This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
1089 N64 Super Mario 64 "0 stars" by SwordlessLink in 05:39.37
1090 NES Rygar by Lord_Tom in 05:23.14
1091 NES Little Samson "warps" by klmz in 10:13.27
1092 BSX Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman Zero "1 player" by TheRandomPie_IV in 12:48.17
Proof of Blood 1093 GBA Castlevania: Circle of the Moon by Cardboard in 21:40.22 Proof of Blood
1094 Genesis Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure by GManiac in 19:22.68
1095 N64 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter by mmbossman in 36:37.42
1096 NES Solitaire by mmbossman in 00:47.27
1097 Genesis Contra: Hard Corps "secret ending" by adelikat in 04:57.28
1098 Genesis Contra: Hard Corps "1 player" by adelikat in 14:11.90
1099 SNES The Legend of the Mystical Ninja "2 players" by zggzdydp in 24:52.37
1100 SNES Mr. Nutz by DaTeL237 in 29:27.27
1101 Genesis The Lion King by Mukki in 14:02.73
1102 Genesis Magical Taruruuto-Kun by Aqfaq in 15:12.22
How did Mega Man get there? (hint: it's not what it looks like) 1103 NES Mega Man by Deign in 15:29.27 How did Mega Man get there? (hint: it's not what it looks like)
1104 NES DuckTales 2 by adelikat in 08:45.82
1105 FDS Super Mario Bros. "-3 stage ending" by HappyLee in 02:46.35
1106 NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by HappyLee in 18:49.65
1107 NES Super Mario Bros. "warps, walkathon" by HappyLee in 06:53.98
1108 GBA Metroid: Zero Mission by Dragonfangs in 32:33.43
1109 NES Rygar "no warp glitch" by Lord_Tom in 15:43.32
1110 NES Moai-kun by Randil in 15:00.02
1111 NES Super Mario Bros. "warps, walkathon" by HappyLee in 06:53.52
1112 Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles by nitsuja & upthorn in 33:05.78
1113 Genesis ESWAT: City Under Siege by Dammit in 13:31.88

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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