User Files for Super Princess Peach

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#638273894904276546 - SPP up to 4-4 entry

Super Princess Peach (USA) 4-4.bk2
In 30:37.13 (109908 frames), 14570 rerecords
Uploaded 8/11/2023 10:24 PM by Technickle (see all 209)
this file is from 5/3/23 and not the current date, I haven't opened it in quite some time.

#638185847348498696 - SPP Any% Area 3

Super Princess Peach (USA) Area 3.bk2
In 26:20.75 (94570 frames), 13558 rerecords
Uploaded 5/2/2023 12:38 AM by Technickle (see all 209)

#638184089873230726 - SPP Any% Area 2

Super Princess Peach (USA) Area 2.bk2
In 16:28.58 (59143 frames), 10824 rerecords
Uploaded 4/29/2023 11:49 PM by Technickle (see all 209)

#638183141071774167 - SPP Any% Area 1 Improvement

Super Princess Peach (USA) 231 frame improvement Area 1.bk2
In 07:41.61 (27616 frames), 7997 rerecords
Uploaded 4/28/2023 9:28 PM by Technickle (see all 209)
Area 1 seems fine to me, so I'll move on to Area 2 now.

#638138855102892583 - SPP Any% World 1

Super Princess Peach (USA) any World 1.bk2
In 07:45.47 (27847 frames), 3299 rerecords
1 comment, 82 downloads
Uploaded 3/8/2023 3:18 PM by Technickle (see all 209)
7:45 from power on | 7:40 from file select.

File Select/Boot-Up:

  • 1-1: 0:46 | 0:50
  • 1-2: 0:54 | 0:58
  • 1-3: 0:42 | 0:48
  • 1-4: 1:11 | 1:17
  • 1-5: 2:11 | 2:17
  • 1-6: 1:35 | 1:41

Peach Emotions: (X/Y)

  • Cry Axis = 26;116
  • Happy Axis = 20;8
  • Angry Axis = 187;18

1-6: Fling Platform Angles (before boss room)

  • Peach = 129;111 (straight line state)
  • Peach = 127;37 (down angle state)

1-6 Input State

  • Each frame after needs exactly 1 input each up to 191* 191 being the most
  • Value Angle 1 = 187 for lowest fling
  • Value Angle 2 = 106;94
  • Value Angle 3 = 54;148

Ground State:

  • Flat Ground = 24 frames
  • Up Hill = 18 Frames
  • Up Hill Pipe = 13 Frames
  • Hitting Blocks/Surfaces = 9 Frames