Super Metroid 14% (aka. glitchless/legit Low%) TAS v1.1 by Saturn

Recorded on Snes9x 1.43-improvement9 (but works on future versions of the Snes9x 1.43 series just fine as well)

Sync Settings

  • WIP 1 Timing: ON
  • Left+Right/Up+Down: OFF
  • Volume Envelope Height Reading: OFF
  • Fake Mute desync workaround: ON
  • Sync samples with sound CPU: ON

Attributes of this run

  • 14% mode (beats the game with the least amount of items possible in legal conditions)
  • aims for fastest possible time, both, real- and ingame time wise
  • takes damage to save time
  • very high luck manipulation (especially to get optimal refills)
  • abuses glitches (but not the major out of room ones the 6% TAS does)
  • Genre: Platformer
  • Total Frames: 153428
Addendum by Bisqwit: "legal conditions" as defined here: Forum/Posts/184660 and Forum/Posts/184775 according to the author.
Suggested screenshot:

About the Game

Super Metroid is a classic platformer with many advanced techniques and a very fine, subpixel-based move engine. The story is about a bounty hunter called Samus who has the goal to explore a foreign planet called Zebes to find and destroy Mother Brain, the evil leader of the galaxy who is breeding a mighty species called Metroids to abuse them for her own benefits. During the journey you will find alot of items such as new ammo, energy tanks, special upgrades that speed you up or allow to pass certain areas you would normally not be able to, and making your character strong enough to be ready for the upcoming showdown against Mother Brain.
Despite being 14 years old by now, it is considered as one of the best games ever made, and is still played by many people on a regular basis. Due to the many different move techniques, a high variety through the new upgrades, and alot of route possibilities, this game is a very common target for many types of speedruns and playthroughs.

Moviemaking & Comments

As promised in the Super Metroid thread, here is my first version of a 14% TAS. I mainly recorded it between July 19, 2007 and January 1 2008 (v1.0), with a small improvement added during the big Metroid escape in July 2008 (v1.1). It's a huge improvement to the previous run, beating it by gigantic 30517 frames (or ~8,5 minutes) of realtime, and achieving a record-time completion of 0:27 minutes on the game clock (or 27:59 to be more exactly), which is definitely the limit for a glitchless 14% run. On top of that I managed to avoid the pause screen / menu entrance completely except to execute the unavoidable Gravity Jump, getting a optimal realtime as well while making the run more entertaining to watch due to less interruptions.
During the making of the run I managed to develop some really cool techs never done before, most noticeably the "WS-Lake horizontal bomb jump" without collecting the Missile pack, and also many new strategies at bosses (especially on Ridley and Draygon) to still beat them very quickly, even with the very limited conditions in ammo and equipment. Finally the run uses a fully optimized route to avoid backtracking as much as possible.
All in all, the quality of the run is very high, and it's only improvable by at most 15 seconds in the early parts of the run (the late ones are pretty much flawless with a few tiny exceptions worth of single frames only). Ammo and energy management is excellent over the entire run, and in fact, the refill drops are so good in this one that I doubt they could be reproduced without sacrificing realtime by entering the menu to manipulate them, which would in any case result in possible slowdowns to compensate that.
Seeing that the 14% category got kind of obsoleted by the 6% NBMB one (although they can't really be compared to each other), I don't expect this to be published, despite the huge and ground breaking improvement. My intention with this submission is to just contribute a unique run that sets a eternal ingame completion record to this site for the many people who want to see it, especially for those who have problems downloading large video files due to slow connections. It's definitely not less entertaining than the 6% NBMB TAS overall, so maybe it's worth to at least include this submission to the description of it without necessary publishing, like it was done a couple of times before. There is also a concept demo section for runs that aim for special goals like this one, so it would eventually fit there as well.

Ice VS Speed

In a 14% run, you must either take the Ice Beam, or Speed Booster. Both items, as different as they are, have the same purpose: They are required to get past the pre-Botwoon room and through the Zebetites in Tourian. I collected the Ice Beam in this run because my tests have confirmed that it is at least 75 ingame seconds (and even more realtime sec) faster in the end, despite of the slower running speed and the missing shinesparks. The reason is that Ice Beam does 50% more damage than the normal beam you have to use when picking up Speed Booster, and therefore speeds up boss battles with much HP alot. In fact, the Mother Brain fight alone already compensates the entire losses of the lacking Speed Booster, with additional big time saver at Ridley and the Metroids (which you would have to slowly PB otherwise).


  • Terimakasih -- for his previous 0:35 run. He used a nearly same route, which helped alot in the decision to pick Ice over Speed Booster, giving me a pretty accurate estimation before even starting this run that the former will be a faster choice especially due to early Wrecked Ship.
  • Cpadolf -- for his new technique to escape the big Metroid even faster. It was the key to get the 0:27 time in this run.
  • Hero of the Day -- for his any% v1 in 0:25 run. It was of great help to me when comparing the Speed Booster gains and allowed me to estimate the rough completion time of this run already back at Ridley.
  • Moozooh -- for the Torizo Skip, and for motivating me to start this run parallelly to his own 14% one that would use the Speed Booster route. I actually hoped he would finish his one so that we would have TASes for both routes and a better comparison between them, but unfortunately it didn't want to happen.
And everybody else who has contributed something useful for SM-TASing.


For those interested, this run is also available on YouTube.

mmbossman: I’m rejecting this run for the following reasons:
Primary reason - Quoting the Judge Guidelines: ‘’Keep the number of different branches per a game minimal.’’ This run is an attempt to resurrect a movie branch that is now obsolete, as there is already a true low% Super Metroid run published, and I see no need to resurrect a dead category. Considering that the previous 14% run was left unimproved for 4 years, while multiple other Super Metroid runs were improved (and added) several times, it shows that there is a lack of interest in the Super Metroid TAS community in this category, which can likely be correlated to a lower interest in this category from the TASvideos community in general. When compared to the three currently published "non-glitched" runs, this movie provides very little additional entertainment value for viewers who do not closely follow Super Metroid techniques and tricks.
Secondary reason - The goals of this run, along with the execution of those goals, are nebulous. The author has stated an obvious preference towards ‘’maximally optimized subpixel position’’ techniques in the latter half of his run, while rationalizing intentionally missed techniques in the first half of the run by saying they ‘’add up to the entertainment level of the run’’. I am not against entertainment tradeoffs at the expense of speed, however those exceptions should be made clear in the submission text, not explained away afterward (and especially not in the passive aggressive manner shown by the author). Additionally, very little attempt is made in the submission text to define what makes a run ‘’legit’’ in the authors mind, and the issue is further clouded by admitting to abusing other glitches. This lack of clear goals is the second reason this submission is rejected.

Dear mmbossman, the goals of this run are as clear as they can be: Completing the game with the minimal amount of items without skipping bosses and use major glitches. The explanation of "legal conditions" wasn't stated in the submission text because I expected it to be a obvious thing to anybody who knows at least a bit about Super Metroid (since those who don't, wouldn't even care to watch this run). Besides, it was explained in the discussion tread here, or here. You apparently still fail to realize that the 6% run you labeled as "true low%" skips 90% of the game and all bosses, so it can't be put into the classic low% category this run represents, that exists for almost any game.
Also, the clear majority of people have stated that they enjoyed the run and think the category is good. I'm not sure if ignoring all this people and just go by your own biased opinion is a good thing, especially for the TAS community as a whole, which because of that will miss a very unique and entertaining quality run that would only enrich this site due to the many people who would definitely be interested to see it. Too bad.

mmbossman: For my rebuttal to Saturn's complaints, see the following links: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Since we're at it, mmbossman forgot Link 5, for a clear and detailed explanation to his "multiple goal problem". Didn't seem to arrive yet, but hey, it's not too late.

Bisqwit starts concentrating on a new spell.
Bisqwit holds up a diamond and whispers the magic words "herää".
Pieces of #2136: Saturn's SNES Super Metroid "glitchless low%" in 42:37.13 surface from various positions in the ground
and come together forming a living submission!
Eww! The pieces stink like grue excrement ― hardly surprising,
considering the circumstances in which they were deposited.
Bisqwit starts concentrating on a new spell.
Bisqwit empties a bag of fairy dust at #2136: Saturn's SNES Super Metroid "glitchless low%" in 42:37.13 and sings "wunderbaum, wunderbaum".
The foul smell of #2136: Saturn's SNES Super Metroid "glitchless low%" in 42:37.13 is neutralized!
Submission 2136 has been resurrected from the dead.

Bisqwit: Decision: Submission postponed until a time we can have arbitrary goal movies without making the site unmanageable.

adelikat: Decision: rejected until a time we can have arbitrary goal movies without making the site unmanageable

Nach: Since the above has now come to fruition, accepting.
feos: Processing.......

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Active player (311)
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WARNING! do not attempt to decipher this thread. in #nesvideos, a while ago... [20:20:17] <arukAdo> i mean, the guy probably not bad at what he do, but who care 26 category at this point... [EDIT by Bisqwit: Removed inappropriate image]
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Player (206)
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Just a useful hint for the few poor beings here: Don't make wrong conclusions as long as you don't have a clue about something. As surprising as it may sound, it's in fact often the other way around. It's fascinating to realize how low this site got due to neglecting to properly take care of it. Bisqwit seems to be very busy at the moment, so I don't blame him, but the fact that the substitutes proved me personally to be mannerless and thus useless for this task from scratch on, is sad. I really expected more of this. Anyway, I can only hope for the other members to not experience this on their own, especially after contributing some of their hard worked out stuff here. Although being attacked by a few idiots as a reward for this might be funny (you never learn out), it's not necessary what you would expect by a serious community overall. Thought I should let people know to be prepared for this, just in case. :-) And to sum up the obvious one more time:
Cardboard wrote:
"Don't TAS for ego or pride".
As hard to believe as it is, I TAS to contribute true quality runs done with alot of patience and knowledge for people to enjoy. There is nothing more about that.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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but the fact that the substitutes proved me personally to be mannerless and thus useless for this task from scratch on, is sad.
yes it is :/ other question: will you continue tasing :P?
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There we go. Restored from Grue's toilet :) If you feel it should be published, instead of returning to the grue, please post WHY in the thread. Similarly, if you do NOT think this movie should be published, post WHY.
Player (36)
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I do not feel that this movie should be published for the reasons discussed in mmbossman's post. Also, 14% is no longer the low percent threshold. For similar reasons there isn't a 16 Star Mario 64 run published. I have nothing against the technical or entertainment merits of the run. However, I feel that no viewer is going to watch this run and get something out of it that he or she would not get from watching another one of the Super Metroid runs on the site. There's one or two neat tricks that don't appear, such as the lake missle skip, but those would be better shown off on Saturn's Youtube Channel. I don't feel that it's worth 100MB to download the movie file for just that.
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Editor, Expert player (2322)
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I do not feel that this movie should be published for the reasons discussed in mmbossman's post. Also, 14% is no longer the low percent threshold.
^ This I think 4 categories are enough. I already have my gripes against the differentiation of real-time and ingame-time, and now there should be a low% run published that isn't truly low%? Besides, I'm not a fan of Super Metroid. When I watch TASes of this game it sometimes just doesn't entertain me at all - I don't know if I should base my vote on that... I can't name examples but I think there are some games out there that went to the grue because the majority didn't know the game and was therefore not as much entertained as people that actually played the game. This doesn't particularly have anything to do with this submission but I'm sometimes wondering: Should the publication of a run depend on how many people there are that played the game? Maybe I'd appreciate the movie if only I had played the game at some time. But since I didn't, I don't find it entertaining and since I think there already are many movies of Super Metroid published, there shouldn't be an additional one. My vote is therefore "no".
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Also, 14% is no longer the low percent threshold. For similar reasons there isn't a 16 Star Mario 64 run published.
It's not the same situation. Both the 16-star and the 0-star runs (and the precessor 1-star run) make use of backwards long jumping; the 0-star just makes use of it in more areas. As I mentioned when the submission was new the first time, I believe that the 14% run and the 6% run beat the game using sufficiently different methods to warrant both being published. Quoting my post for people who don't feel like digging back for it:
Solon wrote:
Voted 8 for entertainment, 9 for technical, and I believe this movie should be published because it goes about beating the game in an entirely different fashion from the 6% run. IMO, it's like the equivalent of Gia's Pokemon Yellow run and Primo's Pokemon Green run; both runs beat the game, but do it differently enough to warrant separate publication.
In addition, I think there should be tiers of "Abuses programming errors" tags for movies. This would be an "Abuses minor programming errors" run, whereas the 6% would be an "Abuses major programming errors" run.
Previous Name: boct1584
Joined: 5/2/2009
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Simple: This movie doesn't use SRAM corruption, AND aims for a completely different goal than the SRAM glitched run. SRAM corruption should be a new category in every movie, as it already is (exception to Chrono Trigger, but it already opened the possibility to a non-SRAM-glitched run) Comparing the 16-star run with 0-star run is a gross mistake: their goal is to finish the game asap. If you want to compare something with Mario 64, should be a comparison about a 70-star run, the non-passing-the-walls minimum to open the final stage. It wouldn't be a non-glictched run, it only would have a different goal. Besides that I don't see anyone complaining about the four categories the original Metroid have. Oh, by the way, the movie is great. Yes vote =p *edit* Wouldn't "not liking the game" be some kind of "bias"? I mean, if you want to see a long movie (not a TAS; movies, like cinema) and don't like it at all, you'd be torturing yourself; I'd just do that for a reason, like getting a girl. Since no one here is going to get a girl by seeing TASes...
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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I do like Super Metroid, and still don't think this should be published. I believe this is the most pertinent of OmnipotentEntity's arguments:
There's one or two neat tricks that don't appear, such as the lake missle [sic] skip, but those would be better shown off on Saturn's Youtube Channel. I don't feel that it's worth 100MB to download the movie file for just that.
The people who are going to be interested in this run are already familiar with Super Metroid. Indeed, more than familiar, I should say; you pretty much have to be a fan of the game to appreciate what is involved in making this run. It's a very boutique piece of work, in other words, and I think it's too specialized for this site. For someone who isn't familiar with the game, this run will mostly look like the any% run, just slower.
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Well, that debatable. I, for one, doesn't know anything about Super Metroid physics (or any other game, for that matter), but I still found this movie enjoyable. It's nice to see someone dealing with situations without equipment. That's why everyone loves MccGyver's ability to make a bomb out of EVERYTHING.
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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I find it odd that this submission is being resurrected. Given that it was fought tooth and nail to get published before it was initially rejected.
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
Simple: This movie doesn't use SRAM corruption, AND aims for a completely different goal than the SRAM glitched run. SRAM corruption should be a new category in every movie, as it already is (exception to Chrono Trigger, but it already opened the possibility to a non-SRAM-glitched run)
This isn't SRAM corruption, it's using the SRAM to manipulate the regular RAM.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Would something like "SRAM manipulation" fill it better then?
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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Personally I don't find the idea of a non-glitched minimum-% run an absolutely abhorrent idea. I think we could have these Super Metroid categories: 1) Fastest completion, period. (As it happens, this is also the lowest-% completion.) 2) Fastest completion without using the save corruption glitch. 3) Lowest-% completion without using the save corruption glitch (AFAIK this would be the 14% completion). 4) 100% completion. Would still be 4 categories like now, but with a lot more variety.
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Cpadolf wrote:
Anyway, I do think the run is worthy of publication in terms of quality, entertainment and being sufficiently different from the other runs published (as well as 14% being a very well known goal for many players). However I definitely see where the unwillingness to publish it comes from, as Super Metroid already has 3 categories and the goals of the run can be seen as somewhat arbitrary. If the sites administration is not yet willing to loosen up on the multiple categories policy, then the run should probably not be published, but if it is, I think that the run is well deserving of publication.
The underlined part seems to be true, so that's my current standpoint.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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I can't see what's wrong with multiple categories. Yes vote.
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I'm going to vote meh.
mmbossman wrote:
3) an abundance of Super Metroid material already published
mmbossman wrote:
4) an inability for this run to provide reasonably different material from those movie already published.
These two reasons seem to be the most relevant, no one really seems to question the entertainment and technical precision. I still see this run comparable to the 16 star run. Stipulation based on previous knowledge, or "somewhat human feasible route". All I have to say is that if this run does get accepted, we are opening the door for more variations in categories for various games, which could be good or bad.
Reviewer, Active player (285)
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Really, we have too many Super Metroid runs already, and I don't see enough difference between this and the others to warrant a separate category. (in-game and real-time is also questionable, but I happen to like the in-game run better. Odd)
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Warp wrote:
Personally I don't find the idea of a non-glitched minimum-% run an absolutely abhorrent idea. I think we could have these Super Metroid categories: 1) Fastest completion, period. (As it happens, this is also the lowest-% completion.) 2) Fastest completion without using the save corruption glitch. 3) Lowest-% completion without using the save corruption glitch (AFAIK this would be the 14% completion). 4) 100% completion. Would still be 4 categories like now, but with a lot more variety.
I sorta agree with you. Except, I think it should be: 1) Fastest completion, period. and 2) 100% completion. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but that game just isn't that damn interesting. In reality, its a bunch of dark caverns, fighting a bunch of non-descript aliens, in repetitive black backgrounds. The 6% run and the 100% run are sufficient. Since it is such a popular game, it already has 4 categories. How much weight is going to be given to a single popular game? To be fair, I did enjoy the 6% run, mainly for the cool glitching through walls and offset graphics. Also, if there HAD to be 4 categories, I think Warp's idea is better than the current.
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I reiterate: I enjoyed watching this movie. I do not think it should be published, for all of the reasons outlined ad nauseum before me. Good movie, poor goals.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
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Why it seems so hard to give as many categories a game should have? It's not going to make any difference if the goal for a movie is valid? It's OK to have 4 Metroid runs, 3 Metroid 2 TASes, 4 Battletoads runs, countless Castlevania movies, 3 Contra 3 TASes, 4 Super Mario Bros movies + 1 hack, 4 Super Mario 2 movies, 3 Super Mario World + 2 other movies from a hack but not 5 Super Metroid Runs. How "any%, in-game" is a better category than "low%"?
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
Editor, Active player (433)
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Your saying it like all the castlevania movies are one game...
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Well, it's 1 from original, 1 For Castlevia 2, 3 from Castlevania 3, 1 for Super Castlevania 4, 3 from Harmony of Dissonance, 2 for Aria of Sorrow, 2 for Circle of Moon, 1 Dracula X, 2 for Symphony of the Night, 2 for Castlevania Bloodlines, 1 for Castlevania Legends, 1 For Belmont's Revenge. If I counted it straight, 19 runs. That's a LOT of runs. But it's missing some games and modes; most (if not all) "metroidvanias" are still missing a "normal" run. you know, main character walking around without zipping most of the castle's walls. And it's missing the 64 games, some GB game I don't remember and the DS games, still on making. All these movies have a specific goal, and are masterfully played. And that's my point. If you have a clear objective, a entertaining way to play it and will, you should make a excellent job, regardless of the number of movies it already exists. Can you count how many 007 movies exists with the "James Bond film formula"? How many times Blade Runner got a "new, special edition"?
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
Well, it's 1 from original, 1 For Castlevia 2, 3 from Castlevania 3, 1 for Super Castlevania 4, 3 from Harmony of Dissonance, 2 for Aria of Sorrow, 2 for Circle of Moon, 1 Dracula X, 2 for Symphony of the Night, 2 for Castlevania Bloodlines, 1 for Castlevania Legends, 1 For Belmont's Revenge.
You're counting individual games that happen to be in the same series, and the most categories that any one has is three. They're arguing about a single game here, one which already has four categories. What's your point again?
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
All these movies have a specific goal, and are masterfully played. And that's my point. If you have a clear objective, a entertaining way to play it and will, you should make a excellent job, regardless of the number of movies it already exists.
That's my point. You can forget I said anything about Castlevania (except Castlevania 3 and Harmony from Dissonance, they still fit), it seems it derailed my point.
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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