User Files from enderpal7

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#637964444772984653 - Airball NES Prototype WIP (POTENTIAL EPILEPSY WARNING) After getting those beans

Airball (Unl) (Prototype2) Prac.bk2
In 02:10.95 (7870 frames), 12 rerecords
Game: Airball ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/18/2022 6:34 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Got the beans and I'm on my way to the pumpkin, I think. Not gonna update this for a couple days because I'm away, but I'll be back eventually (unless I die). Having fun TAS-ing this game, hope the audience likes it too

#637964165838965351 - Makaimura for WonderSwan Both Loops

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) Both Loops TAS.bk2
In 22:10.55 (100419 frames), 102 rerecords
Uploaded 8/18/2022 10:49 AM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Realised I forgot to upload the file in here, so here ya go

#637962922915460283 - Airball NES Prototype WIP (POTENTIAL EPILEPSY WARNING)

Airball (Unl) (Prototype2) Prac.bk2
In 01:15.69 (4549 frames), 6 rerecords
Game: Airball ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/17/2022 12:18 AM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Betcha all thought I was done! Well, no way! Just found this proto and I love it! I have THOROUGHLOY checked the internet this time and I don't see any TAS' of this game anywhere (thank goodness). Also the reason I have the warning is due to the constant room-changing blackening the screen at crazy speeds. Don't want any seizures. If you don't have epilepsy, don't blink or you'll miss the movement in this WIP TAS

#637961995064308612 - Moonball Magic Full Game TAS, but it's slower than the one on Niconico by 30 seconds

Moonball Magic (Japan) [b] Full Game.bk2
In 04:22.80 (15794 frames), 10 rerecords
Game: Moonball Magic ( FDS, see all files )
Uploaded 8/15/2022 10:31 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
All I have to say is that I'm glad I found out before submitting. Gonna find a different game to TAS, I guess. IDK I just feel like the wind has been taking out of my sails.

#637961143452238172 - Moonball Magic (FDS) Up to Level 11

Moonball Magic (Japan) [b] LEVEL 0 TIME BABEY.bk2
In 04:13.30 (15223 frames), 9 rerecords
Game: Moonball Magic ( FDS, see all files )
Uploaded 8/14/2022 10:52 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
A little known FDS Pinball game. There are 11 stages and I am on the last one. Not gonna finish it tonight, but it certainly will be finished soon. The last level does seem like a tricky one too. This game is interesting in that you can easily manipulate the pinball by shaking the table and there is no penalty for it, so you bet your sweet nelly I abuse that constantly. In some levels, you must collect angels before you can enter the hole to exit the level, which can be annoying, but I've worked around it. The reason this file has a weird name is because 1, there is a level before the first level as an introduction, and 2, I had to do Level 0 again because the first time I did it kinda slowly and hoped I could use TASproj to fix it in post. I got to Level 9 before I realised I couldn't fix it because the trajectory of the pinball is not the same at the start of every level, meaning I'd have to adjust as I go or start again. I chose to start again. And look at me now! Pretty sure this one is faster in multiple cases as well, so it was for the best. Anyway, hope to finish this soon.

#637941069907887701 - Makaimura for WonderSwan WIP (All of First Loop, Stages 1, 2, 3a and 4 of Second Loop)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) 123b456123a4.bk2
In 17:22.30 (78664 frames), 96 rerecords
Uploaded 7/22/2022 5:16 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
I edge ever closer to my goal. Shot that stupid horse in the face and I'm still rolling. I feel like I'm so close, yet so far! On to Stage 5!

#637937740243552018 - Makaimura for WonderSwan WIP (Fixed 3b)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) 123b456123a fixed 3b.bk2
In 16:59.73 (76961 frames), 88 rerecords
Uploaded 7/18/2022 8:47 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Fixed 3b with the whole screen-rotation thing that I forgot to do. Fixed it all now. Gonna get to the end of the game someday, but for now, this is a win in my books. Enjoy, all 2 of you people who download my files (I know that sounds sarcastic but it actually strengthens me, knowing that even a couple people look at and download my stuff. Honestly means a lot. Thanks)

#637934933048760098 - Makaimura for WonderSwan WIP (All of First Loop, Stages 1, 2 and 3a of Second Loop)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) 123b456123a.bk2
In 15:36.55 (70683 frames), 35 rerecords
Uploaded 7/15/2022 2:48 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Gonna keep making this. Never gonna stop. Shot the fish down. Killed em dead. I haven't much to say. So here's the file. Enjoy!

#637924025075808647 - Makaimura for WonderSwan WIP (All of First Loop, Stage 1 and part of 2 of Second Loop)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) 123b4561partof2.bk2
In 12:50.87 (58179 frames), 31 rerecords
Uploaded 7/2/2022 11:48 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
oogh i got plany of time
going on 'oliday in two days, won't be able to finish in time, so expect a delay. Kinda lookin forward to finishing the game. Seeing the finished project run before my eyes. That's what's keeping me going. Shame I've gotta fight this STUPID CASTLE AGAIN

#637920224382927648 - Makaimura for WonderSwan WIP (First Loop with 3b)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) 123b456backto1.bk2
In 10:56.21 (49525 frames), 28 rerecords
Uploaded 6/28/2022 2:13 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Turns out Wikipedia was wrong; you cannot beat the game without completing the second loop. So I've gotta do that now, I guess. I guess it shouldn't be too bad. I'm not gonna go to 3a though, as it is still slower. oaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaaoaoaoaAAOAOAOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

#637918836254888162 - Makaimura for WonderSwan WIP (Stages 1, 2, 3b, 4 and part of 5)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) 123b4partof5.bk2
In 07:47.16 (35257 frames), 23 rerecords
Uploaded 6/26/2022 11:40 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Making my way through the game. Stopped at the guillotine because it's getting late and I can't be bothered trying to see if I should damage-boost or not right now. Maybe tomorrow... Anyway, here's and updated WIP. (By the way, I obliterated the 4th boss so fast that it made me genuinely MAD, because on my casual playthrough I got stuck on it for AGES) Enjoy!

#637915785148665459 - Makaimura For WonderSwan WIP (Stage 1, 2 and 3b)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) plz dont desync 123b.bk2
In 04:30.13 (20387 frames), 19 rerecords
Uploaded 6/23/2022 10:55 AM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
Improved Stage 1 and 2 by 47 frames, made a tas of 3a and 3b but 3b turned out to be faster by 18 seconds, so you'll have to get used to the rotated screen for that level! Believe me, I wanted 3a to be faster as much as you do, but 3a has slow and laggy swimming sections and a boss battle against three bosses that spawn one after another. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

#637914112553038330 - Makaimura For WonderSwan WIP (Stage 1 and 2)

Makai Mura for WonderSwan (Japan) Prac for real this time Stage1&2 backup.bk2
In 02:49.00 (12755 frames), 11 rerecords
Uploaded 6/21/2022 12:27 PM by enderpal7 (see all 38)
I'm new to the TAS-ing scene, thought I'd try making a TAS that hasn't been made yet, so I picked Makaimura For WonderSwan because I love the game and thought it would be fun. Let me know what you think (if anyone sees this at all)