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#58251241262087653 - Eternal Doom - Map 16 UV-Max TAS in 3:06

In 03:20.01 (7001 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 9/28/2019 8:15 AM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
WAD: Eternal III Filename: ETERNALL.wad Tags: UV-Max, TAS Walkthrough: Map 16 - Guardstation Source port: PrBoom+ Playback command*: D:\prboom-plus-\glboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file ETERNALL.wad -playdemo et16x306.lmp
This is a tool-assisted speedrun that devestates Map 16 very quickly. It was recorded in PrBoom+, but most damage manipulations and difficult sections were made in XDRE 2.20.
  • - To playback the demo, you should make a shortcut of glboom-plus.exe and paste the commands in the Target field at the end of
your glboom-plus route. So concerns prboom-plus.exe if you wish it to playback a demo.

Despite the fact this map is placed in the middle of Episode 3, it was designed as the 1st map of it when Eternal Doom II came out. Afterwards, when Eternal III came out, the map was moved to the middle of Episode 3. You can consider it as a relaxing map because it's much easier than Map 15. Therefore, all you have here are shotguns and chainguns with appropriate crowds of monsters to kill with.
At the beginning, my first goal was to kill a chaingunner (thing 75) and acquire a chaingun for more effecient monster devestation before finding a berserk kit. When I played the map for the first time, I didn't know that linedef 1124 is activatable, so I was just messing around with no clue what to do.
Because of poor manipulations in the huge room with metal fences, I didn't manage to make monsters infight. The Baron (thing 103) wasn't attacking anybody. Trapped revenant (thing 198) was another problem because it's almost impossible to punch him through the fence, so I had to shoot him. Also I should have shooted his neighbour (thing 197) as well instead of running all over to him and punching. That would save 2 secs, I guess.
The rest of run is self-explanatory. Had to do plenty of manipulations with Baron of Hell (thing 235) in the small room with a lift. Also I found nothing better than shooting a Hell Knight (thing 294) on the top of a box. Too bad you can't punch him out.
Most monsters are made to ambush players. If they were not deaf, I would definitely kill them faster.
Overall time: 3:06 (186.09)

#57151121414523724 - Eternal Doom - Map 3 UV-Max TAS in 5:11

In 05:25.83 (11405 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 8/9/2019 7:11 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
WAD: Eternal III
Filename: ETERNALL.wad
Walkthrough: Map 3 - Inter-Base
Source port: PrBoom+
Playback command: D:\prboom-plus-\glboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -complevel 2 -file ETERNALL.wad -playdemo et03x511.lmp
This is a tool-assisted speedrun that devestates Map 3 as fast as possible. It was recorded in PrBoom+, but most damage manipulations and difficult sections were made in XDRE 2.20

The first map in Eternal Doom which I would classify as a hard map. It has long route, complex sections and a small weapon variety. I was arguing about the lack of Chaingun/Rocket Launcher during my TAS of Map 2. So now I regret I wasn't given a BFG! Even a single shot would be nice =)
This TAS comes as an improvement of Andy Olivera's TAS (in 9:33) by over 4 minutes! When I watched it, I found it decent because it looks like an OK TAS, but, since it was his final demo before he had moved from TASDOOM to XDRE, there are plenty of slow sections.
At the very beginning, instead of run rushing to the Rocket Launcher in the west side and fighting 2 Barons of Hell, I activated linedefs that trigger zombies to teleport close to me and ran to the door in the south-east. With some minor manipulations, I made both Cacodemons (things 12, 13) to fight with other monsters. In a while, so was made with a Baron of Hell (thing 78) and a Mancubus (thing 47).
Then I got the Rocket Launcher (RL) and teleported to the backstage of the pool room. The rest of the route is similar though I cleaned two chambers (guarded by things 381, 382 and 369, 370) as a last resort, when all the southern part of the map was devestated.
The room with 6 Heavy Weapon Dudes (HWD) and a megaspeare was completely done in XDRE to prevent myself from misfiring.
The room with 2 Arachnotrons where you lift down the red key could be improved. HWDs in the hidden room attacked each other in my test run that would save some time, but fortunately they teleported to me while I was killing everyone in the room with the red key.
I skipped linedef 974 to perform additional wallrunning trick in Red Skull's section, but I didn't manage to kill all 3 imps (things 347, 348, 349) because one of them runs to the teleport as soon as I get close to him.
The Blue Skull's section was done with RL instead of SSG to save some more time.
Cyberdemon's section is slow in my opinion. I was planning to make all Barons of Hell attack the Cyberdemon. As soon as he killed the offender, he moved to me though there were 2 more Barons attacking him. That section was also made in XDRE to deal high damage from every rocket. I was really annoyed when my rocket dealt 20 damage to Cyberdemon because he doesn't receive rocket splash damage (almost).
I decided to kill myself at the end. However, I saved only 3 tics of doing so. Maybe it was better to stay alive and make a Hollywood-style final when the Main Hero ends up being barely alive after a huge trouble, wasn't it? If someone was wondering about hero's face when he dies - here you can see it. It looks repulsive.
Overall time: 5:11 (311.14)

Possible improvements 
1. Kill a Hell Knight (thing 305) quicker. When I was fighting him, I got SO BAD RNG that I switched to SSG and shot him.
2. Make HWDs (things 340-343) to infight.
3. Make Cyberdemon fight more Barons of Hell.
4. Kill Baron of Hell (thing 354) faster. I spend 7 rockets on him because of extemely long range. I had to come closer.

#56973179599646498 - Eternal Doom - Map 2 UV-Max TAS in 3:44

In 03:56.35 (8273 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 8/1/2019 6:52 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
WAD: Eternal III
Filename: ETERNALL.wad
Tags: UV-Max, TAS
Walkthrough: Map 2 - Tower of Hell
Source port: XDRE 2.20 (PrBoom+
Playback command: D:\prboom-plus-\glboom-plus.exe -iwad tnt.wad -complevel 4 -file ETERNALL.wad -playdemo et02x344.lmp
This is a tool-assisted speedrun that devestates Map 2 as fast as possible. It was made frame-by-frame in XDRE 2, and less than 5 seconds were made in PrBoom+ (only last 2 Barons of Hell).

I'm very proud of my work because I spent a week on making it. It was made on my sluggish laptop that couldn't play PrBoom+ with a decent framerate, so XDRE 2 was my only option.
The map itself is simple and has linear route without any major branches. Too bad it doesn't provide a Chaingun and/or a Rocket Launcher, making some sections pretty slow as I had to do everything with super shotgun (SSG).
After grabbing the blue keycard, I let a Hell Knight hurt an imp spinning at the edge of visible stairts. I hoped he would tear the Knight a little, but it was useless at all. Also, I skipped a zombieman nearby and forgot about him.
The first part of the underground section, where I had to kill all monsters around the red keycard, was slow in my opinion. I didn't manage to provoke a decent infight. Cacodemons could kill more monsters. I tried different strategies and remade more than 15 secs again and I had saved 0,5 secs after all that trouble. I'm still not satisfied with it, but here I can claim I couldn't do better.
The warehouse with the lowering boxes in the upper-left hand corner was done perfect. I could have activated those boxes 10 tics faster, but then I would fail killing all the monsters without major time lose because they would spread up, so I kept the first attempt where I kill all the monsters in just 3 SSG blasts.
When I got to the southern pit section, Lady Lake had smiled to me and I got 4 monsters infighting. The Cacodemons from the northern pit flew over the bridge and joint the crowd down here. All monsters died quickly, but it need some refinement: to make a revenant fight someone else.
Two further sections are self-explanatory.
The most northern room, that has 2 chambers with Hell Knights, needs some improvement. Both Hell Knights, that doesn't have teleporting linedefs in front of them, didn't go towards exits and stayed inside walking around. I had to wait for them to approach me before running away.
The rest of the run is self-explanatory. Also I had to remade a section with Cacodemos and Hell knights walking on an invisible floor because of some fails and bad RNG.
Overall time: 3:44 (224.86)

#56658576548314290 - Doom - Episode 1 UV-Pacifist TAS

In 06:16.17 (13167 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 7/18/2019 2:49 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
WAD: Doom (-complevel 3)
Filename: doom.wad
Highlights: Ultra-Violence, Pacifist, TAS.
Walkthrough: Episode 1 (E1M1-E1M8)
Sourceport: PrBoom+ and XDRE 2.20
Playback command: glboom-plus.exe -iwad doom.wad -complevel 3 -file doom.wad -playdemo ep1xp512.lmp
This is a tool-assisted speedrun that beats Episode 1 without any gunshots and punches. It is made mainly in PrBoom+, but some moments (such as door opening and switch pressing) are made in XDRE. It consists of 139 segments (replay appends).

Comments --
E1M1 - Hangar (in 00:08.89):
Nothing difficult here, just running past monsters. I had a decent run made in XDRE in 8.49 secs, but unfortunately, I forgot to change filenames in -recordfromto command and the progress was destroyed. During my second runthrough, I got bad RNG in the room with acid and lost some tics. It would be a real shame if I showed an ancient "Time: 9" result.
E1M2 - Nuclear Plant (in 00:20.89):
Another simple map for pacifism. Some monsters can easily block your way, so it took some time for me to affect AI and run past all of them. The only difficulty was making an imp going off the lift area in the exit room. He stucks near the lovering and blocks the way. If the imp near the switch isn't curious, you can easily activate the switch.
E1M3 - Toxin Refinery (in 00:41.29):
First hard map where you should clean the way from monsters by their own hands in order to advance. And there are a few narrow halls. In general, RNG was good, but the health managment was nearly dramatic and I had to run for medkits. An armor inside a blue room is really helpful. I'm surprised I outwore it completely afterwards (got 0% armor). Killing imps next to the exit room was a pure luck.
E1M4 - Command Control (in 00:13.49):
Another cool and simple map, excepting for the jump across the descent to the exit. Taking a stimpack was unnecessary, but I somehow managed a demon to open the door for me. I tried to improve this moment, but didn't get a positive result. Also, taking a longer distances for the acceleration would be faster, but someone has to hurn the demon to clean the way for me.
E1M5 - Phobos Lab (in 00:52.17):
Another E1M3 in terms of overpopulation and narrow hallways. This map requires more planning and predictions. I think it could be done much faster. As soon as I opened the blue door, a shotgunner behind a column was already alerted. Don't know why, but running past these 2 zombies was difficult for me. Getting to the switch is another story. All I had to do, was make a demon to the right go aside to let me reach the switch, but it took me damn 4 seconds to do that.
E1M6 - Central Processing (in 01:12.77):
I needed to lose some time to make a shotgunner get closer to the door. It was Andrey Budko's strategy since it's difficult to run past the linedef which closes that door. Because of low health and low amount of medkits, I decided to take a soulshpere and a megaarmor.
The way to the yellow key is unusual and it's different from TAS route. It's possible to save some time if you get to it using a secret door behind a crowd of monsters. Because I can't shoot, it will take too long before I get to the door. Also there are 2 fused demons that can't walk anywhere. There best strategy here is to make destroy a barrel and it should kill a walking demon behind it. Considering that he walks back and forth all the time, it's a work for a real professional. I just ran though a labytinth, opened a regular door to the yellow key and ran out the same way I came in.
Getting to the exit is a real pain in the butt because the room is so overcrowded. Fortunately, my invinsibility has done such a mass and monsters killed themselves much easier.
E1M7 - Computer Station (in 01:25:20):
To my surprise, this map wasn't that difficult, but it's more about monster infighting. I doubted about taking a soulsphere in E1M7, but it in vain. I had not too much health by the end. The route is similar to UV-Speed TAS.
E1M8 - Phobos Anomaly (in 00:21.06):
This map is either very long or very short. By performing a void glide, it's possible to save more than 2 minutes and even not to kill Barons of Hell. I downloaded all demos where this void glide is performed, analyzed all of them, but I got absolutely no result! Then somebody did it within 20 minutes. This "somebody" was Zero-Master. I was shocked and pleased at the same time because it's rare case when someone had really helped me! Of course, this void glide can be done faster, but it's still so good for such a lazy movie.
Overall time: 5:12.
I'm pretty sure ~4:30 is possible, but doing all those manipulations and infightings is beyond my strength and patience. Nevertheless, I like what we have done.
Authors: Dmitry "Dimon12321" Moskovchenko & Zero-Master (I decided to mention him here) E-mail: YouTube channel:

#55677887208029146 - Doom: Back to Saturn X E1 - Full UV-Speed TAS (+ encode)

In 33:51.51 (71109 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 6/4/2019 10:51 AM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
WAD: Back to Saturn X E1: Get Out Of My Stations 1.1.4
Filename: btsx_e1 (2017)
Tags: UV-Speed, D2ALL, TAS
Source port: PrBoom+
Playback command: <Your PrBoom+ directory that ends with prboom-plus.exe> -complevel 2 -skill 4 -file btsx_e1a.wad btsx_e1b.wad -playdemo 24btsx3246.lmp

#54836864101650328 - Ultimate Doom (Sega Saturn) - TAS Walkthrough + encode

Doom (Japan).bk2
In 1:54:56.23 (413774 frames), 10577 rerecords
Game: Doom ( Saturn, see all files )
4 comments, 515 downloads
Uploaded 4/27/2019 1:50 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
Nothing speacial. Just a full devestation of every map. Used savestates and 25% speed to execute rough combat technics. If someone ever will try to make a full UV-MAX run for submission - don't do that! You will lose all your patience fighting with horrible control.

#54037473060767614 - Menace Beach - TAS (3/12)

Menace Beach.bk2
In 02:01.80 (7320 frames), 1247 rerecords
Game: Menace Beach ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 3/22/2019 1:49 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
Just a small tool-assisted speedrun that completes 3 worlds of 12. The work is abandoned since the game is too complex to be beaten in the fastest time.

#52641932287691525 - RAM Watch for Little Red Hood

Little Red Hood (Sachen-HES) [!].wch
Uploaded 1/18/2019 5:27 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
Contains all main addresses like Hood's hitbox, counters, key flags and other stuff.

#51376232792013752 - Bad Boys: Miami Takedown - Abandoned TAS

In 01:04.43 (11592 frames), 717 rerecords
Uploaded 11/22/2018 5:25 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
I have TASed the 1st part of Mission 1 and got 2 desyncs already. The game is crappy and unstable. Fortunetely, I haven't spent much time on it.
Dolphin 5.0 - 8715

#51157374872884538 - MK5 - Final update

MK 5 - update2.bk2
In 12:54.67 (46421 frames), 26514 rerecords
Uploaded 11/12/2018 8:52 PM by Dimon12321 (see all 70)
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