Tool-assisted movies (3)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 7/10/2004
A little-known game based on an old cartoon, in Bucky O'Hare you soon have access to 5 unique characters, each of which has a special ability ranging from flight to a powerful gunshot. What's more, it is not necessary to access a menu in order to switch from character to character, allowing the player to use whomever they'd like without sacrificing any time. A wide variation in levels is also seen, ranging from outerspace self-scrolling levels, to fast paced platform-based levels inside a large spaceship.
Emulator Replay:
Famtasia 5.1

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 2/12/2006
A little-known game based on an old cartoon, in Bucky O'Hare you soon have access to 5 unique characters, each of which has a special ability ranging from flight to a powerful gunshot. What's more, it is not necessary to access a menu in order to switch from character to character, allowing the player to use whomever they'd like without sacrificing any time. A wide variation in levels is also seen, ranging from outerspace self-scrolling levels, to fast paced platform-based levels inside a large spaceship.
Genisto's movie is an improvement of over 4 and a half minutes over the previous movie. Most of the improvements are due to better accuracy and some tactical changes.
Video Downloads:
High Quality MKV
Emulator Replay:
FCEU 0.98.12

Published on 11/12/2007
A rare instance of a Japanese-made NES game based on a U.S.-originated comic book, Bucky O'Hare (1992) provides a player with a good combination of platforming action similar to Mega Man, an interesting plot, and convincing production values. You can play as one of the five unique characters, which you are free to select at any time, after saving them from the clutches of the Toad Empire. Each character has special abilities required to take advantage of in order to pass through the game's numerous variably designed stages, ranging from single-screen puzzle rooms to autoscrolling shoot-'em-ups.
Interesting fact about this game is that Konami used to implement unconventional ways of piracy protection, in this particular case by making each hit or an otherwise harmful collision in the game result in an instant death if you play it illegitimately. Apparently, this was how a large amount of people were used to playing it in pre-emulation era, without ever finding out Konami's little sabotage.
This movie by AnS is set up in a fashion that imitates this handicap by playing the game in hard mode (accessing it through a password), where every hit results in death. Other than that, it also improves the previous movie by 2 minutes 48.7 seconds, using several major glitches and a lot of small tricks explained in great detail in the author's comments.

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