Happy New Year 2018 :D
Emulator and version: desmume-0.9.11-win32
Goal choice: Beat the game as fast as possible
How to sync the movie: Please change the firmware to this setting to sync the movie:
  • Nickname: LORD
  • Message: Happy!
  • Favourite Color: Dark Purple
  • Birth Month: April
  • Birthday: 30
  • Language: English
"Advanced bus level timing" must be on.
Gameplay: Dragon Quest IX continues the Dragon Quest tradition of turn-based combat, with a few modern twists. The game allows players to have a cooperative wireless multiplayer experience with up to four players. Unlike the other games in the main series, Dragon Quest 9 is a 3rd person RPG in battles and there are no more random encounters. Instead the enemies are on a open world map and can chase you if they see you, very similar to Dragon Quest monster Joker.
  • Hero/Heroine: The hero/heroine is a silent protagonist and Celestrian under the tutelage of Aquila, assigned to watch over the village of Angel Falls in his/her master's stead. Later fell from the Observatory after strange beams struck through the heavens during the Fyggbloom, losing wings and halo. Like a lot of RPG games, his/her speech is not shown on screen, but may be accompanied by the text.
  • Aquila: A fellow Celestrian and mentor of the Hero. A firm but fair master, he went missing after the hero and the fyggs fell from the Observatory.
  • Apus Major: The most senior of all the Celestrians, this all-knowing ancient rules the Observatory with a benevolent hand.
  • Erinn: A young woman living with her grandfather in Angel Falls; she finds the hero after he/she fell into the base of the waterfall. Her father was the "Inncredible Inntertainer," and Patty recruits her to help restore his old establishment, the Quester's Rest, in Stornway.
  • Patty: A feisty party girl and old acquaintance of Erinn's father. She recruits Erinn to help restore his old inn. Provides her Party Planning services for the hero at the Quester's Rest.
  • Stella: A flippant fairy keen on fashion but prone to malaproprism, Stella is the skipper of the Starflight Express and has been trying to find her missing boss who she calls 'old fatguts'. Manages the Battle Records for the hero and is always ready to give advice.
  • Serena: A forlorn ghost of a woman that wanders the Protectorate in search of Corvus.
  • Corvus: The Guardian Of Wormwood Creek, and once Aquila's teacher. He went missing long ago under mysterious circumstances.
  • Sterling: The Captain of the Starflight Express, who went missing after it was struck by a mysterious beam of light.
  • Greygnarl: An ancient dragon known as the "Hero of the Heavens," he still bears wounds from when he clashed with Barbarus and the Gittish Empire. He is attended by the residents of Upover, and gets first dibs on the local ale.
  • Barbarus: A dark dragon who was summoned by the Gittish Empire to do their bidding. Famously clashed with Greygnarl long ago.
  • King Godwyn: A cruel tyrant from ages past who sought to bring the world under the heel of his Gittish Empire. His death was shrouded in mystery, but he and his empire seems to have returned.
  • Zenus: The Grand Architect who created the world, known as simply the "Almighty" to the mortals and Celestrians. Had no intention of sparing the mortals lives
  • Celestria: The daughter of the Almighty One, she sacrificed herself and transformed herself into the World Tree Yggdrasil, until it was proven Mortals have goodness in their heart.
  • Jack of Alltrades: Arbiter of Vocations, after defeating him at the Tower of Trades, you may enter different vocations.
Details of the run:
  • Introduction: After creating my character, there'll be a brief cutscene. An angelic character, Aquila, will accompany me from the outset. Aquila has been described as the Guardian of Angel Falls, and both of us are mystical characters known as Celestrians. After some chitchat back and forth, I will suddenly be thrust into a battle in order to protect a couple of innocent mortal townsfolk from harm. A Cruelcumber and two Slimes will assault them, and I'll be able to step in to make sure no harm comes to the citizens. This battle is very easy, simply attack, and Aquila will do the same automatically, after the battle, the Cruelcumber drops an antidotal herd (actually I should avoid this ;_;). Then townsfolk will be able to go about their business, and I will receive a sacred item called Benevolessence. This is the crystallized form of mortals' thankfulness for being protected by the Celestrians. Then I and Aquila can return to the Observatory, the mysterious, holy location from whence I came.
  • Introduction 2: I go upstair and speak to Apus Major, he congratulates me on a job well done so far, but tells me that it's time to set off on my own, my apprenticeship with Aquila is now over, and he tells me to visit the Tree of Yggdrasil upstairs. I have to use the sacred item I carry with, Benevolessence, on the tree named Yggdrasil. I then go back downstairs to speak with Apus Major. Now I have to go back to the Protectorate, on the way down, I collect an item Seed of life which increases my max HP by 3 (very important on the first boss fight).
  • The Protectorate: After regain control, I go to find a Keepsake Ring and deliver it to an old woman in the Church to receive a Benevolessence, then I go to the Stable and clear all 5 pieces of Horse Manure to receive 1 more Benevolessence. After I do this 2 jobs, nighttime will be summoned forth and Aquila will appear. After talking with him, I speak with a ghost and help him R.I.P and receive 1 more Benevolessence. Now I have 3 of them in total, time to go back to the Observatory.
  • The Unfortunate: I go straight to the tree to offer all my Benevolessence, then follow a cutscene. The tree blooms, the fruit called the Fygg appears in 7. The celestial train known as the Starflight Express arrives to ferry the Celestrians to the Realm of the Almighty. However, before the Celestrians can board the train, the Observatory is attacked from below by a mysterious and powerful force. The force scatters the assembled angels and knocks the Fyggs, the Starflight Express, and myself down to the Protectorate...
  • Adventuring in Angel Falls: After the cutscene, I'll find myself back in Angel Falls, but missing my trademark halo, and no longer glowing and floating. My class now is Minstrel, this is a good all-around class, but doesn't really stand out. After the conversation with Ivor, Hugo and Erinn, I'll regain my control. I go directly to the Mayor Litlun's house (which is Ivor's father) and witness a conversation, then I come back to Erinn's house to sleep. At the next morning, Ivor comes to ask me to escort him to the Mountain pass between Angel Falls and Stornway Castle, and I can’t say No. I next go to the Shop to buy 2 Chimera wings and 7 Medicinal herbs, then head out of the town. Avoid enemy encounters, I reach the Mountain pass and see the Starflight Express, nothing to do with she right now, I go to the right first to open a chest and find a Gold Ring (+DEF), then I go to the left to talk with Ivor again. Then comes conversations. “Soldiers from a location known as Stornway have arrived, and they are obviously being blocked from the other side of the rubble. They were sent by Stornway's sovereign, King Schott, to investigate a missing woman named Patty, who was apparently staying at the village's inn, but hasn't been heard from since she departed.” After regaining control, I open the Menu and use Seed of life, then use Chimera wing to go back to Angel Falls.
  • The Hexagon: I go to the mayor’s house to deposit Ivor, then comes short conversations and Erinn wants me to find Patty but not asking. I then go out of the town and head to the Hexagon. After entering it, I read the sign and suddenly a ghost appears, I follow him to the statue and discover that there’s a button, I press it and door opens somewhere. Venturing inside, I get Leather Shield (+DEF) and Feather Fan (+ATK), equip them together with Gold Ring, I now ready to train level. Fighting with Firespirit is the best because this monster has low HP, ATK and DEF, all I need is to avoid it from casting spell. I also collect 210 Gold to buy thing later. Reaching level 4 is enough for the boss, I then find a fainted woman at the center of the circular room, and she’s the missing woman the soldiers from Stornway were asking about – Patty. Now the boss Hexagoon comes to fight. There’s nothing much to talk, just attack and heal, I manage to avoid 2 hits and don’t have to use any Medicinal herbs. After winning, I reach level 6 and earn 6 Skill points, I spend 4 points to learn Hot Lick, an useful spell to use later. After that I am transported outside automatically, then I use Chimera wing to go back to town.
  • Mysterious Patty: I go to the Inn and see Patty speaking to Erinn. “Patty lets Erinn know that she's come to see the owner of this inn, Edwinn. Patty doesn't know that Edwinn had passed away two years ago, and his daughter now runs the inn. When Patty realizes that Erinn is Edwinn's daughter, she opens up to her about why she's in Angel Falls. Patty and Edwinn used to run the same inn. And that's the inn she is currently the proprietor of, in Stornway. It appears that Edwinn was quite the hit in his day. They apparently used to refer to Edwinn as the "Inncredible Inntertainer," referencing his uncanny ability to effectively run an inn. Erinn doesn't believe it, but Patty is persistent. She asks Erinn to come back to Stornway with her, so that she can run the inn there. Erinn refuses several times, and eventually scampers off to cook dinner for the guests currently at the inn. But Patty promises to be persistent.” And thereafter, I regain the control, I go to Erinn’s house and see a ghost infront of the house, I speak with him and know that he’s Erinn’s father. Suddenly comes a mysterious sprite-like creature, named Stella, she is in charge of the Starflight Express. Stella will now accompany me, but not as a party member, but rather as someone that watches over me. She promises that if I can finish Edwinn's unfinished business, she'll give me a ride back to the Observatory. I then talk with Edwinn again to know what is his unfinished business, then go to the location that he showed and find a trophy. I then show it to Erinn. Convinced of her father's legacy, Erinn agrees to accompany Patty back to Stornway. Then, Edwinn, with his earthly business attended to, agrees to disappear from the face of the planet. He thanks me for my hard work, and Stella is impressed too, at least initially. But when Edwinn disappears and I am unable to see the Benevolessence left behind by him, she begins to wonder whether I’m truly a Celestrian or not.
  • A Mechanical Failure: Erinn has gone off to Stornway to follow in her father's footsteps, and now, I’m following her too. But first I have business with the Starflight. Stella opens the door for us and we go inside. But when Stella goes to start the mystical machine up, she finds that it's dead. Stella has come up with an idea: she hypothesizes that by helping more people and earning more Benevolessence, God will be on our side enough to help start the machine up. Once that's been resolved, I leave the train and continue to the path that earlier led to a bunch of rubble blocking the path. The rubble has now been moved, and I’m free to proceed out of the Mountain Pass. This will lead me to Stornway.
  • Recruiting partners: When entering Stornway, I will force to come to Patty’s inn and witness a scene. After talking to Erinn, I get out and enter again to make the inn works, then I talk to Patty to recruit new partners. Because of weak level and attribute, I cannot deal much Physical Damage to enemies, even if I choose Warrior class and equip with good weapon, therefore I choose to recruit 3 Mages and named X, Y, Z. Each will have different duties later on. When I’m done with the recruiting, Patty teaches me the ability Egg On which raises the tension of my partner by 1 level, a very helpful ability.
  • Helping Stornway: I get out the Inn and head north, I read the sign to know that help is directly requested from King Schott of Stornway to deal with the Wight Knight, I must read it in order to get inside the castle. I go to the shop to buy 4 Hairbands (+DEF and + MAG. ATK) and equip them to my characters. After get inside the castle, I approach the throne room, King Schott will engage me in conversation. I learn that the Princess feels extremely guilty about the Wight Knight and his plaguing of her kingdom. After all, the Wight Knight seems to be after her, and her alone, but her father will not let her sacrifice herself to the creature in order to appease him and have him leave the kingdom alone. King Schott himself cuts right to the point. He wants to hire me to go to Loch Storn and deal with the Wight Knight once and for all. A reward is waiting for me if I’m able to successfully do so. Of course I must agree. I leave Stornway and head north, but I’m not going to Loch Storn, instead I’m going to Zere first, and training my party on the way there. Fighting with Ragged Reaper is the best choice because this monster gives much experience than others. My new partners must reach level 4 to be able to survive the next boss fight. When done, I enter Zere and go to the inn to sleep to refill HP and MP. Then I go to the shop to buy 7 Chimera wings and use up all gold to buy Medicinal herbs. Then I use Chimera wing to fly to Stornway and head to Loch Storn from there (faster than going from Zere).
  • The Wight Knight: After that there’ll be a short cutscene and the Wight Knight shows up, then comes the boss fight. This fight is not hard since I use Magical Attack and Medicinal herb to heal. After the fight my characters level up and earn skill points, with the main character I use all points to Sword skill, the others I save to use later, the boss drops an Iron Gauntlets (+DEF). I learn that the Wight Knight has been going after the wrong princess all along. He's looking for the Princess of Brigadoom, a woman named Mona. Apparently, the Wight Knight was awakened after the earthquake, and has been on the search for his princess ever since. The Wight Knight admits that he should have known Simona wasn't Mona, as she wasn't wearing Mona's telltale accessory, the Necklace of Brigadoom. Nonetheless, having admitted his mistake, the Wight Knight offers his apologies to the kingdom, and goes off on his way home. I then use Chimera wing to return to Stornway, I go to the inn to rest because it’s nighttime and I can’t go inside the castle at night, and I also need to refill HP and MP. After that I meet with the King. King Schott isn't impressed with my handling of the situation. The Wight Knight still lives, and it appears King Schott intends for me to see that he no longer walks the face of the planet... that is, if I want my reward. This decision upsets Princess Simona, and she quickly runs off to sob in privacy. When I regain control, I find Princess outside of the throne room, and she want to meet me in her bedroom :O. I then speak with the princess privately. The princess lets me know that one of her old nurses now lives in Zere. She used to sing a rhyme to the princess when the princess was young, and Brigadoom was mentioned in it. Then I get out and use Chimera wing to fly to Zere, I go into that nurse’s house and hear the rhyme, and learn that Brigadoom is at the North, when trying to get out of Zere, I run into the Wight Knight again. I find that he’s looking for the Brigadoom as well. I tell him where it is and we both go there.
  • The Brigadoom: I go explore this doom, collect an item Gold Bracer (+DEF) on the way. When reaching the throne, I see a cutscene. A creature called Morag confronts the Wight Knight. It appears that, in the past, the Wight Knight was to confront Morag, which took him away from Princess Mona. Now, Morag seeks revenge, and curses the Wight Knight so that he can't move. In the Wight Knight's stead, I have to do battle with Morag. Thankfully, this battle is easy, since she always try to enrapture my partners, and won’t succeed because we’re both females :)) and thanks for the spell Crack, the damage will multiple when we hit the same attack in a row. After the fight, my characters level up and earn skill points, I spend point to Sword skill for the main character again (the purpose is to reach 13 points to learn Metal Slash), I use 8 skill points with the character Z to learn Wizard Ward (for the Armamentalist Quest later). After that, Princess Simona shows up, wearing Princess Mona's old necklace. In a trance, she dances with the Right Knight, and he's then sent off, forever happy that he got to see his love one last time. Hereafter, I speak with the princess to make her go back off to Stornway Castle, then I get out and use Chimera wing to fly to there as well.
  • Helping Stornway 2: I go to the shop first to buy equipments, 3 Leather shield (+DEF) and 3 Leather gauntlets (+DEF). When I go to the throne room, I find Princess Simona safely back with her parents. Everyone is happy now, and they all feel sorry for the Wight Knight, who they misjudged all along. The king’s ready to give me my reward as promised. I go for it and get a Gold Rosary (+DEF and + more HP when heal), 1000 gold, Aggressence (values 750 gold), and a Tortoiseshell (values 150 gold, but I don’t have to use it in the rest of the TAS ;_;). Now Stella wants me to go back to the Starflight Express, but first, I go to the weapon shop and open the chest for Seed of Strength, and buy 2 Copper swords. At this point, I should use Chimera wing to fly to Angle Falls and go to the train from there, which is faster (therefore I will need 1 more Chimera wing in total), but I missed this. When I arrive, I and Stella don't find things quite how she wanted. Though I helped out those in Stornway, the Benevolessence I earned wasn't enough to get the Starflight Express back in the air. Thus, I won't yet be able to return to the Observatory. So I must continue in the Protectorate, I use Chimera wing to fly back to Stornway and head northeast to the checkpoint. Just head north and I reach Coffinwell.
  • Tragedy Coffinwell: I go to the Mayor Laria’s mansion and learn that this town has been hit by the contagious diease, he asks me to speak with the town's resident science nerd, a man known as Dr. Phlegming. I can’t get into his room so I need to talk to her wife, Catarrhina, first. She takes me there and then a conversation. The doctor has been pouring over old manuscripts that speak about the disease that once stalked the people of Coffinwell in generations past. Phlegming has discovered through his exhaustive research that what's plaguing Coffinwell is more akin to a curse than a disease. Apparently, a dungeon to the west of town was where the townsfolk previously sealed the source of the disease. The doctor is convinced that the earthquake is responsible for a fracturing of the seal that kept the curse at bay. With all of that information garnered, I return to the mayor's mansion. Upon speaking with Mayor Laria, he hands to me the Quarantomb Key. I return to Dr. Phlegming and hand over the key. Now that he's been effectively snared into helping the mayor out by the mayor guaranteeing that I will protect him, and we head to the tomb, but first I need to go to the inn and sleep to refill HP&MP. This Quarantomb has a monster Metal Slime that gives a lot of experience so this is a very good place to train level, so I train myself to lv14 and X-Y-Z to lv13. I also find Seed of skill which increases 2 more skill points. After turning on 2 switches, the door opens and I find the broken jar. Dr. Phlegming now patches it, but a monster named Ragin' Contagion appears and prevents him from doing that. So that my turn now, boss fight! This fight use the same strategy, Crack and heal, but it’s very annoying that the boss acts twice per turn and deals heavy damage. When the fight’s over and Dr. Phlegming finished his work, I get out of the tomb and use Chimera wing to fly to Coffinwell.
  • Tragedy Coffinwell 2: I go to talk to Catarrhina but find that she’s already died. She has the curse all along, but never said anything about it, nonetheless to her ungrateful and aloof husband. Then comes a funeral, and Stella shows up to tell me that I can’t get much Benevolessence because of this situation. I go to the inn to rest til night, then go back to the graveyard and meet Catarrhina’s spirit. She ask me to help cheering her husband up. I agree and come to Dr. Phlegming’s office. After speaking with him for a brief time, I’m able to convince him that Catarrhina is speaking through me. She wants Phlegming to visit with some of the people in town who were sick. She hopes that this will show him not only how important he was to saving so many lives, but how grateful folks in the town are to have him... even if he is a weirdo shut-in. There are four people in particular I need to visit. After that, Dr. Phlegming ask me to head back to his office. When we arrive there, the doctor tell me that he's glad he was able to speak to everyone, and to make Catarrhina happy one last time, and now she can R.I.P. The next morning, I find the town in a much happier mood. Stella says she sees Benevolessence everywhere, which is exactly what I need to get the Starflight Express moving once more. But first, I need to take reward from the mayor, Feather Headband is a good equipment (+DEF, + MAG.ATK and + more HP when heal), then I use Chimera wing to fly to Stornway, and go to the train from there.
  • The Observatory: Before reaching the train, I interact with a female ghost, a very important NPC, though she'll wander off before very long. When I walk into the Starflight Express thereafter, another lengthier cutscene will take place. I now have enough Benevolessence to get the craft off of the ground and back to the Observatory. Apus Major is praying to Yggdrasil when suddenly the Starflight Express shows up and deposits me back in the Observatory. Astonished not only at the fact that I’m alive, but that my halo and wings are missing, Apus Major brings me back to his throne room so everyone can speak. I fill Apus Major in on everything that happened. It appears that Apus Major dispatched Guardians to the Protectorate after the earthquake to not only look for the Fyggs, but to also find the source of the disturbance, but none has returned. Apus Major then instruct me to visit Yggdrasil and pray for my wings and halo back, I do so, and fall asleep, then I bear witness to a disturbing and vivid dream. It appears that two divine entities are battling over the fate of the mortals back in the Protectorate. One of these gods appears to want to destroy the world of the mortals, but the other is hell-bent on protecting it. When I awake, my wings and halo hasn’t come back yet, then I hear a mystery voice tells me that I am the chosen one and I need to collect all the Fyggs, then it open a way for me, a blue tree appears to land with the Starflight Express. I also learn ‘Zoom’, a spell that like Chimera wing. When Apus Major and his friends come, I tell him about my dream, then I use the Starflight Express to go to that blue tree.
  • The First Fygg: I go to the Alltrades Abbey and witness a scene: a mayor’s speaking with three individuals. These three people have come from all over the world to change their vocation, just like so many others have done in the past. But the man responsible for job changes, Abbot Jack, has gone missing. There's nothing this mayor can do, and although this trio of people incessantly complain to him, he walks away. Then I talk to the mayor to ask for the Fygg (a shining fruit). He gives me some clues, then I go down to find more. After asking for information, I find that the fruit has been eaten by Abbot Jack and he’s nowhere to be found. I speak with the mayor again and he suggests that Abbot Jack may come to the Tower of Trades. Then he teaches me a party trick called ‘Bow’ to open the door there, I register it together with ‘Clap’ to use later. I head out using Zoom (faster than walking), but instead of going right to the Tower, I go down to the Port Llaffan first. I see a crowd at the beach, and when leaving, a scene happens: Jona, a red hair girl, springs into action, summoning forth a great creature of the sea, Lleviathan, and it feeds everyone with plentiful amounts of fish from the sea. Take it aside, I go to the shop to buy a Cloak of Evasion (+DEF and + EVA)and 4 Wellington Boots (+EDF). Then I zoom to Abbey and go to the Tower of Trades. At 4th floor, I collect 1200 gold and a Sorcerer’s Stone (+MAG.ATK and + more HP when heal). At the 7th floor, I find a magical door, when enter it, I finally find Abbot Jack, he is at the center of this circular room and doing his prayers. It doesn't take long for him to be overtaken by the evil spirit that's corrupting him. And the quaint old man Abbot Jack becomes a devilish monster known as the Master of Nu'Un. Now come the boss battle! The strategy doesn’t change, after the fight, I obtain the 1st Fygg.
  • The Second Fygg: I get out through the magical door and zoom to the Port Llaffan, I rest at the inn to refill HP&MP, and because Jona will only talk to me at night, then I go to her house. I have a conversation with her, but another person from town storms into her house to tell her that Mayor Bryce is interested in speaking to her. She scampers off, promising to return shortly. I’m not waiting there and head outside and run to the mayor’s house. I overhear Jona's and Mayor Bryce's conversation. It appears that the mayor wants to adopt Jona into her own family, since her father Dylan went missing some time ago, and doesn't seem likely to return. Bryson, the mayor's son, is excited about the prospect of adopting Jona, but Jona has her reservations. Jona tells him that she doesn't want to invoke Leviathan anymore. He shouldn't be feeding the entire town, and after all, something is certainly fishy about this entire situation, but the mayor won't hear any of it. He insists that Jona reconsider, and sends her off to go to sleep. Hereafter, Jona run into me, and offers to bring me back to her place. The hour is now late, and Jona says that I can sleep there. Then Stella briefly scold me for meddling in the affairs of this town before morning finally comes. I head back towards the mayor's home, and go to the backyard. I see Mayor Bryce's son, Bryson, near a locked gate. Apparently, Mayor Bryce has a hidden beach all to his own, and after Jona reiterated her desire to no longer summon forth Leviathan, Bryce took off with Jona towards the private beach. The gate leading westward was locked earlier, but now, thanks to Bryson, it unlocked. I go to that way and enter a cave, in this cave I find an Iron Kneecaps (+DEF) and a Blue Jeans (+DEF). Working my way up, I reach an outdoor location known as Cuddiedig Cliff. This is the private fishing spot used by the mayor. Here, the mayor is outright begging Jona to call Leviathan. But he doesn't want her to tell Leviathan to only bring fish. He remarks that there are all sorts of untold treasures under the sea, from pearls galore to the booty of ships long-since wrecked. Clearly, the mayor wants to adopt Jona so that he can abuse her powers for his own personal wealth, but Jona isn't only hesitant, but outright uninterested in doing Mayor Bryce's bidding. Suddenly, Lleviathan shows up. The mayor asks it to bring it fish and riches, but suddenly, it attacks, eating Jona in the process! It's time for me to get involved, boss fight. Lleviathan is a strong boss, his attack causes damage lager than my healing skill, he also has an powerful attack that causes damage to all of my party (but I manage to avoid this). Following the battle, everything will become lucid. This is the real Leviathan, but it's been possessed by none other than Dylan, Jona's deceased father. Dylan did indeed die out at sea when a storm suddenly hit his fishing vessel, but before he died, he saw a shining fruit, and then he found himself at one with Leviathan, the sea god. Knowing that he left Jona behind in the village to fend for herself, he delivered up fish to feed her and make sure she was taken care of. He never intended for things to get so out of control, or for her to be used by Mayor Bryce. Dylan then leaves both his daughter and Leviathan behind, with Bryson, Mayor Bryce's son, swearing to take care of Jona in his stead. I then obtain the 2nd Fygg.
  • The adventure continues: I wake up in town, resting at the mayor's house. I get out and find a boat docked nearby. I speak with the captain and he’s willing to bring me out to sea. After a brief time, the ship deposit me in a tiny settlement called Slurry Quay. I then buy 3 Fur hoods (+DEF) and open a chest for a Seed of Strength. I leave the quay and go to Dourbridge, at the brigde, I meet the woman's ghost again. She nearly stops me for being a Celestrian, but thinking that she's made an error, she keeps on walking. After that strange encounter, I go to the Lonely Plains, then I go to the Heights of Loneliness, this entire dungeon leading to Zere Rocks. After entering Zere Rock to register it, I get back to Lonely Plains and head south to go to Bloomingdale. When entering the town, I must visit the ship moored nearby. The old man guarding the dock tells me a bit about the boat, and that it's technically up for grabs at the moment. Then the guard at the entrance to the Bloome mansion will let me through. Inside the mansion, I go upstair to get 1500 gold, then, I return to the first floor and enter Marion’s room. There are two people trying their damndest to impress the rich young lass. I speak with her and ask her for her boat. At first, things seem really easy, she immediately agrees to give me the boat, but then suddenly, she accuses me of coming to take Marion away from her, shel scampers off to her room, and lock herself inside. I see a ghost briefly appear in her room before disappearing, and I can’t speak to Marion any further. So I get out and go to the house on the left, the old woman there sends me off to speak to the toymaker who lives in the house west of Bloomingdale's church. That man name is Randolph, and while he's now retired, he was at one time a talented toymaker. I ask him about Marion, he says that he once made her some toys. In fact, he's one of the few people Marion still trusts for some reason, and immediately offers to go to her mansion to check up on her. When we arrive there we find that Marion has gone missing, and a note sits on her bed. Apparently, some thieves kidnapped her for ransom, and took her to a cave north of town, waiting for their windfall. Randolph immediately takes off to let the town know what's befallen Marion. Suddenly a ghost appears, I contact with her and she leads me outside, to a gravestone. I find out that the ghost is the real Marion, the fake-one I met before is just a doll named Marionette, it comes to life because of the Fygg. Marion died because of sickness and she wanted her doll to live inplace of her own, and make a lot of friends as she never could. Knowing the truth, I zoom to Alltrades Abbey.
  • Changing vocation: I talk to Jack and begin to change vocation. I change I and X to Martial Artist, Y to Mistrel and Z to Priest. Then I talk to the boy nearby to receive a quest: “109 - Elementary Training”, and I go downstair and talk to a priest to receive a quest: “103 - Gladiator Graduator”, I do these 2 quests to unlock new important vocations for the rest of the run. Then I buy an Iron broadsword (+ATK) and an Iron shield (+DEF). I get out and zoom to Coffinwell, then I go to the Quarantomb. To do quest 109, I need to erect a Wizard ward before defeating 2 Metal Slime. Z is the chosen one (Z learned this spell), I change Z to Priest for him to have enough MP to cast 2 spells, and he must be the one to deliver the final blow. I spend 10 skill points for I to + 10 Agility (I will always go first so I concentrate on her Agility), 22 skill point for X to learn Psyche Up (increase her own tension) and + 10 Strength (X will be the main attacker). I defeat 3 Metal Slime for my characters to level up to 12 and gain 18 skill points. When done, I get out and zoom to Alltrades Abbey again.
  • Changing vocation 2: I talk to the boy to complete quest 109, now the Armamentalist vocation is unlocked , then I change I, X, Y to Thief and Z to Armamentalist. Now I go rescue Marionette. I zoom to Bloomingdale and go to the cave north of town. I meet the kidnappers and know that Marionette escaped them. I unlock and open the exit door to use later, then I go deeper. In this cave there’s a Metal Medley which gives x3 exp more than Metal Slime, I fight it 2 times and reach lv 14. I spend 32 skill points for I to + 20 Agility and + 20 HP, all Z’s skill points to + 4% Block and + 20 Resilience (Z will be the tanker of the team), all X’s skill points to Sword skill. Then I get out and zoom to Angle Falls to do quest 103. I must reach Super-high Tension and kill a Slime with Dragon Slash 3 times, so X is the key here. I choose to fight Slime at Angel Falls since it’s easy do deal with. When done, I zoom back to Alltrades Abbey.
  • Final changing: I talk to the priest again to finish quest 103, now the Gladiator vocation is unlocked, then I change all character to Gladiator and spend 4 skill points for I, Y, Z to + 10 HP, then I change I and Y to Armamentalist, and Z to Warrior. So now my team has 2 Armamentalist, 1 Gladiator and 1 Warrior.
  • The Third Fygg: I zoom back to Bloomindale and go the cave again, this time through the exit door, I continue to train with Metal Medley until my team reaches lv17 (now I spend all Y’s skill points to Fource, she will be the supporter). At the end of the cave I find Marionette standing there, then suddenly comes a giant spider Tyrantula, and I have to fight it. This boss is annoying because it always attacks twice, and has many attack that does damage all. Once the battle is finished, I witness a sad scene in which the ghost of Marion confronts Marionette, telling her that they can't play together anymore, and requesting that Marionette return to her standard doll form. Marionette agrees but first she need to tell everyone that Marion has gone. I then escape the cave and zoom to Bloomingdale. I sleep at the Inn to refill HP&MP. Then I go to Marion’s gravestone and find that the doll’s lying there, then I obtain the 3rd Fygg. An old woman appears to bring the doll to the bed, and tell me that Marion gave me the ship. Great, then I come to the ship immediately, and setting sail.
  • Traveling around: I sail to the north and approach a desert island known as the Djust Desert, in the center there’s a city named Gleeba, I come to register it then come back to my ship and continue to the north (there’s unavoidable fight on the sea, and I flee to save time). When landed, I continue to the north and enter Batsureg. I come to the Chief house and ask for the shining fruit, a woman named Sarantsatsral seems uncomforted and tells me she doesn’t know. Then the Chief’s son, Batzorig comes and is too scare to confront a beast, so I have to chase it away, after that, I was given a duty to keep an eye on that Batzorig. I get out of the village and go north to find him, but he refuses my help and says he has business to do. I follow him to the cave and find out that he and the beast are friends, and he tells me that Sarantsatsral is a bad woman, and the beast is trying to attack her, not Batzorig’s father. I then see a woman ghost, she is Batzorig’s mother, and she asks me to help finding a Bodura Grass for her son. This grass is a material of the drug that will reveal Sarantsatsral’s true form. There’s no way I can refuse, so I go as she showed me to find that grass. On the way, I pick up 4 Mythril Ores (value 3000 gold each) and a Slime Crown (+DEF). After getting the grass, I’m not giving it to Batzorig yet, I zoom to Batsureg and go southwest, to an ice-land. There’s a Swinedimples Academy there, and welcome me is the Headmaster. He tells me that 2 students have been missing, and hires me to solve this case (he mistaked me as a detective), I receive 2000 gold for the job, and 3000 more if the job’s done :O I also receive a Swinedimples blazer (a uniform). When I come to my new room, I see 3 students there talking about ghost, then a ghost really appears, I come running right to the room, but it disappears immediately. The 3 students then runaway. I follow them and know that they’re bad students, it’s study time but they go out playing. I tell the boy named Fred about the ghost I see before him, and he tells me to come to the statue in the top of the Academy at midnight. Save it later. I zoom to Gleeba.
  • The Fourth Fygg: I buy a Magic Armour (+DEF), 2 Magic Mittens (+DEF) and a Bandit Blade (+ATK), then I go to the castle and talk to a men near the throne, he asks me to find a lizard which is a pet of the Queen. After finding it, I can see the Queen. The Queen has the Fygg I asked her, but refuses to hand over it to me. She slices it to tiny pieces to take a bath with. Because I can’t go to the Queen’s Chamber, I go to the top and jump down, just in-time to see the lizard eating a slice of Fygg. Then it becomes large (and so does its bow :O), it takes the Queen and jumps into the well. I follow it immediately but it’s really too fast so it takes me 99 second to reach it (I also collect a Magic Shield (+DEF) on the way down). This boss fight is not hard because my team is strong now. After the fight, I obtain the 4th Fygg. The Queen then thanks me but I don’t have any reward. It doesn’t matter, I then zoom to Zere Rock.
  • The Fifth Fygg: I go to the house at the end of this rock-town and meet a Slime, and it can talk :O it tells me that Mason is the man who create this entire replica town. Then comes a minor earthquake and I head outside to see what the source of the quake is. Oh I see a gigantic stone golem named Garth Goyle, and it’s boss fight. Not very hard. After the fight, I see an old man ghost, and he goes down to the cellar, I follow him and find that is the ghost of Mason, who has passed away to the other side. He did eat the Fygg that hailed from Dourbridge, which allowed him to make a wish, but after I defeat the Garth Goyle, he can R.I.P now(?). Then I obtain the 5th Fygg.
  • The Sixth Fygg: I zoom to Batsureg and go to Batzorig’s house to deliver him the Bodura Grass, he’s very pleased and goes to make the drug. I zoom back to Batsured and enter, then comes a short scene, and Sarantsatsral is revealed her true form, it makes everyone scared and they can’t fight but me, so I come to do the job. When it’s done, I automatically be sleeping at the inn, and when I come outside, I see Batzorig and his father are making a speech. Then I go back to the inn and rest till night.
  • The Seventh Fygg:I zoom to Swinedimples Academy and buy 2 Black knickers (+DEF). I come to the top of Academy at midnight as Fred told me and click on the statue, then the 3 students appear, and they call loud for the ghost. And the ghost truely appears, he controls Fred and jump down, I quickly follow him to a cellar that was hidden under a tomb.In the final room of the cellar, I find Fred and the 2 missing students sitting at their desks, with the ghost of a teacher instructing them from the front of the room. When I arrive, this teacher, who is named Sir Sternivus Swinedimple, instruct me to sit down. But I ignore him and speak directly to him. He doesn't much approve of my talking, and subsequently turns into a monster and attacks my party. This boss is hard to kill since he doesn’t have element weakness, but luckily I can finish him in 4 rounds. After the fight, I obtain the last Fygg. Now I have all the 7 Fyggs. I then zoom to Alltrades Abbey and go to the blue tree to summon the Starflight Express.
  • The Traitor:On the way back to Observatory, my teacher, Aquila suddenly appears and requests to take over all the Fyggs. I cannot resist him because of the Law of Celestrian and be defeated. He then meets up with two more of the Gittish Empire's forces: Lieutenant Hootimgham-Gore of the Triumgorate and the black dragon Barbarus. Barbarus then attacks the Starflight Express, causing Stella and me to tumble out of the train and fall down to the Protectorate.
  • Finding another way: I fall down to Wormwood Creek and be rescued by Wallace. After I’m awake, the Mayor says that I must be at the Church tonight, so I go to the inn and rest till night. When I get there, the villagers think I was concerned of the Black Dragon, and because I’m an outsider, they don’t believe me, except Wallace, who’s trying to protect me, but unsucessfully. After he runs away, I follow him to a small cave. He tells me that people in the village hate outsiders because years ago, a woman here brought an ousider and it ended really badly. He then suggests that I travel to the town of Upover and enlist the help of Barbarus' mortal enemy: Greygnarl, the legendary dragon that lives atop a volcano called the Magmaroo. In order to open the path to Upover, he directs me to a cave known as the Bowhole. But there was a spell that sealed the cave and noone knows how to break it. When get out, I meet the woman ghost the 3rd time, and this time we’re talking. So her name is Serena and she directly asks me to bring her something. I zoom back to Wormwood Creek and search for it, and find a necklace. I bring it back to Serena and then her memories’ running: Serena was the daughter of Wormwood Creek's elder. And she’s the woman Wallace mentioned just a few minutes ago. Sometimes before she helped an angel back to health after he fell from the Observatory. When the Gittish Empire invaded the town and tried to take her, he fought back in her defense and forced them to retreat. The scene ends here, and we don’t know why it ends up badly yet :) In return, Serena will help me break the spell that sealed the Bowhole. I come running to the cave immediately. In the cave I find a Phial of Finessence (for money) and Light gauntlets (+DEF). This cave has Liquid Metal Slime that gives ~10x exp than Metal Slime, I train with them and reach lv24. At the end of the cave I find a statue, and suddenly it comes to life and attack me. Wait a minute, my purpose when coming to this cave is to open the path to Upover, not fighting. Anyway, after the fight, I obtain the Wyrmlight bow. I get out and zoom to Wormwood Creek, then I go to the Wormwood Canyon and use the bow to restore the bridge of light to Upover. After a few seconds, the people in Wormwood Creek appear behind my back, they say that they see the light and coming (How can they be that fast? Did they follow me? o_O!), and as a result the people of Wormwood Creek apologize me and wish me lucky. I then continue my way to Upover.
  • An old dragon: After a long long way, I finally reach Upover. I go directly to the mayor’s house to ask about the dragon Greygnarl. The mayor shows me the way to the top of this Magmaroo volcano. On the way to the top, I get a Safety Shoes (+DEF). When I meet Greygnarl, he mistakes me for a member of the Gittish Empire and attacks me. Hmm, how can an old dragon win? After be defeated, Greygnarl blames for his high age. I tell him about the return of the black dragon and need his help, but he refuses. Nevermind, I zoom back to Upover, just in-time there are 3 members of Gittish Empire attacking the town, and I act as a hero. After the battle, Lieutenant Hootingham-Gore appears but luckily (for him) we don’t fight. I don’t know how Greygnarl knows all this, but he reconsiders my offer, and gives me a word that he will help me if I bring him a Drunken Dragon and, alone. So I need to zoom to Stornway and go to Patty’s inn to drop off all my partners, but first I equip the main character with best equipments because the next battle she will fight alone. When done, I zoom to the Magmaroo – Summit to deliver the Drunken to Greygnarl, he happily drinks it and give me a Gittish Seal (he knows that I will need it later, hmm). Then Barbarus appears and attack the town. A monster Aggrosculpture appears and fights me. After the fight, Greygnarl gives me the Dragon Warrior gear, consist of helm, armour, gloves, trousers and boots. After wearing them, there is a long cutscene (but short word): The two of us take to the skies to confront Barbarus, but in the ensuing battle Greygnarl throws me off his back and sacrifices himself to save Upover from Barbarus' attack. Stella, who just awakes, separates me when I’m falling and flies away.
  • The rebellion: I’m then captured by Hootingham-Gore's forces and taken to the Goretress, a Gittish Empire prison watched over by Triumgorate member Goreham-Hogg. I meet a mystery man named Sterling, and he tells me his knowledge of this prison. There are force fields around the Gortress that prevent the prisoners from escaping, but I’m able to bypass them by using the Gittish Seal. Knowing this, Sterling plans an escaping plan, and the next morning we proceed it. But first I need to zoom to Stornway to call up all my partners. I zoom back to the Gortress and go up to the tower. I fight an enemy here then turn off the Shield generator. When I get out, Sterling’s there thanks for my help, but we still have boss to fight, then we go down. I enter the light circle to refill HP&MP. After defeating the boss, Sterling opens the chest for the Whistle, and I open the chest for Ultimate Key. I use this key to free the prisoners of the Goretress' solitary confinement, who are actually some of the missing Celestrians that were sent to recover the fyggs. Before anyone can leave the Goretress, Barbarus attacks, Sterling uses his Whistle to call the Starflight Express and hit Barbarus with she and drives him away. Then he teleports us into the Starflight Express. Sterling reveals himself to be the captain of the Starflight and we return the captured Celestrians back to the Observatory.
  • Travel to the Realm of the Almighty: I first open 2 chests to get an Orichalcum (for money) and a Goddess Ring (restore MP when walking). Then I inform Apus Major of the Gittish Empire's return and Aquila's betrayal. Apus Major tells me that Gittish Empire is an evil organization thought to have been wiped out three centuries ago, and Aquila had returned the fyggs to the Observatory. Huh, what does this mean? So he isn’t a traitor? With the fyggs in hand, I, Stella, Sterling and apus Major are able to travel to the Realm of the Almighty. On the way there, I acquire a White Knight’s Shield (+DEF) and a Mighty Armlet (+ATK). Upon arriving at the Temple of the Almighty, we find the place had been hit by the ray of light that struck the Observatory and the Almighty, Zenus, is nowhere to be found. I offer the fyggs to Zenus but instead his daughter, the Goddess Celestia, appears before us. Celestia reveals that she had transformed herself into Yggdrasil to prevent Zenus from destroying the Protectorate, intending to prove that the mortals were capable of kindness. Swayed, Zenus decided to spare the humans and created the Observatory and the Celestrians, though he was doubtful that they would ever manage to accomplish their task. Assuring everyone that Zenus had not been killed by the blast of light, Celestria then explains that the being who launched the attack was the same one who revived the Gittish Empire and tasks me with preventing him from destroying the world. She then opens another blue tree for me. I take a train to there, but not enter the Gittingham Palace yet, I have something to finish. First I zoom to Bloomingdale and go to my ship. In my ship there is a chest contains a Falcon Blade that allows to strike twice per hit. Now with Ultimate Key I can have it. Then I zoom to Upover to buy a Mirror Armour (sometimes can send spell back to their source). Done.
  • Gittingham Palace: This Palace is protected with dark magic power, luckily Celestria can open a small passage but enough for me to overcome. Right after I enter, Lieutenant Hootingham-Gore and his henchmans attack me. After defeating them, I go deep inside, and get a Dark Shield (+DEF) on the way. The final member of the Triumgorate, Goresby-Purrvis, is waiting there to fight me. This is a very hard boss, but under TAS condition, it’s not. I then approach the throne and witness Aquila talking to the emperor King Godwyn. Aquila is revealed to have been working as a double agent and attempts to kill Godwyn, I wish that he can do that but he only fails me, and be killed himself. I then defeats King Godwyn and descends into the dungeon beneath the palace, the Oubliette.
  • The one behind all of these: Within the Oubliette I find Corvus, who had been captured by the Gittish Empire (?) (I don’t understand much, isn’t he who revived the Gittish Empire? Why is he still captured?). Smell of dangerous but the game forces me to release him. Upon freeing him, I learn that he attacked Realm of the Almighty and revived the Gittish Empire, having developed an intense hatred for mortalkind during his three-hundred-year captivity and concentrating it into a powerful force. Corvus OHKO me and escapes the Oubliette, then Serena appearing soon after his departure. She explains that when the Gittish Empire returned to Wormwood Creek, Corvus tried to defend the town again despite his injuries. To keep him safe, Serena fed Corvus a sleeping potion, but Serena's father delivered Corvus to the Gittish Empire, leading Corvus to believe that Serena betrayed him. So the power of love turns to the power of hatred. Serena leaves again, and Sterling comes, we rescue the rest of captured Celestrians and return to the Observatory.
  • You leave me no choice: I tell Apus Major all of this, but he can’t do anything because we can’t bypass the Law of Celestrian. But Celestria calls me to come to the tree, then she gives me a Fygg and says that if I eat it, I will become mortal and can confront Covus. Do I have another choice? No, because I’m the chosen one =.=!. I eat it and return to the Realm of the Almighty. This time Corvus has changed it into a dark and twisted world. He also reived the Triumgorate (wtf) but they haven’t recovered yet so they’re weaker than our first met. I (easily) defeat them and confront Corvus. Before that I had acquire another Mirror Armour and a Yggdrasil dew (refill all my party’s HP). Corvus is strong but I’m stronger, he’s very angry when be defeated and releases his ultimate form. Before fighting with him, I must fight Barbarus first, although they all will be defeated. After the battle, Corvus’ going mad and about to destroy the world, but Serena arrives and explains her intentions to Corvus, managing to redeem him. Corvus understands everything now and returns to his Celestrian form. The two then disappear and Celestria appears, manages to returns the Realm of the Almighty to its former state. Now the duty of the Celestrians is finally completed. The Observatory will be no more. All the Celestrians come to heaven now, luckily, I’m not Celestrian anymore so I’m still alive o_O!
  • The end: Sterling and Stella take me back to the Protectorate with a very long time, nearly 7 minutes! I have a final farewell with them, and after they vanishing, I see another Fygg falling down to Port Llaffan. What does this mean? This means there’s a post-story that I can obtain a Fygg and restore my Celestrian ability, but it’s not involve with this TAS :) It ends here. Thanks for reading this very long text!
  • Before changing vocation: Magical Damage is better than Physical Damage so I recruit Mage-class first, and save skill points for later.
  • After changing vocation: Each hero has different duties:
  1. I: has the skill EGG ON to raise comrade's tension and sometimes needed to use SAP to decrease the boss' DEF so I changes class to Armamentalist.
  2. X: the main damage of the team, need skill PSYCHE UP to raise her own tension, and skill DOUBLE UP to raise ATK so X changes class to Gladiator.
  3. Y: needs to imbue X with different elemental power and uses SAP to decrease the boss' DEF so Y changes class to Armamentalist as well.
  4. Z: is the tank of the team so Z changes class to Warrior to has skill WHIPPING BOY (takes damage instead of other heroes)
  • The main strategy is: I and X raise X's tension up to 100 then finish the boss, along with that is Y imbues X with elemental power, and Z protects the whole team.
RNG manipulation:
  • Random monster encounter: by using different running directions (won't work on the sea)
  • Number of monster fight: sometimes you will fight more than 1 monster at a time, this is annoying especially when training level with Metal Slime, by using Medicinal herbs can change this.
Potential Improvements:
  • Equip weapon/armor: using mouse is faster (I missed this at the earlier of the TAS)
  • Cancel the menu immediately: by press Y (I missed this at the earlier of the TAS)
  • Less items collected...
  • After buying 2 Copper swords at the Weapon Shop and get out, using Chimera wing to fly to Angle Fall then walking to Starflight Express is faster than walking to it from Stornway (therefore I will need 1 more Chimera wing)
  • After defeating Tyrantula and Zoom to Bloomingdale, DO NOT sleep at there Inn, instead, sleeping at the bed in Swinedimples Academy
Special thanks:
  • Level-5 / Square Enix / Nintendo: for develop and publish this game
  • Zaraf: for his help with all the monster/bosses informations
  • clear tonic: for his RTA of this game
  • YOU: for reading this submisison :)

ThunderAxe31: Judging.
ThunderAxe31: While this run takes inspiration from the RTA strategy, it's one hour and half faster than the world record, mostly thanks to faster grinding and better execution of fights.
There are some minor mistakes that the author listed in the submission text, but these are negligible since they waste little amount of time and are hard to catch by naked eye.
About the aesthetic side, this run is very long and features many dialogues and unskippable cutscenes, but the nice graphics, good music, and deep plot keep the movie enough enjoyable, and the audience reception was also good.
Accepting for the Moons.
Spikestuff: Lyin' on the floor. Publishing, Publishing.
See y'all in 2019.

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(meanwhile on irc)
>Commentary whiny voice WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Claiming for Publications. 2018 is already going to kill me before I can have any fresh air. Will vote when ugh...
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Joined: 3/2/2010
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Location: A little to the left of nowhere (Sweden)
If you want the final encode to contain the subtitle commentary, provide them as a subtitle file (e.g. .sub, .srt or .ass). Our encoders are most likely not going to spend the better part of several months to watch your youtube videos, type out your commentary by hand, and then re-work all the timing values. Which is an extremely unreasonable demand to make.
Experienced player (870)
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wow 6hours lol
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
Experienced player (663)
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Posts: 240
Warepire wrote:
If you want the final encode to contain the subtitle commentary, provide them as a subtitle file (e.g. .sub, .srt or .ass). Our encoders are most likely not going to spend the better part of several months to watch your youtube videos, type out your commentary by hand, and then re-work all the timing values. Which is an extremely unreasonable demand to make.
^^ sure, I am working on it right now!
Skilled player (1014)
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Location: nowhereatthemiddleofnoone
grassini wrote:
wow 6hours lol
Yeah and Re-record count: 27169 for a long video. So, the problem is, watch 6 tiring hours or watch 6 entertaining hours?! Where is your route planing? Why you go to search a weapon, a power or a travelling companion? I want said, if you want to make want to do watching this long video, why you don't explain more things? Even, if your video's encode have a commentaries ( and I think it's a very good idea ), I think than I prefer read the submission commentaries to know if it's credible to watch. For EX: #5247: Maejin512's PSX Breath of Fire III "Any% Best Ending No Super Combo" in 7:56:57.49 This submission was rejected and before I watch it, I asked the same questions at Maejin! It was a good idea, with a well execution at some moments and good moments to watch, but boring, due to a bad study on this game and very lot long video's time.
GAW sms... Totally destroyed
Expert player (2748)
Joined: 10/12/2011
Posts: 6501
Location: The land down under.
Hoandjzj wrote:
sure, I am working on it right now!
To simplify things, redump your commentary with no gameplay at 30fps and in the same resolution. Run it through subrip. Guide it through what it wants, it should be fine on it's own. I was going to do that, however the gameplay part screws me. (Suggestion remove your information about the game, and who it's by. It'll make life easier for both of us) (File > Open Hard Subbed Video Files) Right Click and select the entire windows. Select White in the Text option at the top. And Run it and guide it through the text it doesn't know. The clearer the text is to the program the easier time it'll have. For the curious. I can't do much when I have to be prompted everytime it spots something from the game.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Experienced player (663)
Joined: 4/6/2010
Posts: 240
zoboner wrote:
grassini wrote:
wow 6hours lol
Yeah and Re-record count: 27169 for a long video. So, the problem is, watch 6 tiring hours or watch 6 entertaining hours?! Where is your route planing? Why you go to search a weapon, a power or a travelling companion? I want said, if you want to make want to do watching this long video, why you don't explain more things? Even, if your video's encode have a commentaries ( and I think it's a very good idea ), I think than I prefer read the submission commentaries to know if it's credible to watch. For EX: #5247: Maejin512's PSX Breath of Fire III "Any% Best Ending No Super Combo" in 7:56:57.49 This submission was rejected and before I watch it, I asked the same questions at Maejin! It was a good idea, with a well execution at some moments and good moments to watch, but boring, due to a bad study on this game and very lot long video's time.
Yes, because most of the game is conversations and cut-scenes, so the re-record count isn't too much! I'm trying to explain more things :)
Experienced player (663)
Joined: 4/6/2010
Posts: 240
Spikestuff wrote:
Hoandjzj wrote:
sure, I am working on it right now!
To simplify things, redump your commentary with no gameplay at 30fps and in the same resolution. Run it through subrip. Guide it through what it wants, it should be fine on it's own. I was going to do that, however the gameplay part screws me. (Suggestion remove your information about the game, and who it's by. It'll make life easier for both of us) (File > Open Hard Subbed Video Files) Right Click and select the entire windows. Select White in the Text option at the top. And Run it and guide it through the text it doesn't know. The clearer the text is to the program the easier time it'll have. For the curious. I can't do much when I have to be prompted everytime it spots something from the game.
Err... not quite sure how to do ;__; I'm very bad at encoding, I followed the Custom Encoding guide at this site so I will upload the AviSynth for the whole video here.
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Hoandjzj wrote:
Yes, because most of the game is conversations and cut-scenes, so the re-record count isn't too much! I'm trying to explain more things :)
I started to watch yesterday, only 1 hour and this was interesting... So I continue to watch it tonight. I'll like to know, if you had doing a research for critical damages? I can see than, when you fight (at ~ 28 min) on the first fight (2 flames), normal damages are at 7, increase at 8 and can increase for hit at 9 and maybe more... I know that it's a poor gain but maybe sometime you can won some fight with 1 hit less ! I had watch only the first part, so maybe that it's not a good method to won faster! Thank to have editing you submission text.
GAW sms... Totally destroyed
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Here's the subtitles (separated into top screen bottom screen). You have typos and spelling mistakes within it by the looks of it. But that's your subtitles into a more appropriate filetype now. Edit: Important question because you did use DeSmuME 0.9.11. What are your sync settings? Because you don't have that mentioned anywhere. Alternately. How did you sync/dump your TAS? Edit 2: Nevermind I solved it. You changed the firmware information. Default (Seen on 99.99% of TASes): (Message says: DeSmuME makes you happy!) What you have: I had to manually change it cause DeSmuME doesn't automatically switch it. I had to look at your input file for it to tell me that your firmware was touched. It's default for a reason. Don't change it. It's bad enough you're TASing on 0.9.11.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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zoboner wrote:
Hoandjzj wrote:
Yes, because most of the game is conversations and cut-scenes, so the re-record count isn't too much! I'm trying to explain more things :)
I started to watch yesterday, only 1 hour and this was interesting... So I continue to watch it tonight. I'll like to know, if you had doing a research for critical damages? I can see than, when you fight (at ~ 28 min) on the first fight (2 flames), normal damages are at 7, increase at 8 and can increase for hit at 9 and maybe more... I know that it's a poor gain but maybe sometime you can won some fight with 1 hit less ! I had watch only the first part, so maybe that it's not a good method to won faster! Thank to have editing you submission text.
Thanks :D I did study about critical hit: - It's very hard to perform a critical hit with a single character, all I did is to try every frames and find the best solution! - Magic can critical hit as well, but it will say the spell goes haywire! - It's easier when I fight with all 4 characters (you can see when I'm training level with Slime), by changing action of each character, I can manipulate the critical hit! - Except the boss fights, because I can't change many actions so I can't manipulate the critical hit (the main character always goes with Egg on or Sap, X always goes with Psyche up or Double up, etc...) @Spikestuff: thank you so much :D now I know that changing the firmware will desync the TAS >_<
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Thank for the new explanations, who are welcome ;) I think that it's can be optimized a some places, but nothing significant and for this game genre, I find that's correct! I can understand, if some viewers find this not very entertaining or "meh", because it's very long to watch, it have numerous cut-scenes and a lot of CONVERSATIONS arrrgh !!! For cut-scenes that's not a problem, because it's like a visual tale with a great colours! But for conversations, time to read is very short and some of them, are very very long and not interesting, because you have not a time to read... ...In same time, imagine this game genre with no conversations, good luck to finish! I'm glad to had watch this run, who's overall well made with fast fights and good route planing. Voting yes.
GAW sms... Totally destroyed
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I didn't actually watch all 6 hours, mostly just skipped around. I voted "meh". It's very long, and the story of the series has never been the strong point IMO. Doesn't appear that there are any shortcuts/skips (at least not that I could discern from the description).
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Ok. I'm not providing the subtitles in the publication. For a 6 hour movie, with just above 100 lines of information it's just not worth it. The subtitles does these things: - Character Traits Changing (Occurs once, 3 lines) - Boss' Name, HP, Attack, Defense. (24 lines) - What Hoandjzj is actually doing. (7 lines) - Misc (2 lines) And here's what I consider the worst offender: - Re-explaining what the game has already stated or restating something that was brought up earlier in a cutscene that you went through already. (67 lines) (Character is now here, cause the plot already said why.) Like, cool. summarisation and all, but my gripe is that how's it's dealt and how much information is filled up for a DS game, spacing correcting, like I can do that. I can separate, inform the viewer when the subtitles are coming in with fades but when the subtitles for some of the summaries come out as missing information, or doesn't make sense even after correcting the structure with what's provided it's like, what do? I mean, inform the author yes, but is it worth it when it's only 103 lines for 6 hours? No. The commentary just feels more of a rush job when you dive deep into looking at it, which doesn't help at all. (It also doesn't help when the submission text has more information than the subtitles.) To compare DS RPG commentaries. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is a 2 and a half hour TAS that has 139 lines (at default subs). And that has explanation on what the author is doing and cracking jokes about it. (Hey, I'm done with this area... nope.) Just straight explaining what they're doing and not bothering with explaining the cutscenes that are being skipped.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [3702] DS Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies by Hoandjzj in 6:06:01.94
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MKV file via BitTorrent (Modern HQ) (size: 16.00 EB, length: 6:06:53)
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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"What" indeed! I'd like to know how anyone could download the full thing without having a personal supercomputer to store it on... (For those not familiar with computer abbreviations, EB = exabyte. 16 exabytes = 16 billion gigabytes!)
c-square wrote:
Yes, standard runs are needed and very appreciated here too
Dylon Stejakoski wrote:
Me and the boys starting over our games of choice for the infinityieth time in a row because of just-found optimizations
^ Why I don't have any submissions despite being on the forums for years now...
Joined: 10/2/2005
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Where do I find this mythical 16EB file? For me http://tasvideos.org/3702M.html shows MKV file via BitTorrent (Modern HQ) (size: 2.09 GB, length: 6:06:53) MP4 file via BitTorrent (Compatibility) (size: 2.21 GB, length: 6:06:53) which is substantially smaller.
Puzzle gamedev https://patashu.itch.io Famitracker musician https://soundcloud.com/patashu Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Before Spikestuff fixed it. (I'll take the whoosh if it's a joke, but still.)
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Before Spikestuff fixed it. (I'll take the whoosh if it's a joke, but still.)
Ah, ok. I thought I checked it right away after feos's post, but not fast enough for someone to have fixed it in the mean time!
Puzzle gamedev https://patashu.itch.io Famitracker musician https://soundcloud.com/patashu Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Description should mention "Advanced bus level timing" must be on. I just spent an hour trying different rom versions not knowing why it wasn't in sync.
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ReyVGM wrote:
Description should mention "Advanced bus level timing" must be on.
Month late response. :V At least you didn't have to figure out what the sync requirements were.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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I started watching your video and found a large miss on 00:06:06. The celestian should not take you away. The ideal result is the celestian walks away but your hero almost doesn’t move. This is related to the position you talk to the celestian and it can save dozens of frames.