User File #637905716842865667

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#637905716842865667 - 2 Players Levels 1-4 Improvement

Stone Protectors (Japan) 2 Players Levels 1-4.bk2
In 05:49.92 (21030 frames), 30321 rerecords
Uploaded 6/11/2022 7:14 PM by Technickle (see all 210)
Levels 1-4 in 5:49 Input Stops after pressing Start on the gem count screen for level 4
  • Level Notes have a very slight chance to change, depending on if I can figure out improvements*
  • This is 1-4 and counts more for a reference, not only for me to decide what to fix, but, also for the reader to know what's happening*

Level Notes

  • Level 1: Frostbite ~ Same as usual throughout just like it's shown in the 1 Player version. Chester is the 2nd player I control, so the boss fight is 155-ish frames faster.
  • Level 2: Crystal Mine ~ Using 2 players as an advantage, I can defeat each enemy much quicker by utilizing Cornelius's Mic Toss and Chester's 'Missile Dropkick'. Defeating every other enemy is practically the same as player 1. The boss which is the Stone Extractor/Gem Extractor turns from a movable object to an immovable. Having Chester punch and having Cornelius use Mic Toss does massive damage in a very quick and short time, one other factor Chester has is his punches which is his special weapon.
  • Level 3: Downward ~ Straightforward level, in which enemies drop down from above. TBF I didn't test if the Missle Dropkick works more effectively here, but, for now, I use Closeline Thunder Crush throughout. While the player 1 version has to manage 3 enemies at once by using a 'slower' move, 2 players can utilize the difference by splitting up the cost of defeating each individual enemy, faster. Lava Boss was quicker this time around, I found that I can do the Mic Toss glitch like in player 1, and now I can use Chester's Closeline to also make the Lava Boss take damage, which will cause double damage in 1 go. I do take intentional damage from the boss to get in a mic toss glitch and thunder crush to do the rest of the damage, and a Missle Dropkick to finish off.
  • Level 4: Beach Party ~ Level 4 starts out just like the player 1 version, however, I change up the killing of the 1st screen enemy to advance the screen while the enemy is blinking out of existence. Most of the level is practically the same. Tackle Jackle *not Tackle Jackal* is stuck in such a way that I can utilize both characters' heavy-hitting moves, without actually hitting the boss, thus for a super quick fight.
  • Level 2 Info: Timing each hit with Cornelius's Mic Toss and Chester's Missle Dropkick is important since killing each enemy in unison is extremely important. You don't want one enemy down while waiting for the other to be done. It's not only faster but, also looks somewhat cooler.*