
Player (161)
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Thanks, xxezrabxxx! Ah, I remember '出' is 'go' and '反' is 'back' in a brief and simple manner. I'm just fearing mistranslations, misinterpretations and miscommunications will lead to an unfavorable result for both side.
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You're talking about my personal blog outside site.It's too boring and discourteous.I don't think tasvideos can interfere my behavior outside site.Can't I share my experience online?Moreover,I'm telling the truth.Excuse me,which ForumRules have I violated?Users are only allowed to register one account per user,ForumRules says so.Who is ryse345's real ID,I think you should be very clear.But,players here are more interested in what I said on my blog outside site than defending ForumRules.What are these players purpose?Do these players want to put my story on youtube or facebook and see I and TASeditor,who has more supporters?Or somebody wants to find a reason to fire me?There's nothing to hide.If you want to know what I said,you can ask me directly.Some translations from instigator are adding the trimmings.Don't you have Google translate?
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OK no, I'm not putting up with this. We've had additional people look into this as well so there really doesn't seem to be any room for alternative interpretations. We did look into Ryse and as far as we're aware they are not a pre-existing user on the site. Directing xenophobia towards our userbase is COMPLETELY unacceptable, no matter where it was done, and we must take actions to protect the users of the site. You will now be banned.
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero
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Xipo wrote:
Moreover,I'm telling the truth.
No you're not. Now the translation is not completed, but I think with your unreasonable response I think I can finish it where I've left instead of completing it but there's every slide from that video.
Now after providing an almost complete translation to English out, thank you for the help ryse345 and to those that also helped and won't be named for their privacy, I want to point out one of the three people you accused of foul play. Samsara. Samsara made it clear here, but it was a complete misunderstanding to when you messaged her, she didn't understand completely what you meant with Scumtron's name and in fact she respects them as well, much like she respected you. But xipo you can't be claiming stuff against Samsara after all you're more at fault than she is. You've gaslit her on your own inability to go to Samsara and say "hey, you forgot to have Scumtron as an author" either in her DMs that you do use or in the submission's discussion. But you want to know what's worse? On the submission Samsara gave you additional privileges meaning at any point in time you could've added Scumtron's name yourself. You're at fault for bottling this up instead of doing something reasonable. She never broke her promise, you were inept. And you say that her name should be erased for missing an author even though at any point you could've add Scumtron's name yourself. You're the one that's disrespectful here. You're saying in your Xenophobic comments to us that the Euro-Americans have no credibility and that they go back on your word. But where's your credibility when you could've resolved this all without issue?
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Posts: 18
xxezrabxxx wrote:
neo_omegon wrote:
ryse345 wrote:
In the link 1m44s, we can see”出尔反尔的恰恰是我们曾经认为高素质的欧美玩家”, means” European and American always break their promise” ,he attack all the European and American
Why does that sentence mean "break their promise?" Google translation says, "It is precisely the European and American players that we used to think of as high-quality players." From Longman Dictionary, 'the' means, 1 used to show that you are talking about a particular thing or person that has already been mentioned, is already known about, or is the only one 4 used before the name of a family in the plural to refer to all the members of that family If he used it in the former meaning, it does not follow that he is criticizing all the western player.
DeepL machine translation gave me this: “ It is precisely the European and American players that we once thought were of high quality that have gone back on their word.” I wouldn’t trust Google (DeepL is more reliable but it’s still a machine)”
”出尔反尔的恰恰是我们曾经认为高素质的欧美玩家”. "出尔反尔“ is idiom in China, you could not use google to translate, each Chinese knows, it means"break promise" "高素质"means"high quality" Those European and American players that we thought high quality before, are always break their promise. Each Chinese could prove xipo attack foreign tasers many times in the video
Player (161)
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In general for a non-native English speaker, it is more difficult to express he/she's feelings than you thought. If he/she is shy, it is much more difficult. Just claiming for co-author is very difficult. Sometimes it can take from several months to several years. I do not mean to instigate. Sorry, Xipo, Spikestuff, feos, Samsara, TASeditor, ryse345 and concerned people. If my posts were inappropriate, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll fix and retract them.
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Memory wrote:
OK no, I'm not putting up with this. We've had additional people look into this as well so there really doesn't seem to be any room for alternative interpretations. We did look into Ryse and as far as we're aware they are not a pre-existing user on the site. Directing xenophobia towards our userbase is COMPLETELY unacceptable, no matter where it was done, and we must take actions to protect the users of the site. You will now be banned.
A lot of Chinese tasers will prove that I am right. And time will prove. As I only complain is that xipo attack European and American tasers, I want prevent he spread in China contiously. And you could ask another dependable Chinese to translate the meaning, then publish to the public :)
Joined: 6/5/2021
Posts: 18
neo_omegon wrote:
Thanks, xxezrabxxx! Ah, I remember '出' is 'go' and '反' is 'back' in a brief and simple manner. I'm just fearing mistranslations, misinterpretations and miscommunications will lead to an unfavorable result for both side.
”出尔反尔的恰恰是我们曾经认为高素质的欧美玩家”. "出尔反尔“ is idiom in China, you could not use google to translate, each Chinese knows, it means"break promise" "高素质"means"high quality" Those European and American players that we thought high quality before, are always break their promise. Each Chinese could prove xipo attack foreign tasers many times in the video
Joined: 6/5/2021
Posts: 18
Spikestuff wrote:
In the video can you write back in Chinese what's written between 2min 16sec and 5mins 48secs. Just separate and mark which bits they are and timestamp if you have to.
2m16s to 3m06s,Chinese version 下面这位名叫TASeditor德国洗稿玩家就更厉害了,他用了和上面这位忍者龙剑传兄弟相同的欺骗手法,先是假意承诺共同开发,然后偷偷改名的恶劣骗术,只不过他做的更加过分,直接把作为主力贡献的我给划掉,把整个项目独占为他一个人的成果。具体的事情是这样的,赤影战士tas最速者的名号在2007年的时候,被名叫klmz的国人玩家获得,成绩是9分47秒(按60.098帧/秒),而我本人在2009年的时候,将这一成绩提升到9分35秒,出于某些原因我没有在tasvideo上公布过任何有关此成绩的消息,只是在国内的圈中分享了我的源文件。事情就这样过去了5年,直到2014年,这位TASeditor的德国玩家兴致勃勃地提出他所谓的最速成绩9分45秒。他的制作时间比我晚了5年,成绩还落后我10秒,这个应该就是水平低下的石锤铁证了,不过我并没有揭穿他,揭穿他的反而是一个m姓的国人玩家(B站同名),同时还附送了我9分35秒成绩的消息大礼。m姓男子看似是揭穿,其实是把我给卖了,直接导致我的录像后来被完全洗稿。而TASeditor的洗稿手法,也是堪称教科书般的标准。让我们看看他是如何操作的。 3m07s to 4m22s,Chinese version首先我的源代码分享已经失效了,TASeditor通过回流技术,访问了失效的链接,未经允许下载到了源代码。讽刺的是拿到源代码,他也没有破解出我的手法,连发我10条消息,问我是怎么做到的。我实在不想吐槽这位tasvideos高级会员的水准,明知道自己水平不行,却强行从事远超自己能力的项目,单靠抄袭模仿死磕,这样的人又怎么会被人尊重呢?最后他提出愿意以合作者的名义共同出版新的录像,2014年我居然天真地相信了他的谎话。我不仅提供了源代码,传授了所有技术原理,还亲手帮他解决了2个困难点,起到了绝对核心的作用。2016年新版本终于公布了,时间是9分31秒,和7年前的老版相比,几乎完全一致,只是利用模拟器的新功能减少了延迟。最重要的是该项目的作者变成了仅是TASeditor一人!之前TASeditor本人亲口承诺过这是合作项目,怎么在正式公开的时候,变成了单人项目?当我质问TASeditor为什么我不是合作者的时候,他居然非常不要脸地回答:他只给对项目作出贡献的人合作者的名分!这就十分无赖了,成品比我晚5年,成绩还差10秒,连手法原理都不能破解的人,居然敢说9分31秒都是自己的功劳?世界上竟有这么无耻的人呀。 4m24s to 5m13s,Chinese version 但凡有点tas功底的人,一看便知新版本洗稿的足迹明显,虽然直观场面弄得花里胡哨,表面上看起来面目全非,但核心内容是完全剽窃我的代码,完全符合洗稿的定义。所以结论就是:TASeditor把我们共同从事的项目(其实是以我为主的项目),通过洗稿的方式,纂改为他的个人作品,这就是掠夺。更令人气愤的是,当我投诉到tasvideo网站后,我原本以为稳操胜券的案子,竟然败诉了,tasvideos上的裁判官居然集体认为这就是TASeditor的个人作品,他们辩护的手法主要有:撒泼打滚,否认承诺,歪曲事实,偷换概念,双重标准,抠字眼,避重就轻,转移话题,强权压人等等。像极了国际事务上针对中国的那一套东西,看来这套玩法,他们真的是玩的贼6。其蛮横袒护之心,一度让人怀疑这就是所谓高度发达的西方世界的审判吗? 5m14s to 5m48s,Chinese version 下面出场的这位外国哀人稍微好那么一丢丢,虽然没有直接把项目占为己有,但属于不告自取,伤风败俗。事件是这样的,我曾经出版过超级魂斗罗的tas录像,后来有人发现有个小bug可以进一步减少时间,就是在关底运用死亡消除关底BOSS的小技巧。我个人并不认为这是真正意义上的改进,所以一直没有改动我的录像。直到有一天,我发现我的新版录像居然上架了。我怎么不知道有投稿这回事,完全没印象啊!一看发布页面,是一个叫feos的国外玩家提交的,他把自己的名字写在了合作者的名单里面。事实上,这个新作品是直接原封不动地在我之前的版本上改的,都懒得洗稿,前面的99%是完全复制,仅仅剪切掉了尾部,把刚才那个消除关底BOSS的技巧加上去。这就成了参与项目的理由?这也太轻松了吧,慷他人之慨?就算要这样做,在剪切我的录像之前也应该征得我的同意吧,至少提前告知一下听听我的意见。很遗憾没有,国外玩家直接拿来剪切,这就是蛮横霸道。 sorry for my late reply :)
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ryse345 wrote:
neo_omegon wrote:
Thanks, xxezrabxxx! Ah, I remember '出' is 'go' and '反' is 'back' in a brief and simple manner. I'm just fearing mistranslations, misinterpretations and miscommunications will lead to an unfavorable result for both side.
”出尔反尔的恰恰是我们曾经认为高素质的欧美玩家”. "出尔反尔“ is idiom in China, you could not use google to translate, each Chinese knows, it means"break promise" "高素质"means"high quality"
Thank you for your explanation, ryse345. I know Chinese characters are ideograms, so it is very important to aquire the core meaning from each letter for a precise interpretation.
Memory wrote:
Directing xenophobia towards our userbase is COMPLETELY unacceptable, no matter where it was done
Btw, how do you guys find a racist? If you guys found them, could you really punish them if they are in a very important position for this site? Historically, Asian and African countries are colonized, and today they get thrown eggs easily every day. They are frustrated. If you guys severely held this rule, all the Trump supporters or all the unsupporters for BLM would be banned. (Of course, it is ridiculous and unrealistic.) As for me, I do not mind at all even if my race and my nation are badly disgraced on the Internet, because it does not affect my real life at all. Why can't you be generous like me? As the New Testament says, "Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." Why don't you practice? I still suspect that Xipo criticized specific concerned TASers, not all the Western TASers. And I am still hoping a peaceful resolution. edit: Ahhh, microstorage is sometimes down. -> Thread #9577: What's the status on Microstorage? The files uploaded just before the storage was down were lost for good. For example, some of smv files of SNES ActRaiser cannot be accessible. That might be the reason why the imput file cannot be shown.
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A peaceful resolution is possible if both parties are ready to discuss the problem, present their vision of it, accept each others' vision of it, and see what's still common and more important than sticking to their own visions. You can't resolve a conflict without some kind of a compromise. And you can't come to a compromise that would satisfy both sides without having a genuine discussion. We tried to turn this into a productive discussion several times. We explained our motives, we admitted what we could have done wrong, we presented our values, we cared. But if the same doesn't come from the other side, there's no way to solve this. It's not about us fighting back. It's about finding something more important than fighting. I think when you moderate a community, you need to know how to de-escalate problematic situations. If you don't, then you get constant fights among users. And for people who don't want to participate in any fights, there's still a possibility that someone attacks their work or their character. We do not want them to be on their own in such situations. We also don't want to take sides. We want to be wise, and we want people to be wise. A wrote a page about this: http://tasvideos.org/Feos/SoftSkills.html
neo_omegon wrote:
As the New Testament says, "Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." Why don't you practice?
Not everyone on this site is into the New Testament, and they don't have to be! We don't want to preach some values by asking people to act in a certain way. We want to preach values by showing how they practically solve problems and remain relevant in the modern day. My personal values are not out of tradition or conservatism. My personal values are meant to make people happier than they were. That requires understanding what they are coming from, regardless of their values. If I can be helpful to them regardless of their political views, religion, tastes, etc, then my values are met. Does this instantly boil down to a certain religion or political views? Do I look like a traditional democrat, republican, jew, buddhist, atheist, christian, marxist, liberal, libertarian? I don't have to! This is important because creativity requires certain conditions. Inspiration requires a certain mood. If we can't help people keep that mood, we're a bad place for creativity and inspiration. I have another page on the matter: http://tasvideos.org/TasingGuide/TASArt.html If our users are getting bullied, they can't focus on creating art. And xipo did attack tasers. We don't want tasers to fight. We want them to co-operate. But we don't want them to force themselves to co-operate with someone they don't enjoy working with. If joy of friendly co-operation is not there anymore, and joy of friendly competition is not there anymore either, there's no more joy to have in tasing.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Player (161)
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Well, my life is full of compromise. As a typical Japanese, I was educated if I was in trouble, the first thing I had to say was I was sorry even if I was not wrong. I am not into the New Testament. I do not mean to preach. I do not mean to force you to do. Also, I understand your values.
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The subject matter of the topic has been settled - I'm locking this topic. I appreciate the discussion about personal values and preaching, but this is not the topic for it.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Joined: 6/5/2021
Posts: 18
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1s64y1o7Ad could everyone see xipo's reply of the video? 西坡 实力强大,内心坚定,不必理会这种垃圾网站的言论 2021-06-06 12:54 he says, no need to understand these opinion in the rubbish website (Tasvideo website)? if xipo think tasvideo is rubbish, pls not log in again?
Moderator, Expert player (4152)
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Moved post from other topic into this thread. For clarity, xipo is now banned from this site. This case is settled.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
