Joined: 9/7/2005
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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
I remember playing this arcade version of SMB at a Pizza Hut as a kid, and it was, at the time, a lot more difficult than the NES version. I loaded it up in FCEU, but I can't get past the title screen. I bound C to Insert Coin, but then it shows a screen where you push the blue button for one player or the green for two players. Where is the option for that? I'd like to give this game a try again. Also, if this should be in the emulator forum, let me know.
Screenshot for reference:
Try pressing Select.
Yeah, for one, there doesn't seem to be a fireflower powerup in the first stage...
Another thing, the glitch for going to stage −1 has been made more difficult by removing a few relevant blocks.
Stage 1−4 seems to be redesigned more difficult as well. Reasonable to assume there are more changes throughout the game.
Switches 1/2/3 control pricing:
000 (0) - 1 credit per coin
001 (1) - 1/2 credit per coin
010 (2) - 1/3 credits per coin
011 (3) - 2 credits per coin
100 (4) - 3 credits per coin
101 (5) - 4 credits per coin
110 (6) - 5 credits per coin
111 (7) - Free Play
Switch 4 controls the number of lives you start with:
0 - 3 lives
1 - 2 lives
Switches 5/6 control how often you get an extra life:
00 (0) - 100 coins
01 (1) - 150 coins
10 (2) - 200 coins
11 (3) - 250 coins
Switch 7 controls the timer speed:
0 - Slow
1 - Fast
Switch 8 controls how many lives you get when you continue:
0 - 4 lives
1 - 3 lives
* Quietust, QMT Productions
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another
According to a FAQ, Vs. SMB has 5 levels from the Japanese SMB2, including the first Castle.
They also took out some of the warps on 4-2, so you can only go up to World 6 instead of also being able to go 7 and 8.
If a speedrun ever came of this, would this be listed as an NES game or would we have to add a special arcade designation for it?
The aforementioned FAQ:
Yeah, this game's basically SMB1, slightly harder, with SMB2J levels replacing 6 of the original levels, and some of the SMB1 levels moved around.
There's a chart overview of the level replacements right at the top of the FAQ. (There's an error in the chart, too; VSMB 6-4 is actually the rather annoying SMB2J 5-4, not SMB1 5-4. :p)
Also, the game rocks, and I think it'd be nice to see a TAS of it. Probably no-warp; everyone's seen the SMB1 runs, so the main attraction here is really VSMB's changes compared to the original SMB1. :p
EDIT: oh, oops. Missed a post. XD
Joined: 9/7/2005
Posts: 144
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
I'm playing through right now cold and full speed, only saving at the start of every level. Right now 2-4 is killing me, and it really shouldn't be. It's 1-4 from the original, and in my heyday I could've done it blindfolded. Once I finish it I'll record a dirty movie and post it. Hopefullt that'll get the ball rolling and someone with actual skill can do it.
Switch 7 controls the timer speed:
0 - Slow
1 - Fast
Are you sure of that? Because I did tested it some monthes ago and didn't noticed the difference. Maybe some bug in FCEU or the guy in front of the computer. Anyway, by default, the timer is quicker than the NES version. Some 4-5 frames quicker per each timeunits.
I did tested several things while doing the FDS SMB and FDS smb2j and i found that left+right or up+down aren't allowed + entering wall glitch is much more difficult to achieve. Also, many sites, including wikipedia, claim that there's no minus world. FALSE, it exists. It's a water level that is endless like the NES version but design is different.
I also thought that a warp version is useless but now that I know that warp from 4-2 only leads to world 6 then a warp version can be as good as a warpless version.
I could do it if people really insists.
Btw, I am wondering, if the minus world is different in SMB/Duck Hunt ROM and The world championship(I don't rememeber its real name) ROM
Joined: 9/7/2005
Posts: 144
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Phil wrote:
Btw, I am wondering, if the minus world is different in SMB/Duck Hunt ROM and The world championship(I don't rememeber its real name) ROM
Shouldn't be. Also the third one is called World Class Track Meet.
2-4 is still killing me, and I don't know why. I'm just not getting the timing for the jumps full speed, and I don't wanna try any slowdown yet. Anybody else give this a shot yet?
Switch 7 controls the timer speed:
0 - Slow
1 - Fast
Are you sure of that? Because I did tested it some monthes ago and didn't noticed the difference. Maybe some bug in FCEU or the guy in front of the computer. Anyway, by default, the timer is quicker than the NES version. Some 4-5 frames quicker per each timeunits.
/me tests.
SMB1: 24 frames/timeunit
VSMB slow: 20 frames/timeunit
VSMB fast: 17 frames/timeunit
Odd, I figured they'd pick an even number...thought at first it was really 16 or 18 and I'd just accidentally pressed the frame advance key one too less or many times, but it does indeed seem to be 17. o_O
Phil wrote:
Daniel, Lord Bahamut wrote:
Phil wrote:
Btw, I am wondering, if the minus world is different in SMB/Duck Hunt ROM and The world championship(I don't rememeber its real name) ROM
Shouldn't be. Also the third one is called World Class Track Meet.
False, it's nintendo world championship 1990.
There was a 3-in-1 cart that came in a NES/Zapper/Power Pad bundle that had SMB, Duck Hunt, and World Class Track Meet on the same cart. Maybe that was what made you think about Track Meet at first? :p
The minus world is no different on the SMB/DH cart, btw; I have one, and have done the trick on it a few times.
Probably is just the exact same data from the individual game carts, with the game select menu being a simple frontend. :p
Daniel, Lord Bahamut wrote:
2-4 is still killing me, and I don't know why. I'm just not getting the timing for the jumps full speed, and I don't wanna try any slowdown yet. Anybody else give this a shot yet?
What, the jumps at the beginning with the podoboos?
Yeah, those are kinda random, from what I've experienced...sometimes they jump low enough for you to jump over them, sometimes they jump high enough for you to jump under them, and of course sometimes they jump at just the right height to mess you up no matter what if you don't slow down. XD
I don't think there's much you can do about it, really. :/ Might be best to slow down a bit and let them come down a bit if you see that they might be in your way when you get to the edge...getting hit would slow you down more (and, if you had fire, would hurt your chances of finishing the rest of the level in one piece).
Joined: 9/7/2005
Posts: 144
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
4matsy wrote:
What, the jumps at the beginning with the podoboos? Yeah, those are kinda random, from what I've experienced...sometimes they jump low enough for you to jump over them, sometimes they jump high enough for you to jump under them, and of course sometimes they jump at just the right height to mess you up no matter what if you don't slow down. XD
I don't think there's much you can do about it, really. :/ Might be best to slow down a bit and let them come down a bit if you see that they might be in your way when you get to the edge...getting hit would slow you down more (and, if you had fire, would hurt your chances of finishing the rest of the level in one piece).
That part gave me some troubles at first, but it's the firebars later on. Like I said, as a kid I played SMB enough that I had the timing of 1-4 (2-4 in this version) down to a science. I could blaze through without slowing down no problem. It might be because I'm playing on a keyboard. I'll try my gamepad and see how that goes.
That part gave me some troubles at first, but it's the firebars later on. Like I said, as a kid I played SMB enough that I had the timing of 1-4 (2-4 in this version) down to a science. I could blaze through without slowing down no problem. It might be because I'm playing on a keyboard. I'll try my gamepad and see how that goes.
*makes some FCMs*SMB1 1-4SMB1 6-4VSMB 2-4
Might be. Only took me 1 or 2 tries each to pull off these videos, but then again I've been used to the keyboard for playing SMB1 and various hacks of it for years now. :p
Yeah, the main problem here as far as not getting hit is in the wide-open hallway with the zigzagging pattern of firebars on the ceiling and floor.
After doing some experimenting, it seems that the initial position of the firebars actually changes between the easier version of the level (SMB1 1-4) and the harder version (SMB1 6-4 and VSMB 2-4). o_O
Watching the videos, you can see how, in SMB1 1-4, the three firebars are in a relatively good position for me to jump over and between them; I don't have to slow down or duck or anything.
But in the harder levels, they actually spawn at different angles when I get to them, requiring me to duck-jump between two of them. >_<
I think it's mostly hit-or miss here, though. I actually usually only make this ridiculous jump (as well as the two under the podoboos at the start) a lot less often than these recordings would imply; you don't seem to have too many pixels of leeway to squeeze in between those two firebars. XD
While going through this game, there are a few things to note
1. [s]In the warped category, it isn't faster to get a Fire Flower to kill the three Bowsers.[/s] Actually, get FF's in other levels, it's faster.
2. [s]Frame rules do NOT exist. I beat 1-1 1 frame faster and it started 1 frame sooner.[/s] False, framerules DO exist, they just don't apply on all levels. 1-2, 4-2, and 8-4 to name a few.
3. L+R swimming doesn't give the "split leg" swim, and may not work. (I have no clue what I'm saying here)
I have a WIP of VSMB and noticed these.
My WIP starts from a savestate because FCEUX seems to think when I insert a coin, I want to eject an FDS disk, so it won't insert the coin, and thus, won't start.
That aforementioned WIP is technically complete, but needs work to bring up to standards. It will be on the WIP page soon.
If a map had all the information, it would look like this: (shows black construction paper)
"Now that's a map!'
There are two different ROMs of this game; one (the [a1] ROM, in GoodNES) has a faster game timer speed than the other.
There appears to be no other differences between the two.
"Plays at hardest difficulty", anyone? :3
I did the WIP on an a1 ROM.
Also, the WIP has been redone from 6-4 onward, and has been improved by 5.89 seconds (1024.44 to 1018.55). Still no flag glitch though.
Also, you can use FCEUX to play this game, but when recording a movie, it will not insert a coin. It thinks you are ejecting a disk from the FDS, which it can't do. So to solve that, I started it 57 frames in (the quickest from bootup to insert coin to press select).
The a1 ROM might not have framerules, at least not for me.
If a map had all the information, it would look like this: (shows black construction paper)
"Now that's a map!'
The correct one has "slow" and "fast" timer settings. This matches up correctly with the original arcade version. The wrong one has "normal" and "fast" both of which run the game timer at improper speeds.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner
- Andrew Gardikis
I am making a TAS of this, but when I wanted to load the movie in FCEUX 2.2.2, nothing happened because the coin was not inserted. Has anyone an idea what to do? The inputs are all played back, but only the coin does not get inserted.
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dhxo wrote:
I am making a TAS of this, but when I wanted to load the movie in FCEUX 2.2.2, nothing happened because the coin was not inserted. Has anyone an idea what to do? The inputs are all played back, but only the coin does not get inserted.
Post the movie. Was it working when you recorded it?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
I am making a TAS of this, but when I wanted to load the movie in FCEUX 2.2.2, nothing happened because the coin was not inserted. Has anyone an idea what to do? The inputs are all played back, but only the coin does not get inserted.
Post the movie. Was it working when you recorded it?
Yes, when I recorded the movie everything went well, and when I wanted to look how the movie was like after world 1-2, I stopped recording it and loaded it again. And then nothing went anymore. The input was played back normally, only the coin was not inserted.