Abadox...It's totally gross!
Movie plays back on FCEUX 2.2.0. Originally recorded with FCE Ultra 0.98.15 rerecording - default settings No warps/passwords used Abused collision detection issues, used luck manipulation No damage taken Aimed for entertaining levels by collecting ONLY speed powerups, other powerups are shot so viewers can see what they are. bosses are done as fast as possible.
Abadox is a really great shooter for the nes that is overlooked by many becuase of it's relative obscurity and intense difficulty. The game actually has very good graphics and sound, and suffers from little to no slowdown, the controls are very good and...well it's just a good game all around, so there's no one to blame but you when you die, which you will...a lot.
I chose this game after I saw a video on gamespot of a poor sap who had been playing the game for 10 years and never gotten past the first level, I thought a video similar to the gradius videos would be pretty cool for this insanely hard game.
Here is a level by level description of what went into making this
Level 1-1: Sort of the test level. I hated the first few versions and a lot got scrapped. The hero is quite slow to begin with, which limits what can be done, but each level has at least one speed powerup. Many enemies, such as the eyeballs have collision issues, for example the actual eye part of the eyeball doesn't hurt you, but the tail end does. Parts of skulls can be flown through, but if you touch the hair you're dead. I use these to my advantage. The area of your sprite that can be hurt is also deceptively small, allowing me to squeeze in places you wouldn't expect. The boss was easy, Just hit him on the first frame I could and turboed him all the way down.
1-2: Would you believe that the part where I was messing around under the tongue was the hardest thing ever? I died about 30 times getting that right, The framerate in the game is pretty low, so I use that to my advantage, sometimes it takes the game a frame or two to realize that you should be dead, and by that time, I'm somewhere else. The boss battle was no big deal, sometimes shots go through bosses (a problem I had majorly with a later boss) this time it happens once and I let it go becuase it actually looks kind of cool and shows how weird the game can be.
2-1: First down-scroller, which changes many enemy sprites and the hero's sprite, changing the way a lot of things work. The boss was the ONLY boss in the game that I didn't completely scrap and do again, although I used an insane amount of re-records. You would think you could hit his tail, but in fact you can't
2-2: The spiked balls that the boss shoots in this level are a lot bigger than they look, so I had to hang back an extra frame or two while dodging before I coud duck back in and turbo him
3-1: Love this level, this is where it really starts to get fun I think, since the speed is all but maxed out and there's loads of enemies running unpredictable patterns. The boss was a real bitch to TAS, many shots went through him for no reason. I redid the battle becuase it didn't look so hot and shaved off 5 frames, so that made me quite happy.
3-2: Probably my favorite to play, I heavily abuse the collision issues especially near the end (you'll know it when you see it) The boss won't activate until you fire a non-damaging shot into it's "chest" so that "wasted" shot actually starts the battle. It hits on the first frame possible by the way. The boss itself is rather glitchy and sometimes will not take damage unless you're in a specific spot, so sometimes I'm closer than other times. I kill the red blood cells so I could kill the boss faster without having to dodge too much. I do a few frames of movement to manipulate them into going in front of me.
4-1: This level is actually really easy, which is kind of odd. The boss is also a wimp whom I manipulated into staying near the bottom so he could be killed even faster.
4-2: This level took a very long time to complete, in the part where the path splits, I tested both paths quite a bit. I originally wanted to use the right path and then switch to the left, but the right path is just kinda boring, although at the switch point I do go over there for a little bit. The bulging eye/anus boss was very hard to TAS. Basically sometimes he is mysteriously invincible, no matter how many shots you pump into him, he won't take damage. I eventually figured out that if you shoot while he's dormant/invincible, he won't take damage from any shots, regardless of whether or not he is supposed to be vulnerable at the time. So I had to shoot on the frame AFTER he becomes vulnerable. I also have my guy in a very specific place where the lasers mysteriously go through him.
5-1: The tech level, I had a lot of fun with this one, and do a lot of daring moves that no one in their right mind would normally attempt. The collision is abusable, but very specific on the red hopper enemies, so I got rather good at sneaking below them as they hopped. The boss is killed before he's fully on the screen, which glitches the game causing part of the boss sprite to still be there afterwards, even shooting at me (and yes, those shots are just as deadly)
5-2: I had a lot of fun with the beams, exiting on the last possible frame each time, narrowly avoiding death. The boss goes down really fast, as he doesn't really have much health, and the crystals he shoots can only really hurt you if they hit your torso, so I found a spot to shoot in, only having to glide back a bit to avoid crystals.
6-1: A lot of shots on the screen which leads to some cool weaving. The boss was killed extremely fast. You'll notice I move back, this manipulates the flames to miss me by a single frame, rather than me having to move to the side to dodge
6-2: There's a lot of hazards that activate very quickly in this stage making it virtually impossible in real time. The endboss is actually quite easy if you get in there fast and turbo. I was lucky enough to get him dead before the ghosts became a problem.
ending? actually there's one more level
7: This is the obligatory "escape" level, where you carry the anime chick out while dodging walls super fast. At first I just hung back and had fun with some near-misses, but I decided to mix it up some. I got myself towards the front so I could end the movie as soon as it's possible to clear the last wall.
All in all, this movie was a blast to make, and I hope everyone enjoys this.
NOTE: The 515 re-record is innaccurate, as it got reset while I was working on 5-2. I had about 1400 re-records at the time so it should be AROUND 1900 re-records.

adelikat: Rejecting due to poor vote results. In addition, auto-scrollers are usually make poor game choices due to limited variety/repitiveness.

adelikat: Accepting for publication to the Vault

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1168: NecroVMX's NES Abadox in 15:30.03
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One of the few NES autoscrollers I even enjoyed. Good level design (well, intestines and stuff were somewhat novel in 1988), decent NES music, surprisingly low amount of lag. As for the run, very impressive dodging (especially on the last levels! That's crazy, man), quick boss fights and nice overall style. Voting yes.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Former player
Joined: 9/1/2005
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This one gets a no vote from me. Firstly, it's an autoscroller, which are generally considerably limited in terms of entertainment ability. Secondly, you play with a similar objective to that of morimoto's gradius runs, which get speed powerups only. Letting stuff live gets boring. destruction ftw. I'd say I just don't find this particular 'style' generally entertaining overall, since it's complete autoscrolling for the entire thing. Something like a level or 2 in super mario world that autoscrolls is fine, as they use varying ways in an attempt to entertain the viewer. In this run, it mostly consisted of you doing the same thing over and over again, getting repetetive.
Post subject: a bit OT, but…
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Funny thing, but the autoscrolling levels in SMW run were the only ones that were actually not repetitive. On nearly all of the "speed" ones, all I could hear is endless "pweee! pweee!" and some other occasional sounds, as Mario blazed through those levels. Abadox isn't the most interesting autoscroller by far, but at least it isn't as bland as the aforementioned Gradius, or some other autoscrolling games, runs of which are already published here.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (71)
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i'm sure it's more entertaining than watching olive collecting in battle of olympus or level building in crystalis.
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Except level building is a small part of the movie that can simply be fast forwarded. An entire movie shouldn't be fast forwarded, and that's what autoscrollers are doomed to be. Abadox is one I'm willing to watch, but I expect to fast forward a lot. --Actually you've done a very good job here. Some creative things, like in level 1 where it looked like you were stroking the tip of that tongue. Clever. But at the second boss, with the eyes, you let a shot miss, SO TOO BAD *no'd* Nah jk. The bosses all otherwise looked great. The game itself is actually very interesting, I think this is considered one of the toughest to beat games of all time. I know I've heard that before. But yes this movie DID get repetitive about halfway through; one of the advantages the Gradius movie has is some variety- he gets so much speed, he can go through the walls in thin places. But you know what, I think I actually did enjoy watching this. If there's another shooter published to the site, I would not mind it being this one.
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Sure the site already has a run in this category (gradius), but this game is different enough to still be interesting. The casual video game player will watch this in awe - definitely nothing that is possible for a human to do. I say yes.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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Well executed, but voting meh. I think i watched pretty much the whole thing in fast-forward. It's not that it's badly done (it's actually really well done), but the movie just isn't that interesting.
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NecroVMX wrote:
i'm sure it's more entertaining than watching olive collecting in battle of olympus or level building in crystalis.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I'm voting a yes on this. This movie is absolutely awesome. It's a shame that now that it doesn't have a 100% vote, that it's not going to get published for six months. =/
Player (71)
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hah, well with the amount of work the mods have to do on this site, it's a wonder anything gets published
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Dude that Video totally f'in ruled. Having tried to play the game without cheating (and failing like all others) watching you toy around with the mosters gave me a good laugh. One of my favorite parts is where you beat the 5-2 boss. He reminds me of the robot from Short Circut, and its good to see you gave him what he had comming. Also You're little leapfrog game cracked me up. I'm easily amused :) Fantastic Job
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I would totally vote yes if, ya'know, i could vote haha
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Atma wrote:
Firstly, it's an autoscroller, which are generally considerably limited in terms of entertainment ability. Secondly, you play with a similar objective to that of morimoto's gradius runs, which get speed powerups only. Letting stuff live gets boring. destruction ftw.
I agree with Aqua Man. I would personally prefer someone tried to kill all enemies with the best weapons. Voting meh.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325
hehe this reminds me of a video of some guy playing this game, going insane about it... i went and found it again, but the link got taken down =( oh well, maybe someone else has seen it at another spot, so could you please post it if you know what i mean
Skilled player (1407)
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Atma wrote:
This one gets a no vote from me. Firstly, it's an autoscroller, which are generally considerably limited in terms of entertainment ability. Secondly, you play with a similar objective to that of morimoto's gradius runs, which get speed powerups only. Letting stuff live gets boring. destruction ftw. I'd say I just don't find this particular 'style' generally entertaining overall, since it's complete autoscrolling for the entire thing. Something like a level or 2 in super mario world that autoscrolls is fine, as they use varying ways in an attempt to entertain the viewer. In this run, it mostly consisted of you doing the same thing over and over again, getting repetetive.
Sorry, but I have to agree... also voting no.
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moozooh wrote:
Abadox isn't the most interesting autoscroller by far, but at least it isn't as bland as the aforementioned Gradius, or some other autoscrolling games, runs of which are already published here.
The "there are worse games published here" argument is never a good one for publishing a game. Honestly, this game is too much like gradius. Though this game is more entertaining that gradius, the run fails to morimoto's. I am voting no.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2194] NES Abadox: The Deadly Inner War by NecroVMX in 15:30.03