Tool-assisted movies (2)

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 7/3/2004
A unique game to say the least, in Street Fighter 2010(completely unrelated to the fighting game series) the player must go through a series of levels, collecting enough powerups to warp from one to the next. In doing a tool-assisted run of the game, the author must properly plan what enemies to target and what order to target them in in order to progress as quickly as possible. It will be made clear that the author has done so as you see him gracefully jump through the air, accurately shooting the necessary monsters.

Published on 7/4/2005
Street Fighter 2010, completely unrelated to the fighting game series, is a unique game to say the least. The player must go through a series of levels, collecting enough powerups to warp from one to the next.
To progress as quickly as possible, proper planning of which enemies to target and what order to target them in is imperative. As this planning is evident here, this run by nesrocks is all the more impressive. Even one who is not familiar with the game should find this run very beautiful and a lot of fun to watch.

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