This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
1064 Genesis Streets of Rage "2 players" by Mitjitsu & Mukki in 19:45.45
1065 SGB Castlevania Legends "100%" by Sir_VG in 24:16.40
1066 Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog by upthorn, JXQ & carretero in 16:18.20
1067 SNES Super Punch-Out!! by Phil in 15:59.37
1068 Genesis Mystic Defender by Aqfaq in 05:38.32
1069 NES Guerrilla War "2 players" by X2poet in 13:01.06
1070 NES Excitebike by JXQ in 05:31.37
1071 NES Ninja Crusaders "2 players" by AnS & Randil in 04:08.45
1072 Genesis Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle by Aqfaq in 05:27.80
1073 SNES Super Metroid by hero_of_the_day in 39:32.80
1074 SNES Super Metroid "ingame time" by Cpadolf in 41:22.47
1075 SNES Super Metroid "ingame time" by Cpadolf in 41:02.40
1076 GB Looney Tunes by Pekopon in 09:39.32
1077 NES Faxanadu by Lord_Tom in 23:23.68
1078 NES Donkey Kong Jr. by Aqfaq & Ferret_Warlord in 01:12.95
1079 Genesis Garfield: Caught in the Act by emu in 18:31.68
1080 NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" by klmz in 04:58.18
1081 SNES Gradius III by KRocketneo in 28:24.00
1082 NES Zelda II: The Adventure of Link "warp glitch" by Inzult in 05:43.47
1083 NES Mega Man 6 by Shinryuu in 30:54.55
1084 Genesis The Immortal by Aqfaq in 10:32.92
1085 Genesis The Revenge of Shinobi by Dammit in 12:48.35
1086 NES Mickey Mouse 3: Yume Fuusen by mz in 13:09.92
1087 NES Batman: Return of the Joker by Aglar in 11:21.57
Mario walks toward a Hammer Bro. throwing a barrage of hammers in a narrow passage. 1088 NES Super Mario Bros. "warps, walkathon" by Bisqwit in 06:55.18 Mario walks toward a Hammer Bro. throwing a barrage of hammers in a narrow passage.

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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