This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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A magic bunny made Mario swim where he could walk. 1902 DS Super Mario 64 DS by mkdasher & ALAKTORN in 14:23.34 A magic bunny made Mario swim where he could walk.
A moving ceiling forces Sky into the floor 1983 SNES Skyblazer by Dooty in 24:27.02 A moving ceiling forces Sky into the floor
A pirate. In a dark water. 3074 Genesis The Pirates of Dark Water by Archanfel in 14:14.92 A pirate. In a dark water.
A policeman gives the player a speeding ticket for driving over 6 times the speed limit, somehow making the player insanely wealthy. 1768 SNES Lamborghini: American Challenge by laranja in 07:39.32 A policeman gives the player a speeding ticket for driving over 6 times the speed limit, somehow making the player insanely wealthy.
A puzzle with many rules. 4440 NES The Wit by brunovalads in 03:49.17 A puzzle with many rules.
A school girl and a maniaс have to decide in a fight who's getting that lighter. 3756 NES Friday the 13th by klmz in 02:22.93 A school girl and a maniaс have to decide in a fight who's getting that lighter.
A variety of mini-games 2310 PSX Bishi Bashi Special "Marathon Challenge, maximum score" by Spikestuff in 33:53.43 A variety of mini-games
A walk down glitch lane. 1739 SNES Mega Man & Bass "Mega Man" by sparky in 27:21.47 A walk down glitch lane.
Abe says hello to a fellow Mudokon to save a little time. 4328 PSX Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus by Samtastic in 36:49.97 Abe says hello to a fellow Mudokon to save a little time.
About to butt 2236 GBC The Emperor's New Groove by RachelB in 08:22.73 About to butt
Acro-bat-ics! 1151 GBA Batman Begins by adelikat in 18:34.52 Acro-bat-ics!
Actually, the boss is dead. He isn't attacking. I swear. 2070 Genesis High Seas Havoc by philipptr in 19:52.22 Actually, the boss is dead. He isn't attacking. I swear.
After instantly decimating his opponent, the player looks away from the massive explosion in the final level of the "best ending" branch. 1755 Genesis Contra: Hard Corps "best ending" by Soig in 17:36.97 After instantly decimating his opponent, the player looks away from the massive explosion in the final level of the "best ending" branch.
AFX-6502 Zanac narrowly avoids a slew of missiles 1990 NES Zanac by adelikat in 03:16.11 AFX-6502 Zanac narrowly avoids a slew of missiles
Agent J runs from an alien monster in the woods. 4283 GBC Men in Black: The Series by TehBerral & Alyosha in 04:24.66 Agent J runs from an alien monster in the woods.
Ah, don't mind our twisted party. Everyone is doing just fine. 3854 PCE Splatterhouse by EZGames69 in 12:12.61 Ah, don't mind our twisted party. Everyone is doing just fine.
Air walking and shooting in the dark. I do it all the time. 2106 SNES Lethal Weapon by Cooljay in 19:18.27 Air walking and shooting in the dark. I do it all the time.
Altair unleashes the full might of a wooden crate. 4508 DS Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles by xy2_ in 55:57.72 Altair unleashes the full might of a wooden crate.
Alucard is being good at kicking butt, like usual 2085 DS Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow "Julius, in bounds" by Cpadolf in 19:20.63 Alucard is being good at kicking butt, like usual
An atypical fishing experience. 4039 PCE Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure by Memory in 19:03.65 An atypical fishing experience.
An enemy joins the walkathon. 3956 SNES Donkey Kong Country "all stages, walkathon" by Tompa in 41:09.10 An enemy joins the walkathon.
Anyone noticed an empty healthbar? 1810 NES Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team "2 Players" by feos in 17:41.14 Anyone noticed an empty healthbar?
Are you saying that I can dodge Bullet Bills? 2090 NES Mario Adventure by Soig in 48:58.23 Are you saying that I can dodge Bullet Bills?
Asterix gives the other racers the impression that they stand a chance 1935 GBA Astérix & Obélix: Bash Them All! by TimmyAkmed in 21:08.90 Asterix gives the other racers the impression that they stand a chance
Avoiding an angry demon 2131 DOS Castle Adventure by Ilari & Truncated in 00:19.45 Avoiding an angry demon

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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