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Wiki Results:

6213S Donkey Kong] in 1980s. Ironically, the Conveyor Belt stage is omitted like in the original
4842S Donkey Kong on Atari 2600, before Nintendo got into NESes, Wii Us and AngryJoes. Conparing
HomePages/Fortranm/ListofDKReleases Donkey Kong releases. Virtual Console, Arcade Archive, etc. releases without notable differences from the base
3641M Donkey Kong'' spin-off game developed by Paon and published by Nintendo in 2005 for the Game
6894S Donkey Kong. Since this site accepts single loop runs on Donkey Kong, it should be fine
5172M Donkey Kong'' series, Stanley the bugman discovers Donkey Kong in his greenhouse, releasing insects that
3884M Donkey Kong'' is a classic arcade game that spawned [1352M|many] [3246M|ports], including this
7798S Donkey Kong ! Pinstripe One of the big timesaves over the any% TAS. It was discovered
7827S Donkey Kong concept and turn it on its side--instead of going up the screen
JA/LegacyPages/MovieRules Donkey Kong Land 3]のように、SGBモードだとグラフィックがおかしくなる場合は除く。 * GBCもSGBも対応してない場合はモノクロのGBモードを選択する。 GBCの場合でも、将来有効になるかもしれないのでGBAで動作するかどうか試してみる価値はあります。しかし、今のところGBAのモードでGBCのムービーを作ることができるVBAはありません。 ゲームボーイアドバンスの場合、このような選択はありません。しかし、GBAのゲームでも可能ならばよりラグの少ないモードを選ぶと良いでしょう

Post Results:

Classic game achievements Donkey Kong Country[/b]: Use only Donkey Kong. Avoid breaking Partner Barrels. DKC2: [b]Diddy
#3075: Tompa's SNES Donkey Kong Country "any%" in 08:13.72 Donkey go? Maybe using the weird warp normally erases Donkey? Yes vote. And since no one mentioned
#3075: Tompa's SNES Donkey Kong Country "any%" in 08:13.72 Donkey go? Maybe using the weird warp normally erases Donkey? Yes vote. And since no one mentioned
#4592: adelikat's NES Donkey Kong: Original Edition in 01:26.97 Donkey Kong have appeared on Virtual Console. The first, released in 2006, is essentially a direct
#6599: hidaigai & Tompa's SNES Donkey Kong Country in 07:24.68 Donkey at the start of the fight, by pressing down+left+Y Slapslide is useful
Make a Donkey Kong Competition Cartridge run rename the thread to indicate that this is Donkey Kong [b]Country[/b], not donkey kong.
N-Longplay Project - Need some help Donkey Kong * Donkey Konk Jr Mario Bros. (2 Player Mode) * Pinball Tennis Xevious Duck Hunt
DKC 101% Speedrun Competition [SNES] Donkey Kong".[/i] Super Donkey Kong isn't listed in the same area as all the others
Video Game Music Quiz (Noise edition) Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience Track06 = Chrono Trigger - Schala's Theme Track07 = Super Smash T.V. Main
N-Longplay Project - Need some help Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Ghosts 'n Goblins Gradius Karate Champ Mario Bros Urban Champion