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#638710464008805226 - 32FPS Remake

In 00:37.92 (910 frames), 183 rerecords
System: Adobe Flash
Uploaded 23 days ago by curhob (see all 3)
Okay... so it turned out my framerate was wrong, and even though it being lower caused me to actually miss frames, it was clear that I would have to re-sequence it with LibTAS set to 32FPS. Which was perhaps made harder by the fact that I can't have multiple Input Editor windows at once to copy frames from my old one, afaik.

#638708777302865942 - Improvement (Make sure to run with 200% system display scale)

In 00:34.38 (825 frames), 1 rerecords
System: Adobe Flash
Uploaded 25 days ago by curhob (see all 3)
Clicks "Play" instead of where "New Game" is when saves exist. Thought I had already changed that back.

#638500834510418008 - Chomp and the Temple of Puzzles - 142710 pts in 6:15.23 (24FPS)

In 06:23.33 (9200 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 4/30/2024 2:17 PM by curhob (see all 3)
My first TAS- an obscure Adobe Flash game called Chomp and the Temple of Puzzles from Discovery. Made in LibTAS
The way I obtained the game files is via Flashpoint version 13. To ensure sync and avoid the extra download/install however, I recommend using the version from my Google Drive, as linked here:
LibTAS ver: 1.4.5 Ruffle ver: Nightly 01/16/24 (older versions crash at math vault, any newer and it can't be hooked by libTAS) Display settings: Fractional scaling 125% (This is specifically mentioned because the game opens at a scale-dependent window size, and mouse input values are integers in pixels. Frustratingly, this means encoding in higher-def will require a redo of the entire TAS, as there is no (to my knowledge) way of compensating for this.)
Known issues:
The audio in the intermission cutscenes between levels doesn't play in this version of the Ruffle emulator, but in the regular Flash Player, it plays normally. This is not a gameplay issue, but rather an audio issue. Otherwise, no other issues have been found to affect anything else about this TAS.