User Files for Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus

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#637936906518076820 - PSX Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus Ram Watch file

Uploaded 7/17/2022 9:37 PM by TASVideoAgent (see all 129)
(Ported from Legacy Address Set 138) BizHawk Ram Watch file for PSX Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus

#73335599541856135 - Up to Necrum Secret Area - 108 Frames Ahead

samtastic, dooty, legnax,mirky, crashing4snake-oddworldabesexoddus-100p2.bk2
In 19:57.08 (71753 frames), 54475 rerecords
2 comments, 203 downloads
Uploaded 8/7/2021 4:08 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I am 108 farmes ahead of the 2019 TAS and also Dooty is an author to the credits as most of his input is from his 2014 TAS but instead of using PCSX it's now on Bizhawk. LengaX and Mirky were the ones who told me about the new strats such as Barracks and Crashing4Snake was the one who found out about the quicker Necrum Mines strats.

#73199323182031992 - Up to Tunnel 5 last part - 113 Frames Ahead

samtastic,legnax,mirky, crashing4snake-oddworldabesexoddus-100p2.bk2
In 15:41.62 (56441 frames), 53116 rerecords
Uploaded 8/1/2021 12:51 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I am 113 frames ahead of the 2019 TAS. Crashing4snake discovered a few new strats which I used in the Exoddus any% TAS that will help me save time.
Later on in the run, there will be a masive skip to skip the entry at Feeco going into Sig Barracks that will save chunks of time. Stay tuned!

#73040317691794869 - Abe's Exoddus 100% TAS - Wont't Save Inputs on 2.6

In 00:34.00 (2038 frames), 159 rerecords
2 comments, 253 downloads
Uploaded 7/25/2021 8:59 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I'm having an issue with my input file on 2.6. The game won't recognize my inputs.

#59653072544109555 - Abe's Exoddus 100% - 274 Rescues!

Abe's Exoddus 100% with Brewery Fix and Barracks Improvement.bk2
In 2:05:31.08 (446539 frames), 46686 rerecords
Uploaded 11/30/2019 11:25 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Hub 2 now has a new Zulag order based on Legna's PC version speedrun. Zulag 9 has faster Mudokon rescues in room 3 and I am expecting to save time thanks to a new Shrykull skip going to the secret in Zulag 14!

#59452759450313758 - Abe's Exoddus 100% - 9 Second Improvement!

Abe's Exoddus 100% with Brewery Fix and Barracks Improvement.bk2
In 1:48:48.51 (387094 frames), 35722 rerecords
Uploaded 11/21/2019 10:54 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I managed to save 9 seconds thanks to a new strat in Block 2 in the Slig Barracks. Instead of possessing the Slig to explode the mine, nowA Abe chants to explode the Slig.

#59345952981195738 - Abe's Exoddus 100% - New Phleg Skip to Fix Hub 2 Corruption

Abe's Exoddus 100% with Brewery Fix..bk2
In 1:48:57.65 (387636 frames), 32882 rerecords
Uploaded 11/16/2019 3:28 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
In my last WIP, I noticed that Zulag 8 and 7 were corrupted so I had to change the Phleg skip to prevent the game from corruption. It has also improved the games loading and the cinematic in Zulag 4 is now skipped. I am still ahead of Dooty using the in-game timer. Now I'm going to try Legna's new Zulag order in Hub 2 and see if it's any faster than Dooty's route.

#59142666312245933 - Finshed Hub 1 - 235 Rescues

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100%.bk2
In 1:48:05.10 (384520 frames), 26199 rerecords
Uploaded 11/7/2019 11:45 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I have finished Hub 1. Going to try a new Zulag order in Hub 2 to see if it's any faster than the original route.

#59016118169227905 - Up to Feeco Depot Main Lobby 4th Visit - 3,836 frames ahead of old file!

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100%.bk2
In 1:32:15.39 (328209 frames), 24003 rerecords
Uploaded 11/1/2019 6:58 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I have managed to save 3,836 frames thanks to Legna telling me about a new strat in Slig Barracks that skips the entry to Block 0. Thanks Legna!

#58744644633311403 - End of Bonewerkz - 19 Frames Imrpovement!

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100%.bk2
In 1:10:21.15 (250284 frames), 15397 rerecords
Uploaded 10/20/2019 1:33 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I have managed to save 20 frames from the preious WIP and now I'm ready to go through Slig Baracks and Feeco Exec Office. The Phleg skip managed to sync again!

#58702608333200341 - 100% up to End of Bonewerkz - Now 10 seconds faster!

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100%.bk2
In 1:10:21.47 (250303 frames), 15001 rerecords
Uploaded 10/18/2019 4:06 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Managed to save 10 seconds thanks to Legna's new strats. Now, Legna becomes a new author to this TAS as he gave me some new ideas and have used some of his own strats.

#58551061653433303 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 100% - Finished Bonewerkz

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 100% (USA).bk2
In 1:10:32.13 (250935 frames), 13132 rerecords
Uploaded 10/11/2019 8:19 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I have finished Bonewerkz with a new skip at the Ender stage.

#58236123773544398 - Abe's Exoddus 100% - Up to 107 Rescues

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100%..bk2
In 51:28.10 (183102 frames), 9237 rerecords
Uploaded 9/27/2019 3:55 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Now Mudanchee and Mudomo are done. Finished Feeco Entry secret. 107 Mudokons rescued.

#58084547695141525 - Finished Mudanchee Vaults - 94 Rescues

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100%.bk2
In 38:23.58 (136586 frames), 6488 rerecords
Uploaded 9/20/2019 8:05 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Mudanchee was a hard chapter to sync but eventually I got it to sync comparing to the 2014 TAS and there are a couple of new time savers in Mudanchee Trials!

#57741142216867632 - Up to End of Necrum - 80 Mudokons Rescued

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100%.bk2
In 25:41.15 (91379 frames), 4567 rerecords
Uploaded 9/5/2019 8:55 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
This file finishes up to Necrum. The TAS will start with Mudanchee Vaults first instead of Mudomo Vaults first.

#50839761876765486 - 100% TAS - Up to Blind Mudokon Zone

Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (USA) 100% .bk2
In 11:45.41 (41826 frames), 1972 rerecords
Uploaded 10/29/2018 1:34 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Restarted this input file on a new version of Bizhawk and managed to sync this TAS passed the Tunnel 3 secret area matching Dooty's input.

#37646948018575836 - Up to Hub 3 Eneterance

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement 2.bk2
In 31:56.69 (113646 frames), 9225 rerecords
Uploaded 3/14/2017 10:09 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Only a few more Zulags left to go now.

#37601987555157732 - Up to Hub 2 Entrance

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement 2.bk2
In 24:40.50 (87783 frames), 5894 rerecords
Uploaded 3/12/2017 9:33 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Arrived at the Hub 2 entrance.

#37568398567563357 - Finished Zulag 4

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement 2.bk2
In 19:42.34 (70104 frames), 5066 rerecords
Uploaded 3/10/2017 9:15 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I have finished Zulag 4 and now going to Zulag 2.

#37380072924246455 - Up to Hub 1 Enterance

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement 2.bk2
In 17:23.52 (61873 frames), 4380 rerecords
Uploaded 3/2/2017 9:42 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Arrived at Hub 1. Soulstorm Brewery Enterance is a little faster than the published run.

#37344117661986401 - Up To SoulStorm Brewery!

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement.bk2
In 15:42.58 (55888 frames), 4085 rerecords
Uploaded 2/28/2017 6:50 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)

#37234876977985782 - Up To Feeco Main Lobby

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement.bk2
In 14:23.65 (51208 frames), 3149 rerecords
Uploaded 2/23/2017 8:46 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Impovement on the major skip glitch and now at Feeco Main Lobby.

#37226238632900480 - Up to Feeco Depot

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement.bk2
In 13:02.15 (46376 frames), 1949 rerecords
Uploaded 2/23/2017 11:26 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
By performing the major skip glitch to skip Necrum Fleeches, Mudomo Vaults and Mudanchee vaults, according the RAM addrss I have saved 29,487 frames over the published run so far. I will improve on the pause menuing shortly.

#37168900800339835 - Samtastic Exoddus Improvement.bk2

Samtastic Exoddus Improvement.bk2
In 03:44.28 (13298 frames), 299 rerecords
Uploaded 2/20/2017 9:27 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Here we go again. Making a TAS with the new skip! Finished Tunnel 1.

#37139501150159328 - Skipping Mudomo and Mudanchee Vaults

Mudomo and Mudanchee Vaults Skip Exoddus.bk2
In 01:27.14 (5167 frames), 307 rerecords
Uploaded 2/19/2017 1:41 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Finally figured out a way to skip Mudomo and Mudanchee Vaults in Abe's Exoddus!

#24503757732214531 - Up to the Blind Play Section

Oddworld Abe's Exoddus MaximumCasualties.bk2
In 11:39.32 (41959 frames), 2743 rerecords
Uploaded 7/31/2015 12:22 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Now I'm at the hard blindplay part of the run. Dooty needs to do this section.

#24481324803186414 - Maxium Casulaties WIP Fixed

Oddworld Abe's Exoddus MaximumCasualties.bk2
In 09:59.77 (35986 frames), 1558 rerecords
Uploaded 7/30/2015 12:07 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
I have fixed the rocks. Don't do the Stop 'n' turn in the secret area before Tunnel 3 in the small screen.

#24241494162693093 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus Maximum CasualtiesWIP 2

Oddowrld - Abe's Exoddus MaximumCasualties.bk2
In 09:09.90 (32994 frames), 965 rerecords
Uploaded 7/19/2015 4:54 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
This is my second WIP of Abe's Exoddus Maximum Casualties!

#24237653859463150 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus Maximum Casulties WIP 1

Oddowrld - Abe's Exoddus MaximumCasualties.bk2
In 06:11.02 (22261 frames), 442 rerecords
Uploaded 7/19/2015 12:45 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
One second faster than the previous WIP I uploaded.

#19064647580078293 - Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP

Samlaptop and Dooty's Abe's Exoddus 100p.pxm
In 1:54:13.10 (411186 frames), 82900 rerecords
Uploaded 11/28/2014 1:31 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
261 Rescues

#19046828077430547 - Oddworld: Abe's Exxoddus 100% TAS WIP

Samlaptop and Dooty's Abe's Exoddus 100p.pxm
In 1:48:07.18 (389231 frames), 82453 rerecords
Uploaded 11/27/2014 6:16 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
250 Rescues.

#19001984823675089 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP

Samlaptop and Dooty's Abe's Exoddus 100p.pxm
In 1:45:44.47 (380669 frames), 82165 rerecords
Uploaded 11/25/2014 5:48 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Up to Zulag 7.

#18840570122058534 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP

Samlaptop and Dooty's Abe's Exoddus 100p.pxm
In 1:37:10.02 (349801 frames), 74298 rerecords
Uploaded 11/18/2014 11:20 AM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Finished Zulag 4. Zulag 2 will be up next!

#18808274966074500 - Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP

In 1:31:46.67 (330400 frames), 72524 rerecords
Uploaded 11/17/2014 12:25 AM by Dooty (see all 36)
Up to SoulStorm Brewery.

#18648747525899326 - Abe's Exoddus 100% fix

In 1:26:28.33 (311300 frames), 66074 rerecords
Uploaded 11/9/2014 8:00 PM by Dooty (see all 36)
This file fixes the electric fence problem, caused by killing the Glukkon too soon.

#17913067630787344 - Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP 9

Samlaptop and Dooty's Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP 9.pxm
In 27:50.42 (100225 frames), 16986 rerecords
Uploaded 10/7/2014 4:50 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Done the first secret area at the Mudomo Vaults.

#17911697826773902 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP 8 (V2)

Samlaptop and Dooty's Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP 8 (V2).pxm
In 23:30.30 (84618 frames), 16455 rerecords
Uploaded 10/7/2014 3:22 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Same place as before but 3 minutes faster!

#17759009568616225 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP 8

Samlaptop and Dooty's Exoddus 100% WIP 8.pxm
In 26:09.36 (94162 frames), 6748 rerecords
Uploaded 9/30/2014 6:20 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
Up to Mudomo Vaults.

#17754912143241792 - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 100% WIP 7

Samlaptop and Dooty's Exoddus 100% WIP 7.pxm
In 21:11.63 (76298 frames), 6301 rerecords
Uploaded 9/30/2014 1:54 PM by Samtastic (see all 95)
My 7th work in progress for Abe's Exoddus. Necrum Mines completed. 75 rescues