I've uploaded a quick encode of the E1L1 WIP. Fair warning - the PC Speaker beep at the beginning is DEAFENING compared to the rest of the audio. Ilari suggested I use --audio-mixer-attenuate=org.jpc.emulator.peripheral.PCSpeaker-0:20 at the dumpconvert line next time.
Now that I've made an encode and watched it played back at full speed I confess I'm very pleased with how this turned out. A few quick notes:
- In the first prison cell, I force the mouse forward as far as possible on one frame then release it which causes a glitch that puts us closer to the door.
- At certain points I straferun away from doors I've just opened to manipulate the shots from guards into missing, meaning we end E1L1 with 100% health.
- In the brown room after the well-known secret in the hallway I did extensive testing to determine the fastest method to make it diagonally across the room. It boils down to 10 frames N, 15 W for 25 frames at straight angles while going diagonally took 26 frames or more no matter how I tried it. This is because going straight has a faster top speed.
- In the curved hallway I run right past two guards, open the door to a room with 4 more, then open the door to a gray hallway with yet another guard (and strafe away from the door to avoid being shot). The number of shouts is amusing.
- In the first large gray room I fire a shot on the same frame I open the door (the game won't let you open the door while you're firing but apparently you can do it at the same time). The reason I do this is to alert the guard in the room early for better positioning.
- At the end of that room a guard opens the door for us; because the guard is standing in the doorway (manipulated based on the frame I started turning), it's possible to walk through the door while it is still opening. I have to face the guard to shoot him but it's still faster than the previous WIP by a fair margin.
- In the last room with the elevator, I open the elevator door on the first frame it would let me which appeared to be three frames after reaching the door. I also run backward to pick up ammo before entering the elevator on the first possible frame and pulling the lever on the first possible frame.
I created an initial
Game Resources page for Wolfenstein 3D which Ilari subsequently expanded significantly. It describes a lot of the internals of the game and the various speed mechanics. I do not believe this run would have been possible at this speed without Ilari's research.
Again, if anyone would like to pick up the torch on this please let me know. Thanks for your comments and enjoy,