• If you are watching the .m64 file, make sure you have these settings on with Mupen64 v.0.5.0:
Video Plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 Input Plugin: N-Rage`s Direct-Input8 1.60 Sound Plugin: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6 RSP: RSP emulation Plugin and make sure RAW DATA is checked under ->Options-->Input
Quite a journey to make an N64 game. First of all, this would have never been completed without the help from everyone on the message board and in IRC. More of a thank you to MWL for providing a walkthough, via webpage located: http://mwlin.freehostia.com/wiki/index.php?title=TAS/Speed. Thank you to AKA, Acryte, YautjaElder, and everyone on SDA forum and NESVideos forum for much of needed help.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Ignores minor obstacles
  • Completes game as fast as possible
  • Abuses programming errors
A short description on what went on: OH NO! Dreams of soon-to-be Deja Vu & The Great Deku Tree is in need of help!
Kokiri Forest - Fastest route in getting rupees so far. No more diagonal walking unless needed in certain areas for a small distance.
Inside the Deku Tree - Ahh, the 1st dungeon. In the room with the Skullita and web on the ground, there is a new method there which will take off 4 minutes or so in the next run. I got lucky in the Pre-boss room.
To skip a lot of backtracking, there is a part where Link grabs a chicken and jumpslashes over the Guerdo fence to go to the Spirit Temple.
Haunted Wasteland - There is a poe that navigates you through the desert, but with brilliant skill, Link surpases that.
Spirit Temple - What a fun 1/2 of a dungeon where Iron Knuckle meets his doom for the 1st time! Also, there is a way to get the Mirror Shield early, maybe it will get used in a future run.
  • Had just enough of a heart remaining to die upon impact for a death/warp
Fishing Pond - Swimmin into the middle of the pond after catching the biggest fish and holding Z & R while swimming to the owner will give you the Golden Scale, needed to dive deep and get the bottle. There is a way to skip King Zora now without the bottle, maybe it will get used later on.
Hyrule Castle - The 1st of 2 seamwalks. Seamwalks are tough when you start out, but practice makes it easier. The sidehopping past the guards was fun because they just look to lazy to say anything to you.
Zora's Fountain - There was said to be a way to roll into Jabu-Jabu's mouth at the perfect pixel angle, but after many attempts, I gave up and did the next easiest thing, which is jumpslash on him to enter.
Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly - Fun dungeon with a stabbing bomb boost for the Mini-boss skip.
Dodongo's Cavern - 85% of this dungeon was skipped due to the bombchu's lighting the eyes. No one could prove if it was possible to light both eyes with 1.
Death Mountain Trail - The 2nd and last seamwalk to get to the Great Fairy Fountain and jumpslash through the mountain side to enter since I had no bombchu's.
Market - At the Market, I went bombchu bowling for the bomb bag upgrade to carry 30 bombs. Even though I didnt get the bombs, when I become an adult, they are automatically filled!
Temple of Time - OH NO! Ganon, The King of Evil, has followed me into the Temple of Time!
Graveyard - The dead Graveyard keep is wanting to race me in his grave! He likes my style so he gives me the Hookshot! Back in the Graveyard, the Poe boost was never accomplished after thousands of tries. So a new method was discovered!
Shadow Temple - The funnest watching Temple of them all! This is where I pick up the hover boots because they are needed for the other Temple's (Forest and Spirit). Bongo Bongo met his final beat.
Lost Woods - Since Mido did not get any taller, I might as well just backflip over him!
Sacred Forest Meadow - To skip most of the annoying enemies in this area, I used a "stored ground jump" to get to the top of the ledge and hover my way on down.
Forest Temple - Only thing needed out of here is the Fairy Bow. Once I got that, I played the Requiem of Spirit and went to the Spirit Temple to finish the 2nd and final Temple.
Spirit Temple - Some obstacles were in my way because I did not have the Longshot, but just a few seconds were lost in climbing and such. The witches could have been beaten a little faster but I could not position them so they would not move, got frustrated and gave up! However, I did stab Twinrova to death.
Inside Ganon's Castle - ALL SAGES UNITE! The most desynching part of the game is here in the Castle. Redo, after redo was put into this, but finally got it done!
  • Going down the tower, I only needed to keep Zelda moving to where she needed to go
On Ganon, there is a place behind his foot where if you stay and don't move, he'll just glide you around like a merry-go-round.
Final blow on Ganon is at frame 539871, 2 Hours 29.8Minutes. End of movie is at frame 552279, 2 Hours 33.4 Minutes.
Enjoy the video!

adelikat: Accepting. Good luck publishers.

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JXQ wrote:
mwl wrote:
Normal walking is approx. 1.5X slower than backwalking
Strange wording. Are you saying that backwalking is 1.5X faster than normal walking? I don't know how to be 1.5X slower than something.
1.5X slower: slow speed = fast speed / 1.5 1.5X faster: fast speed = slow speed x 1.5
Joined: 8/2/2004
Posts: 98
The movie was good, but the commentary was golden. I especially loved all the Simpsons references. T-UP 2U, JXQ!
-Oz. If practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, why practice?
Joined: 6/12/2006
Posts: 368
xebra wrote:
You sometimes come across as annoying and abrasive, mwl.
What? All he has done is help out... i don't see anyone else being offended. Anyway congrats on being accepted.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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mwl; point taken. If walking forwards adds much too much time, then obviously it's not good for a speedrun. There's an entertainment factor to consider here as well, and for those who aren't as familiar with the game (or who missed the link to your route), it might detract from that element. That is all I meant.
Joined: 10/24/2005
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xebra wrote:
You sometimes come across as annoying and abrasive, mwl.
Somebody call the WHAAAAAAAAAMbulance. I've been "shot down" numerous times by mwl (mainly in route suggestion), and I'm not complaining. ;) Sorry, I'm on holiday in the U.K right now, and I think I'm drunk/tired/jetlagged/bored. Can't wait for the AVI, and I'm gonna download the commentary and then listen to it on the plan journey back to CA. That should tie me down for at least an hour (or however long my battery life lasts on my laptop).
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
Joined: 6/8/2004
Posts: 43
DK64_MASTER wrote:
xebra wrote:
You sometimes come across as annoying and abrasive, mwl.
Somebody call the WHAAAAAAAAAMbulance. I've been "shot down" numerous times by mwl (mainly in route suggestion), and I'm not complaining. ;) Sorry, I'm on holiday in the U.K right now, and I think I'm drunk/tired/jetlagged/bored. Can't wait for the AVI, and I'm gonna download the commentary and then listen to it on the plan journey back to CA. That should tie me down for at least an hour (or however long my battery life lasts on my laptop).
dunno if there will come an AVI. People have problems with desync audio etf
Joined: 6/8/2004
Posts: 43
I don't know how you enjoyed listening to this guy's commentary. All he did was bitching on the game, I don't like zelda blah blah blah, had no clue what was going on etc. Tbh, I rather had someone more excited to listen to through-out the run.
Joined: 3/7/2006
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mwl tends to rub me raw, but I don't have much to contribute to the OoT thread so I haven't posted there... :) This one has to get a meh from me, as well, mainly because there's lots of improvements that are known and can be made.
Voted NO for NO reason
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Posts: 636
I apologize if I sounded harsh in my previous posts. It's not my intent to upset anyone. SectionX, if I get some time in the next few weeks, maybe I'll write my own commentary for GuanoBowl's run. I hope to make it text-based, and actually explain things so that people who aren't familiar with OoT can understand what's going on.
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mwl wrote:
I apologize if I sounded harsh in my previous posts. It's not my intent to upset anyone. SectionX, if I get some time in the next few weeks, maybe I'll write my own commentary for GuanoBowl's run. I hope to make it text-based, and actually explain things so that people who aren't familiar with OoT can understand what's going on.
As I've said a few times already in the irc channel, I think this is the type of tas commentary which would be extremely boring and would not interest anyone except the actual commentator. This is not to discourage you or anything, I'm just saying a strictly trick explaining walkthrough for a 2½ hour run will likely have a very small customer base. And yeah a bit off topic but you tend to really be an asshole sometimes. I'm glad to learn it's not your intent, it's never too late to start thinking about that stuff.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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By the way, I'm out of the race! My sound quality was below acceptable. Bisqwit says that this is because of buggy emulator code. He himself was able to fix it, so his AVI should be of much better quality. Last I heard, he almost had a lossless AVI almost ready, so I think it won't take much longer.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
mwl wrote:
I apologize if I sounded harsh in my previous posts. It's not my intent to upset anyone. SectionX, if I get some time in the next few weeks, maybe I'll write my own commentary for GuanoBowl's run. I hope to make it text-based, and actually explain things so that people who aren't familiar with OoT can understand what's going on.
Make it audio commentary using a mic maybe and we can add these audios to an mkv or maybe Bisqwit will make the avi and then use avi mux to easily put it to a mkv and put the extra audio commentary tracks on that, now that would be cool
mwl wrote:
I apologize if I sounded harsh in my previous posts. It's not my intent to upset anyone. SectionX, if I get some time in the next few weeks, maybe I'll write my own commentary for GuanoBowl's run. I hope to make it text-based, and actually explain things so that people who aren't familiar with OoT can understand what's going on.
nah, I don't understand why they would be upset about that, its the otherway around , their complaining about someone backwalking to save time on A TAS is annoying, because that is what you are suppose to do on a TAS to save time. So complaining about that is dumb. If they want to view the video game being played by an ordiary gamer then they should go somewhere else. This is TASVIDeos, not WE,need,to,entertain,you,in,a,certain,way,while,beating a video,game,in,your,standards.VIDEOS. If they should complain about something I personally think they should complain about how Guanobowl's TAS could be improved to save time instead of how they disapprove of something that should be in there to save time.Duh! and is mwl said
mwl wrote:
This is a speedrun, not a tutorial video. If you have trouble following, you should (1) refresh your memory, and/or (2) use the ROUTE I provided on http://ocarinaoftime.net .
Joined: 3/29/2005
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I gotta say this run is really dissapointing. Moving backwards and a terrible beeping just ruined it for me.
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Just wanted to log-in to congradulate Guano on the run. I enjoyed it except for the text and backwalking across the field. I guess the programmers are the only ones to blame for that. Awesome commentary JXQ. It kept me amused and laughing especially when you "bitched about the game." Reminded me of when I would make fun of Resident Evil for PS1. Good times.
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Fabian wrote:
And yeah a bit off topic but you tend to really be an asshole sometimes.
At least I don't resort to calling other forum users things like that.
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mwl wrote:
Fabian wrote:
And yeah a bit off topic but you tend to really be an asshole sometimes.
At least I don't resort to calling other forum users things like that.
Just an observation, no need to get all defensive. It's not like I brought the subject up in the first place.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Fabian wrote:
mwl wrote:
Fabian wrote:
And yeah a bit off topic but you tend to really be an asshole sometimes.
At least I don't resort to calling other forum users things like that.
Just an observation, no need to get all defensive. It's not like I brought the subject up in the first place.
No, you are the flammer Fabian and isnt that against the rules? mwl is a helpful person on this forum and all he did was help Guanobowl, all you did was insult people? Stop acting like that.
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HiddenGamer wrote:
Fabian wrote:
mwl wrote:
Fabian wrote:
And yeah a bit off topic but you tend to really be an asshole sometimes.
At least I don't resort to calling other forum users things like that.
Just an observation, no need to get all defensive. It's not like I brought the subject up in the first place.
No, you are the flammer Fabian and isnt that against the rules? mwl is a helpful person on this forum and all he did was help Guanobowl, all you did was insult people? Stop acting like that.
HG, Helpful links: Tasvideos forum rules Suggested definitions for flaming Hope this helps, F
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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mwl wrote:
Fabian wrote:
And yeah a bit off topic but you tend to really be an asshole sometimes.
At least I don't resort to calling other forum users things like that.
I agree with Fabian, mwl was sometimes going with "I know it all and you know nothing" attidute. It's annoying.
Joined: 7/28/2006
Posts: 11
Guybrush wrote:
I agree with Fabian, mwl was sometimes going with "I know it all and you know nothing" attidute.
It's because it's true. N00bs are annoying.
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>It's because it's true. N00bs are annoying. Says the guy with 2 posts below his belt. ----- While I'm offtopic about as often as anyone else here,
NesVideoAgent wrote:
This is an automatically posted message for discussing submission: #1140: GuanoBowl's N64 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 2:33:25
So perhaps we can try and keep it that way before people get angry and the mods smite us with a big hammer? Or perhaps wait until this movie is published and this thread is flooded with "Help, I can't play this AVI, I only get sound!" messages?
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Posts: 368
Wow, shoot a guy for proving people wrong and in a CIVILIZED way even, which is bad suddenly..
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Truncated wrote:
Says the guy with 2 posts below his belt.
Post counts doesn't matter.
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Guybrush, Anaconda, Thanks for sticking up for me after HG's personal attack on me.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Seems that some people's feathers have gotten ruffled on the backwards walking point. Obviously (now that it's been explained to me) this is the fastest method for completing this game. It's also impressive since a lot of additional planning must have been done so the optimal route was selected and used (impressive since you can't see where you're going). If some people didn't enjoy the run, they're in the minority, as the votes will show. There's really no need to lay into them (assuming they're not being rude about it).
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