Emulator details

  • Emulator used: Snes9x 1.43v12 (beta 10)
  • Sync settings:
    • Use WIP 1 timing
    • Allow Left+Right / Up+Down

Details on the run

  • 100% item completion
  • Aims for lowest realtime
  • Manipulates luck
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Does not abuse X-ray
Suggested screenshot: Frame# 188286

In depth about the run

This is my improvement over JXQ's 100% Super Metroid run, it is 2 minutes and 34 seconds faster than his version in realtime, or 9249 frames, and ~1 minute and 51 seconds faster ingame, or 6636 frames. Ingame clock stands at 00:36:03:43, yes I know, ouch :(
The 3 main improvements here are the torizo skip (21+ seconds) the mother brain stand up glitch (~15 seconds) and the routechange. Don't really know how much it saved though, due to trouble with comparing the routes completely, but it has 6 less doors and less backtracking, so maybe 10-15 seconds in realitime. The rest of the time is largely due to a lot of new room strategies, general optimization, and for realtime, minimizing door scrolling (without this I would actually have reached 00:35 quite easily...).
I have also made a alternative ending to this run, that removes the only pause screen, kills motherbrain without glitching, and saves the animals.
There is a excel spreadsheet formatted by hero of the day, in it are details on almost every room, some are left out due to the routechanges, and for the same reason it is not 100% accurate, but works good for room comparison and getting explanations for some of the things I do which might look a little (and in some cases maybe a lot) weird.

Information about authorship

As many probably know this started out as a team project between me and hero of the day. However, as he gained less and less time to work on the run I gained more, and in the end I did virtually all the work on the actual run, though hero still suggested ideas of improvements and new tricks, and the finial time would have been seconds higher without him. Thus he thought it would have been unfair to include him as an author of the run when submitting.

My two cents about what I presume will be the discussion about this run not having any input animation

Yes that is right, this run does not have any input animations, which I guess will gain me some no votes, but I had my reasons for not using them. I think the main reason they where so awesome in JXQ's run (besides him being an extraordinary comedian) was that the whole concept was new, it was the first run to use anything like that, naturally this run could not top that no matter what I would have animated. And since JXQ is a very funny guy I would have had little chance doing so anyway, and I think anything not as good as his work would simply be seen as redundant to the movie, and perhaps even as a bad attempt to copy his idea. Naturally I was not very eager to spend hours upon hours doing something that I predicted would be seen as mediocre, but I did actually start to add some input a bit into the run (some of which you can still see the bottom line of), and had a few thousand frames covered. It ended up in the trash bin though as I never really got very satisfied with them.
Also I hope that the main interest for most here is the run itself anyway... Oh well enough nonsensical rambling and bad arguments already.

Thanks to

Most of all hero of the day obviously, for figuring out a lot of improvements and new strategies, and it was more or less solely his work on improvements between the release of the last 100% run and the start of this one that made me do it at all.
JXQ, for making excellent runs. This would obviously not have been nearly as fast without his other runs to improve upon.
And pretty much everyone active in the Super Metroid thread during the brief times of peace (almost everyone has done something), you know who you are.

mmbossman: Impressive work. Accepting as an improvement to the published 100% movie.

Chaosv1: Encoding... Saturn's already encoded this one, checking and publishing

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2079: Cpadolf's SNES Super Metroid "all items" in 1:08:10.87
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First comment, first vote and voted yes despite not having watched it (I felt like it)
Player (121)
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Second comment, and voted no despite not having watched it because of no input animation (I just felt like breaking the ice) OK I bet it's really good -- but if the animation goes away we need to get someone like Mr. to do some other game with that... EDIT: Beat gocha by 5 seconds!
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Emulator Coder, Former player
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SecondThird comment, and voted yes despite not having watched it (I felt like it) Joking aside, I have watched the run. I liked the finish of Ridley fight. Really nice improvement, Cpadolf! Edit: I'm not the second.
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Another improvement, gonna vote yes.
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Aww. For a moment I thought you'd save the Super Metroid from its ill fate, but I guess destiny can't be changed. :P Yes vote, of course.
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gocha wrote:
SecondThird comment, and voted yes despite not having watched it (I felt like it) Joking aside, I have watched the run. I liked the finish of Ridley fight. Really nice improvement, Cpadolf! Edit: I'm not the second.
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Post subject: Re: #2079: cpadolf's SNES Super Metroid in 1:08:10.87
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NesVideoAgent wrote:
I was going to add a version of the run that completes the game without using pausescreens, not using the MB glitch, and saving the animals. But due to some annoying obstacles towards the end I got delayed and my motivation for a second version faded. However if there is demand for it I will still amke it, but in a few days if so
Oh yes please, no stopping the action, no silly glitch and yes saving the creatures that will ultimately return the favour in Metroid Fusion!
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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Cpadolf, you sneak! You finished this so quietly. Great watch so far. Can't vote but I support you in spirit.
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GeminiSaint wrote:
Aww. For a moment I thought you'd save the Super Metroid from its ill fate, but I guess destiny can't be changed.
I don't know, the Super Metroid Hatchling Egg did get left behind...
Emulator Coder, Former player
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Would someone mind re-uploading the lua script that fast-forwards cut scenes and door transitions?
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I didn't vote No, but someone else did without leaving a post about it, so I'll do that for them. Yes vote.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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alden wrote:
Second comment, and voted no despite not having watched it because of no input animation [...]
Zurreco wrote:
I didn't vote No, but someone else did without leaving a post [...]
Pardon, good sir (or madam), but I believe you are mistaken. [/monocle] edit: I couln't find a link to the script either- one containing two SM scripts (the skip-cutscene and the show-interesting-things) had expired.
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Oh. I could have sworn that that was sarcasm. If he honestly voted no because of something unrelated to the content of the submission then I would hope that his voting rights were stripped and/or he was banned from the forums entirely for compromising our system.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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What do you know? I can vote now. Yes! Edit: I'm ashamed to call myself a SM player after asking a question as dumb as that one. Carry on.
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Input animation (or lack thereof) is a part of a submission, and can contribute greatly to entertainment. (See Mister's SMW run for another good example of this)- so it was a vote related to the content. Even if he didn't watch it first. *waggles admonishing finger* ...also, my sarcasm detector is very very broken- I can't tell if your suggestion is in Queen of Hearts earnest ("Off with his head!") or not. Text conveys tone very poorly- and the rules suggest not using it, if only in a context of not confusing people whose first language is not English. It confuses native speakers too.
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I enjoyed this for the gratuitous use of the grapple beam.
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Loved the run. I was particularly surprised by the use of the grapple beam to damage boost out of the super missile room in the ghost ship. Being surprised is what makes TASes great! I can't vote, but would give this a hearty yes.
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I just want to see it published and encoded before I give my vote. I know you defeated JXQ's 100% record. BTW, did you use them glitch methods from the run that you and hero of the day once did? Or does this include another mother brain battle?
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symbolic X wrote:
I just want to see it published and encoded before I give my vote. I know you defeated JXQ's 100% record. BTW, did you use them glitch methods from the run that you and hero of the day once did? Or does this include another mother brain battle?
He kills the Mother Brain normally before the hyper beam and uses the glitch to get up after hyper beam to take her down to no health while the hatchling heals Samus/dies. No x-ray glitching in this one, if that's what you mean.
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Amazing run cp & hero!!! I now see the grapple in a different angle. Big YES & STAR for this one.
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Congratulations buddy. I know how much work you put into this beast of a run, and the effort really shows. Highly optimized with that special cpadolf touch of entertainment makes for an awesome movie. I don't have anything to add about the authorship of the movie, you summed it up perfectly in the submission text. I am just happy that I was able to help in anyway during the production of this run.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
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The one thing that made me laugh was in the beginning when Samus used her bullets to slide-in and type the "self-destruct sequence activated, evacuate colony immediately" message, hero of the day did that, lol..
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I would like to watch this, but I can't: 1) I have no idea what "Super Metroid.swc" is. 2) I tried with some JU smc files, and it always desynced after about a minute. Is the 1.43v12 (beta 10) requirement strict and could it cause this? (I only have 1.43+ v11 (beta15) for linux.)
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