Beauty analyzer
Beauty analyzer is the core engine of the automatic snapshot generator of NesVideoAgent.
This version is for VBA. It has the most complete set of
features, hence I chose to include it. However, each emulator
has a slightly different version to cope with the emulator's particular 'ism's.
void Beauty_VIS(const char* Xbuf, unsigned w, unsigned h);
void Beauty_INPUT();
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <complex>
#include "../gfx.h"
#include "../movie.h"
#include "../screenshot.h"
#include "../snapshot.h"
#include "../ppu.h"
#include "beauty.hh"
#include "coroutine.h"
#include "System.h"
#include "movie.h"
#include "gb/gbGlobals.h"
#include "GBA.h"
#include "Globals.h"
extern struct EmulatedSystem emulator;
#define theEmulator (emulator)
typedef std::complex<double> complex;
int do_beauty_analysis = 0;
/* Analyzes beauty in the given GB/GBA screenshot.
static const unsigned char* xbuf = 0;
static unsigned width;
static int skippattern(int p)
return 1 + ((p/7)%3);
/* Calculate average tint in given section of the screen. */
static complex GetAverageTint(int x0,int y0, int x1,int y1)
double avg_i = 0, avg_q = 0, avg_y = 0;
double count = 0;
for(int y=y0; y<=y1; y+=skippattern(x0+y))
for(int x=x0; x<=x1; x+=skippattern(y+x))
unsigned rr = xbuf[(x + y * width)*4+0];
unsigned gg = xbuf[(x + y * width)*4+1];
unsigned bb = xbuf[(x + y * width)*4+2];
double r = rr / 255.0;
double g = gg / 255.0;
double b = bb / 255.0;
double y = 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b;
double i = 0.5957 * r - 0.2744 * g - 0.3212 * b;
double q = 0.2114 * r - 0.5226 * g + 0.3111 * b;
double pow = 1;
avg_i += i*y;
avg_q += q*y;
avg_y += y;
count += pow;
avg_i /= count;
avg_q /= count;
avg_y /= count;
complex res(avg_i, avg_q); res *= 100;
double y = std::abs(res);
if(y >= 0.0) res *= std::log(1 + y) / (1 + y);
return res;
//return complex ( atan2(avg_i, avg_q) , std::log(1 + avg_y));
struct region
int x0,x1, y0,y1;
complex tint;
int sprite_jitter;
struct sprite
int x,y, width,height;
static bool SOBJcompare(const sprite& a, const sprite& b)
return std::memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a)) < 0;
static void Do_GB_Sprites(sprite sprites[128])
int count = 0;
int size = (register_LCDC & 4);
if((register_LCDC & 0x80))
if((register_LCDC & 2) && (layerSettings & 0x1000)) {
int yc = register_LY;
int address = 0xfe00;
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
int y = gbMemory[address++];
int x = gbMemory[address++];
int tile = gbMemory[address++];
if(size) tile &= 254;
int flags = gbMemory[address++];
if(x > 0 && y > 0 && x < 168 && y < 160)
if(size) {
sprites[count].x = x-8;
sprites[count].y = y;
sprites[count].width = 8;
sprites[count].height = 16;
if(count >= 128) return;
} else {
sprites[count].x = x-8;
sprites[count].y = y;
sprites[count].width = 8;
sprites[count].height = 8;
if(count >= 128) return;
while(count < 128) sprites[count++].y = 256;
static double CalculateBeauty(unsigned w,unsigned h)
std::vector<region> regions;
for(unsigned x=0; x<4; ++x)
for(unsigned y=0; y<3; ++y)
region tmp;
tmp.x0 = x*w/4;
tmp.x1 = (x+1)*w/4;
tmp.y0 = y*h/3;
tmp.y1 = (y+1)*h/3;
regions[5] =
// corners: nw, ne, sw, se, middle
{ w*0 /99,w*50/99, h*0 /99,h*50/99, 0, 0 },
{ w*50/99,w*99/99, h*0 /99,h*50/99, 0, 0 },
{ w*0 /99,w*50/99, h*50/99,h*99/99, 0, 0 },
{ w*50/99,w*99/99, h*50/99,h*99/99, 0, 0 },
{ w*33/99,w*55/99, h*33/99,h*55/99, 0, 0 }
static sprite old_sprites[128];
sprite new_sprites[128];
// init new_sprites
std::sort(new_sprites, new_sprites+128, SOBJcompare);
for(unsigned b=0; b<128; ++b)
sprite& spr = new_sprites[b];
sprite& old = old_sprites[b];
// If the sprite appears to have moved, compensate for scrolling and try again
if(spr.x != old.x || spr.y != old.y)
//spr.x -= ScrollPointers[spr.y];
//spr.y -= VScroll;
if(std::memcmp(&spr, &old, sizeof(spr)) != 0)
old = spr;
int x = spr.x, y = spr.y;
int width = spr.width, height = spr.height;
if(y >= 239) continue;
for(unsigned a=0; a< regions.size(); ++a)
// Check if this sprite affects this region
region& reg = regions[a];
if(x+width >= reg.x0 && x < reg.x1
&& y+height >= reg.y0 && y < reg.y1)
reg.sprite_jitter += 1;
if(spr.x != old.x || spr.y != old.y)
reg.sprite_jitter += 2;
double totaltint = 0;
for(unsigned a=0; a< regions.size(); ++a)
region& reg = regions[a];
reg.tint = GetAverageTint(reg.x0, reg.y0, reg.x1, reg.y1);
totaltint += std::abs(reg.tint);
totaltint /= regions.size();
Analyze five sections of this screen.
- Each four quarters of the screen
- And the middle (slightly larger than a quarter?)
- Average tint
- Amount of motion (ignore global motion)
- Non-bleak tints
- Different tint in each section of screen
- Motion appears in at least two different sections of screen
if(do_beauty_analysis >= 3)
fprintf(stderr, "analysis: ");
for(unsigned a=0; a< regions.size(); ++a)
region& reg = regions[a];
fprintf(stderr, "(%3.1f<%+3.1f)(%2d) ",
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
complex t = regions[0].tint + regions[1].tint + regions[2].tint + regions[3].tint;
t /= 4;
double interestingness = 0;
if(totaltint >= 0.1)
for(unsigned a=0; a<regions.size(); ++a)
for(unsigned b=a+1; b<regions.size(); ++b)
double mul = 1;
if(regions[a].x0 != regions[b].x0) mul *= 2;
if(regions[a].y0 != regions[b].y0) mul *= 2;
double tintdiff = std::abs(regions[a].tint - regions[b].tint) * 0.001;
interestingness += tintdiff * mul;
interestingness += std::log(2 + regions[a].sprite_jitter / 4.0)
* std::log(2 + regions[b].sprite_jitter / 4.0)
* mul * 100;
std::abs(regions[0].tint - regions[1].tint)
+ std::abs(regions[0].tint - regions[2].tint)
+ std::abs(regions[0].tint - regions[3].tint)
+ std::abs(regions[1].tint - regions[2].tint)
+ std::abs(regions[1].tint - regions[3].tint)
+ std::abs(regions[2].tint - regions[3].tint)
+ std::abs(regions[4].tint - t)
+ (std::log(1 + regions[0].sprite_jitter / 8.0)
* std::log(1 + regions[3].sprite_jitter / 8.0)
+ std::log(1 + regions[1].sprite_jitter / 8.0)
* std::log(1 + regions[2].sprite_jitter / 8.0)
+ std::log(1 + regions[3].sprite_jitter / 4.0)
return interestingness;
struct SaveState
std::vector<unsigned char> Data;
static const unsigned StateSize = 400000;
void Create()
extern long LastMemStateLength;
int l = theEmulator.emuWriteMemState((char*)&Data[0], Data.size());
if(l) Data.resize(LastMemStateLength);
fprintf(stderr, "Freeze (ret %d) : %ld bytes\n", l, LastMemStateLength); fflush(stderr);
void Load()
int l = theEmulator.emuReadMemState((char*)&Data[0], Data.size());
fprintf(stderr, "Unfreeze (ret %d): %u bytes\n", l, Data.size()); fflush(stderr);
static std::vector<double> interestingness_map;
static std::map<int, SaveState> some_savestates;
static std::vector<unsigned> review_results;
static bool LocateBeauty(unsigned frameno)
if(true) /* scope */
std::map<int, SaveState>::iterator
i = some_savestates.lower_bound(frameno);
if(i != some_savestates.end())
if(i->first <= frameno)
unsigned framecount = VBAMovieGetFrameCounter();
if(framecount > frameno || i->first > framecount)
fprintf(stderr, "Aiming for frame %u, loading one that gives %u hopefully\n",
frameno, i->first);
fprintf(stderr, "Aiming for frame %u. Playing from %d\n",
frameno, framecount);
if(i == some_savestates.begin()) break;
while(VBAMovieGetFrameCounter() < frameno)
// fprintf(stderr, "Frame %u\n", VBAMovieGetFrameCounter());
// fflush(stderr);
// extern bool pauseNextFrame;
// pauseNextFrame = true;
extern "C" void CloseStuff(int signum);
static void CaptureBeauty()
static unsigned a;
for(a = 0; a < review_results.size(); ++a)
fprintf(stderr, "Capturing beauty %u at frame %u\n", a, review_results[a]);
/* capture it */
char beauty_fn[64];
sprintf(beauty_fn, "beauty_%u.png", a);
fprintf(stderr, "- Capturing %s, have frame %u now\n", beauty_fn,
/* all beauties have been analyzed, end stuff now */
fprintf(stderr, "Done with all beauties\n");
struct section
{ unsigned sect; double value;
bool operator< (const section& sect) const
{ return value > sect.value; }
bool operator== (const section& sect) const
{ return value == sect.value; }
static void ReviewBeauty()
const unsigned framecount = VBAMovieGetFrameCounter();
const unsigned num_sections = 20;std::max(
std::min(50, (int)(framecount / 60)),
// not more than 50
// not more than one per each second of movie
(int)(framecount / 600)
// but still at least one per each 10 seconds of movie
const unsigned num_results = 20;std::min(
std::min(20, (int)( framecount / (3600/5) ) ),
// not more than 15
// not more than 5 per each minute of movie
std::vector<section> sects(num_sections);
for(unsigned a=0; a<num_sections; ++a)
sects[a].sect = a;
for(unsigned a=0; a<interestingness_map.size(); ++a)
const double val = interestingness_map[a];
const unsigned sect = a * num_sections / interestingness_map.size();
if(val > sects[sect].value) sects[sect].value = val;
std::sort(sects.begin(), sects.end());
for(unsigned a=0; a<num_results; ++a)
unsigned sect = sects[a].sect;
unsigned sect_begin = (sect) * interestingness_map.size() / num_sections;
unsigned sect_end = (sect+1) * interestingness_map.size() / num_sections;
for(unsigned b=sect_begin; b<sect_end; ++b)
if(interestingness_map[b] == sects[a].value)
fprintf(stderr, "Selected beauty at frame %u (%g)\n", b, sects[a].value);
std::sort(review_results.begin(), review_results.end());
static bool finished_recording = false;
void Beauty_VIS(const char* Xbuf, unsigned w, unsigned h)
//fprintf(stderr, "vis %d\n", do_beauty_analysis);
if(!do_beauty_analysis) return;
xbuf = (const unsigned char*) Xbuf;
width = w;
if(!finished_recording) /* Record interestingness */
double interestingness = CalculateBeauty(w,h);
const unsigned framecount = VBAMovieGetFrameCounter();
if(do_beauty_analysis >= 2)
"Beauty %u: %g\n", framecount, interestingness);
if(interestingness_map.size() <= framecount)
interestingness_map[framecount] = interestingness;
static unsigned maxframe = ~0;
if(maxframe == (unsigned)~0)
const char* env = getenv("MAXFRAMES");
maxframe = env ? atoi(env) : 0;
finished_recording = framecount == maxframe-2;
void Beauty_INPUT()
//fprintf(stderr, "in %d\n", do_beauty_analysis);
if(!do_beauty_analysis) return;
if(!finished_recording) /* Record interestingness */
static unsigned lastcount=0;
const unsigned framecount = VBAMovieGetFrameCounter();
if(framecount != 0 && (framecount == 1 || !(framecount % 100))
&& framecount != lastcount)
fprintf(stderr, "Creating savestate @ %u\n", framecount);
lastcount = framecount;
/* Analyze interestingness */
void BeautyInit() __attribute__ ((constructor));
void BeautyInit()
char* env = getenv("BEAUTY");
do_beauty_analysis = env ? atoi(env) : 0;