Cooly Skunk in 21:16.26 by Ferret Warlord

  • Recorded with Bizhawk 2.5
In 1996, Japanese developer Ukiyotei was creating a game called Cooly Skunk for the Super Famicom. However, as this was around the time the Playstation was being released, their work for the SFC was scrapped and pivoted over to the new platform. In 1998, it was released to the rest of the world as Punky Skunk, which I made a TAS of back in 2009. The original version was thought to be lost.
However, it turns out that the studio had distributed a demo version of the SFC game over Nintendo's Satallaview service. Someone had managed to save their copy onto a rewriteable cart, which was then found at a used game store in February 2020, almost 24 years later. When the ROM was uploaded to the internet, it was quickly found that it was the sort of demo that contained the entire game and was simply coded to permit access to only a few levels. A quick hack later and the rest of the game was made available for play. This run uses that hacked version.

About the ROM

As mentioned above, this run uses a hacked version of the released demo that grants access to all the levels as though it were a full game. The ROM does not appear to be on any standard ROM lists. The one I found is labeled as coolyskunk_full.sfc.

About the Game

While the broad strokes between the two versions are easily recognizeable, they are still very different titles. Although a few elements of the original eventually made their way into the final, the level set was changed vastly, and the mechanics were tweaked some.
While this is the full game, it is, in my personal opinion, in no way complete. What is on display here feels fairly rough. The level designs seem to be works in progress, and graphically feels very weak for a late SFC/SNES title; there are also a few places where sprite tiles are mapped out wrong. It also appears that the title character's attack uses a placeholder graphic, as his tail emits stars instead of clouds of stink. The final product was vastly improved, although I am not sure if that's due to the better hardware or simply having more time to refine things. At the very least, I think the fact that it was originally being made for the Super Famicom speaks volumes about how and why the final product ended up the way it did.
As in the final product, the game's main gimmick is a series of tools that the protaganist uses that alters the play style in order to help complete levels. Cooly may only hold one such powerup at a time, although he can switch back to his default outfit at any time. They are as follows in the order they are used in this run:
  • Default: Cooly's red outfit. Basic jumps and attacks. Maximum x-speed of 1.5pix/frame (ppf). Cannot jump on enemies.
  • Snowboard: A snowboard that increases Cooly's speed on hills. If starting out on flat ground, Cooly will move at 1ppf until he hits a slope. Maximum x-speed of 4ppf, with acceleration depending on the steepness of the slope he's on. Y-speed also depends on the slope. When x-speed is 3ppf or greater, Cooly becomes effectively invincible. Jump height depends on x-speed. Cannot jump on enemies if too slow. Deceleration is only possible on uphills or while airborn.
  • Roller Blades: Basically the default outfit but no attack, higher speed of 2.5ppf, and more slippery ground controls. Can stomp on enemies.
  • Claws: Allows Cooly to dig through dirt. When not digging, its speed is limited to 1ppf, but doubles when digging, and is restricted to a grid of 16x16 squares. Attack is the same as default, and cannot jump or stomp enemies. You'll be seeing this one the least because of a collision glitch that skips most of the levels they appear in.
  • Paraglider: A reusable parachute that will slow your descent and allow you to catch updrafts. Easily the most annoying powerup due to incredibly slow acceleration and the fact that you'll slide on landing if the parachute is open. Max ground speed is 1.5ppf, while max air speed is 2ppf. Ground acceleration is normal, so reaching max air speed as quickly as possible requires walking for a few frames before jumping. Can jump on enemies.
  • Pogo Stick: The last of the regular powerups grabbed, even though it's the first to appear in the game. Allows Cooly to jump higher, but the player must complete one full jump beforehand. Can stomp on enemies, and even has a small bug assosciated with that.
  • Jet Pack: The final powerup, used only during the final boss. Allows Cooly to fly around and launch fireballs. Has limited fuel that is refilled when landing.

About the Run

Tricks and Glitches
  • Acceleration: Although exceptions apply, generally speaking, your x-speed when on the ground is a different variable than your x-speed in the air. Walking requires having to accelerate for a few frames to reach full speed; in the air, it's intantaneous. As a result, there are a few situations where constantly jumping will save a frame or two.
  • Damage Boosting: I only took damage when there really wasn't a faster way around or through an obstacle. You'll notice there is a small speed boost when taking damage. However, due to the setup required to recoil in the right direction, plus a few frames of warmup/cooldown, the best you can manage is to break even. Attacking also requires some warmup/cooldown frames, so it's generally in my best interest to not attack when it can be avoided.
  • Wall Zipping: This game has an ejection routine for when Cooly gets lodged inside a wall. I stumbled on a few methods to achieve this, but only one, involving the claws, was actually useful. The setup is shown in the picture to the right. Note that the block is falling. Hollow out the dirt and position Cooly until you match the image (the dirt above the weight and below Cooly may also be hollowed out). As the weight falls, when it gets to be about Cooly's level, it will behave as though it's intangeable, and allow Cooly to start digging into it. Once it hits solid ground, it will be solid again, and Cooly won't move if you keep digging. When you stop digging, Cooly will be ejected into the last free position he was in. However, if you instead change back to the default outfit, Cooly will get stuck, and the ejection routine will kick in. I am not sure precisely how the routine works. It moves Cooly up and to the left, with the exact pattern being based on how you mash the buttons as it happens. Present in the run is the best I can manage. Other methods include jumping into a wall with the snowboard, and landing on a falling platform as it comes out from behind a wall.
  • Pogo Double Jump: Trigger this glitch by stomping on an enemy with the pogo stick the same frame you land on the ground. The initial ground bounce will take place, and once you begin descending, the enemy bounce will occur, giving you a sort of double jump. Used once.
  • RNG Manipulation: The RNG is based on a timer. To get a different result, delay the action. Interestingly, the RNG is advanced 1 additional step every time it is called, but this was never really useful.
Level by Level Comments
  • 1-1: Introductory level where I just Ya! my way through to save a couple of frames. Damage boost over the pogo stick as it is useless here.
  • 1-2: Same as before. Take a hit to cross a pit.
  • 1-3: Grab the snowboard as close to the ground as possible to begin accelerating as soon as possible. Jumping and landing both involve pausing for a bit, so the goal is to reduce both.
  • 1-4: The first boss, a giant gameshow set. Press a button to take a spin on the machine, and if it lands on the same color, you get some beneficial items; if the color doesn't match, it will spit out an attack of some sort. Dropped from the final, possibly for being a stupid idea for a boss fight.
    To win, you want the machine to spit out mines, which can be hit back at the machine. We want it to spit out black mines, as those have the longest timer, allowing me to hit two and finish the level in one round. Delayed hitting the button by two frames to get this.
  • 2-1: Finally a level that doesn't involved jumping the whole time! The water currents act as a sort of conveyor belt, so jumping incessantly isn't a good idea for much of the level.
  • 2-2: An autoscroller with the roller blades. The screen will begin advancing only after you move to the right far enough, so I grab the blades and jump to begin this ASAP. The idea here was to go to the far right of the screen, double back to the far left, and back to the right.
  • 2-3: The first digging level. I zip myself out of bounds, fall to the exit, and zip back into the level.
  • 2-4: Whack-a-Mole. Attack Commander Chew and not the decoys. Adapted into the final product with minor mechanical changes.
    I need to attack Chew on the first possible frame of each cycle to get the next cycle as early as possible. However, I delay hitting him on the third cycle to manipulate him to appear on the bottom row so he can clear the screen sooner, ending the level earlier.
  • 3-1: The first paraglider level. Catch the drafts to finish the level as quickly as possible. Sometimes it's faster to hold the parachute open and glide for a bit, other times it's faster to land and jump.
  • 3-2: Another water level like 2-1. The falling wooden spikes are a bit laggy, so I tried to reduce that as much as I could. I don't think I was terribly successful...
  • 3-3: Another snowboard level. The enemy at the beginning is positioned just a little to close to allow him to be run over by the snowboard, so I jump over the powerup to take him out first. The rest of the level is simple. Jumping twice over the small uphill section is faster than the speed loss incurred by going up for even a few frames.
  • 3-4: The Ball Dropper. The machine above drops explosive balls on you. Avoid the red balls. Catch the blue balls with your seesaw and catapult them back to win. Adapted into the final with minor mechanical changes.
    The conditions that must be met for him to drop a ball are 1) A timer must reach 0 2) He must be directly over you. To manipulate him into dropping only blue balls, I move a bit just as the timer is about to run out so he delays dropping a ball for a couple of frames.
  • 4-1: Another forest level. You are presented with a pogo stick at the beginning, which I had to carefully navigate around to minimize time lost. There were also a few parts where I had to wait a bit to avoid taking a hit, as I needed that hit to cross a spiked pit.
  • 4-2: The second digging level, skipped using the same zipping glitch. I had to dig down a little bit to give myself some vertical room for the zip to be able to eject me from the level.
  • 4-3: The only non-autoscrolling roller blade level. Take the conveyor belts to increase speed. Very laggy level.
  • 4-4: Indoor Soccer Match. Basically, it's pong, but soccer themed. Adapted into the final, but the visuals and mechanics were overhauled to more closely resemble a volleyball match.
    This one was frustrating to do because the RNG is surprisingly difficult to manipulate. The RNG is called not when a goal is made, but when the Commander serves. Often times, delaying the goal did not change the frame he would serve. I also had to settle for some less-than-optimal serving patterns because the RNG would often give me something weak.
  • 5-1: A paraglider level with more verticality. The way the outfit works meant that landing on that first falling platform had to be very precise, otherwise the updraft would prevent you from doing much of anything. Fairly laggy level; either the system's transparency effect is more taxing than I thought, or the programming is just suboptimal.
  • 5-2: The most intricate of the snowboard levels, as it mostly involves dropping down to the goal, with a few required turnarounds. The enemy forces me to open as in 3-3. The first drop, I damage boost to be able to get up onto a ledge and out of the spike pit. Everything else is just turning around on the first possible frame.
  • 5-3: Yet another autoscroller. My idea here was simply to be pressing the right button the whole time.
  • 5-4: The Train Race. Hit the air pump to move, jump over obstacles, and reach the end before Commander Chew. Adapted into the final with minor mechanical changes, and given a facelift to become a boat race instead.
    The air pump can be hit on a 33 frame cycle, but the obstacles manage to get in the way. Nothing much else to be said.
  • 6-1: The third and final digging level. I use the zipping glitch as before, but because this level is two screens wide, it plays out a little differently. By zipping to the left, I suddenly appear on the right side of the level, and now the camera is desynced from where the engine thinks Cooly is. This renders the rightmost quarter of the level into a glitchy, intangible state, but fortunately objects appear normally, so I can just fall onto the exit. It was necessary to attack the enemy before the weight fell, otherwise he'd have hit me and thrown off the setup.
  • 6-2: This whole time, the game has been trying to get me to use the pogo stick. I finally accept it, because the vertical nature of this level requires it. As mentioned above, you need to go through one full jump to be able use the higher second jump, making some sections appear a little awkward. Was able to bounce on one enemy for a small shortcut halfway through, and utilize the double jump glitch towards the end.
  • 6-3: The final snowboard level. This one is irritating, because there are bits of ground along the bottom of the level, but they are spaced just a little bit to far for the snowboard to be able to clear the gaps, forcing me to take the elevator. I slow down a little towards the end to try and get a good pattern on the boss.
  • 6-4: The Elevator Boss. You and Chew are standing in rooms next to flammable containers. Above you is a series of platforms and elevators. Randomly spawning in are little sapient flames, who begin navigating the setup at the top. If they fall into one of your rooms, a jet of flame will come out of the wall. If they fall into the center container, a flame will spew into both rooms. Dropped from the final version, possibly for being an even stupider idea than the first boss.
    The flame spawning is controlled solely by the RNG. It is possible to get up to 20 seconds with nothing coming out. I delayed the previous level a few frames in order to get an acceptably quick spawning pattern. Otherwise, it's mostly just waiting. I open up by doing what I call "anti-twitching", where I alternate between left and right, but each time I do, I increase my wait by one frame.
  • 7-1: The final island! A paraglider level, strangely enough. The complete lack of airborn acceleration made this level more irritating than it needed to be.
  • 7-2: The final level! Also a paraglider level! Jump on some enemies to get a good vertical boost. Also take a hit from a throwing star for the same reason. The final enemy stomp gives me enough of a boost to get through a downdraft, cutting out about half the level.
  • 7-3: Oh no, Kelly and Nash are kidnapped! But don't worry, Kelly escapes almost right away! But Nash is still captive and brainwashed! Beat up Nash to free him from his brainwashing!
    Seriously, screw these long, unskippable cutscenes.
    Whenever you hit Nash, he will return to a spot near the top center. I hit him in such a way that he recoils close to that spot.
  • 7-4: Yay, another unskippable cutscene! Nash gives you a jetpack to fight Badler with! Fight, Cooly, for everlasting peace!
    Whenever Badler takes a hit, he'll alternate between a simple attack phase, where he'll slowly float around and throw the occassional fireball, and a bouncing phase, where he'll inflate like a balloon and start bouncing around, growing with each hit. When he goes into the bouncing phase, his initial trajectory is determined by your position: he'll try going straight at you. After being hit out of this phase, he'll return to a spot in the bottom right of the screen. I determined the fastest way to get him to return is to manipulate his trajectory to have no horizontal component. After defeating him, I need to land on a sufficiently high cloud to avoid falling into the bottomless pit. I make the last attack from the leftmost side of the screen so I can begin ascending early to said cloud.

Potential Improvements

  • A better understanding of the wall ejection routine may help improve the second digging level
  • 7-1 might be done better
  • Maybe a better RNG on the candle flame boss?
Thanks for watching!

Samsara: Submission set to Delayed at the author's request.
Samsara: File replaced with a 24 frame improvement. Resetting to New.
Samsara: ...Okay, fine, I'll judge it too. Gosh. Gosh.
Samsara: Stop the presses, folks, we got ourselves another interesting judgement over here. So, to properly judge this movie, we need to make a few comparisons. The obvious one is, as you would expect, Cheetahmen 2. It provides the precedent that a patch can be used to make a game playable in the first place. While the exact situation between both games isn't the same (Cheetahmen 2 is an unlicensed game where the last 2 levels are explicitly broken, Cooly Skunk is a demo that normally only allows a few levels to be played), in my opinion the situation is similar enough (last levels unreachable, game patched to allow them to be played) to use the precedent in the first place.
So with that out of the way, we have to move on to the next most obvious comparison: The Adventures of Pinocchio. Both games can be considered prototypes of officially released games, but there's one key difference between them that leads me to believe that Cooly Skunk is okay where Pinocchio is not: This particular demo of Cooly Skunk was released in some way. It was offered via Satellaview, the JP-only satellite service that's mostly known for the hilariously named BS Zelda games. I would call this an official release because of that, giving it an edge over Pinocchio's pure prototype state. On top of that, the rule that prototypes are only allowed if there is no stable release version does not apply if the release version is on a separate console. Pinocchio and Ottifanten were both GB games, whereas the stable release of this game is on PSX (the console, not the person). Therefore, this can go to Vault if necessary.
There's one more comparison, though it's admittedly king of a longshot: Punky Skunk. I know, I know. Bear with me here. It'll make sense.
I watched both runs side by side, as I seem to be doing a lot lately, and I've come to a few interesting conclusions. The levels in Cooly do feel like early versions of the levels in Punky. In particular, some of the boss fights are a direct 1:1 transfer between the two games, and some of the level designs are similar between both games... That being said, I would honestly say that this is over 50% unique from Punky Skunk, and here's the main reasons why I feel like that:

The level designs are never the same

They are only similar, and only directly comparable at times. Every single comparable level is different in some way, often using drastically different level design. For the most part, the only comparable thing is that the power-ups are the same, I.E the levels will both be skating levels, or parachuting levels, or digging levels, etc. Sometimes platforms will be placed similarly, but at no point does a level end up being EXACTLY THE SAME between both games.

The aesthetics are almost always different

This is the weird part to me. The levels that end up being similarly designed always have different aesthetics. For example, snowboarding levels end up being sandboarding levels, some outdoor levels end up being indoor levels, even the ground in the digging levels is different. It's almost like the devs, going into Punky Skunk, wanted to make absolutely sure that every level felt different enough from Cooly Skunk, while allowing themselves to make at least roughly the same game.
To give a better example of what I mean by those points, here's a (cherry-picked, admittedly) screenshot showing the ends of two similar levels:
Out of context, you'd never be able to tell that the level in Punky (right) was based off of that level in Cooly (the other one), but they are in fact the same general design at the start before they quickly diverge. The only thing similar between the two screenshots is the parachute powerup (which, as I said, is the only truly consistent thing). You'll notice that, obviously, one ends on the left and the other ends on the right, but also you'll notice the aesthetics being completely different between the two stages, one being in a castle-y area and the other being in some kind of snowy factory sorta place. I've never been good at describing things. It's a great skill to have as a Judge. What you don't see in that single screenshot is how often this occurs, which is... Nearly every single stage in Cooly, and the biggest differences are stages that, as far as I can tell, are 100% original to Cooly.

The most similar stages are handled entirely differently

Namely, the digging stages, which are glitched through in Cooly and played normally in Punky. It'd normally be hard to dispute that the digging stages are unique, but given the glitch usage, they still end up looking completely different... But of course, the stages themselves are designed differently in the first place anyway.

The bosses aren't all the same

The first two bosses are similar to Punky, the second to last boss in Cooly is also similar though they require different strategies, the final boss in Cooly is very roughly similar (different mechanics for the same-ish fight), and every other boss in Cooly is original. Cooly has 7 bosses. With three of them being directly comparable and one of them being about halfway comparable, that's... 3.5 out of 7. 50%. Hey! Nice! It's like our exact benchmark or something!
With ALL of that said, I'm comfortable accepting this to sit alongside The Skunk Who Is Also A Punk, but that leaves the issue of tiering. 8 votes over a month isn't a lot, though the thread feedback has been pretty positive overall. Watching the run myself... It's a pretty fun watch, honestly, though the constant YA-ing does get annoying at times. It doesn't really detract from the run at all for me. The zipping in the digging stages is an obvious highlight, but some of the level routing was really nicely done and unexpected, and to me that pushes it up to a Moon.
Spikestuff: Re-Encoding and Publishing.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #6903: Ferret_Warlord's SNES Cooly Skunk in 21:16.25
Publisher, Reviewer, Expert player (4597)
Joined: 5/29/2017
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Do you plan on a possible improvement to the original Punky Skunk on PSX someday now that you're back with the series? Would love to see another PCSX movie get knocked off.
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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encode Link to video So regarding this movie's game choice, well you essentially used a prototype version of the game on top of technically a romhack of the game. So it probably wouldn't be Vault eligible. But for Moons, is it entertaining enough? imo the run was very entertaining, and it seems to be very different from Punky Skunk? (from quickly watching the old TAS anyways). So definite yes vote.
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EZGames69 wrote:
Do you plan on a possible improvement to the original Punky Skunk on PSX someday now that you're back with the series? Would love to see another PCSX movie get knocked off.
I have no plans for such at this time.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Editor, Skilled player (1392)
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Thanks for the encode, CasualPokePlayer! Jokes aside, this was a very smooth and entertaining run. Not much ever seemed to hold you back, and the game was generally intersting enough throughout to hold my attention. The zips stood out especially. Voting Yah! Ya Yes.
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I would like to set this submission to "Delayed" as I have found a way, not to end the final battle quicker, but to end input sooner. I am going to optimize it when my life becomes a little less busy. Thank you. Edit: Here we go. Backed off to the left for the final shot so I could ascend earlier, thereby landing on the cloud 24 frames sooner. No change to actual fight time.
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scrimpeh wrote:
This is one I'd watch with the sound off. Anyway, ya vote.
Joined: 4/20/2008
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This is one I'd watch with the sound off.
I thought the music was pretty good throughout! Some of the bosses are very cool, the soccer/basketball one and the guiding-fire-along-platforms one in particular. And the story of how this game was found is truly incredible, thanks for bringing it to us.
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Personman wrote:
This is one I'd watch with the sound off.
I thought the music was pretty good throughout!
It is; I just can't stand games that use a YAH! voice effect all the time.
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'Ey, what up, it's ya girl Sam "I need some opinions" Sara. As you can see, Due to the nature of this game being an unreleased kinda sorta prototype of Punky Skunk, I'd like some more audience feedback on it. You know the drill, CasualPokePlayer casually poke-provided an encode, please give it a watch, a vote, post your thoughts here, Like, Share and Subscribe, hit the bell to be notified of future judgements and don't forget to support me on Patreon. $10 backers and above get to see my judgements three days in advance! This post is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends.
TASvideos' Third Strongest Site Admin 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family. Now infrequently posting on Bluesky
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
Joined: 9/26/2020
Posts: 24
whilst i think they count as different games, i decided to ask a friend who has (well had at the time) no clue about the situation: "they look like different platformers on different systems with different codebases with the same skunk protagonist" also on the tas, its rly good imo.
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Samsara wrote:
'Ey, what up, it's ya girl Sam "I need some opinions" Sara. As you can see, Due to the nature of this game being an unreleased kinda sorta prototype of Punky Skunk, I'd like some more audience feedback on it. You know the drill, CasualPokePlayer casually poke-provided an encode, please give it a watch, a vote, post your thoughts here, Like, Share and Subscribe, hit the bell to be notified of future judgements and don't forget to support me on Patreon. $10 backers and above get to see my judgements three days in advance! This post is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends.
I think the relevant rule here is "Prototype game versions are only accepted if there is no stable release version available." Which it is pretty clearly the case here. The Playstation version has similarities, but is not the same game as this one. I figure the hack rule should have some leniency because, at this time, there is no other way to play the full game without a hack.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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I should've clarified that I'm asking more about overall entertainment than the actual rules. There are precedents for the patch and I should be able to decide the level of unique content on my own, but being confident on tier placement is still important to me as well.
TASvideos' Third Strongest Site Admin 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family. Now infrequently posting on Bluesky
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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I didn't enjoy it at all. The worst parts are the constant jumping sample and the slow speed. If you look closely, there's quite some stuff scattered around the levels that is meant to slow you down, but most of the time it feels like an autosroller. It gets old very quickly, and none of the gameplay differences in various levels was able to help with that impression. Voted No.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Samsara wrote:
I should've clarified that I'm asking more about overall entertainment than the actual rules. There are precedents for the patch and I should be able to decide the level of unique content on my own, but being confident on tier placement is still important to me as well.
Gotcha gotcha
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Claiming this one for Publications as I'm Dumping, Encoding, Questioning Life Choices of the PCSX-RR TAS.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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One more thing to add onto the judgement that I'm also posting here for visibility: The prototype rule (i.e, prototypes aren't allowed if there is an official release) only applies to releases on the same console. Thus, this run is even more acceptable. Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Et cetera.
TASvideos' Third Strongest Site Admin 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family. Now infrequently posting on Bluesky
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [4356] SNES Cooly Skunk by Ferret_Warlord in 21:16.25