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A guy on SDA said he was going to do Super Mario World small. I was excited to see it, but he's taking his time on releasing it. I wouldn't mind seeing a TAS of that.
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Turns out it is possible, though the timing needed is ridiculously precise. It looks cool, though. Did you get that thing I sent you?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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That is sneaky. Very nice. I suck and you don't.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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LOL nah it's just my birthday so I'm allowed to find one cool trick today :)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Well then i'ts well deserved :) Happy birthday! (Also, I'll post this demo in the SDA thread if you don't mind.)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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jimsfriend wrote:
For SMW, right off the top of my head Donut Ghost House Secret Exit can't be done without a cape. Unless you uncover something really really wierd.
I came into this thread just a minute ago and read it briefly. This exit though, can't one spinjump on ghosts? Or is it impossible to get high enough to reach the ledge? Or make the screen scroll upwards so more ghosts higher up will appear? Besides that I actually like the idea! Mario levels are usually clevered designed and with flying, even though that's also impressive, you miss quite much of the game.
/Walker Boh
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You can not spin off the ghosts that fade away. Even when they are not faded. Hey could someone make me a nifty picture/screenshot sequence of JXQ trick?
A guy on SDA said he was going to do Super Mario World small. I was excited to see it, but he's taking his time on releasing it.
That is me. I am taking my time because I don't want anyone to be able to improve it when I am done.
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with that much mario TASes i really think bisqwit should open a new category in his website, something like: "Mario Section" what do you think?
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jimsfriend wrote:
You can not spin off the ghosts that fade away. Even when they are not faded.
Ya, I know that, but I thought that with tools it might be possible to manipulate ghosts to appear where you want them to and jump upwards, but perhaps it's still to high.
/Walker Boh
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Maybe if taking damage allowed you to jump again if you pressed jump the instant you got hit. Kind of like Metroid 2 but different. Or perhaps jumping the instant you hit the abyss at the bottom allows you to jump across the bottom of the map? I have never been able to do either of these.
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There's not a wall on the left side of the screen in that Ghost House, is there? Hm, maybe the edge of the screen can be walljumped just like any actual wall, has anyone ever tried?
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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My original intention was for this to be a as fast as possible run (as few exits as possible without using the cape). A 120 exit version would be interesting, but a shorter version should be tried first to see if it's really worth putting all that time and effort into a 120 exit version.
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Oh ya, and jumping off of Yoshi is not an option for the ghost house, it makes you dismount Yoshi in the same way the castles do. This means that a capeless entrance to starworld will be almost impossible in the first world (but then again, almost impossible things are supposed to be your speciality), and the second entrance to starworld is almost impossible as well, unless you hit the blue switch. It looks like entering starworld from world 5 without the cape just might be possible (you would have to spin jump off the blade). Not only that, but looking at the level from a Lunar Magic perspective, getting to the secret exit without the cape would make an AMAZING video.
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Which level do you mean? Cheese Bridge Area, taking you to Star World 3 (via Soda Lake)? Or the fortress in Forest of Illusion, taking you to Star World 4? I thought you meant the Forest of Illusion one, and I couldn't remember what that level looked like, so I did this for fun (I'm bored tonight). Nothing very amazing about this video though :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I don't think I quite understand the goal of this run.
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It's like the regular SMW speed run, except you can't use the cape. The purpose is increased challenge, and increased entertainment.
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Farbian, when I try to play your file it says "file is in wrong format" Yes I am using the modified SNES9x, etc.
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I can't explain that bob. I tried downloading it and playing it and it works fine for me. You're not missing out on much though, it's just Forest Fortress done without cape.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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How can you have a movie file of just a specific level anyway? Don't you need to do it from the beginning?
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Nope, starting from the beginning isn't necessary, when starting to record you can choose between Record from reset or Record from now.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Beating all levels possible or just running strait through to Bowser?
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I watched the current run again, and here is what I though of. If any of this is already known/common sense oh well. I just posted everything I thought might be able to be improved that I haven't already mentioned. If you don't understand something, I will draw you a pretty picture or try to explain it better. DP2-Fly to the pipe instead of bounce off shell. It is also possible to use the shell to hit a question block with a coin the instant (or thereabouts) after (I think) you hit it with your head and it becomes a multi-hit coin box. Maybe this would work for other boxes, like switches and boxes that release mushrooms and such. It’s raining feathers. DP3-Would it save time to run along the swinging/moving platforms rather than fly. Always hit the platform to make it boost you forward. If it is faster there are other applications for this. DP4 hammer bros platforms? Second time through cheese bridge, ride them like the first time then fly? SW4. VD1-Does flying in the beginning of the level rather than spin jumping make up for the time it takes to regain top speed after the dive bomb? VD2-When bringing the key to the keyhole do not touch the bottom because it greatly reduces Mario’s speed. RSP-Would it be possible to fly in the first room? The coins that turn to blocks are no lower than the hall he flies down in the second room. Also, it might be possible to fly above them then dive down and float along the blocks then drop down right in front of the pipe. VD3-The lack of flight saddens me. Maybe nothing can be done… but I still don’t like it. Lemmy-At 19:19 he gets stuck and has to wait for the ceiling to go back up. Maybe it is possible to fly there, and get underneath it, then jump through the floor and continue flight underneath the level. This brings up an interesting question. Does the game keep track of their existence after they go beneath the screen down into the abyss? If you manage to find a way to skip the GSP and come back for it later you could enter the big red door a little sooner as well. Soda Lake-Hesitation before entering the exit pipe bothers me. Maybe it is necessary, but I always thought you couldn’t take damage while entering a pipe. SW1-Better execution of smashola (if possible), but you already knew this. SW2 secret exit-Maybe there is some flaw in the cape or something. When I do this level as small Mario it is possible to beat it with game clock reading 261. This might also be difference between console and rom. SW3 reg exit-Is it possible to fly by kicking up the silver p-switch after you start flight and save a couple frames by flying to the finish tape? SW5 secret exit-Mario should fly to go faster and use a piranha plant to get out of flight so he can spin jump up to the key area, unless for some reason this is impossible. Gnarly-It might be faster to bring a Yoshi from the level before and use the shell to fly up, stomp the p-switch and continue flying up then ditch Yoshi right before the top so you don’t have to go up as high (by the height of one small Mario), you don’t have to bounce off the song blocks, and you wouldn’t have to go the extra height of one block to stomp the switch. However, getting the Yoshi might take too long. Actually, maybe it would be a good idea to keep the Yoshi. Way Cool-Use the Yoshi you already have so you don’t have to wait for the new one to hatch. If these two levels don’t add up to save time for getting the Yoshi then obviously don’t get it. Funky-Couldn’t you get flight right away by spin caping the piranha plant? Donut Secret House-No Flower Power. I know you know this, I just felt like something was missing until I said this. VS1-Fly up the vine unless you can’t manage to get to the pipe when you do this. Ludwig-Get flight in the first room then break it and jump to the end if possible. FoI1-Get a shell to open the key with. Should be possible w/o losing speed. FoIGH-I’m not sure if jump at fly speed would save time here because you have to be going fly speed to get over that big pillar and dropping down over to the left would ruin it. FSA-I guess it’s not possible to gain flight speed by jumping onto one of those gray platforms and jumping off the other side saving frames because of the momentary boost of the platform moving? Fortress-Flight speed jumping in second room. CGH-I’m sure if you try hard enough you could fly into the first door rather than collide with that ghost and slow you down. CI2-First area might be able to go faster if you drop down right after the Yoshi box so you don’t have to go as far to the right in order to fall down to the pipe. Exit would probably be faster if he didn’t drop the key first because then the key would collide with the keyhole before he did, unless flight while holding object messes with that. Fortress-Flight speed jumping in first room. CI4-Might be able to take advantage of flying underneath the map somehow, idk. Sunken Ship-Enter Yellow pipe sooner, it looks like it should be possible. VoBGH-Do you have to hit the p-switch or could it be faster to just get the p-run then fly below the hall of doors and pull up into the one you want. I don’t think this would be faster, but who knows. Larry-First room better door entrance. The second room, maybe there is nothing to be done but I would think it possible to fly the whole way. VoBGH-Fly in the first room? Is there something I’m missing? VoBFortress-There has to be something to do about those spike crushers. BackDoor+Bowser-You know the drill. I hope there are no errors and I didn't say anything stupid because I was too lazy to reread such a big post. Any reference to "he" or somesuch means VIPer7 run. The levels are listed in order that they show up in the current run for easier reference (I hope). Much of this is just speculation and might not work.
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Going straight to bowser. However, more levels will be played then in a usual SMW straight to bowser time attack, because the starworld won't be immediately accessible.
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starworld won't be immediately accessible
Why not? Yoshi double jump up to DP1 secret exit. Beat Big Boo and you are in Star World. So what part of this did I miss out on?
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You're right jimsfriend. I think some people still are a little confused about what the exact goals for this would be.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk