This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
190 NES Rygar by Bisqwit in 11:03.78
1090 NES Rygar by Lord_Tom in 05:23.14
391 NES Rygar by Walker_Boh in 06:28.72
345 NES Rygar by Walker_Boh in 06:45.58
312 NES Rygar by Walker_Boh in 07:26.52
201 NES Rygar by Walker_Boh in 07:52.20
196 NES Rygar by Walker_Boh in 08:25.50
5473 NES Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu by eien86 & TaoTao in 21:16.63
5438 NES Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen by eien86 in 23:53.81
4422 NES Saiyuuki World by aiqiyou & J.Y in 11:36.42
4387 NES Saiyuuki World by aiqiyou, fcxiaopengyou & NMP in 11:37.92
3798 NES Saiyuuki World by fcxiaopengyou & aiqiyou in 11:42.54
The player jumping into the lava for a speed boost. 2209 NES Saiyuuki World by max12187566 & J.Y in 14:24.96 The player jumping into the lava for a speed boost.
3004 NES Sesame Street Countdown by TASeditor in 03:08.57
33 NES Shadow of the Ninja (Europe) by Exim in 11:36.00
406 NES Shadow of the Ninja (Europe) by Shinryuu in 12:03.50
804 NES Shadow of the Ninja (Europe) by Xipo in 09:40.88
856 NES Shadow of the Ninja (Europe) by Xipo in 11:14.56
948 NES Shadow of the Ninja (Japan) "1 player" by klmz in 09:48.32
3153 NES Shadow of the Ninja (Japan) "1 player" by TASeditor in 09:30.41
The ninja masters Hayate and Kaede slice and dice Captain Hawk, a man-bird. 4280 NES Shadow of the Ninja (Japan) "2 players" by dragonxyk in 08:25.30 The ninja masters Hayate and Kaede slice and dice Captain Hawk, a man-bird.
3930 NES Shadowgate "game end glitch" by DrD2k9, Zekna & Randil in 04:17.09
2968 NES Shadowgate "game end glitch" by Zekna & Randil in 04:17.48
38 NES Shadowgate by caitsith2 in 14:36.10
The authors use the glasses trick. 1827 NES Shadowgate by Randil & ZenicReverie in 08:23.84 The authors use the glasses trick.

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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