User File #40056579080059302

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#40056579080059302 - NES VS Super Mario Bros v5

In 10:15.24 (36975 frames), 5734 rerecords
Uploaded 6/30/2017 10:36 PM by KnucklesMaster368 (see all 21)
This is the fifth TAS of mine on this game. This one, redone from the start of 6-4, is 101 frames, or 1.681 seconds faster than my last.

PowerON-InputEnd in 10:15.24, or 36,975 frames.

From all this, here are the improvements level by level:

  • 6-4: 1 framerule
  • 7-1: 1 framerule
  • 7-4: 1 framerule
  • 8-2: 1 framerule
  • 8-4: 19 frames


  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.3 (must use this version)
  • ROM used: VS Super Mario Bros (VS).nes
  • Uses warps
  • Glitch abuse

Click download to get the TAS yourself!

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