This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
1745 Arcade Ganryu by X2poet in 07:50.20
1746 NES Super Mario Bros. 2 "warpless" by Aglar & andrewg in 18:29.26
1747 SNES ActRaiser by zidanax & dunnius in 53:55.57
1748 GBA Mega Man Zero by Rolanmen1 in 17:01.85
1749 GBA Mega Man Zero 3 by hellagels in 56:44.55
1750 N64 GoldenEye 007 by Wyster & Simon_Sternis in 30:42.48
1751 SNES Pilotwings by tall in 20:08.97
1752 GB Final Fantasy Adventure "warp glitch" by Touch-me in 17:41.33
5996 C64 Collision Course by nymx in 07:49.85
1753 NES Monster Party by Tanooki_Teabag in 14:58.07
5997 3DS The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D by benstephens56 in 23:12.85
1754 GBA Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! by errror1 in 04:19.85
5998 N64 Golf with Your Mario by Emil_Borg in 01:14.42
882 NES Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones "1 player" by Xipo in 10:38.82
5999 PSX Dodgem Arena "playaround" by somyeol in 18:54.60
1756 MSX Contra by scrimpeh in 10:21.37
6000 N64 AeroFighters Assault "all levels" by CoolHandMike in 12:37.33
1757 GBA Mega Man Zero 3 "100%" by Rolanmen1 in 1:03:53.15
6001 GBC Lego Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge by Sam_Underscore in 16:07.28
885 GBA Metroid: Zero Mission by Dragonfangs in 33:07.53
6002 Coleco Pepper II by nymx in 02:40.27
6003 Arcade Daioh "maximum score" by PearlASE in 45:20.41
1759 GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow "all souls, inbounds" by Kriole in 24:56.10
6004 GBA Madagascar by CoolKirby, YoungJ1997lol, Alyosha & SuperSqank in 27:56.75
6073 PSX Mega Man X3 by McBobX in 19:21.97

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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