Search Wiki and Forums

Supports similar syntax used by web search engines.
For more information, see the postgres text parsing documentation.
The search is in-sensitive for spelling. For example, ‹megaman› and ‹Megaman› give the same results.
However, the search may be sensitive to spacing. For example, ‹mega man› gives different result than ‹megaman› Much like the Google search, including more words in the search narrows down the search. ‹Metroid› will find all Metroid-related articles and movies for all consoles, but ‹Super Metroid› will only find those which contain also the word ‹Super›.
For exact phrase searching try the Advanced Search.
If you don't find the results you're looking for, we suggest also trying a Google search.

Wiki Results:

7575S user:Info Teddy] is handling the encodes for this one. [user:Spikestuff]: ---Processing. [user:Info
Minimum user:HappyLee]'s [2908S|Super Mario Bros. "lowest score (500)"] is another example of a trivial
LawsOfTAS/OnMovieFileFormats user creates. This file should follow certain conventions as documented here. There are 3 basic
GameResources/DOS/Jetpack/Levels30To39 user:slamo]: 30 - WIP #1 [module:youtube|v=_0EAgQQqPuc|flashblock] "Wiggling" up ladders and narrow
HomePages/Noxxa/StaffConduct users Any staff member communication with users should follow the [site rules] in all aspects
HomePages/adelikat/EmptyQueue Contributors: * [user:feos] * [user:Ilari] * [user:Noxxa] * [user:Nach] * [user:RGamma] * [user:Spikestuff] * [user:turska]
HomePages/Lobsterzelda user can create arbitrary section and setting names using these functions. Note that all system
7910S user:feos]: Claiming for judging. [user:feos]: To avoid installing the extra libs I launched
IRCChannel/Rules user:adelikat] *[user:Aktan] *[user:DeHackEd] *[user:dwangoAC] *[user:Fog] *[user:Invariel] *[user:Nach] *[user
TextFormattingRules/ListOfModules User [[user:adelikat]] Creates a link to the user's profile. Should be used anytime

Post Results:

Adjusting my luascript / Lua help Users\\User\\Google Drive\\Lua\\BizHawk\\not game\\test.txt" local path2 = [[C:\Users\User\Google
Request for Comment: What to do Next? user clicked on the piano roll. The same can also happen backwards. *With lua the user
Problem Playing Digimon World 3 on Bizhawk 1.11 Users\Owner\Downloads\BizHawk\Bizhawk 1.7\BizHawk-1.11.6\vcredist_2015_x64.exe, cmdline: '' [0EE8:9D00][2016-10-02T21:29:57]i000
TASVideos must die: a manifesto users uploaded movie files as as userfiles first and another user had to mark them
Traffic statistics users of MSIE 6, 430k users of [url=]Mozilla[/url]. 17k users of Opera
Site publication reform - Tiered publication proposal users. This category could be created by an upper level user at first but then
Browser crypto benchmark User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; E5823 Build/32.3.A.0.376) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.125 Mobile Safari/537.36
Ratings: Should they be public? users had wished to be anonymous. I suggest something more along the lines of: "[b]n[/b] users
Workbench Poll: Question/Suggestion users find movies on the workbench and how strongly users feel that a given movie
#6816: LucianoTheWindowsFan's SNES SNES Test Program "Debug%" in 01:46.26 user creativity rather than rejected for not being a game at all.[/quote] Obviously you're not claiming