• Emulator: snes9x 1.43+ improvement 9
    • Use WIP1 Timing
    • Allow Left+Right / Up+Down
    • Volume Envelope Height Reading
  • ROM: Final Fantasy III (U) (1.1)
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Flagitious
    • Muddle/77B, this resulted in major changes to my run. Who/when to teach certain spells to, but ultimately, skipping Gogo.
    • The Warp Stone inside Vector.
    • Teaching me how to rig the Slots since I was too lazy/dumb to read/understand the Slot Guide by Master ZED.
    • Pointing out any mistakes I may have made and making suggestions to improve time in certain areas.
    • Pre-emptive values for the Floating Continent (it works different to the rest of the game).
    • Values used to block attacks. Also, attack values for Leo's X-Fight. Such a simple battle required a lot of work.
    • Managing the steps to encounter Gau in 2 steps on the Veldt (WOR).
    • Hex-editing any desyncs I had.
  • Imzogelmo
    • Testing out the Lete River thing, which ensured I only got the minimum number of battles for that part.
    • Values for the fish to appear on the beach while saving Cid.
    • How the pre-emptive attacks work and the values you provided. It has saved me a lot of time from going through trial and error.
  • Novalia Spirit
    • I think you deserve maximum thanks, your run (although so short) was what inspired me to give my 110.1% at this run.
    • Critical hits, Desperation attack values and how to manipulate pre-emptives.
    • Your 100+ Bugs Topic. Walking through the soldier (so-called "Kutan bug"), Smoke Bomb vs Kefka at the gate, 'Verdant Respite' bug, and many others I forget.
    • Pretty much everything up to the Magitek Factory sort of came from you. Skipping all treasures (except getting an Earrings or two), steal Magicite, etc.
    • Mag Roader Guide, it helped manage AP and getting the quickest time past that sequence.
  • Catastrophe
    • Your run was what really opened my mind. Think the run on SDA, with perfect movement and perfect dialog advancing. That was it, until I saw your run.
    • Many ideas we discussed together all those times.
  • Nitrodon
    • For information on how the beach and the fish worked.
    • Saving me time from testing things out on the Floating Continent.
    • Tier 1, values to abort Shock Waves upon their death.
    • Monster packs on the Floating Continent.
  • FAQ Writers
    • Master ZED's Monster Stats Guide and Slot Guide. Terii Senshi's Algorithms FAQ and enemy script data (although your Charm Bangle info is partly wrong), and assassin17's (?) Randomosity Guide.
  • DeHackEd, Karetaker and Upthorn
    • Both for making side-by-side .avi's of the WIPs, Upthorn for teaching me how to hex and DeHackEd for helping me submit this run!
  • Config
    • Battle Mode: Wait
    • Battle Speed: 6 (does not affect allies)
    • Command Set: Short
    • Cursor: Memory
    • Background: 4 (nice timber feeling)
  • Narshe
    • First battle I made Vicks/Wedge escape so Terra gets EXP.
    • Avoided the tile in the centre to avoid 2 fights.
    • Fought random battle (before Whelk) for EXP.
    • Whelk: I enter menus when animations are playing, so the Shell's ATB does not increase. It does not enter it's shell nor does it get a second attack.
    • I fought the 2 battles with a lone Terra for EXP. I'm LV5 so Locke will join LV7.
    • Marshal: Took off the Mithril Pike/Shield for later use.
  • Figaro Castle/South Figaro
    • Silly me to have let a Tek Laser go off.
    • Fought all random battles in the cave for EXP.
    • Bought 3 Sprint Shoes, and I equipped a pair on Terra.
    • Didn't take a chocobo, though I think it might be worth it.
  • Mt. Koltz
    • Fought 3 battles along the way, I leveled up enough so that Sabin joins at LV10, instead of LV9.
    • Riot Blade is done before Gale Cut, I havn't tested but from the naked eye, Gale Cute seems longer than Doom Fist.
  • Returner's Hideout/Lete River
    • I grabbed the Fenix Down (for GhostTrain) not realizing that I would get an Elixir later on from TunnelArmr. Not a huge loss though.
    • A counter increases while inside the Hideout(and various other zones in the game). If this counter is 25 or 26 as I jump on the raft, I will only encounter 2 battles(the minimum). My waiting around inside the Hideout saves more time than fighting the extra battles.
    • I talked to Banon, and went to grab my Genji Glove to save the "Received Genji Glove!" dialog later on.
    • Trapping the NPC increases the counter more quickly.
    • I stepped on the save point before talking to Edgar to avoid dialog later while on the raft.
    • Bought 11 Echo Screens. Much later I discovered I needed more, but hex editing caused a nearly unlimited chain of desyncs. Thank you Upthorn for teaching me how to hex-edit.
  • Lete River
    • I fought the battles for EXP so Celes joins at LV9.
    • Ultros always targets Terra with its first Tentacle so I had no choice but to use Riot Blade, otherwise I would have used TigerBreak.
  • Locke's Scenario
    • Thanks to Novalia's discovery, I grabbed Celes from going around the back.
    • I went out of my way to get the Earrings which I believe proves too useful.
    • I grabbed all 3 chests for a total of 3000GP. I think I'll ignore them next time.
    • I encountered a formation with Rhodox in the forest. Silly me for not mapping out random encounters (what I'd fight and where I'd fight them) earlier.
    • Thunder Rod is too out-of-the-way. I thought of using Locke's Mirager but I thought I'd show as many Desperation Attacks as I could during this run.
  • Banon's Scenario
    • If you're playing the .smv with a 1.0 ROM, then this is where you will desync.
  • Sabin's Scenario
    • Shadow is a nuisance.
    • The Templar/Soldier battle with Sabin can be improved.
    • Cyan's battle with Leader can be improved. I don't know what I was thinking when I did that battle.
    • One of the battles with an uncontrollable Cyan can be improved.
    • Grabbed another Earrings on the train.
    • Elixir's animation is quicker than Fenix Down's (vs. GhostTrain).
    • Not what I was expecting but it could've been much worse: running into Rhodox. In a future run, I'd like to optimize this.
    • The Rhodox formation I used prevents Gau from returning from that particular battle so I had to Leap into it, and not return from it.
    • The last battle in the trench, I couldn't manipulate a pre-emptive for that battle. I lost 100 frames to fight that battle as opposed to escaping.
  • Zozo
    • I took Edgar and Sabin to Zozo, they just seemed the most all-rounded characters. I was considering Locke to steal a Sneak Ring but he's too weak.
    • Catastrophe suggested a very good idea, to bring Cyan alone to Zozo. It would save running away time and he may just be powerful enough to take down Dadaluma. Two Earrings, Retort and Back Blade to give an idea of how.
    • Only took Stray and the mandatory Ramuh.
  • Opera House
    • I got lucky with the first 2-3 corners with the rats. I needed to use the menu to change the course of the other rats.
    • I also wanted to take Ultros out in 1 hit but I wasted some frames for doing it. I'll bash him beforehand and finish off with a Desperation Attack next time.
  • Vector
    • Bought Warp Stones and Smoke Bombs here (forgot how many exactly).
    • Stole a Magicite from a Flan (a battle I couldn't avoid anyway).
    • Ignored the Ifrit Magicite.
    • Stole a Flash for the Minecart sequence.
    • Used the Magicite with a to-be muddled Celes to cast Phantom on the boss, and finish it off with Snare. I'll know better than to steal a Rune Edge next time (read Banquet section).
    • Good thing about Snare is that it aborts all counter-attacks and it removes the death animation.
    • Stray is equipped onto Locke to learn Muddle, and Phantom onto Gau to learn Vanish.
    • Number 128 is immune to Clear otherwise I would've used the same strategy as the previous boss battle.
    • Stole the Debilitator from the Crane for a later event.
    • Locke learns Muddle for a later event.
  • Cave to the Sealed Gate
    • In the room with the moving bridges, I manage to get into a battle as the bridges change, once I'm out of the battle, the bridges change immediately. This saves 3-4 seconds of waiting for the bridge to re-shift. And a battle a few steps later. Thanks flagitious for suggesting it and working it out.
    • Thanks again to Novalia, for discovering that Warp Stones/Smoke Bombs works against Kefka.
  • Banquet
    • Talked to 23 soldiers and later only ask 2 of 3 questions. I grab the Gale Hairpin, also I should have grabbed the Back Guard and avoid stealing the Rune Edge earlier on.
    • Initially, I had planned to talk to 21 soldiers and ask 3 questions, but thanks to Flagitious who suggested the plan I used.
    • Manipulated all 3 Commandos to drop Tents to sell later.
    • Equipped Terra with Phantom and then used a Warp Stone. Thank you Flagitious for discovering the trick.
  • Thamasa/Esper Gathering Place
    • Sold stuff, and bought 3 Ice Rods and 7 Fire Rods.
    • Locke's Muddle comes to use. Muddle/Phantom/SabreSoul to avoid the cutscene with Relm and Ultros.
  • IAF & Floating Continent
    • Taking Celes saves a 5 second dialog box later on. Thanks flagitious.
    • Celes learns Muddle on the last of the 6 fights against the IAF.
    • Since Gau can't attack allies, I had to rely on Ultros to hit my Setzer. I should have turned Battle Speed to 1, and change it back afterwards, it would have saved some time. Suggestion by flagitious.
    • Gau learns Vanish after the Air Force battle.
    • Equipped Celes with Phantom and Setzer with Stray.
    • I fight a random battle to gain AP. I never imagined I'd run into a forth Naughty, if I had known then I would have prepared for it and fought that instead.
    • "The airship's below! > Jump! Wait". I hate doing this, but I had to this time around.
  • Solitary Island
    • This area was brought to you by Imzogelmo and Nitrodon.
  • Nikeah/Figaro Castle
    • Bought a Gaia Gear for later events.
    • Lost a few frames due to NPC blocking.
    • I attempted the Tentacles battle without casting Phantom but it turned out impossible. I want to think that there is another quicker strategy to this battle, but I can't think of anything yet.
  • Daryl's Tomb and Narshe
    • After I hit the second switch, I'm supposed to use a Warp Stone(which explains why I have 1 Warp Stone remaining when I finish the game), but when I encountered the battle on the Veldt to retreive Gau, it's a battle formation where Gau can't return, so I had to fight an extra battle inside the tomb to change that. The mistake isn't visible, but it's there. Thank you Nitrodon and Flagitious for working out the whole problem for me.
    • Related to above. I unequipped the Charm Bangle from Edgar at that moment so I would encounter the battle on the Veldt in 2 steps.
    • Celes learns Vanish against the Dullahan.
    • I optimized Celes (to equip the Gaia Gear) as I equipped the Charm Bangle on Gau before entering Narshe.
  • Kefka's Tower
    • The minimum number of times to switch teams is 10 (within the current situation) and I managed to do it (didn't think I could at first).
    • Teams are Celes+Mog, solo Gau and Setzer+Edgar.
    • I've heard suggestions that Setzer should solo Kefka's Tower. This is impossible. Inferno's and Poltrgeist's speed are too great to act twice before they slaughter him.
    • Setzer learns Float, and casts it on him and his teammate.
    • Equipped the Aura Lance on Mog. No reason to, I just thought the +2 Speed would help(but it didn't really make a difference).
  • Final Battle
    • Tier 1: It never gets to move, apart from its counterattack upon death. The delay in the menu with Gau aborts all Shock Waves. Thanks Nitrodon for helping me with that. Here lies the only death of the game. RIP Gau.
    • Tier 2: 3 of the 4 targets seemed to have a preset pre-emptive against me, so I had no choice but to wait out those attacks. I couldn't have Haste or Imp be casted by Magic instead of Haste 2 because that attack ultimately depends on what happened on the previous tier, and I believe it was impossible or not worth waiting to manipulate. The brief running manipulated the game to make all 10 hits avoid Setzer and to abort W Wind/Merton on the next tier. I could get Imp to be used but it would be on either Celes or Setzer.
    • Tier 3: Moved Remedy to the top of the Item List for the next battle.
    • Kefka: I was originally going to use an Elixir to heal Setzer, and go along with Muddle/Hit/77B (I didn't know any better) but thanks to Flagitious for explaining to me how the Slots worked (thanks to Master ZED), I figured out to use the Remedy.
This run is definitely improvable, if anybody is interested. I won't be running this game to correct my mistakes unless something major is discovered. I'm not sure if 5 minutes and 53 seconds can be saved from this using the same route though.

Player (201)
Joined: 7/6/2004
Posts: 511
Sabikage wrote:
Definitely improvable. This could be brought below the four hour mark. Minor optimizations add up. Something I noticed because it's a glaring loss of time is the battle with Ifrit and Shiva - if you use the esper Ramuh (by equipping it on a character, and then going to the magic menu and pressing up IIRC) the battle ends immediately, rather than requiring you to defeat both Ifrit and Shiva. I'm paused at that section right now; I'll do a final vote after I watch the rest of the movie.
This is completely false. You are exactly what is wrong with the world. You go around critizing for sake of making yourself look better. It is OK to critize but make sure your facts are right. You then proceed to act like if you did the run you'd have gotten under 4 hours, which is also false, you'd probably have ended up with a time around 4:15-4:20. The only thing true that you said is minor optimizations add up, but you failed to point out any. The run is not perfect, no run ever is, but I won't go acting like I could have done better.
g,o,p,i=1e4,a[10001];main(x){for(;p?g=g/x*p+a[p]*i+2*!o: 53^(printf("%.4d",o+g/i),p=i,o=g%i);a[p--]=g%x)x=p*2-1;}
Player (225)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
I love arguments that include "You are what is wrong with the world today."
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (201)
Joined: 7/6/2004
Posts: 511
Thanks, but this is not an argument because an argument has two sides and clearly I am right and there is no other side :)
g,o,p,i=1e4,a[10001];main(x){for(;p?g=g/x*p+a[p]*i+2*!o: 53^(printf("%.4d",o+g/i),p=i,o=g%i);a[p--]=g%x)x=p*2-1;}
Joined: 6/17/2006
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How come I can't vote? :> I thought it was enough just to register and vote, but seems like thats not the case, or am I doing something wrong?
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the-interceptor wrote:
How come I can't vote? :> I thought it was enough just to register and vote, but seems like thats not the case, or am I doing something wrong?
Note: Because of abuse that has happened, lurkers can't vote anymore.
You need to have 30 or more posts not to be counted as a lurker. Also, voting won't help too much in this case because run is already published, so you don't have to worry.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (225)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
What is this "abuse" I keep hearing about?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
What is this "abuse" I keep hearing about?
Oh, it's the one that has happened!
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 6/17/2006
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moozooh wrote:
Note: Because of abuse that has happened, lurkers can't vote anymore. You need to have 30 or more posts not to be counted as a lurker.
Ok, 28 to go then. :)
moozooh wrote:
Also, voting won't help too much in this case because run is already published, so you don't have to worry.
Yea, I know. But I wanted to give my Vote still. It's a good movie, and I enjoyed watching my fav game getting ripped apart. ;)
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the-interceptor wrote:
Yea, I know. But I wanted to give my Vote still. It's a good movie, and I enjoyed watching my fav game getting ripped apart. ;)
Remember that you can also rate movies.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Former player
Joined: 4/6/2006
Posts: 462
Thanks, I'm glad you like it, the-interceptor.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
What is this "abuse" I keep hearing about?
I was always curious about that, too. Where's the "abused" submission?
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Emulator Coder, Experienced player (730)
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You know, these 4 hours of FF experience were more enjoyable than SpiritsWithin and AdventChildren taken together. Only at the end I started to notice some improvable moments (Setzer's Joker is overused, IMO). So YES vote without any doubt.
Joined: 6/4/2005
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Very very very enjoyable run. And the strategy used behind it was mind boggling. Definitely one of those runs where afterwards you feel like you've finished a good book or a good film. You're sad to think that your time with the characters is over. A damn good game and an impressive run. I'm sure I had commentary as I was watching it but I forget it all now. :P
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
What is this "abuse" I keep hearing about?
I think someone used to constantly vote "no" on all new runs. Can't point you anywhere specific, though.
Active player (257)
Joined: 4/24/2005
Posts: 476
Funny, I remember it being someone who used his alt accounts to vote yes on his own runs.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
Joined: 6/25/2006
Posts: 1
Watching the movie replay with snes9x. Why do you just sit in the first fight after killing 1 of the people? --edit-- still would like to know but i just found turbo mode~
Post subject: Re: quick question
Editor, Player (91)
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vorge wrote:
Watching the movie replay with snes9x. Why do you just sit in the first fight after killing 1 of the people?
Often, "quick questions" have their answers in the FAQ (Answers to Frequently Asked Questions). Your question is likely answered in Desync Help: http://tasvideos.org/DesyncHelp.html
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Geez this blows my personal best of 7 hours and 13 minutes out of the water. How did you manipulate the luck to where you could do desperation attacks on command? I maybe hit them at max 5 times in one game. All by accident though.
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Joined: 9/26/2007
Posts: 9
Hi. Is there any 100% version avaliable?. Like have all best armors, weapons, magicities and all characters? Thanks!
Joined: 5/9/2005
Posts: 752
You bet champ! http://lparchive.org/Final-Fantasy-VI-%28by-Blastinus%29/ This is what you are looking for, even if at first you do not agree!
Joined: 9/26/2007
Posts: 9
Paused wrote:
You bet champ! http://lparchive.org/Final-Fantasy-VI-%28by-Blastinus%29/ This is what you are looking for, even if at first you do not agree!
But I want a snes9x movie file (.smv) :/ I don't mind if is not speedrun. It's nice though, thanks. :)
Player (23)
Joined: 9/12/2009
Posts: 1561
I cannot make a ponified encode due to changes to dialogue, commands, learn sets, and equipment as there are desyncs everywhere. I can only do optional encodes of only graphics and sound hacks, not gameplay, levels, and text hacks.
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After watching this, despite all the luck manipulation done in the run (especially with the use of Joker Doom), I can't really bring myself to rate the technical rating any higher than "6" when we have a published movie that does both this and FFV simultaneously yet somehow ends up faster than this run.
Expert player (2769)
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jlun2 wrote:
After watching this, despite all the luck manipulation done in the run (especially with the use of Joker Doom), I can't really bring myself to rate the technical rating any higher than "6" when we have a published movie that does both this and FFV simultaneously yet somehow ends up faster than this run.
Considering the fact this run was created 2006 it was an impressive TAS for it's time. Also like there isn't any other run in tasvideos that are slower in comparison to today standards in speedrunning. Nah I cannot think of any. Also you can guess what's next on my list to do. It's that TAS of all TASes.
hint: It's nothing.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.