1. My example was bad, here are examples not loading because extension not recognized (and no "choose platform" window):
- 007 James Bond (J) (MV) (V2.6).mv made for Othello Multivision is a SG-1000 clone (SMSHawk) so changing the extension to .sms let me play it (and also puts the correct platform without asking). (other ROMs list with mv:
- TI-83 roms
"Fortunately", I'm talking about an uncommon scenario (ROM extension named differently than standards), but that's why I would like a "Always show choose platform when not recognized ROM" or extension.
2. Repeat steps
- Config - Controllers - P1 A: Space, OK
- Config - Input - Frame advance: Space, OK
- Config - Key priority: Hotkeys overrides Input
What should happen: You press Space and the game advances 1 frame
What happens: You press Space and the game advances 1 frame and presses P1 A.