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Nice! Looking forward to the rest of Jungle 2 ;) I know that level is hard...
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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Wockes wrote:
wow 1 ½ years, I feel old now :(
2 years :P Anyway, nice going ermacone
"No love for the game gear"
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Well, after seeing this and not seeing an improvement to that forthcoming... Have a WIP (GG version). GH1: 0:19. GH2: 0:22. But most importantly... B1: 0:20! (matches TSC time) Fun fact: I stumbled across the precise technique for achieving 0:20 completely by accident. I had a WIP with 0:21 and was going to show everyone, but discovered that the input for the run up to the fight in GH3 had disappeared(!?). I reran that segment and spliced it back together, then discovered it would desync just as I was making the critical jump in B1... so I began tweaking the input by hand and suddenly and quite accidentally triggered the result you see! (I'm afraid to mess with it more, lest it breaks again...) EDIT: Now to the end of Bridge 3. Have fun slogging through the auto-scroller. EDIT2: mike89 noted (on IRC) that he thought it would be slightly faster in GH2 to slow down a bit going into the final ramp so as to catch less air time. He was right, to the tune of 17 frames. Splicing the improvement into the run didn't quite work - in exactly the same fashion as before, and generated an even better result in B1 for a 15 frame improvement there! B2 is desyncing badly, so this movie only goes to the end of B1 (I'll post more WIPs later). EDIT3: Silly me; I forgot to roll down the bridge at the end of B1 while working with the improved glitch. So, I went back and fixed it to the tune of another 27 frames. So close to 0:19 :-/
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Which emulator / etc where these latest WIPs on? I have tried DEGA several times and it falls out of sync straight away.
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They're on 1.16 with the MAME core. Also, make sure you're using the Game Gear version of the ROM.
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sgrunt wrote:
They're on 1.16 with the MAME core. Also, make sure you're using the Game Gear version of the ROM.
Literally found this out just after I made the post. Mine wasn't the same I believe (didn't have [!]). Now working and viewing.
A whisper in the wind~~
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I've managed to resync Bridge 2 with a copious amount of hex editing and reran Bridge 3 due to a changed boss pattern. Have a look. EDIT: Now with Jungle Zone. That's half the game - hooray!
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Just been pondering getting back into TASing... Anyway, just thought I'd better post to stay "Stop right there" for the following reasons: 1. Speed limiting is glitched - Top speed when running is 0x300. - Acceleration is 0x10, Deceleration 0x10 (0x04 while rolling), Braking 0x30 - Speed limiting is applied on the frame after you go over top speed, meaning you can break it for a frame before being corrected. - Speed limiting is only applied when holding to run in that direction. How to abuse: Run until you hit top speed (0x300). Roll for one frame (0x2FC). Tap back (0x2CC). Run again (-> 0x30C). From there alternate between releasing and pressing the direction to flip between 0x2FC and 0x30C instead of staying at a constant 0x300. Slopes apply smaller increments of acceleration, so you can use them to get your speed to 0x2FE/0x30E without having to slow down. Also, for the very last part of a level (i.e. to trigger a sign or boss appearance while running), roll for the last couple of frames so speed goes from 0x30E -> 0A -> 06. There's a slim chance that this could shave off a frame. 2. Braking from a roll is glitched. Whenever you're rolling and press the opposite direction, the acceleration is always applied to the left. So if you're rolling to the left and tap back, you speed up by 0x30 instead of slowing down. So whenever you have to go left; roll and brake on alternate frames to get stupid acceleration with no limit. Well I say there's no limit, but there's actually an absolute limit of 0x1000 that can never be broken. Also, you can't screenwrap because the left edge of the level isn't zero - it's nearer 0x3000. 3. Use v1.1 on gamegear, not 1.0 You can jump slightly higher under water, which makes labyrinth faster. Related RAM offsets (GG - they're different on the MS version): 0xD3FE-D400 : Horizontal position 0xD401-D403 : Vertical position 0xD404-D406 : Horizontal speed 0xD407-D409 : Vertical speed I'm planning on doing this game with mass abuse of the above sometime next week.
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:O Awesome
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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Hm... just getting to grips with this python nonsense. Hopefully I'll be able to write a bot to brute-force-optimise certain sections.
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SprintGod wrote:
Anyway, just thought I'd better post to stay "Stop right there" for the following reasons[...]
Funnily enough, something like this happened the last time I tried running a Sonic game, too. I was partway through Labyrinth 2 when I saw this and can upload the WIP to the end of Labyrinth 1 if anyone wants to see it.
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The scripting for this emulator is very, very much behind what we have now in FCEUX etc. I frankly was never patient enough to write a useful bot :\ So good luck!
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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SprintGod wrote:
3. Use v1.1 on gamegear, not 1.0 You can jump slightly higher under water, which makes labyrinth faster.
v1.1 removes the vertical scrolling glitch in Labyrinth. Well, it doesn't remove it, it just applies a cheap hack: the hitbox of the rising platforms is smaller so you can't go into the wall.
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Ah crap, it does? Well in that case v1.0 it is then...
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SprintGod, because I didn't say it before, thanks for drawing these glitches to our attention. In case people don't want to wait for you to get started... Everyone, I give you GH1 in 0:18 at long last. EDIT: I did GH2 too and got 0:21, but then realised I hadn't been using the speed trick in mid-air. I'll probably go back and redo the both of them. EDIT2: Although using the speed trick in mid-air improves things frame-wise, it also impacts the timer in an extremely unpredictable way (lag, possibly?) and I'm unable to achieve 0:18 using it thus. EDIT3: I was looking at the wrong frame count - the frame count for using the trick in mid-air vs. not using it in mid-air was... exactly the same, yet the timer was different. What's more amusing is that frame-wise, my old run is superior! I guess the trick causes lag in addition to improving in-game time (which should be our target, in any case). EDIT4: GH2 in 0:21, plus GH3.
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You can reduce the lag by being in the air as much as possible. I think it's caused by the constant animation switching, which doesn't happen during a jump. Oh, and in a quick test earlier GH2 ended up a low 0:20. I wonder if I can get it down to 0:19 for the stupid maximum time bonus...
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Can we hear more about the approach you used to get that time and/or see the run? I think it would be informative.
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1. Run right, jump down hole with biggest jump possible (triggering speed glitch could be a few frames faster or slower, dunno yet) 2. Walk off the right edge and land beside the ring box (jumping may be faster, haven't yet checked) 3. Use the acceleration glitch for a few frames and perform a large jump over the ring box and down the left hole. 4. Start holding right at a certain point during the fall. Upon hitting the water release right (water gives a speedlimit of 0x100 which we don't want) and do the smallest jump possible. Start holding right again as soon as you leave the water. Release right upon hitting the water again and start holding down to roll off the edge (this is where the timing of pressing right during the fall comes in... you want to land right on the edge after the small jump without ever having to slow down to get maximum speed from the roll) 5. Keep holding right to speed up, bouncing off the crab. While moving along the central part hold left so you lose enough speed to roll off the edge and bounce off the other crab (waiting until the edge and tapping left, right, down to abuse the speed limit ends up slower). 6. A couple of jumps to get to the upward spring (not holding right at first to avoid speed being limited), and a couple more to get up to the next spring. Hold right a bit, then left so you land in the upper area with as much speed as possible without hitting the wall above it. 7. Acceleration glitch to the left, roll off the ledge and then jump to the spring 8. Run right, triggering the speed glitch again. Jump across to the moving platform and roll off the right edge for a slight speed boost. 9. Roll off the edge and down the hill, but brake slightly before hitting the ramp. 0x4FE is the perfect speed to hit it at. Hold right. Fin. Can't post the movie cos I already overwrote it. I'm pretty much just testing stuff at the moment and filling in the minor details when I'm ready to start the actual run.
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GH2 in 0:20 for the curious... EDIT: Behold... Bridge 1 in... 0:17!!!
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I've been a bit busy over christmas, but I should be getting back on this soon. My current things to do list, in order of priority: 1: Eat chocolate (70% complete) 2: Watch the whole of Animaniacs (5% complete) 3: Repair 2 XBox 360s (40% complete) 4: Finish off some programming I started a while back (80% complete) =5: Braid speedrun =5: This
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So a YouTube user by the name of Trapstar uploaded a bunch of old videos from TSC, including... SprintGod's original Sonic 1 GG videos! The two relevant videos for the strategies we never fully ascertained are: Jungle 1 Labyrinth 1 According to Sprint earlier in this topic the Labyrinth 1 strat is only possible on v1.1, which disables the vertical zipping glitch that makes Labyrinth 2 faster. So which one saves more time should determine the version used.
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I noticed that Trapstar6139 had uploaded some of my videos without permission and contacted him to urge him to delete them and stop uploading videos from The Sonic Center without asking the authors first. He replied this: "Everything "Sonic Center" is now DELETED and OUT OF HERE! I hope you are happy..........." Anyway, the two videos linked above can be downloaded here.
AzumaK wrote: I swear my 1 year old daughter's favorite TASVideo is your R4MI run :3 xxNKxx wrote: ok thanks handsome feos :D Help improving TASVideos!
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i cant see in you tube
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I didn't know if anyone will try to do an "Best Ending" from this game, but if someone try I think this zip will be useful Link to video And an method to skip first flight paltform in Sky Base act 2
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The zip in Green Hill Zone Act 2 was discovered a long time ago.
My homepage --Currently not much motived for TASing as before...-- But I'm still working.