This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
5760 GBC Pitfall: Beyond the Jungle by Induviel in 12:35.48
2253 GBC Pocket Bomberman "Jump Game" by Robert_Ordis in 01:51.18
2566 GBC Pocket Bomberman by Robert_Ordis in 06:28.00
2329 GBC Pocket Bomberman by Robert_Ordis in 06:33.22
"Megaman called, he wants to have his zipping back." ~ henke37 1535 GBC Pocket Bomberman by Robert_Ordis in 06:51.08 "Megaman called, he wants to have his zipping back." ~ henke37
3236 GBC Pokémon Adventure by dekutony in 03:50.10
4120 GBC Pokémon Card GB2: GR-dan Sanjou! "game end glitch" by CasualPokePlayer in 01:53.41
5228 GBC Pokémon Puzzle Challenge "maximum score" by PoochyEXE in 03:10.84
4176 GBC Pokémon Puzzle Challenge "Puzzle mode, all levels" by ThunderAxe31 in 44:41.01
2958 GBC Pokémon Puzzle Challenge by zvsp in 05:11.62
4285 GBC Pokémon: Crystal Version "save glitch" by CasualPokePlayer in 03:55.59
3831 GBC Pokémon: Crystal Version "save glitch" by gifvex in 04:12.68
4015 GBC Pokémon: Crystal Version by MrWint in 2:48:36.03
5399 GBC Pokémon: Crystal, Silver and Yellow Version "Coop Diploma" by gabraltar in 6:56:24.50
2504 GBC Pokémon: Gold Version "save glitch" by Bobmario511 in 54:24.96
4465 GBC Pokémon: Gold Version "save glitch" by CasualPokePlayer in 03:14.16
6110 GBC Pokémon: Gold Version by CasualPokePlayer in 2:51:12.92
4498 GBC Pokémon: Gold Version by CasualPokePlayer in 2:52:21.83
4372 GBC Pokémon: Gold Version by CasualPokePlayer in 2:52:57.88
564 GBC Pokémon: Gold Version by FractalFusion in 2:54:27.15
3652 GBC Pokémon: Platinum Edition by dekutony in 02:14.18
2724 GBC Pokémon: Platinum Edition by dekutony in 02:23.67
2565 GBC Pokémon: Silver Version "Coin Case glitch" by MrWint in 30:39.49
4326 GBC Pokémon: Silver Version "save glitch" by CasualPokePlayer in 03:31.23
4256 GBC Pokémon: Silver Version by CasualPokePlayer & EZGames69 in 2:54:21.21

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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