This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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1744 PSX Croc: Legend of the Gobbos by RingRush in 36:21.08
1745 Arcade Ganryu by X2poet in 07:50.20
1746 NES Super Mario Bros. 2 "warpless" by Aglar & andrewg in 18:29.26
1747 SNES ActRaiser by zidanax & dunnius in 53:55.57
1748 GBA Mega Man Zero by Rolanmen1 in 17:01.85
1749 GBA Mega Man Zero 3 by hellagels in 56:44.55
1750 N64 GoldenEye 007 by Wyster & Simon_Sternis in 30:42.48
1751 SNES Pilotwings by tall in 20:08.97
1752 GB Final Fantasy Adventure "warp glitch" by Touch-me in 17:41.33
1753 NES Monster Party by Tanooki_Teabag in 14:58.07
1754 GBA Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! by errror1 in 04:19.85
After instantly decimating his opponent, the player looks away from the massive explosion in the final level of the "best ending" branch. 1755 Genesis Contra: Hard Corps "best ending" by Soig in 17:36.97 After instantly decimating his opponent, the player looks away from the massive explosion in the final level of the "best ending" branch.
1756 MSX Contra by scrimpeh in 10:21.37
1757 GBA Mega Man Zero 3 "100%" by Rolanmen1 in 1:03:53.15
Turn yourself over! Oh wait... wrong enemy. 1758 Arcade Spinmaster "2 players" by X2poet in 13:19.07 Turn yourself over! Oh wait... wrong enemy.
1759 GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow "all souls, inbounds" by Kriole in 24:56.10
1760 DS Ivy the Kiwi? "100%" by Ryuto in 15:23.86
The player surrounds our heroes and their opponents in a circle of bombs. 1761 SNES Super Bomberman "2 players" by Ryuto in 12:36.93 The player surrounds our heroes and their opponents in a circle of bombs.
1762 SNES X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse by Dooty in 14:55.02
1763 Arcade Mercs "3 players" by DarkKobold in 10:23.03
1764 SNES Syvalion by Ryuto in 07:02.28
The player racks up the damage while fighting Death. In the main run, this fight is overlooked. 1765 GBA Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance "in bounds" by sksk1990 in 28:27.17 The player racks up the damage while fighting Death. In the main run, this fight is overlooked.
The player digs underground, spelling out TAS in the dirt. 1766 SGB Mole Mania by Ryuto in 10:54.93 The player digs underground, spelling out TAS in the dirt.
1767 Arcade Metal Slug "2 players" by X2poet in 12:10.23
A policeman gives the player a speeding ticket for driving over 6 times the speed limit, somehow making the player insanely wealthy. 1768 SNES Lamborghini: American Challenge by laranja in 07:39.32 A policeman gives the player a speeding ticket for driving over 6 times the speed limit, somehow making the player insanely wealthy.

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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