User Files for Wolfenstein 3D

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#43727354848359221 - Wolf3D Map Script (encode version)

Uploaded 12/13/2017 6:09 AM by slamo (see all 61)
This is the version of the Wolf3D map script I used to make the map encodes. The regular map script requires a refresh command, but this one updates automatically. Only works on the registered version.

#28795717603126010 - Wolfenstein 3D Minimap Script v1.3

Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 2/9/2016 7:19 PM by slamo (see all 61)
Now works with the registered version of Wolf3D.
refresh: Reloads the tiles on the minimap. Do this when the enemies pop up. move x y: Holds mouse movement at (x,y) indefinitely.
Minimap legend:
Orange: BJ Brown: Guard Pink: Dog Blue: SS Green: Mutant Gray: Officer Red: Boss or unknown

#28239277360032462 - Wolfenstein 3D Minimap Script v1.2

Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 1/15/2016 5:54 PM by slamo (see all 61)
Added RNG info to the HUD. It will now display future RNG indices with their damage rolls and maximum distance they will hit at. Distance checks take an extra roll, which is why the maximum distance is calculated from the previous RNG value. The number in white is the current RNG index (although the number for this index has already been rolled).
  • refresh: Reloads the tiles on the minimap. Do this when the enemies pop up.
  • move x y: Holds mouse movement at (x,y) indefinitely.
Minimap legend:
  • Orange: BJ
  • Brown: Guard
  • Pink: Dog
  • Blue: SS

#28162714919636898 - Wolfenstein 3D Minimap Script v1.1

Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 1/12/2016 7:09 AM by slamo (see all 61)
Minimap lua script for Wolf3D. Changes in this version:
  • Added "move" command for holding mouse movement.
  • Added level timer and damage to HUD.
  • SS guards are now IDed on the minimap.
  • refresh: Reloads the tiles on the minimap. Do this when the enemies pop up.
  • move x y: Holds mouse movement at (x,y) indefinitely.
Minimap legend:
  • Orange: BJ
  • Brown: Guard
  • Pink: Dog
  • Blue: SS

#27793144712275990 - Wolfenstein 3D input and display script

Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 12/26/2015 3:42 PM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This script requires a custom build of jpc-rr to properly connect the controller to mouse input and also shows important information on the screen.

#27792961681989279 - Wolfenstein 3D Minimap Script v1.0

Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 12/26/2015 3:30 PM by slamo (see all 61)
Here's the minimap script for Wolf3D. Loads up a map along with door states and enemy locations/facings. Once the enemies load up, enter "refresh" through the console to load the map. The colors are as follows:
Orange - BJ Brown - Guard Blue - SS Pink - Dog
Still need to figure out the IDs for other enemies and the damage rolls displayed in older encodes.

#7268036335388212 - Wolfenstein 3D complete new WIP of E1L1

In 00:27.11 (1627 frames), 2021 rerecords
Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/15/2013 7:11 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This completes Wolfenstein 3D E1L1 and represents a significant improvement over my previous WIP. The lurch in the first prison cell combined with improved enemy AI manipulation resulted in a faster completion time with no lost health. I'm not precisely certain how much faster this is as I let the movie run a bit longer the first time after pulling the elevator switch but it's definitely faster.
I'm very satisfied with this work and I do not currently have any plans to re-do E1L1. Anyone want to help with E1L2? :)

#7179177067490700 - Wolfenstein 3D new WIP of E1L1 to left turn brown door

In 00:18.27 (1096 frames), 1690 rerecords
Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/11/2013 7:09 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This is another complete restart, this time with better movement in the first prison cell and more precise angles to ensure maximum speed. It also changes to using right angles in the first brown room you need to turn in; I am not yet sure if this is the fastest possible completion of this room.
One note about the first room: At timetick 11102 as the first prison cell fades into view I send dy=70 (mouse force maximum to direction +y/east), then let go around timetick 11144; at 11230 the player's speed reaches value 45054, then on 11244 speed is 0, then 11258 speed is 14999 until I hit the door at timetick 11344. During the time the speed goes to 45054 and back to 0, the player seems to lurch forward in the room. This is significantly faster than the previous WIP, and appears to be a bug in how the mouse movement is interpreted when the fade-in happens.

#7134193711417113 - Wolfenstein 3D WIP of E1L1

In 00:27.57 (1654 frames), 1359 rerecords
Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/9/2013 6:31 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This completes Wolfenstein 3D Episode 1 Level 1 in 16 in-game seconds. The current SDA record is 20 seconds so this represents a respectable improvement. This run takes damage to save time and focuses on strafing and running at the same time for maximum speed. There are still some interesting oddities here - for instance, it's possible to shoot through doors - specifically, look for a muzzle flash happening before the door opens and a guard death animation already playing out as the door opens in at least a couple of places in the run. Also note that delaying pushing against a door that is opening can significantly impact where a guard will attempt to walk to; this can be seen in the largest gray room as delaying walking against the door causes a guard who opens the door at the far end to walk into the room for easier disposal.
I'm very happy with this first level. If someone could make a WIP encode I'd greatly appreciate it (so far all of my efforts have had audio sync issues and have not played back at full speed). Thanks!

#7089502560111254 - Wolfenstein 3D WIP pacifist run

In 00:20.48 (1229 frames), 885 rerecords
Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/7/2013 6:13 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
I didn't intend this to be a pacifist run, but so far I haven't actually killed anyone... This represents a restart from the fist prison cell and has a bit more emphasis on being at the exact angles 45, 135, 225, and 315 and turning while waiting for doors to open. I frequently move in slightly bizarre ways to ensure shots from guards miss but as far as I can tell none of the movement has affected speed as it's all been done while waiting for doors to open.
I have not had any luck making encodes at full speed and with sound in sync. This WIP is still a bit short but hopefully the next one I post will finish the first level and a proper encode can be made for it.

#7080557244506211 - Wolfenstein 3D WIP by dwangoAC, syncs couple seconds more

In 00:26.25 (1575 frames), 701 rerecords
Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/6/2013 8:33 PM by Ilari (see all 49)
Wolfenstein 3D WIP by dwangoAC
Syncs couple seconds more by changing timestamp of two events by 1ns.

#7045875420098665 - Wolfenstein 3D WIP to first level brown room

In 00:22.41 (1345 frames), 711 rerecords
Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/5/2013 7:04 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This is still somewhat unsuitable for human consumption but at least it's getting closer. This uses an improved script from Ilari for using an Xbox controller to create mouse events and send them to jpc-rr. Ilari discovered there were several movement values that couldn't be exceeded and that the maximum in-game speed could be achieved with the mouse alone without even using the run button. I took that and.. er.. ran with it. Unfortunately, I encountered a desync right after the point that this WIP cuts off.
I've created a very badly done WIP encode and uploaded it to:
I had problems with audio sync but the video is intact, although I'm not convinced it's the right speed.
Feedback is welcome in the Wolfenstein 3D forum thread.

#7037646033359209 - Wolfenstein 3D Lua script

Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/4/2013 10:10 PM by Ilari (see all 49)
Lua script that shows some basic info in Wolf3D and bridges Gamepad plugin and emulator core.
Very prelimiary.

#7023718437170430 - Initial Wolfenstein 3D WIP

In 00:16.34 (981 frames), 159 rerecords
Game: Wolfenstein 3D ( DOS, see all files )
Uploaded 6/4/2013 7:07 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This is an attempt at a Wolfenstein 3D run. It uses a very unusual mouse and keyboard combination, driven by an Xbox controller (thanks to an initial script created by Ilari). This is not yet suitable for human consumption.