Game Overview

Mega Man Network Transmission is a game in the Mega Man Battle Network series, developed by Arika and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Gamecube in 2003. It combines the battle chip system of the Battle Network games with the classic Mega Man level designs to create a unique game in the franchise. Battle chips can be for attacking, defending, utility purposes, or a combination of these, and can be sourced from viruses (enemies) mid-stage, bought from shops, or acquired from defeating bosses. You have a finite amount of each chip, and using them costs MP, which recovers over time.
The game takes place between games Mega Man Battle Network 1 & 2 (2001). The story follows Lan Hikari and his NetNavi Megaman.EXE as they, after having defeated the WWW in MMBN1, set out to find out the truth of the new Zero Virus and it's vaccine that has been causing other NetNavis to go berserk and cause trouble.


  • Emulator used: Dolphin Lua Core 3.5.1
  • Idle Skipping off
  • Dual Core off
  • DSP HLE audio recompiler
  • No Memory Card
  • OpenGL
  • Native internal resolution
  • No Anti-Aliasing
  • 1x Anisotropic Filtering
SHA1 Checksum: 974552ef9b061ce61dca65cdbfe1231e78267040

Movie objectives

  • Ideal movement
  • Manipulation of chip draws
  • Ideal chip usage
  • Ideal boss manipulation for fastest possible boss kills
  • All of the above combined to clear each stage as fast as possible
  • Beat the game as fast as possible
The final input is after the credits roll, on advancing through the final bit of dialogue foreshadowing the story in Mega Man Battle Network 2 (Frame 179794).

TAS-specific Tricks

Folder Stacking

When you enter a stage you are given 5 random chips from your active chip folder, which can contain 20 chips in total. The chips you are given are determined by their position from 1-20 in your active chip folder. Using TAS tools it is possible to check ahead what chips will be drawn at a given later frame, note their positions in the active chip folder, and go back and replace unwanted chips with ones that are needed for each stage.
The game allows you to mark a chip in the active folder, which guarantees that you will draw it every time you draw chips. This reduces the number of chips that are randomly seeded from 5 to 4. By marking 'Cannon' at the first instance of folder stacking, a chip that is used in almost every stage, every subsequent instance of folder stacking becomes shorter.
This is the single most important trick as it allows for the possibility of each stage to be completed with ideal prerequisites. Luck is still a factor, however. If the active folder edit needed to complete the folder stacking for the desired frame is too long, the desired frame will pass and folder stacking for it is impossible. If there was a way to properly manipulate chip draws to get the desired chips without having to move them around in the active folder that could likely be faster.

Slide Cancel

MegaMan.EXE can be made to slide by holding down and forward/backward on the control stick and pushing the A button. A slide lasts for 30 frames (unless MegaMan.EXE is unable to stand upright), is used to pass through narrow corridors, and has twice the x-speed of any other horizontal movement without the use of chips. Thus you want to maximize the amount of time spent sliding while still navigating changing floor Y-levels, level hazards, and enemies. MegaMan.EXE's hitbox is rectangular, longer vertically when he stands/runs/jumps, and longer horizontally when he slides. These two hitboxes will now be referred to the tall and long hitbox respectively.
Once initiated, a slide will continue for 30 frames unless movement in the opposite direction or a jump (A) is input, upon which the slide still continues for 1 frame at the same X-speed. Slides can be chained together indefinitely (on the same Y-level), and if a slide is canceled on one fram a new one can be initiated on the next frame. When a slide ends naturally after 30 frames, or when a slide is canceled, MegaMan.EXE's hitbox becomes tall, even though the slide continues for one frame. Slide cancels are thus used to avoid enemy/level hazard hitboxes (by preserving the long hitbox where it would otherwise have become tall (Garden Comp, Shopping Comp)), to damage boost forward (Outer Net, Garden Comp, Arcade Comp), and to facilitate Quick Drops and Ladder Quick Drops.

Quick Drop

When sliding off of a ledge, the slide will continue until the full horizontal slide hitbox has gone completely off. Canceling the slide with the smallest possible jump (holding A two frames only) changes MegaMan.EXE's hitbox to tall, letting him fall off earlier. MegaMan.EXE's Y-speed also accelerates faster when falling from a jump than it does when falling from running/gliding off of a ledge. This is useful when the drop is taller than the drop chute is wide, and when the direction of the stage goes down and then back. Quick drops often save no more than one frame, but they are used in every stage.

Ladder Quick Drop

Climbing ladders is very slow, and in the interest of going fast is avoided as much as possible. In the stages where climbing a ladder is unavoidable, if the stage goes down, it is a lot faster just to latch on and instantly let go than it is to climb all the way down. However, a ladder can only be latched onto with a tall hitbox. Thus, in similar fashion to a regular quick drop, by gliding until the first frame where the ladder is accessible with a tall hitbox, over the course of three frames, I can cancel the slide by holding the control stick in the opposite direction of the one previously traveled, latch onto the ladder with the tall hitbox by holding the control stick down, and then instantly let go to fall freely by pressing A. This seamless transition from gliding to falling looks very cool, and is faster than a regular quick drop wherever both are possible.

Enemy Drop Manipulation

From, my formatting:
In this game, enemies can drop one of 4 items when defeated normally, and have a guaranteed chip drop if defeated with an S Rank. Rank calculation is described below.

Virus Busting Level Calculation
Virus Timing Ranges
<181 frames	rank = 10
<361 frames	rank = 9
<721 frames	rank = 7
<1441 frames	rank = 6
>1441 frames	rank = 4
Number of Times Hit
If hit 4+ times, rank -3
If hit 3 times, rank -2
If hit 2 times, rank -1
If hit 1 time, rank +0
If hit 0 times, rank +1
Virus timing begins as soon as the enemy loads, which is usually off-screen. Frames are divided by 60 to get the time in seconds. 
Number of hits can be hits from attacks from that enemy or from running into the enemy. Timing and hits are reset when the enemy is unloaded off-screen.
For example, if you defeat an enemy in 200 frames and did not get hit, when you defeat the enemy, your rank will be 10."
The S-Rank drops are typically the most useful, but taking damage to get a lower rank kill is used in the second stage in order to acquire an extra 'Sword' chip, which is used to kill multiple bosses quicker.

Green Mystery Data Drop Manipulation

Green Mystery Datas are glowing green spheres seen throughout the game, and upon activation they grant one of 5 things, ranging from chips, money, and subchips, which are activated manually mid-stage from the start menu screen. These drops are determined upon stage transitions, so the desired drop can be guaranteed by entering a stage from the map, or by transitioning between stages, on a good frame. This is done only in Arcade Comp, between Arcade Comp 1 and 2, in order to get the FstGauge subchip, and I had to wait 2 frames before transitioning between them.

Chip Animation Cancel

Upon using a chip from a standing position, there is a short delay before another chip can be used. This delay also prevents movement. For chips with short animations that can be used mid-air (most often attack projectile chips like 'Cannon', 'Heat-V', and 'Bub-V'), if they are activated shortly before landing (3 frames typically works) the landing animation overrides the attack animation and cuts the delay before movement is possible again in half. This is mostly used in the early stages, where the viruses still die in one hit from the aforementioned attack chips, among others. In later stages it is typically more efficient to just be in the air for the duration of the chip animation, which allows movement right away upon landing.

Stage by stage comments

Den Area/FireMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Cannon', 'V-Gun', 'Sword'.
The tutorial stage. No folder stacking is needed because the game guarantees chips 'Cannon' and 'V-Gun'. The only other chip that's needed is 'Sword', for the boss, and getting it only requires waiting for the first good frame. The stage teaches you to use all of MegaMan.EXE's functions, and about general stage hazards. In Den Area 2 I pick up a MemUP, which increases MP, and a Life Up-chip, which gives an extra life. The latter is not needed but it is faster to pick it up than it is to jump over it. Towards the end of Den Area 2 I get a HeatArmr, which cuts damage taken from fire element sources in half. It is never equipped because it is never needed.
There are four elements in the game. Each is strong against one and weak against another: Fire < Water < Lightning < Wood < Fire. Hitting an enemy's weakness deals double damage, but hitting an enemy's "strength" still deals the normal amount of damage, not half.
In Den on Fire, I get my first 'Heat-V' from a Spikey virus, the dark blue dog-looking virus that breathes fire towards the end of the stage. This battle chip is useful until the very end, and I will acquire more later.
FireMan.EXE has 400 HP and is weak to water element damage. The only water attack I have availible to me at this stage is 2 'Bubbler', but having it would not let me beat the boss in fewer than 5 attacks, which is how many 'Sword' it takes. Bosses, when hit by a chip attack, get over a second of invincibility, so typically, the fewer chip attacks it takes to beat a boss, the better. FireMan.EXE has an attack that covers the entire screen, and two attacks that cover his body, which he only uses when MegaMan.EXE gets close. By gliding forward and not attacking until I'm in range for him to use the latter two attacks, but just out of range to be hit, I can delete FireMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Global Area-Outer Net/GutsMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Cannon', 'V-Gun', 'Sword', 'DashAtk', 'Bubbler'.
Before entering the stage the first folder stacking is done. First, 'Cannon' is marked, so it will appear first in every subsequent chip draw. When I look for a good frame to stack for the easiest draws are ones where some of the desired chips are already in place. There is typically not much time to spare, so not having to scroll up or down too much within the active folder is also important. The chip draw I used for this stage had three out of the desired four chips already in place, and I only had to switch in 'Sword'.
Being able to stack the active folder to get the perfect chip draws means that there is a type of powerup that I can forgo completely. These are called RegUP, and obtaining them lets me mark chips with a higher MP cost, but doing that never becomes necessary.
In Global Area 1, all the moving platforms and spike pillars are on a global timer. I couldn't get ahead of the spike wall, so I mess around a little bit with slide canceling without losing any time. 'DashAtk' is used once to get through a Beetank virus, which would otherwise take two 'Cannon' to delete. 'V-Gun', because of its area of effect, is used to delete two Swordy viruses in two uses, which saves a lot of MP and time.
In Outer Net, 'V-Gun' is once again used to hit two enemies at once. Later I damage boost on two enemies. Typically when you get hit, you get knocked back in the opposite direction. By timing contact with the viruses' weapon/projectile to a frame where the point of contact is behind me, I instead get pushed forward. This is faster than deleting or jumping over the viruses. A bit later I use the two 'Bubbler' to delete the Spikey2. With a bit of manipulation, these can also drop 'Heat-V', but that would require either waiting a long time, which is slow, or taking damage, which would kill me. From NumberMan.EXE I buy 2 HPMemory. Thus I raise my total HP to 120, which is all I need throughout the game. I manipulate the last Swordy virus before the stage teleporter to get another 'Sword'. Before going back into Global Area 1 I obtain a PowerUP, which will allow me to upgrade my buster. It is the first out of eight that I will need before the buster becomes useful as a damaging weapon.
GutsMan.EXE has 600 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. He has just enough HP to take perfect lethal damage from 1 'Cannon', 6 'Sword', and 1 'DashAtk'. By using the 'Cannon' first, I can trigger his invincibility frames as soon as the battle starts. By subsequently hitting him as soon as his invincibility frames run out every time, I can delete GutsMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Bank Comp/QuickMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Cannon', 'DashAtk', 'MiniBomb', 'Bubbler', 'Sword'.
After GutsMan.EXE is defeated, four new stages open up and are availible at the same time. These are Garden Comp, Shopping Comp, Waterworks Comp, and Bank Comp, and they can be cleared in any order. Bank Comp is cleared first of these stages because at this point in the game, everything needed to quickly complete the stage is already availible to me, and the money obtained from beating the boss enables me to buy some things that I will need for future stages.
The main stage hazard in Bank Comp is the security beam traps which, like in Quickman's stage in Mega Man 2, activate and cover the stage when MegaMan.EXE gets close enough to them. Getting hit means instant death, but getting out of reach is no problem. Additionally, there are two virus types, Shielder and SniperJoe, which are shielded from damage on their front side. Both of these viruses are dealt with using 'DashAtk'. In Bank Comp 2 there is another SniperJoe in the way, and because he is higher up than MegaMan.EXE, he cannot be dashed through. He is instead dealt with using 'MiniBomb'.
Bomb-type chips are very useful for busting viruses, because they can damage an enemy multiple times per use. As a SniperJoe has 100hp, it would require three 'Cannon' to bust one, but just one 'MiniBomb' suffices. Bomb-type chips, while very effective in damaging viruses, are awkward to use quickly because of the trajectory they take when they are thrown. Having to stop to wait for an virus to die is never fun, but the positioning of the SniperJoe in combination with a Chip Animation Cancel lets me keep moving almost immediately.
After the long drop filled with security beam traps, just before the boss, the two 'bubbler' are used on another Spikey2 virus.
QuickMan.EXE has 500 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. He zooms across the stage, right to left to right and so on, until he gets attacked. When he is running around he will block any attack, and usually proceed to attack himself. This is when he can be damaged. Right at the start of the fight I use a buster shot to trigger an attack, after which I immediately damage him with 'Cannon'. In order to keep damaging him I manipulate him to never start running again. This allows me to perfectly string together the 1 'Cannon' and 6 'Sword' needed to defeat him. By having him first attack me and instead attacking him every time, I can delete QuickMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Garden Comp/NeedleMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Cannon', 'Burner', 'DashAtk', 'Heat-V'.
This is the first time I need to switch in a battle chip from the pack into the active folder, and I do it as I stack the folder. That battle chip is the aforementioned 'Heat-V'. 'Heat-V' does 60 fire element damage, so 120 damage against wood element enemies. This is immediately useful in Garden Comp, because a lot of enemies, including the boss, are weak to fire element damage, but since the chip's base damage is pretty high, it is useful throughout the game. Only having one 'Heat-V' is not enough however, so before entering the stage I buy 5 more from the overworld shop. I also buy an Unlocker, which lets me unlock a Purple Mystery Data. Without having first beaten Bank Comp, I would not have had enough money to buy all of this.
In Garden Comp 1 I bust two KillPlants, the dancing red flower viruses. They drop 'TreeBom1', a bomb-type wood element high damage chip. It is very useful and I acquire a total of four from this stage.
In Garden Comp 2 there are upgraded KillPlant viruses called KillWeed. They do more damage and have more HP. Where one 'Cannon' is enough to bust a KillPlant, two 'Cannon' are required to bust a KillWeed. Thus, to save time I resort to other chips when KillWeeds show up. First I use 'DashAtk' at the latest possible frame to bust both the KillWeed and a Mushy virus on the next platform. Later I use 'Heat-V' which is powerful enough to bust them in one hit.
The other 'DashAtk' I use both to bust a KillPlant, and to clear a gap. Typically it is not useful to use 'DashAtk' on viruses that die from one 'Cannon' or similar low damage chips, since it would be faster just to Chip Animation Cancel the 'Cannon' and continue gliding after recovering. The movement 'DashAtk' gives, while being slightly faster than a slide, also has a long wind-up. Being more than twice as fast as normal movement however, it is useful in Garden Comp 2 because it allows me to cross the gap without having to jump, thus saving time.
The Unlocker is then used on a Purple Mystery Data, and I obtain another PowerUP. I initially stacked the chip '3-Way' in order to use it to bust the Gabyoall guarding the PowerUP, but doing so would not allow me to catch the upcoming spike hazard on an earlier cycle, so it turned out to be better to save the MP for the boss fight.
In order to clear the needle trap section quickly, I take damage twice, for 40 damage each. The invincibility frames allow me to pass right through most of the needles without stopping. In the second needle section, I do a slide cancel in order to prolong getting a tall hitbox. This lets me get hit in the back, boosting me forward. Without the slide cancel, the needle would have instead boosted me backwards the way I came. This in turn would have made it necessary to wait for the final needle to disappear, so the slide cancel-damage boost combo saves a lot of time here.
Before entering the boss stage, I pick up another MemUP. Both here and in the first stage I go out of my way to pick these up, because having more MP availible for chip usage is useful to the very end of the game. It might look slow, but it saves a lot of time in the long run.
NeedleMan.EXE has 600 HP and is weak to fire element damage. He has two attacks where he jumps up and is hard to reach, and during one of them he becomes invulnerable for the duration. Obviously him doing this would waste a lot of time, so by staying close I can manipulate him to remain on the ground as much as I need him to. Five 'Heat-V' would perfectly bring him down to 0 HP, but since I only have four availible to me, I deal the last bit of damage with 'Burner'. 'Burner' is not a good chip as the damage to MP cost ratio is very high. Without hitting a weakness it deals 20 damage per 8 MP, and even when hitting a weakness it only deals 40 damage per 8 MP, which is the same as 'Cannon'. When compared to 'Sword', which is the overall most cost effective chip, and that is useful almost throughout the entire game, anyone can see why 'Burner' is almost never useful. Still, by having 'Burner' availible to deal the last bit of damage, I can delete NeedleMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Waterworks Comp/IceMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Cannon', 'Heat-V', 'Repair', 'ShockWav', 'MiniBomb', 'Sword', 'V-Gun'.
This is the first stage where more than five chips are needed. Luckily, because of the way the stage is laid out, there is an easy solution to this problem. I start out with 'Cannon', 'Heat-V', 'Repair', 'ShockWav', and 'Minibomb', because they are the most immediately useful chips, and because there is a cutoff point where none of them will be used in the stage again.
Waterworks Comp 1 is the only stage where I go out of my way to collect a battle chip multiple times. This battle chip drops from Pepes, the penguin looking flying viruses, and it is called 'DoubJump'. 'DoubJump', as the name might suggest, allows MegaMan.EXE to jump multiple times mid-air, and it is the single most useful battle chip from a speedrunning perspective. A Pepe has 60 HP, so 'Heat-V' is just enough to take one out. I collect 9 'DoubJump' in total before moving on.
The Blue Mystery Data after the Pepe section contains an HPMemory. If I had not already bought two HPMemorys from NumberMan.EXE, this is the one that would have gotten me to 120 HP. Immediately after is when 120 HP is needed, as a ColdBear guards the way. They have 300 HP and do 100 collision damage, so the fastest way to deal with them is just to damage boost off of their bodies and run right through.
In Waterworks Comp 2 almost the entire floor is ice. On ice, MegaMan.EXE accelerates slower and slides on his own. The antidote to this is jumping, which works as it normally does. However, sliding is still faster than jumping, so I make my slides and jumps counts for as much as possible in getting me where I need to go.
The ShellNerd virus has 60 HP, and it is impossible to jump over him without getting hit, and taking any hit would have killed me. A 'Heat-V' would have been perfect to deal with it, but I am all out of those. I make use of the downtime by using the utility battle chip 'Repair'. This chip repairs unstable floors and platforms, like the ones in Den on Fire, shortly before the FireMan.EXE fight. It also instantly spawns all the ice platform blocks in the next two rooms, allowing me to get through them without having to play the waiting game.
After I fall down the long chute and skip the two Blue Mystery Datas, the way to the boss fight is to the right. However, that path is blocked by a data block, which first show up in the first stage. To get through to the boss I first need to go into Waterworks Comp 3 to get the code that lets me unlock it.
The Yellow Mystery Data containing the code is blocked by a miniboss, a BigPuffy virus. The BigPuffy has 150 HP, and when it dies it splits into four PuffyBob with 120 HP each, who in turn split into four MiniPuffy. To best this boss quickly I make use of 'MiniBomb' and 'ShockWav', two battle chips which, although with pretty low base damage, can hit viruses multiple times. Juggling chip switches and bursting Puffies, I can quickly move on. The MiniPuffy viruses, if killed quickly, drop the battle chip 'Bub-V', which is similar to 'Heat-V', except it deals water damage instead of fire damage. After collecting the code, I go back and die to the Shrimpy2 virus that has respawned. This is the first and only death warp that this run makes use of, and it gets me closer to where I need to go, as well as giving me full HP and new battle chips. I had to pump the brakes a little instead of just sliding right into it in order to obtain the chips I needed, 'V-Gun', and 'Sword'.
Having full HP again, I am able to get past another ColdBear using the same strategy as before. The teleporter to the boss fight is blocked by another Shrimpy2 virus, and 'V-Gun' is what I use to take him out. The battle chip 'Shotgun' is similar to 'V-Gun' except the its damage is lower and its area of effect is a bit different, but in this case it would have worked just as well.
IceMan.EXE has 500 HP and is weak to electric element damage. The stage floor is not made out of ice, but I slide around just as if it was. IceMan.EXE has non-slip socks on his tiny feet, so he is not affected by this. He has one attack where he breathes ice, and one attack where he throws out ice spikes that cover a large portion of the stage. Most of his attacks are easy to avoid because of his size, as he is very easy to just jump over. His default move is just to run across the stage without stopping to attack unless he gets to either edge, so I do not have to worry about being too close to him. Like most other bosses, he is not guaranteed to attack after getting hit, so I can easily manipulate him into giving me a favorable attack pattern. He can also spawn ice cubes and send them forward, but if I stand close enough when he spawns them, they just disappear without doing any damage.
In the shop there is a battle chip for sale called 'ElecBlde', which is a sword attack that deals 90 electricity element damage. Hitting IceMan.EXE with three of these is the fastest way to beat him, but going to the shop and stacking the folder mid stage would have meant a lot of extra time spent. Thus, even though by using 'Sword' I need to hit him twice as much, and still am required to use a 'Cannon' to bring him down to 0 HP, I save both time and money. By neglecting to use 'ElecBlde', I cannot delete IceMan.EXE as fast as possible, but I still save time in the long run.

Shopping Comp/BrightMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Bub-V', 'TreeBom1'.
Only two battle chips are needed this stage. The newly acquired 'Bub-V', with its base damage of 60, is good enough to take out almost every virus this stage in one hit, and there are a lot of viruses to bust this stage if I want to go fast. 12 'Bub-V' ended up being the perfect amount that I would ever need, and with the MemUPs I have gathered in the previous stages, I am able to use all 12 chips as I see fit. 'Cannon', although selected, is never used, and unfortunately looks a bit out of place on the screen.
In Shopping Comp 2 I pick up the third PowerUP that I will need. Five more still need to be acquired.
Just before the teleporter to the boss fight, there is an electric ray trap section. Touching one of these would not kill me, but it would do damage, and getting boosted back would be slow, so where I have to it is faster just to stand around and wait for the rays to cross.
BrightMan.EXE has 500 HP and is weak to wood element damage. Similarly to QuickMan.EXE, if BrightMan.EXE takes a hit that he is ready for, he will block it and launch an attack of his own. However, if he is busy attacking or recovering from a hit, he is too preoccupied to notice when I attack him. By throwing a 'TreeBom1', first as he is attacking me, and later twice as he is recovering from being hit, the fight is over in less than five seconds. Thus, by abusing his wood element damage weakness and his fight AI, I can delete BrightMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Arcade Comp/ColorMan.EXE

Chips used: 'DoubJump', 'Bub-V', 'Sword', 'DashAtk'.
Two more stages have opened up: Arcade Comp and Power Plant Comp. I go into Arcade Comp first, because during that stage I pick up a MemUP. Both these stages are quite tight on MP, and Power Plant Comp more so than Arcade Comp, so the latter becomes the natural first choice.
At this point in the game, as I have still not used any of the PowerUPs I picked up, compared to the strength of the next two bosses, I am at my weakest. Multiple battle chips are needed to get around this disadvantage during the next couple of boss fights.
The utility battle chip 'DoubJump' makes its debut in this stage, and with great effect. The way to the teleporter to Arcade Comp 2 is blocked off by two data blocks, so two codes need to be gathered in order for me to proceed. These are at opposites ends of the stage, but the first code is easy pickings for a prepared NetNavi. After damage boosting off of the bomb the Beetank2 throws out, same as I did in Outer Net, I use 'DoubJump' five times in quick succession to completely skip past a platforming section and reach the AquaCode in record time.
The AquaCode is guarded by a Puffy virus, and upon seeing me it spits out a bubble. If I had had enough MP, I could have used 'Cannon' to clear it before proceeding onwards. This time, I choose instead to save my MP for the next virus encounter, so I wait for it to be out of reach before go down the ladder again. If I had bought the extra MemUP from NumberMan.EXE back in Outer Net, I would not have had to wait.
The next virus encounter is with a Canodumb2 virus. As one might assume from the name, it is an upgraded version from the regular Canodumb virus which drops 'Cannon', and accordingly the Canodumb2 drops the upgraded 'HiCannon'. With my saved MP I bust this virus using 'DashAtk', picking up the 'HiCannon' in the process.
The FireCode can easily be grabbed without any tricks, and with both codes in hand I can proceed to Arcade Comp 2. Before doing so however, I wait for an additional two frames. This is the only instance of Green Mystery Data Drop Manipulation in this run.
Arcade Comp 2 has several Pierobot viruses, which run on big beach balls and chase after you. I can run through the first of these without stopping because the narrow corridor which I first have to slide through prevents my hitbox from becoming tall, as it otherwise would have upon taking damage. The second Pierobot is passed over using 'DoubJump', as falling prevents me from jumping normally.
The rest of the stage is almost just a big open room. There is barely anything in the way to prevent me from just going straight to the boss, but before doing so I collect a couple of things. First, one of the Green Mystery Data gives me a FstGauge subchip, which upon activation fills my custom gauge at a much higher speed, allowing me to draw new battle chips sooner. Second, I pick up the aforementioned MemUP. Another Pierobot blocks blocks the way to the boss, but when timed correctly, these can be jumped over from a standing position.
ColorMan.EXE has 700 HP and has no element damage weakness. Like the Pierobot viruses, he sits on a big beach ball, but unlike them he does not follow you around. Instead he can launch the ball across the stage in one of two ways, both of which are perfectly manageable if initiated from his original position on the stage. He can also inch towards MegaMan.EXE, which is a big part of why this boss can be annoying. If he is allowed closer and then launches his ball, it becomes impossible to squeeze in an attack on him without getting hit by the ball on its way back. Thus, the dance I do while switching between battle chips allows me to manipulate him into not moving around while still being able to attack him without having to pause or wait*. At 700 HP and my limited MP, I need 10 effective attacks to beat him: all six 'Sword', three 'Bub-V', and the final 'DashAtk' for a bit of added flair. Through clever MP management and boss AI manipulation, I can delete ColorMan.EXE as fast as possible.
(*Technically, I would not have had to do all the jumps and all the slide cancelling back and forth. A boss' behaviour varies depending on MegaMan.EXE's position, movement state, and on the frame during which the boss was attacked. All the extra stuff was put in where it could be afforded because the stage and the boss both have an air of play to them, and I felt like being a bit silly).

Power Plant Comp/ElecMan.EXE

Chips used: 'DoubJump', 'TreeBom1', 'Bub-V', 'Sword'.
This was the hardest stage for me to map out, in part because of the limitations to MegaMan.EXE at this stage in the game, and because of the layout of the stage itself. I try to make the best of the situation, but certain portions of this stage still turned out a little weird.
Power Plant Comp 1 has one big timesaver. I use three consecutive jumps to skip a big portion of the stage which would otherwise have forced me to go back and forth while jumping up to grab onto the above rail.
All variants of the Bunny virus have the same special movement. If they see you on the ground and close enough, they will attack, but if you are high enough in the air they will keep jumping. By jumping into the air for four frames in the first MegaBunny's face I can manipulate it to keep jumping towards me, allowing me to slide underneath. The space in which I encounter the second MegaBunny is too narrow, and we meet too close for it to attack for me to be able to do the same thing again. Instead I have to first slide underneath it's attack and then wait for it to start jumping again before being able to proceed.
I use 'DoubJump' once again shortly after in order to pick up another PowerUP. This is the fourth out of eight I will need, and soon I will obtain the last one that is easily availible for pick-up mid-stage.
Power Plant Comp 2 is a special stage in that it has more required positive vertical movement than any other stage. Every room I need to pass through to reach the boss fight is stacked upon the one before it. Had I had infinite 'DoubJump' and a bottomless pool of MP at my disposal, this stage would have been over before one could say RAM freeze. The fact that I do not instead requires me to slow down in order for me not to be completely out of MP for the boss fight.
I use two 'DoubJump' immediately to jump up to one of the platforms above me as I gain control, and the next three rooms I clear without special moves. In the next room I have two conflicting goals. On one hand, by using 'DoubJump' I can skip a big portion of forced waiting for platforms to appear, but on the other hand, the chips I need to use for the boss fight are quite expensive. As it turns out, it is faster in the long run to save the MP and go through the room at the intended speed. I also need to get to the edge of the room's topmost platform for the spawning platforms' cycle to be initiated, and as such I choose to take damage from the upper electric trap in order to reach the platform more quickly. Two more 'DoubJump' are used in the next room to grab onto the ladder I need to climb to get to the room after that, and just before entering the boss teleporter I pick up the fifth and final PowerUP that are found in Blue Mystery Datas. The remaining three will be acquired in another way.
ElecMan has 700 HP and is weak to wood element attacks. Having 'TreeBom1' availible to me means that I could defeat the boss in four quick chips, but again my MP is not high enough and I have to resort to the old and trusted 'Sword' for much of the damage. One 'Bub-V', two 'TreeBom1', and three 'Sword' are used to defeat ElecMan.EXE, and even then I had to wait around for a few seconds for my MP to regenerate. Luckily, ElecMan.EXE is very abusable. Similar to QuickMan.EXE and BrightMan.EXE, ElecMan.EXE cannot be attacked directly. When he is about to get hit he avoids the attack and teleports directly behind MegaMan.EXE in order to zap him with a charged finger. This assault is easily dodgeable, and he is vulnerable as soon as he reappears. Again like BrightMan.EXE, if ElecMan.EXE is busy attacking he will not dodge MegaMan.EXE's attacks, and I use this and my knowledge of his teleportation tricks in order to string together the rest of the attacks I need to defeat him. The lightning clouds he summons move to a random x-position after they spawn, and I am able to stay out of their reach throughout the fight. Unfortunately despite all this, due to my character's limitations, I cannot defeat ElecMan.EXE as fast as possible (though it is still faster to do it this way than to just wait).

Global Area (2)/NumberMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Cannon', 'DoubJump'.
In order to be able to proceed to the next set of stages, I have to go through Dex's PC and use a newly recieved code to remove a data block. I backtrack through Global Area 2 and swiftly reach the data block by using three 'DoubJump' and by damage boosting forward off of three Swordy viruses. I also pick up another MemUP. With that out of the way I can reach Global Area 3.
Upon entering Global Area 3, a shortcut straight to this area is set up, allowing me to go straight back there every time I need to. With this done I go back into Global Area 2.
From Global Area 2 I go straight back into Global Area 1, and from there on I go into Outer Net. Had I had an extra MemUP, I could have climbed the long stairs faster using another 'DoubJump', but that would also have required not busting the Bunny virus in Global Area 2 with a 'Cannon'. After I enter Outer Net I immediately use three more 'DoubJump' to quickly reach the other end of Outer Net, where NumberMan.EXE is waiting. From him I buy two more MemUPs and the three remaining PowerUPs I need to upgrade my buster to the level I would like. By knowing what I am going to buy and by having an adequate budget, I can purchase everything I need from NumberMan.EXE as fast as possible.
I fully upgrade the buster's power and charge capabilities, which will allow me to use it to it's maximum effectiveness. Charged buster shots come in two forms: half charged shots which deal 40 damage and are indicated by the green energy glow around MegaMan.EXE, and fully charged shots which deal 80 damage and are indicated by the energy glow turning red. Charing the buster is done by pressing and holding the B button, and each level of charge requires that the button is held down for 30 frames.

Old Area/SwordMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Sword', 'DoubJump', 'Bub-V'.
Back in Global Area 3, the way onto the next stage is past the Spikey3, across the hole in the floor, and further on to the right. The Spikey3 has 140 HP, so two fully charged buster shots is enough to take it out, and even though I have it this time around, just one 'Bub-V' would not have been enough. The flames it spews go down at first too, so almost the biggest possible jump is required to reach the platform it is standing on without taking damage. The next four stages are all past the hole in the floor, each but the first blocked off by a data block, the code to which is obtained from defeating the boss of the previous stage, so for the next four stages, this part will be the same.
Old Area 1 is the single fastest stage in this game, thanks to the wonders of the battle chip 'DoubJump' A few slides and four consecutive jumps, and I am already able to move onto Old Area 2. If not for 'DoubJump', I would have had to go all the way to the end of the stage, go up a level, and go all the way back again.
Thanks to the upgraded buster, almost every virus in Old Area 2 can be taken out without having to stop. MegaMan.EXE cannot fire the buster while sliding, but running normally for even just one frame between slides gives enough of a window for the shot to be fired successfully, to great effect. For the Swordy2 viruses, upgraded versions but with a weakness to water element damage, a single 'Bub-V' is enough. Old Area is the first stage to feature Megalian viruses, floating heads with elemental barriers protecting them. Their barriers null any attack recieved that does less than 100 damage, but they all have elemental damage weaknesses that can be abused. Fortunately these never turn out to be a problem. In Old Area 2 I pick up another MemUP before moving on to the boss fight. This is the last Blue Mystery Data that I activate.
SwordMan.EXE has 700 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. He has one attack where he launches into the sky and tracks MegaMan.EXE's movement until he finally slams down into the ground, stunning MegaMan.EXE if he is still on the ground. During this he cannot be reached, so I do not let him use this attack. During the only attack he uses he spins his swords in the air for a time before launching them at MegaMan.EXE. Damaging SwordMan.EXE with a battle chip cancels this attack and sends both swords towards MegaMan.EXE immediately, without time to avoid them. Switching between fully charged buster shots and using 'Sword' is the fastest way to bring his HP down, but the swords deal 80 damage when they hit. Thankfully, by purposely taking contact damage on the frame after the 'Sword' connects, I can instead only take 50 damage each time, and use the invincibility frames to dodge the flying swords entirely. Thus, by giving the proposed sword master a taste of his own medicine, I can delete SwordMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Strange Grav Area/GravityMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Heat-V', 'DoubJump', 'DashAtk', 'Sword'.
A bit of an odd development took place here as I proceeded with the stage. Aside from the very first stage, it turned out to be the only stage where I do not stack the folder before entering the stage, because I originally planned to do it mid-stage instead, just before fighting the boss. That was because I thought the fastest way of beating the boss would have to involve the battle chip 'M-Cannon', dropped from the Canodumb3 viruses, which make their first appearance in Strange Grav Area. As it turned out, the unedited chip draw that I was able to get upon entering Global Area 3 on a certain frame gave me all the chips I needed to cruise through the stage. This made stacking the folder superfluous. Instead, Strange Grav Area became the only stage where I draw new unedited chips mid-stage. Were I to do a do-over, I would stack the folder with the chips in the "chips used" section, only replacing 'Heat-V' with 'Bub-V', due to there being more of the latter.
Before entering the stage I buy 5 'Barrier'. Upon activation, MegaMan.EXE is surrounded by a bubble of white energy that blocks the next incoming hit, no matter how large or small. This is the last opportunity for me to buy this chip, not before I need to use it, but before I need to add it to the active folder with a few other chips. 'Barrier' is crucial to dealing with some of the most powerful viruses in the later stages.
In Strange Grav Area, as one might assume, the gravity is a bit strange. This means two things. First, on various floors during the stage, MegaMan.EXE cannot jump as high. On purple floors he jumps a little lower, and on bright yellow floors even lower. This does not affect his x-speed in any way. Second, during Strange Grav Area 2, there are walls with arrows going up and down. Passing these changes MegaMan.EXE's footing, making him sometimes have to run on the ceiling. This does not affect his x-speed either.
As they were in Old Area, the viruses in Strange Grav Area are now a lot stronger, and a single fully charged buster shot is no longer enough to bust anything but the Sparky2 viruses, the downgraded version of which first made their appearance in Shopping Comp. Instead, as I make my way through the stage I have to use either two charged buster shots, or a fully charged buster shot and a 'Heat-V' to clear the path ahead of me. From one of the several Canodumb3 that I bust, I pick up the aforementioned 'M-Cannon', which does 120 damage and is incredibly useful, though not in the way it might first seem.
Early on in Strange Grav Area 1, there is a section where one path goes up and one goes down. I chose the path going up despite it requiring many jumps because I did not have the battle chips necessary to beat the Canodumb3 and the MegaBunny viruses on the lower path. If I had had 'Bub-V' instead of 'Heat-V', as I would have if I had stacked the folder before entering Global Area 3, I would have been able to take the lower path instead. Also, I have to stop or slow down a number of times in this stage, so as not to take damage. Naturally it would be slow to do so, but it is also crucial that I save all my HP for later. The rolling wheel traps toward the end of Strange Grav Area 1 deal 100 damage upon contact, and I have to pause and wait for them several times.
In Strange Grav Area 2, there is a HammerJoe virus blocking the way before the first arrow wall. He blocks shots while he is swinging his hammer, so I use 'DashAtk' to get through him without worry. The other 'DashAtk' I use on a MegaBunny not too long after, because the chip carries me into the arrow wall and lets me not have to drop as much before the gravity switches.
By using 'DoubJump' I skip having to pass by an arrow wall, and I instead run on the "ceiling" for a bit before gravity switches again. As soon as I am able to I draw new chips, drawing only 'Sword' for the upcoming boss fight. Having full HP I can then survive a collision with a MegalianH virus. I need full HP for the boss fight too, and luckily I am able to replenish it without losing time before entering the boss fight.
GravityMan.EXE has 700 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. His fight is unique in several ways. First, he never moves from where he is floating. Second, only his head is weak to damage, and his rotating arms shield him. Third, his attacks all either home onto MegaMan.EXE, or he uses gravity to draw MegaMan.EXE into him. Fourth, as is enabled by the arrow walls, MegaMan.EXE can run both on the floor and on the ceiling as I see fit. These four factors taken together makes the GravityMan.EXE fight unlike other boss fights. As he does not move, I do not want to move from my position behind him either, since it is the most open angle of attack. Being this close I want to prevent him from sucking me in, both because I do not want to take damage willy nilly, but also because him doing that hampers my ability to attack him. I also want to use 'Sword' as much as possible after I hit him with a charged buster shot, but doing so is liable to make him use his moves. As such, I first use 'Sword' as he is already using an attack, which prevents him from using another attack right away. The second 'Sword' is used right before I take damage from his previous attack, and this too make him not use another attack. After this I do not need to worry about any more attacks and can swiftly take him out. However, had I stacked the folder and drawn more powerful chips, I would have been able to deal damage faster without worrying about getting hit. Thus, due to the lack of the most powerful battle chips technically availible to me, I cannot delete GravityMan.EXE as fast as possible, but considering the circumstances, I still beat the stage faster.

No Grav Area/StarMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Z-Canon', 'DoubJump', 'Bub-V'.
During folder stacking I add the chips 'Barrier', 'HiCannon', and 'M-Cannon' to my active folder. 'Barrier' will not be used yet, but the two cannons are needed to get the very first program advance of the run. A program advance is a way for MegaMan.EXE to combine certain battle chips in order to create an extremely powerful single use battle chip. 'Z-Canon' is created by selecting the battle chips 'Cannon', 'HiCannon', and 'M-Cannon' one after another in that order. Upon activation MegaMan.EXE turns invulnerable, and has free use of a cannon attack that deals 120 damage, for 10 seconds. This is incredibly useful for quickly defeating bosses, and it is the only program advance that is done this run.
The name No Grav Area is misleading. There is gravity during the stage, but it is weak to the point where it allows MegaMan.EXE to jump almost twice as high. This does not affect his x-speed in any way.
Similarly to Old Area 1, in No Grav Area 1 I use 'DoubJump' to skip a big portion of the stage by simply jumping up to it from the other side.
In one section of No Grav Area 2 there are rotating knobs, some rotate clockwise and some counterclockwise. I only jump onto the ones rotating clockwise and avoid the ones rotating counterclockwise, allowing me to cross the section faster. I need to use 'DoubJump' in order to do this, but MP is not an issue in this stage.
Before the boss fight, I first have to fight the second mini boss of the game. It is a BigYart virus, and it can only be damaged on the teal diode at it's core. It is protected by spinning yo-yo shields, and although it never has the opportunity to, it can also fire rockets that home in onto MegaMan.EXE. By using the area of effect of 'Bub-V', I can quickly deal the 300 damage required to take it down in only five hits.
StarMan.EXE has 700 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. He floats around in the air and will disappear and teleport to another location the first time MegaMan.EXE is in range to hit him with an attack, and this resets every time he gets hit. He also has two attacks where he disappears entirely and summons stars that rain down across the stage before appearing again. This wastes a lot of time, so I instead manipulate him into only using his star arrow attack, which sends arrows flying across the stage in all directions. Normally having to avoid these would have slowed me down, but thanks to 'Z-Canon' I can turn invulnerable and let them fly right through me. Through a combination of charged buster shots and the enormously powerful program advance 'Z-Canon', I can defeat StarMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Zero Account/Zero.EXE

Chips used: 'Z-Canon', 'Barrier', 'DoubJump'.
Zero Account is only a single area, but it is populated with strong viruses and has dangerous stage hazards. 'Barrier' makes it's debut here, as I use it to run right through the full spectrum of Megalian type viruses that inhabit the stage. 'Barrier' cannot be used mid-slide, so I often use it prematurely while I am jumping or falling so as not to lose speed. This stage contains conveyor belts similar to those in Global Area 2, but the ones in Zero Account are fast enough that it is slower to slide across them than it is to jump across them.
Zero has 750 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. Like several bosses before him, upon getting hit he will block the attack before attacking himself. When he attacks, depending on MegaMan.EXE's position, he will either teleport somewhere and swing his sword three times, or he will do a jumping or spinning sword attack where he is standing. When his HP becomes low enough, he can also become invulnerable, run to one side and send out two sword slashes that cover the height of the stage and fly across it. This attack deals 300 damage and wastes time, so it needs to be avoided at all costs. For the final set of attacks, I wait for Zero to start attacking on his own, letting me in turn attack him. By waiting for the right moment to strike, I can delete Zero as fast as possible.

Global Area (3)

Chips used: None.
After Zero is defeated it is revealed that the final boss has been hiding all along in the dark corners of the Battle Network universe internet, in a place called the undernet. The undernet is normally accessible through Global Area 3, through the hole in the floor past the Spikey3 virus, but the game's antagonist has hacked the teleporter to prevent just anyone from entering. In order to be able to enter I first need to find two pieces of code, which are obtained from defeating the next two bosses.

Legendary WWW Area/PharaohMan.EXE

The next two stages Legendary WWW Area and Vacant WWW Comp are both made availible at the same time. In the speedrun, Legendary WWW Area is chosen first because during it runners can get more MemUPs, which they need for Vacant WWW Comp. I do not need to do them in this order, but I still chose to do Legendary WWW Area first out of habit.
The teleporter to Legendary WWW Area 1 is in Outer Net, blocked off by a data block that was previously unobtainable. I get there through Dex's PC, and on the way I buy two more MemUPs from NumberMan.EXE. Past the data block, the teleporter to Legendary WWW Area 1 is on a platform high above. By using three 'DoubJump', I can reach it without having to go through a long ladder section full of LaddrPrss viruses.
The remaining three 'DoubJump' I have after going through Global Area 3 are used to jump right past a large section of spawning platforms. I am able to take one collision hit from a RollDrill virus, dealing 100 HP. Later, I fire a single uncharged buster shot to clear a Spooky2 virus from my path. Upon detecting an attack coming their way, they disappear and teleport somewhere else. These are typically harmless, but with bad luck they can jump right back into the way of MegaMan.EXE. My HP is already low after taking the hit, so any more damage would kill me.
In Legendary WWW Area 2 there are a lot of strong viruses in the way. Thankfully I am able to run right through all of them by using every single 'Barrier' in my draw. Without this chip I would have had to either wait around and dodge them, or I would have had to charge up several buster shots to take them out, so 'Barrier' is a big timesaver. This stage pushes the limit of my battle chips, and before it is over I will have expended every single one for the first time.
PharaoMan.EXE has 1000 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. Like StarMan.EXE he spends all his time floating around in the air. Most of the difficulty in this fight comes from his powerful attacks in combination with his unpredictable movement pattern, but thanks to 'Z-Canon', none of this becomes a problem, and the fight is over in seconds. Thanks to the efficient use of powerful chips, I can delete PharaoMan.EXE as fast as possible.

Vacant WWW Comp/ShadowMan.EXE

Chips used: 'Z-Canon', 'Barrier', 'StrArrow'.
The final new battle chip is added to the active folder during the stacking before entering this stage. That chip is 'StrArrow', and it is the only battle chip obtained from a boss, StarMan.EXE, that is useful in this run.
Vacant WWW Comp 1 is very straight forward. The stage is cleared with precise movement and liberal use of 'Barrier' to pass through every virus and stage hazard that is in the way.
Vacant WWW Comp 2 is where the fun begins. The stage is almost as long as Power Plant Comp 2 is tall, and this is made use of with 'StrArrow'. Like StarMan.EXE did during his fight, upon use a star arrow is fired in the direction MegaMan.EXE is facing. This arrow is rideable and accelerates greatly over a short time. When fired at one of several choice locations, I can jump onto it and cross a great deal of the stage in record time before it hits a wall or finally expires.
The stage also features green gates with arrows pointing in a certain direction on the side. If these gates are passed through from the wrong side, a Spooky3 spawns, but this does not become a problem. I also found out that if you pass through a gate from the right side while facing in the wrong direction, possible thanks to 'StrArrow', it counts as having passed through the gate from the wrong side and a Spooky3 appears.
In this stage are also moving platforms on a global cycle. When I get to the last of these platforms it is moving away from me, and I have to wait for it to return to be able to reach the boss teleporter. With the chips I drew it is not possible to catch the last platform earlier.
ShadowMan.EXE has 700 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. He has several attacks, but he only ever gets to use one of them. Whenever he takes damage from a battle chip, after recovering, he teleports into the air and summons two clones. As his invincibility frames continue to fade even when he is not on the screen, I can hit him right at the start of the fight, and keep hitting him while he is in the air, before he ever gets to properly attack. By exploiting his attack pattern, I can delete ShadowMan.EXE as fast as possible.


Chips used: 'DoubJump', 'Barrier', 'Z-Canon', 'TreeBom1', 'Heat-V'.
Upon entering Global Area 3, I only select the chips 'DoubJump' and 'Barrier'. The remaining chips in the initial draw are saved, and will be availible for me to draw again later.
I activate the FstGauge subchip straight away. This charges my custom gauge faster, which will let me draw new battle chips sooner. This effect wears off during stage transitions, and I reach the undernet before the meter is fully charged, so I still have some time to use the chips I have before I am able to draw new ones.
In Undernet 1, I use several 'DoubJump' to skip past a big portion of the stage and bypass a few viruses. I cannot use it as much as I would like however, because all 5 'Barrier' need to be used, and I need to save the MP. All the viruses in this stage, with names that are all variations of "scuttle", have shields protecting them from damage similar to the Megalian type viruses. Their shields take 100 damage in one instance to deplete, and all but the white variant have elemental weaknesses. They all deal 140 contact damage, which is higher than my total HP, but thanks to 'Barrier' I need not worry about this.
Before entering the purple boss teleporter I need to wait around a bit for my new chip draw. I need to naturally draw two chips, 'TreeBom1', and 'Heat-V', and together with the chips that make 'Z-Canon' they make up the arsenal availible to me for the remainder of the game.
The center cannon of the firewall has 1000 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. The center cannon is the core of the firewall, and destroying it ends the fight. The core is shielded, but opens up to fire a giant lazer beam that covers the stage, during which it is weak to attacks. With the invulnerability that 'Z-Canon' gives me, I do not have to worry about the center cannon or either of the other two cannons. By zeroing in on the right target, I can delete the firewall as fast as possible.
After the boss fight, my HP and battle chips are restored completely. My MP remains at the amount it was at when the firewall was defeated. The next challenge is a gauntlet consisting of the first 8 bosses of the game. With my upgraded buster these prove not to be difficult, but to help with some of the bosses with elemental damage weaknesses I have 'TreeBom1' and 'Heat-V'. Because my MP is not replenished, I have to resort to the buster for part of the BrightMan.EXE rematch, but the two 'TreeBom1' I cannot use on him are instead used on the ElecMan.EXE rematch. 'Z-Canon' I use on ColorMan.EXE since he has the most total HP out of all the bosses (tied with ElecMan.EXE), and because he has no elemental damage weakness. I use the last two 'TreeBom1' do deal the last bit of damage to ElecMan.EXE in order not to have to wait for his final invincibility frames to wear off. Due to my improved capabilities and careful chip selection and efficient usage, I can delete all the bosses in the gauntlet as fast as possible.
After proving myself in the gauntlet, I once again have my HP and battle chips restored as my friends come through in the nick of time to save the day. Now only the final fight remains.
LifeVirusR has 1000 HP, and has no element damage weaknesses. Like the Megalian and Scuttle viruses, LifeVirusR has a barrier that blocks any damage under 100. It never moves from it's position, and all the attacks it has cover the screen. Thanks to getting my 'Z-Canon' back, I can immediately remove his shield and firmly plant myself inside LifeVirusR's hitbox, out of the way for any of his attacks that block projectiles. By perfectly chaining together 'Z-Canon'-shots and fully charged buster shots, I can delete LifeVirusR as fast as possible.
...Or so one might think. The LifeVirusR Core has 800 HP and has no element damage weaknesses. It floats around across the stage, and has only one attack. The bubbles that drop down to the ground from his glowing, data-filled center put MegaMan.EXE's HP down to 1 upon collision, and collision with the core itself deals 300 damage. My 'Z-Canon' is gone, but I still have 'TreeBom1' and 'Heat-V' at my disposal, and as the core floats to and fro I switch between chips and buster shots to take him out. By pulling out all the stops for the final fight, I can delete the LifeVirusR Core as fast as possible.
Real time runs end when the final bit of damage to the core is dealt, but for me there is still talk to be had as the game's story is wrapped up, and there is also the credits to watch. The credits roll and all the pre-boss fight cutscenes are shown, which is a nice treat, and even after the credits have finished there is a last little bit of dialogue. Here, ShadowMan.EXE converses with his handler, foreshadowing the story development in Mega Man Battle Network 2 (that came out two years prior). The final input is on frame 179794, and this takes me back to the game's main menu. This is the end of my Mega Man Network Transmission TAS, thanks for watching!


Potential improvements

  • With better luck frames before each stage can be saved with better chip draws for folder stacking.
  • During the first instance of shopping from NumberMan.EXE, buying 1 HPMemory and 1 MemUP instead of 2 HPMemory would save time in Arcade Comp, in Power Plant Comp, and in Global Area 2, although it would make Waterworks Comp slower.
  • Another Green Mystery Data in Arcade Comp than the one activated can grant a FullCust subchip, which instantly fills the custom gauge. This could save time in Undernet, but it's slower to acquire, so it would make Arcade Comp slower. Waiting around before entering the undernet, or activating the FstGauge after entering the undernet would have been faster regardless.
  • Having DoubJump in Vacant WWW Comp might allow someone to get ahead of the moving platform cycle and reach ShadowMan.EXE faster, but this could mean having to rely on 'M-Canon' for the boss fight. Enough 'M-Canon' can be gotten from Strange Grav Area, but they cost a lot of MP to use, so it might not be faster in the long run. Having another 'StrArrow' would make the stage faster too, but that would require having to beat StarMan.EXE once more, which would cost a lot of time.
  • Folder stacking before Strange Grav Area would allow for potentially faster movement, although having to stack the folder might result in a slower overall run.
  • There might be movement options that I missed that would clear a stage faster.
  • A few times I select unneeded chips, which assumes that I will use it, and it adds a bit of clutter. The TAS would have looked cleaner in certain places without them.
  • In Legendary WWW Comp I charge up a buster shot for no reason. This too is clutter.

Screenshot suggestions

The transition screens that show up after a stage is cleared are cool, though since they do not show any gameplay, they might not be the best for a thumbnail. Other than that, any stage or boss fight should do fine.

Thank you's and acknowledgements

  • Tterraj42, for showing interest, suggesting folder stacking, feedback, and planning the TAS reveal.
  • ZELLLOOO, current any% WR holder, for having the fastest live run for me to get ideas from.
  • GreigaMaster, for looking into how chip draws work, and for the Green Mystery Data drop table data.
  • Risch, for feedback.
  • MEGAROCKEXE, for the Virus drop table data.
  • Interested members of the TeamBN discord channel, for welcoming the idea of an MMNT TAS and for showing excitement.

Final words

By no means is this a perfect run, but it was my first solid, completed TAS, and I am happy with the results. From the cool movement, to the chip trickery and effective usage, to the quick boss fights, I feel that I was able to show off all that is possible to do with both human hands and with TAS tools. It is not the entire game, but I believe it is the fastest time that it has ever been beaten. I do feel the need to tinker around with the "what-ifs" at a later time, but for now I'm proud to submit this movie for possible publication. If there are any questions, or if there is anything missing, let me know and I would be happy to help.
- Pontus

slamo: Claiming for judging.
slamo: Replaced movie file with earlier ending point.
slamo: The movie syncs fine on Dolphin 5.0. I had to delete my SRAM.raw, otherwise I got a desync a couple of minutes in.
Really great work for your first submission! Basic optimization like movement is excellent across the board. Being somewhat familiar with the MMBN series, I can confirm that the overall strategies involving chip usage, weapon upgrading, type advantages, and program advances are all very sensible. The abuse of the double jumping chip was surprising to me as well. It's very normal for a run of this length to have some known improvements, especially one that requires this much planning ahead, so don't sweat that too much. Hope we see some more submissions from you. Accepting!
Publishers: The movie for this submission currently just does the minimum required to reach the credits. There is a bit of post-credits dialogue to mash through to circle back to the title screen. If you'd like to use a movie that gets through the post-credits dialogue, you can use this:
fsvgm777: Processing.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15912
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #7835: Pontus's GC Mega Man Network Transmission in 47:47.62
Reviewer, Expert player (2450)
Joined: 5/21/2013
Posts: 414
Pontus, if you'd like, you can truncate your movie file to the last input needed to trigger the credits - I believe this should be at VI 171847. This would let the time better reflect how long it takes to beat the game. We can still keep your current movie and use it for the official encode, since there is the small bit of dialogue after the credits.
Player (124)
Joined: 9/30/2022
Posts: 2
slamo wrote:
Pontus, if you'd like, you can truncate your movie file to the last input needed to trigger the credits - I believe this should be at VI 171847. This would let the time better reflect how long it takes to beat the game. We can still keep your current movie and use it for the official encode, since there is the small bit of dialogue after the credits.
Sure, if that works then that would look better. I just assumed the dialogue after the credits would have to be accounted for in the final time. I tried to truncate to the final input earlier, but I didn't see an option for reuploading the movie when editing the submission after it was first made. How should I reupload it? Edit: The last input needed to trigger the credits is actually the A press on VI 171845. The B and A that are input on the next two frames are not needed to remove the message box, and were probably only input on my end out of habit.
Reviewer, Expert player (2450)
Joined: 5/21/2013
Posts: 414
Upload it to userfiles please, from there I can manually change the movie file.
Player (124)
Joined: 9/30/2022
Posts: 2
It has been done. Sorry for the slow response time, I wasn't watching the topic.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15912
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [4999] GC Mega Man Network Transmission by Pontus in 47:47.62