Anyway - there is a whole 2nd Quest. If you'd like me to help with the route, I'd gladly do my part. But I would use my NES and Zelda Classic programs, not Famtasia.
I already started planning a route for the 2nd quest in
this topic, so you can take a look at what I came up with so far. The 2nd quest seems to have a much simpler overworld than the 1st quest, so unless I'm missing something obvious, I think I already figured out the fastest route. According to the level order rules (based on the items), there are only 3 levels you can go to first, 1, 2, and 7, and it's best to just do 7 after 3 since it's so close. After 2, you need to go get the power bracelet that you need to enter level 4, and on the way it's best if you can make use of the 100 rupee cave. Since you would need the candle for that, I put level 1 first, hoping that it would be possible to get bombs and at least 10 rupees by the end of level 1, so that you can do the gambling game and buy the blue candle on the way to level 2. After picking up the power bracelet, it's best to go 1 screen to the right to get the arrows there, because if you get them 1 screen below level 2, you can't make use of the 100 rupee cave. Level 8 should be the last level before 9 because it's the shortest walk to 9 (even faster than Up+A, right 2 screens, and warping to near 6), so after level 4, you have the 3+7 group to do and also 6, and each can be gotten to faster by making use of the power bracelet warps. Then you can just whistle to 4, walk to 8 and then walk to 9. Oops, I just noticed that I left level 5 out of that route I typed up in the other topic so I'll fix that after I'm done typing this. You can walk to 5 from the start after doing Up+A after level 4. There seem to be much fewer choices of level order in the 2nd quest so I don't think there's too much room for improvement, but feel free to look this over and make any comments or suggestions. If no one can think of any ways to improve this route, then all that's left for me to do is to count up all the keys and locked doors, but I think someone should check to make sure I don't mess up this time so the same thing doesn't happen as in the 1st quest, where one of the keys I told Sleepz to get was after the locked door that he needed it for.