi. Can I have this translated please?
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