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- Abuses programming errors in the game
- Takes damage to save time
- As fast as possible

Sorry, in this moment description only in Portuguese.
Whait for description in English ok? Tanks
Este recorde levou 1 mês e meio para ser concluido.
Eu planejava quebrar a marca de 8 minutos desde o inicio e fiz todo o possivel para ganhar tempo e passar o mais rápido possivel pelas fases.
Muitas vezes eu me deixo ser atingido para ganhar velocidade ou passar por obstáculos dificeis sem perder tempo. Esta é a terceira versão do meu recorde, acho que estou chegando ao limite!
Vamos a uma descrição detalhada do filme:
- Fase 1: Deslizar sempre que for possivel. Note que alguns inimigos morrem com rasteiras. A parte mais legal do filme é quando eu evito o primeiro sub-chefe e descubro um bug do jogo. Infelizmente eu nunca consegui chegar até o primeiro chefe sem morrer após o bug, por isso levo Hiryu até um ponto mais próximo possivel dele e reinicio cortando caminho, sem ter que atravessar um pedaço do nivel. O chefe é morto rapidamente com ajuda da espada longa que eu peguei um pouco antes.
- Fase 2: Passo atropelando pelo Sub-Chefe da segunda fase. Isso é nescessário para ganhar um pouco de tempo na hora de escalar as paredes. O primeiro encontro com Solo tambem é muito rápido. Apenas 3 golpes e ele está fora. Uso a estratégia de Dan Fowler para ganhar tempo na descida da montanha.
Acho que fiz um bom trabalho na parte das navezinhas... Em alguns momentos eu consigo sair da tela, o jogo não consegue acompanhar :P
Consigo matar rapidamente as lutadoras ninjas e o piloto da nave grande.
- Fase 3: Logo no começo deixo ser atingido para ganhar tempo. Depois do canhão consigo pular entre as plataformas e ganhar mais um pouco de tempo. O tabalho nas plataformas adiante me fazem ganhar mais alguns décimos de segundo. Deixo ser atingido pela lança na seção de anti-gravidade para ganhar tempo (denovo). Na sala principal da nave, na parte da grande orbe me deixo ser atingido, dessa maneira fico imune a antigravidade e posso acertar várias vezes o inimigo. Nada de mais no restante desta fase.
- Fase 4: Esta fase é no Brasil! Uso as plataformas para pular bem alto. Deixar a esfera te atingir te faz ganhar 0,5 segundos. Se eu pudesse não mataria as amazonas, mas elas insistem em ficar no caminho me atacando com machados! Para quem já jogou Strider, saiba que os indios brasileiros não costumam fazer totens como aqueles encontrados nesta fase. Isso é próprio dos indios norte americanos. Aparentemente os designers da Capcom não fizeram uma pesquisa muito boa.
Quanto ao chefe da fase, o Dragão dourado, eu odeio ele, gostaria de descobrir uma maneira de não ter que enfrenta-lo no jogo.
- Fase 5: O começo desta fase é bem dificil. Recomendo assistir em camera lenta para ver quantos inimigos e projeteis existem aqui. Consigo fazer um movimento maravilhoso e evitar 2 grandes inimigos que estão cercando a entrada da base inimiga.
Na seção anti gravidade me deixo atingir 2 vezes. Esses danos são estratégicos e juntos me poupam muito tempo. O segundo dano é realmente dificil de se fazer, é preciso tentar muitas vezes até que vc não perca velocidade e continue subindo em direção ao segundo orbe gigante.
A luta aqui é bem parecida com a vista na fase 3.
Mais adiante existem um inimigo parecido com aquele da primeira fase. Nesta sala existe um bug monstruoso na parede da esquerda, mas não vou explicar pq gostaria que vc tentassem encontra-lo. Infelizmente este bug não ajuda a ganhar tempo e por isso não é mostrado no filme.
O Segundo encontro com Solo é bem rápido, 3 golpes e ele quase não aparece na tela. Solo aliás é um dos inimigos preferidos neste game. Ele tem uma arma de raios bem legal.
Mais inimigos reciclados... E mais uma vez aquele maldito dragão dourado da fase 4, eu já disse que não gosto dele?
A luta contra mestre "Meio" é bem legal. para começar eu não fico esperando por ele como nos videos anteriores. Eu pego a espada longa e vou para cima dele! Quando o video acaba acontece mais um estranho bug. Ele lançou uma magia que cria inimigos na tela, e esses inimigos atingem o Strider depois que o mestre está derrotado. Então acaba a energia, aparece a animação de explosão toda distorcida (glitch gráfico) e como mágica a sequencia de encerramento continua! É claro que o jogador pode controlar Strider depois que o filme acaba e evitar que ele morra, mas recomendo deixar e assistir assim mesmo, pq é divertido!
Notas: Esse jogo possue muitos bugs, mas a maioria deles não ajuda a chegar mais rápido no final. pelo que pude observar esses bugs são encontrados apenas na versão Sega Genesis do jogo, e não no Arcade CPS1 Original. Seria o tempo de 8:00 minutos um recorde insuperável? Eu gostaria de ver alguem tentar fazer um tempo melhor! Acredito que as fases 3 e 5 podem ser melhoradas um pouquinho, mas este filme está bem próximo do limite. Até o próximo! E assistam meus outros filmes!

Thanks everyone


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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #618: Neofix's Genesis Strider in 08:02.52
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Everything roughly translated, until FODA shows up: This record took 1 month and way to be finished. I planned to break the mark of 8 minutes since the beginning and made possible all to gain time and to pass fastest possible for the phases. Many times I leave myself to be reached to gain speed or to pass for difficult obstacles without losing time. This is the third version of my record, finds that I am arriving at the limit! We go to a detailed description of the film: * Phase 1: To always slide that he will be possible. It notices that some enemies they die with trippings. The part most legal of the film is when I prevent the first assistant manager and discover one bug of the game. Unhappily I never obtained to arrive until the first head without dying bug after, therefore I take Hiryu until a point next possible to it and restart taking shortcut, without having that to cross a piece of nivel. The head is killed quickly with aid of the long sword that I caught a little before. * Phase 2: Step running over for the Assistant manager of the second phase. This is nescessary to gain a little of time in the hour to scale the walls. The first meeting with Ground tambem is very fast. But 3 blows and it are it are. Use the strategy of Dan Fowler to gain time in the descending of the mountain. I find that I made a good work in the part of 'navezinhas'... At some moments I obtain to leave the screen, the game does not obtain to follow:P Consigo to quickly kill the fighters ninjas and the pilot of the great ship. * Phase 3: Soon in the start I leave to be reached to gain time. Later of the cannon I obtain to jump between the platforms and to gain more a little of time. Tabalho in the platforms ahead makes me to earn plus some decimals of second. I leave to be reached by the spear in the antigravity section to gain time (denovo). In the main room of the ship, in the part of great orb I leave myself to be reached, in this way I am immune the antigravity and I can make right some times the enemy. Nothing of more in the remain of this phase. * Phase 4: This phase is in Brazil! Use the platforms to jump well high. To leave the sphere to reach you makes you to gain 0,5 seconds. If I could I would not kill Amazon, but they insist on being in the way attacking me with axes! For who already Strider played, it knows that the Brazilian indios do not costumarily to make totems as those joined ones in this phase. This is proper of the Northern Native Americans. Apparently designers of the Capcom had not made a good research very. How much to the head of the phase, the golden Dragon, I hate it, would like to discover a way not to have that he faces it in the game. * Phase 5: The start of this phase is well difficult. I recommend to attend in camera slow to see how many enemy and you project exist here. I obtain to make a wonderful movement and to prevent 2 great enemies who are surrounding the entrance of the enemy base. In the section anti gravity I leave myself to reach 2 times. These damages are strategical and together they save me much time. As the damage is really difficult of if to make, is necessary to try many times until I do not lose speed and continue going up in direction to as orbe giant. The fight well is seemed the sight in phase 3 here. More ahead they exist an enemy similar to that one of the first phase. In this room bug monstrous in the wall of the left exists one, but I do not go to explain pq would like that vc tried find it. Unhappily this bug does not help to gain time and therefore it is not shown in the film. As the meeting with Ground is well fast, 3 blows and it almost it does not appear in the screen. Ground by the way is one of the enemies preferred in this game. It has a well legal weapon of rays. More enemy recycled... E one more time that one cursed golden dragon of phase 4, I already said that not taste of it? The fight against "Half" master is well legal to start I is not waiting for it as in the previous videos. I catch the long sword and go for top of it! When the video finishes happens plus a stranger bug. It launched a magic that creates enemies in the screen, and these enemies reach the Strider later that the master is defeated. Then he finishes the energy, it appears the explosion animation all distorted (glitch graphical) and as magical the sequence of closing continues! It is clearly that the player can control Strider later that the film finishes and to prevent that it dies, but recommends to leave and to attend thus same, pq is amused! Notes: This game posesses many bugs, but the majority of them does not help to arrive faster in the end for whom I could observe these bugs are found only in the version Sega Genesis of the game, and not in Original Arcade CPS1. Would be the 8:00 time minutes an unachievable time? I would like to see if I am able to try to make a better time. I believe that phases 3 and 5 can a bit be improved, but this film is well next to the limit. Until the next one! I attends to mine other films!
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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There is a spot right after the big turret in level 3 where it looks like you could have made some horizontal movement when falling. Why does the grass slope in the 4th level let you run fluently where the Ice slope in level 2 makes you stop at every bend slightly? On the crawler right before the boss, could have delivered all but the final blow to the thing before the end so that when you arrived at the last boss it would only take one hit to destroy it? It seems like you could've finished it off earlier and then jumped to the final platform.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Post subject: Re: #618: Neofix's Genesis Strider in 08:03
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Neofix wrote:
Fase 4: Esta fase é no Brasil! Uso as plataformas para pular bem alto. Deixar a esfera te atingir te faz ganhar 0,5 segundos. Se eu pudesse não mataria as amazonas, mas elas insistem em ficar no caminho me atacando com machados! Para quem já jogou Strider, saiba que os indios brasileiros não costumam fazer totens como aqueles encontrados nesta fase. Isso é próprio dos indios norte americanos. Aparentemente os designers da Capcom não fizeram uma pesquisa muito boa. Quanto ao chefe da fase, o Dragão dourado, eu odeio ele, gostaria de descobrir uma maneira de não ter que enfrenta-lo no jogo.
If this phase is in Brazil, does that mean the native women are speaking Portuguese? Sorry about the poor research by the designers da Capcom. If it's any consolation, I doubt Russia is overrun by robots in coon-skin hats either. Why not play the game on Hard level? What changes are made?
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Post subject: Re: #618: Neofix's Genesis Strider in 08:03
Player (247)
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Neofix wrote:
This timeattack took me one and a half month to make. I started planning to break the 8 minutes mark, and did everything possible to cut time and get through the levels as quickly as possible. I take hits for speed or to get through hard obstacles without wasting time. This is the third version of my timeattack, i think i'm getting it near perfect! Here's a detailed description of the movie: - Level 1: Sliding as much as possible. Notice that some enemies die when hit by the sliding tackle. The coolest part of the movie is when i use a bug in the game to skip the first mini boss. Unluckly, i couldnt get to the stage boss without getting killed while using the bug, so i take Hiryu to the last point possible and restart by getting a shurtcut, so i can skip a part of the level. The boss is killed very quickly because of the long sword acquired a bit earlier. - Level 2: I blast through this mini boss. This is necessary to gain some time right after when climbing the walls. The first encounter with Solo is also really quick. Only 3 hits and he is out. I use Dan's technique to gain time on the way down. I think i did a good job on the little flying ships part... Sometimes i even get out of the screen, the game just cant keep up :P I kill the ninja girls and the pilot of the big ship quickly. - Level 3: I get hit at the start to same some time. After the cannon i managed to jump past the plataforms and same some more time. The work on the following plataforms give me some extra tenths of seconds. I get hit by the spear on the gravity section to save time (again). On the big main room of the spaceship, at the orbing part, i get hit. That way the gravity has no effect on me anymore so i can hit the enemy many times. Nothing special for the rest of the level. - Level 4: This level takes place in Brazil! I use the plataforms to jump really high. Getting hit by the sphere saves half second. If i could i wouldnt kill the amazons, but they stay in my way throwing axes! To those who played Strider, be aware that brazilian indians dont make totems like those found on this level. That is typical of north american indians. Apparently the Capcom designers didnt make a good research. This boss, the Golden Dragon, i hate him, i wish i could find a way to not have to confront him on the game.
This is too big and kinda pointless, i will continue to translate later. My advice to neofix is to be more straightforward on the movie description. People want to hear the tricks and time savers. You dont have to keep saying all the time "to save time" as if it was an excuse for getting hit. It should be obvious and the movie description already says it. Dont describe the whole level by text, we can see the movie. Describe on the text things that are not clear. 80% of what you wrote is seeable on the movie. the text above in portuguese for neofix: Meu conselho pra você é que você seja mais direto na descrição do filme. As pessoas querem ouvir os truques usados pra salvar tempo. Você não precisa ficar repetindo toda hora "para não perder tempo" como se fosse uma desculpa por ter levado dano. Isso é óbvio e o titulo da descrição do filme já diz isso. Outra coisa, não descreva cada fase passo-a-passo no texto, a gente já vê no filme. No texto só devem estar as coisas que não estão claras no filme. Oitenta por cento do que você escreveu é visivel no filme.
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Okay, another Strider by Neofix. First: this wasn't played in hard mode. But to be fair, the currently published video by Dan isn't either. What should we do? Second: there are still missed slashes. There are less than before though. Dan's video also has missed slashes (more of them). Third: I think it can be improved still some, but it's more than a minute faster than the published one. I am leaning towards Yes but I'm not sure. What do you think?
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I play in the same level of difficulty that the Dan Fowler!
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That's what I wrote...
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Truncated wrote:
Second: there are still missed slashes.
Missed slashes in a tool-assisted superplay movie? Not good.
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Yeah, I agree. Thing is that there are fewer missed slashes than in the currently published movie.
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I think it should be played on Hard mode and get rid of the missed slashes. Then I will vote yes for it. This was one of my first time attacks. It's good to see that I've come a long way since then. Hopefully none of my movies now are improvable by over a minute :P
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The amazon in the phase of Brazil do not speak Portuguese. It is a good question, that language they speak? It exists no difference in the end of the game, does not import the level of difficulty. I had a lot work for conclude the film. Would like very that he went published here.
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Okay, I went ahead and voted Yes. This is really a lot better than the published version. My opinion is that a run which is played at the hard mode should obsolete this version (should it get published) even if it is slower, as long as it uses the tricks this one does and manages to look decent.
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Should Clever Dan give it another try?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Truncated wrote:
Okay, I went ahead and voted Yes. This is really a lot better than the published version. My opinion is that a run which is played at the hard mode should obsolete this version (should it get published) even if it is slower, as long as it uses the tricks this one does and manages to look decent.
My thoughts exactly. This is an improvement over the published run BUT it could use a few improvements itself. Any future runs should be on HARD. As far as the native women go, I assumed they were speaking gibberish but since you said the stage was in Brazil I thought maybe you knew something I didn't. I know the arcade features spoken Russian over the text in between stages. Hey, speaking of the arcade version, can't someone try playing this game on FBA?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Should Clever Dan give it another try?
Clever Dan has at least one other project he'd like to finish before starting this up. Rest assured, if Clever Dan does decide to make another Strider movie, he will use the hardest difficulty setting.
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Dan_ wrote:
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Should Clever Dan give it another try?
Clever Dan has at least one other project he'd like to finish before starting this up. Rest assured, if Clever Dan does decide to make another Strider movie, he will use the hardest difficulty setting.
I thought he meant me. Dan is my name too. ^_^
Do Not Talk About Feitclub